1 . ;A M S T E R O A M, ; June 24.: t 7:E mform.fd from Frankfort, that ; . ,(", r.'.c 1 3 0 oTthis' month the garrr ionof Mcn"z atrrrfiplcd another forti a . g"-un1 ?r: 3-nhcirti; but with" av little fuc cefs as before --Fifteen ihrT:':rid peafants , from the pa'itincte'are c: .;. : in the ; ' -works carrying on'befcrc x'.i - iltice. Ac-, cording,-ty the fr"rne J.eslthc ".Dutch, uhboirrwcrc arrived at'AYuTdff iftRin gau. . " r : ' ' fhe French, it is faid wifh to eflabliflt an entrenched cnp of 25,000. men near Sedan, defended by a numerous train of srtilJery taken from Gevet., We are aiTur- cjdby fome perfons juftcome from Mens ih the bombardment of Valenciennes ha$ bef n continued day and night fince the 1 8th,-. ..and resembles at a diftance the noifeof thuni der. Other per fons from Famars confirms this intelligence, nd ads, that the befieg--ed with to fend all the women and children from the town, but the prince ;de CoSourg eppofed it according to the laws of war. It is faid, that the French to the number f 40,000. occupy a camp near Cambray, - and that no cMtincmn is now. bbferved be tween the volunteers and troops of the line, Js the latter wear the fame uniforms asthe former, according to a late decree of the na tional 'convention. V The Dutch troops have diftinguihed them-' fclves very much during the courfe. of the prefent war 5 they; even furpafs what was ex peeled from them "5 having repulfed the enemy on the fide towards Lifle,' and obli ged all the advanced pouj , to retire within the town. Tcarmy of our republic will, it 1? laid, lay " ficge toQuefnov. I It is re ported, that cne of the French .Generals w-Awvs- -;udunderdijijT- in theailiecarnp and that he is Under confinement. : T'U R I N, June .3. ' . - June 22. Arrived his- Majefty's fhip the Andro- mache when Commodore T, Jones immedi ately took command of the fquadron, and a ret of fignals. was eftabliflied between the Com modore and Sir William Erfkiflej the Com-1 mandin ofHcer on more; an invafion on the place being every night eipeaed. it - aC lps U"d" 9pmmodirc Jones are, ;.the-:Andromachcr..yeaal, .Lapwing Sa vage floop, and Trial With fercral other cut ters and armed mips. I " lti?VX and "DclicVe with fome , , .t rcVcrn ultine's head is off bur trooptj tKey fled withfo much precipitation thxt we fip.aed a b Jy of them were P Phon that bulh i ana on tha!t accent; our troops did not iGnkfc proper to prf uMheni. -The ardour of fome of the ihu however, could not be reprefTed, and they cord.ngly folWcd.them clofe at their he-i? a ,br nHltiVe nurt by it: IOMUnatCj n0ne raS 5h m,de .'- eru8;7 " at Amhion JSroi,, t r 3Dan. fo token ffii hy oWer' 3n w" Si&!fte!?e W t our tronp. ki-1 - ." , i . snit or uogola. Bio?s. Ahs. v.roae JVlaneiabo. anH t .- r, . ' luuuuonea percre the nniF-T n 5u" wcror 17 hours, andn- Tune rft. J Aft,;ianS VC becn nfortunateiV . beatenj at Arbm 5 fcCy loft about 1 coo men, . their baggage and magazines.. Letters frorh Fans mention, tha(the rebel ?rmy had been j -wu. jiuii, witn the lois nt combat. n"'7A f"-.u f Koper, and moft for he" r 'of Iitionocow,- wh.ch covering Saorgio, had a rtadv ' and Ar,h"mn'U?