(Vol. 8.) Saturday, September 14, 1703 (N 401.) J?v THOMAS JOHNSON, DAVID STUART, Sc D ANIEL CARIiJLL, Efquires, ( f V CoMM 1 ssioNEils appointed by Government to prepare the" Public Buildings, &c.Ui th in the City of IPafhino ion J for the recepti on of Congrefs, and for their permanent ' rcaicnce after the year 1 See . ; " ' . A. L O' T T E R Y 70,1 TH F IMf.lO VEMF.T OF THE Federal City-5 ' " LIST " jrV.lZUS, viz. 1 Superb Hotel, with bitJis,0 out houics, Ci 6id to coif y 1 Calh Prize : 1 ditto " . 1 ditto : ; 1 ditto ' 2 ditto 5oofc arm " -20 ditto , 500 ; 1 ioo ditto ' 100 1 20odiito 50; . : 406 ditto o : 1,000 ditto 20 'I ; . 15,000 ditto 10 1 City of WaJhinghn, Jan. j; 1793 A NUMBER of LU TS in this City will be Z offered for fale at au&ion, by the Commiffi JL 'JL oners, on the jTcventeenih, day of "Septtrnber next. One fourth part of the purchafe money is to be paid do wn, the refijdue at three equal Annual pay ments, with yearly, intereft on the whole pi incipal unpaid. .V '. I I - '..V JOHN M.GANTT, Clk. bf the ComrhVs. Extra& of an al of, the General Affembly of Ma. Vyland " concerningtth Territory of Columbia and the City of Wafliingtbn.V ' .'. -' , BE it enafted, ;That any foreigner may by , deed or will hereafter to bS ImaJe, take and hold lands in kAVRfi-DE-GRACE, June 9. . TX7Ehave jiift heard, that the town of y Orleanshas lurrendered . -to. the' roy- alifts, without.refiftance. fearing tlie ' fame treatment experienced by Narits, where it isTaid, many thoufand democrats have been .facrinced, in hecatombs, to the manes of the flaughtered royaliftSi The royal armv is encreaiing daily j and many perfons, who before had been filent ' and inactive, ircrn fear, have now declared their fentimchts in 50,000 25,OCO 20,000 " X5,000 10,000 . 10,000 1 0,000 ' 10,000. 10,000 10,000 10,006 20,006 150,000 that part of the faid territory, Avhich lies within.-thii ?a uccwieu tnr lentimcnts in ftate, in the fame manner as if he v?as a citizen 'of iavoUr of i counter revolution and that, this flate j and the fame lands .may be conveyed by - in th? departments of - Loire and Vilaine. him and tranfmitted tp and be inherited by his heirs orrelations, as if he and they were citizens of this ftate 1 Provided that! no foreigner mall in virtue tnereof be entitled to any further or other privilege ot a citizen. : - I , - " J'- t Circuit -Court i, l June term 1791 1,737 Prizes 33,263 Blanks ' r , Dollars 356,000 50,006 By this feherric at leafthz amount of the tickets will return, to the fortunate adven turers, and yet the federal City will gain its oajed thereby, in a magnjficent building deiigned both for public and private conve nience.' "': , j ! : : v ! Although fois expehce rriufl neccffarily at tend the conducting of the lottery (which expence will be taken from the "principal prize) the Commiffioners having agreed to prefent in return a lufficicnt "quantity of ex cellent frec-iione, together, with the - belt adapted lots for the hotel, and; for the out houles, the value ot the lotted entire may be fairly; rated at fimething more than par In this important inlhnce it,Vill. be found, on examination, to exceed all thev lotteries that have ever been offered to the Public in this or perhaps in any other ' country. : The l;eys of the Hotel when compleat, will be delivered to the fortunate pofleilbr of the tic- A f -twin -iii-ifV irs ntiaiherl Ail the oilier prises will be "paid, luUfnut deducfiQp, in nvntb sfeer t!:s drawing; by the City. Treafurer at W"a;hingto:i, k)r at. fuch Bank cr H.inks as may b hereafter announced, fcr ;lie conveniency of the tortunateadventurers: The drawing commenced on Monday the 9th of September iiift. at the City of Waihington. -" ' . . jt frJ Tickets ct ten Dollars eacb may h shad at tit Post-Office, in Nrjubcrrt, but ap- plication Jhoutd be mads foon as the drawing' is Ti'arat hand Orders (PgJI PaidJ'accompam- cd with the minty wVl be attended to. As the drawing of the Lottery commen ced on Monday lad ; the "tickets : that may be fold after this date, will either be difpo fed of abfohttely ; ' or under condition that they are at the time of the fale undrawn; in which cafe, if they : were drawn before, they will be either to the benefit or iod- of the feller ; as the cafe may hefand the price of the tickets refunded. September 14. THE fubferiber, living on, Adams's creek, in the lower end, of Craven County, has in his pofleflion," a chefnut, HORSE about thirteen hands high bran ded on the near . moulder T;N Said horfe was taken from one Afa Simmons, who was arrefted and has llnce been committed for horfe flealin? j Jt is fuppofed'to belong to fome perfon in Onflow County. .The ow ner may have it again by proving his pro perty and paying charges. - JOHN WEST, Confiable. . Ancuft 10. - United States f Atneric& 7 horlb'-CaroUna Diflri3. . John Simpfon, Surv. &ci . ' - ' ' ' 9S : - ' V I ' " in equityi and Titus Orrden. i jOiRDtoED That unlrfsl the faid Ti- tus OcDtNdo-nIe his anfvverto the Complainant's bill on or before the thirrieth of NoTembernext tlielapd bill-be taken pro confeflb and 1 decree majde thereon; i ; ABISJER NEALE, Clerk. N'rlrern;AugitJt 20th. 1793 : I rTRHfe fubferiber informs the tbwjh of XJ. Newbern and its vicinity,, that he has removed from the Houfe where he refided. in Pollok-ftreet to his ihbp near Mr (Tur ner's deflillery, where he ftill -carries on the Taylors trade in all its branches; ;Hes . returns thanks to the inhabitants of New bern for favours conferred ; and hopes by his attention tobufinefsj to merit a further continuance of them. : . t " His prices are as follows. I for making a Coat. i 5 o , ditto Jacket &JBrecches. 