-i."ti0n Wi'B OUr ";P SI. d,,.hln- . neauempcacf ,he Frnch i a.iv wcic uniucceisiuj;- I hea wrr n.. k A I. ' " I - Zr V . "ldt F comes irom fans. If Cu' vaienciennes be dntlv 1 :J-' afeerrain, hMMc, : 7". , hold out a month longer. A3 yet- 'the be- Vf"? f .V'???'' rorcJ, Hegers have , not operid anf bakrv n,'- -.fi?. ,v-'. ?.. than 300 vatds t" but hpr fait t ' Ci I j 6 . ?i"n, 1": 101:11 ot thc-kil- ,r v rt H1U.U oome peoDie report that the king bf Pruffia'a army 'on .ue i1':" f "'cdutl that were it not for the Auftmns whoj are with them,' they would beobl.gedto'abandon the neighbour hood of iVlayerice. . ;. - I T R E' V ij S, June i6. Yefterdav mOfnintr ofirmt fm,- All.i; j detachment of 40b Frenchmen marched a. Bu.. tnc Auitrran advanced poirs, at Faba. int ;and Re,ling:I th latter place. at liieuiitance of hlf ihey took hi Imperial Highntfs the Arch people 16 me" but we have "0 poliave derails refp ah? "-"' "wu! meinrerjor ohicers or iJdier we- have loft-vye are. equally ignorant of ike lots of .the enemy 5 it is however preiumed;fmm the bn'flc and' connnued fi.e we kept up on the French, 'that it muft be confiderable, efpecially as they were fcviial times, and vvitn great vigour repulfed from uthion. The number ot thebrifeners we toolr-.n-tK.Vr:.M..! are about 4.1' msn. includth & nnnfl r- .u .t. - :. W ,W A k. k. A A . ft 111 M ' I I ttie day after the & on, f thehrmy attempted foml fk.nnifljes towards Brtilwith the Jois of Tever.1 kiiied and woundedjthe latter were made pxifun-'' trs. ' ' r . 1 f NAjlOJAL CONrBNXIO7. 'i- . Monday, June 17. Abetter from thc'Natir nal CommiiTIoneri thaarmy of the, Alps, informed th r.J Ventibn, that the Adrmniftrafors of Grenobie t dnice Tnfmh ( a ::a r, r Ventibn, that the Adminiftrafons rr. nft niht a courier arrived, here from confiftinir of fv Ar p,quec Were about putting them under arr . ft .t 1- r . .. - . , ,07. --"Rwuj, prjioners ot war. .t. j. i .1 , . -j "v, rival me . . .. . j 0-. ................. nd a courier difnatched with orders for the . , f fleet, aud its operations, i he fif(l expe dition will be againft Nice and. Monaco. confiftinir of five dra.onnc ' ZuLJ about putting 1 ' The alarm bells them under their proton, and the troops eathererLfbttnrlr tL -Jl -1 VrSnlafd; thc .member m cuftody, Ve- In the fame night, an ,eftafe:te arrived ."from General Strafolc?oK with in tell iceucc' mat a uiv.uon 01 curprmy has 1 orceins way into the diftiia of Algentierrs in the valley of Demout f and Vinaiini France; 1 he fon of the :aruis of 1 Palavieini bc liited molt courageoufly' on "this occafion , " -"r"' 6- ttjtu aiiacx the enei my. . Bjt the Jattcr-tnd not ftop for thcra. About elevenddck we! learned' that! the French hadf fallen back!, to the wooil of bwarzbruck. Some of our dragootis, iwho yerafeat mpurfuit of them, killed two and took two nlore of them prifonefs. i his wrcncii-, detachment -came from Saarlois. inc French had a laro-p rnmonf :i IflVP .ttth I rU J. T .1- ! . . quelled to be bermitted tb iro out nn; guard. Granted. ; j I The National Commiflioncrs in the ifland of Corfica-infol-med ethe Convention of the refufal of the municipality of Ajaccio to re ceive tiierh irvthat city, and of the menaces made by rear Admiral Daliki'dri, to falute the fhip in which they were with fed hot oaiis, it it lhoum dare to approach. OS T E N June 16. . 1. 'I.l " . ... 2::,-. . A "": .f ' . 1" ' .1; lhc Dutch forces quartered at .Menin, and a part. 01 inuiz at iprcs, naa rcccivca oracrs to march, on the 1 itli tnftant at midnight, in tuo columns, with a view to furround a body of French troops lit the neighbourhood of Vervivk: That the column under the commrmJ of the Prin.ce of Waldeck attacked cne of ' the enemiei. batteries, and were . cn the point : of carrying I it, when the Prince wasdangeroudy wounded in the bf eali and thigh, and they were thrown into cbn fufioh ' and retfeatcJ. This corps, being ' foon afterwards fupported by the arrival of the column from Iprcs, under the command cf Prince Frederick of Orange, renewed .: the attack, and took pofleffion of Vervick The Dutch have loil onthisoccjfion, be- . tween 50 ar.d 60 men killed,? among it whom - til O hnwo nttAj; ..it. ! L . ' n .- ! ,v -vt,,w vuuu, wmtu Gum not make is ,.,-t. x Af . appearance, the Auftfian, having h,,n! jB3 of the efforts to pared to receive thern ell. , The latter 7 ??u f.18 f thc reP:ic have rlow reinforced their adVanced noftV Undcr the ba.nncrs.of rtjy and of the en T V.fV r ?f 'r 1?nce , R?!t?" eacementsV in which thev' defeat th, ' -w"-i.- t tiavc reiuroea their r..,.! ' . ; " 4U4bvlUi,j,"uS" lupcriur in point Ot num. ber. They afTured the Convenion, that Calvi, Baftia,: and St. Flbrent,' were in an excellent ftate, ;aad, the former could bid defiance to all the forces' of Europe, They intreatcd the Convention not to take any farth'ermeafures before the arrival of fome of tbeir colleagues; Referred to the Commit tee of public fafety.' j In another letter of the 2d of 'June, the National Gommiflioners in .Corfica ftated to the Convention that the National Authori ty was difovowed in that ifland ; that the foldleri of the continent had been difarmed by the natives; tha't thedepartment remain ed aflembled in defiance of the refoluuon of s the Commiffioners, who fufpen ded it irom its functions mr that it had even gone on d. trooni former ftation. This dav we cxnedl: ! two companies of Mitrowfky, while two oihera ,will repair to Sauburg; i , . V F R A NK FOR f, Jiintii. -.. . f,: , . - . . - : The opening of the trenches before" Men tzi ii continued with the utmjfl alacrity. The Auftrians are faid to have carried a new battery vrhich the Frencii f had raifed near ;WaifTenau, containing 6 pie5eeaof cannon and diflodged the French entirely from that place: - V - '- :. ', V' ; P - A R T S;;-:x3J . OFFICIAL ACCOUNT :l Cft be operation cf the Combined Army InSirvoy. The mrt nvc omcers. inc 101s on the part 01 tne French is fuppofed to amount to.co men killed, arid ubwards of iod taken ciifoncrs. bifhles fevcrl nieces of cannons - ( . - , . -The Prince cf Waidcckdicil yedcrday of I - .O ' . -- .. ,. -rj : ,.W--.r . . ..LlWW " J On the tft mftant (htre Vaia Verr fmart (VirmiHi r,r,itror !, iiear Mohnetto, , between our troops.combined with Ficnchman i that a report had been cirCU the militia, and the French in which the latier were . F " v ,wu icc vuihj nii.u. . iiu uijc un:ma mm crs iiau uu oilier rprrnpnrv rnan rn vnmiari wounded. Two dars after the Pi-eneh atfemnfpdtn -t.' t-r - t --'t' . avenge this check by marching a patrole agamft our 1 Ai j . 1 r-i v vadTMce J pofit at Authion j but D the fiift fir of der thc -de-vant Duke of Orleans.