1 0.0. September 7 . ; WILLIAM TRIPPE. there are upvvard&ttf-iodjboo men :in arms. - A&ttrong lingl At leet,1- confiiiing of 29. incn of war, jifteS, and' 140 tranf port, appeared rieuslSt.; Cas, and thx; pa triot General j ?oyron had repaired to Breft,' which ie-ascxpeaed wpiiid be at tacked by the'; royaHfts. .It is faid 'there were more than 606 rrbble -Bretons, who Were there difguifed as labourers, and who had itindefign to co-operate with the ro' 4 lite 'in lf varl iAlutn :! : Ol T T J : T-k """"j ituuiiviii. ,ou iiaio, juinarjr, lamDeuej ct... -brievx, liumgnau;. and Morlaix, are faid to be in. favour pf the ray-i alifts. The patriotic troops are on thr QN Saturday, the 14th of September, inft. will be hired for one year, to the higheft bidder, at the CoUrtHoule 'i in Newbern, twenty- ive NEGRO SLAVES, men, women and children, belonging to the cftate of Oeon e P. LovickJ Bonds with i approved fecuri ties will be required. ; GEO. LOVICK;1 Guard, p September 6. ' . ; - , ' (V-i THE Lots in the vilgt "laid off at the feat of the Uniyerflty, in Orange Coun ty, will be ibid,: oil the premilies at puouc vendue;' on Saturdiy. the 1 2th of October next : Confiderable time will be allowed tor payment, the puf chafers giving bond with . approved fecurity. W. K. DAVIE, f 3ppn July 22,1793. -A. MOORE, A. MEBANE, e Q T. BLOUNT J O Five Pounds Reward.. RAN away from the iub fcriber about a week a - - fro," & negro fellow, named juonj; aoouc n ve reet eight or nine inches high, rather of a yellowilh com- -oil r-f !on,l JSM&'VzSi "rung uuuu j. ic was jui-. meny tne .property yi itunm juuMivurj; and has lately beerl outlawed. ' ; ' The above ' rcwafd will be paid to i any perfon who will fecure him fo that I get him a'Tain, or to any perfon that may; kill him in cafe he fuflers not himfelf to be ap prehended ' LEVI FULSHER. : B. ' ALL per fons are : j forvarned froni ha' bouringl or employing him and JVlafter f vc rom carrying hisi away. patriotic troop march to. Sehnes Cthe canital of BrtrfdnvV if they fhould bt beaten, Normandy,- will declare for a King . 4 , . M. de.Girac, the aiicient BifhoD of .Rpn- nes, commands : a regiment .of dragoons, who have diftinguiflied 'themfelves oji differ ent occafions r We are informed thrp nr- more than 200, prieftsin his 'ifa&iF -riA' body of nobility is raifed un'dj f "ta- xc! and wearing the uniform oiFthe';cn " .Jis,. de a Mort. . , . , ' A , , ; . M. Baumeinoir, DuBrighb and hun-i dreds of other nobles, have been mafTacrcd in Nnts among whom are M. de la Bar- ; ronet, with -hr3 Idaughter, his wife, and ! twenty-one fons. ",. j - ! ! i G R E N.A D A, July 4. 1 i r. JC'Miiaiurt: inn nnr nnin rn r ' r hti . . day, and during its fittinfr came to a refolu- 1 tion to pay 67 j free coloured - emigrants,: who arrived from Martinique on Saturday; laftin the Government Hoop. They are to be emnloved in the works intended tn hv creeled ;on Sir William Youngs rocks, at .Cajliaqua. "il; ; - ;, J '. By his .Excellency James Seton, Efq ;j Captain-General and Governor in Chief in and ever, the (land of St. Vincent and its He?endexciesy &c..&c. . WHEREAS it hath been reprefented jo me, not. only by the council and aflembly, but alio by ail other dcicnptions of refpel able inhabitants within this government. that from the fcarcity of provillons of every kind, ' and -he vail influx of unfortunate loy al emigrants from Martinique, the mo'ft a larming and dreadful confequericcrs may juiuy pe apprenenuecJ, r; iome ipecriy mean are not appointed to'procure the neceflary fupplies. In order therefore to avert fo dreadful.a calamity ns a famine, ' and the confequent :evils, as far as in mt lies, I have, by and with the advice of the members cf his IVCaiefty's Council, and the (urgent in treatiesof the members of the, afiembly, and the inhabitants in general, ,'thcught it neceflary to inue this my proclamaion, hereby permitting and allowing the free im- portaticn IntothiS; ifland, in any reflet whatever (except vefiels under national co lours, or belonging tperfondhefing to them) of live: flock, bf all kind.bf provifi- . ons, fuch as bread, , bifcuirnoYir, meal barley, and grain of any fcrt, for the fpace- Given under my hand and fcal at arms, at . Kinglioxn,1 this 28th day of June, 1793 - and in the. 33d year of his 1 JN'ajefly'e reiffo, lAhZVS SETON.

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