4 -I ' ft O R f T I-G A fe Q L I N A G -A :Z E T T' fe (Vol. 8.) Saturday, September .28,. 175)3 403.) LONDON,,; ABETTER from Valenciennes fays, " Te U criminal to difguifc: the truth. The kings of Europe cannot hope to take this place without the acrirkej of 20,000 hu niat) beings, and Avhcn they have gained it at this expencc, they have done no more than prepared fur the capture of 50,060 morel :' ' - ; 'j : .' . How many ihoufands of the unfortunate jncri f vekering at the nod of their rulers, ti:uIer,Viccicnnes i:i this bunnni I'wca- thcr.mui.fll iacrilicc to fatigue and dif cafc i Ko Gazette 'bears witnefs f thi3 mortality. No nation receives an account of the multitudes cutoff, without ruife or g; ry I Of the niDre fortunate few who are taken off by the- fword' of ! the enemy, or tramnkd to death by the horfes, hoofs .of tjicir friends, an honorable j return is made, ; and tliey hive the Time honors, but of ; the mvriads that perifif by the more fatal mala dy of ivar, dyfentry, not memorial is left,- " that can iooth even the forro cf their fela- ; tives. " " " July 19. The difpatches re; cd:ycfterday frdTi the camp, dated the 12th indant, - date, tr.ar the 3d parallel is-fr ifhed, but that they rnu:t not dart to think of battering in breach xin d they have completely 2fcertained the .pofiiion'of the mines, and' fprung them This they own will require at lead .a fort night ; and this part of the work is carried oif U'.der the direction of "M. de "Bouiile, w:;o, ! having commanded tri-the place, knows the diredion of all ti e chambers and trverics : he miners have come to wai ter, and knowing therefore that no mine :can he lower, they are proceeding in hori- zout-cil directions to countermine the place By the end of this month, if . 110. uniore . Ucn acciik-ut takes place, they hope to be in potnrllioa of all but the. citadel. : Mijj.s W t &Jius iPLhC H to both I . Ihufcs of Parliament, ' 4 on fiday, JuHB2ii I793V ;J J, . My Lor Js and Gtntlemen 1 THE firmnefs, wifdonv and puldicfplrit by which your .ondudl h s been-eminently ilidinguifhcd on the many important occa fios.s vicn have ar fen t.uring the .preient IclSoti, licnund. my peculiar acknowlcdg- mtnts. . '. ' , V ' v - ' Your firm determination to fupport the eil-bllfned conltitution, and the zialous and general concurrence. n I that fentiment', Nvhich my fuljtcU have ib ilrongly and fea- not, in your fcvcr.il counties, encourage the coiiiinuance of the'lame vigilant' attention. ; to that important object. : . - The rapid and filial fuccefiTes .which in an early , cttod uf the campaign have attend ed the operation i f the combined armies; . tt e resectable and powerful force w hidi vou have enabkd me to employ by Tea and Jand, and the meafurcs which X have con ctrtcd with other powers for the "dual profecution -of the war,; afford; the belt profpea of a happy hTue to the important contclt in which we are engaged. '..It"' by perfeverance in vigorous exertions, .and by endeavouiing to im?iove the advantages : already acquired, that we can hoe -to ob tain the great end to uhichmy ivicws are uniformly dhccTed,'the reaoratiou of peace oil iacn terms as may bq confittent with our permanent acurityand with the gene ral tianquility of Europe. GcndeirH n cf Ut Ufr if Commas, I return you my particular thanks for the ' chcarfulntfs and difpatch1 which you have granted- the neceffar Applies,: and I am happy to reflea that you have enabled, roe libttalW to orovids fcx dis tJgencics the public fervlce ir$ a manner fo little burthen-' iome to my people. . , . My Lords and Gentlemern The arrangements which you have formed for the'governmerit of the territories in In- dia, and for the regulation of bur commerce with that part of. the world, will, I doubt Jiot, fecure and augment the important be nefits which we have already derived from thofc valuable pofieffions. it has been j im poffible for me to . fee without concern the embarraflment which has late ly arifen in the Itate of commercial crUit, but the .fteps. which you have taken to prevent theprogreU 16 pieces of cannon- . that their tiirn would fbon come 1 Thef refufed to receive' the cojifthuticnal priefts j and feeing 'the Jfatal inftrurrient made the air refound .with the cries, of God fave the King. . : - . ! , - : The Dutch mail arrived this morning brings intelligence- thai notwithft mding fome little interruption ia the works before JV'ientzk the befiegcrs have renewed their , operations with fuecefs and that the Impe- irialitts. have gained ar filial advantage over the French near; Wifici eau, where they made tff mfefves'ma'.Vrstnf tht timrV rA of that evil, appear already to hjve been produaive of very lalutary con;equences ; and while they have afforded a i Iti ikingi in ftance of your attention to the 1 intereit of my people, their tffea ha. furnilhedi addi tional reafoh to - believe that: the diftref which has been felt proceeded from a con currenceof temporary caules, and not from any diminution of the real wealth,! or jany failure ill the permanent reiuirceg ot the country I hatd much fatistaCtion lnf teilectifig on the effectual proteaioa whicn I have been enabled ro afford to the trade. of my fubjeas fince the breaking out of ilk warI am at the fame tim'c perfuaded tj(at if our icoBi mercial interefti had unavoidably beenf af feaed to a more co. ifid;rablc extent it would not have been forgttenthat we Tare ' contending for our futiM I'ecUrity, and fur the permanent prefervAtibn of advantages them oft itri king and the njoil valuable which any nation, has ever, by tpe biefiing of Pro vidence, been permitted to enjpy. Letters from Oftend affert that Cufline is 1 affuredJy lent to Paris, and his army has re treated roCaffel and that Orleans has cer tainly fuffered death ' .. . ' ' July 4. Advices from Paris, dated the 25th ult. ' flate tha: the new conditution was conclul ded that day and decreed amidft ;he ioud- elt applaufc., M. Egalite is ftill a-prifoner at Marfcil . les, wer he is more clofely confined than ever wven his domeftics being dtnied ac- , ce.fs to him. . . . Pethion, : the once great arid mighty Cromwell of Paris, whole repeated iuiult3 j to the unhappy LcUts, and whofe charming y v connivance at the attrocities of the I oth of 1 Auguii nd of September will never be forgotten, is! now a wretched out cait-at one time crying fcr his life. to a mob, and at another eieaping throagh a back -window into a friendlf ditch.Is not this fomething like the vengeance. of Heaven ? Count de Bv'and. commandant of the 1 hen the Lord Chmcelor, by his Ma'iefty's fortrefs of Areue,. when it was attacked hy j . command, laid:; 1 tne rrencn, anu wiw, uy iuc xiany jur- - Mv Lords and Gtmikmen '' ' " ; render of it, .not a Lttle contributed to their It is his Majefty's royal will nd pleafute, Jubfequent fuecefs, has been fsntenced by that this parliament he prorogued to Tuefdav the court martial to be conveyed to the pa- the thirteenth dav ot AUnuit next,! to be "raac oi;urcuj,; wncic, m uuuim an uic ro tcenth day ot AUguit neit ' ' I ULT "2.. TheiSw . rJaffige from then hete holden and this, parliament is garrifon, he is tp b-J Itripptd of all his mi- ; accordinjlv prorogued to Tuefday the thir- Utary decorations, hiiorJ is, to be carried . to tne iorireii; oruucrqiiciii, a iuio pntuj, where he is to be confined for the rem aiu- allow, captain Brooks, 26 days der of hh life. , . ,A : n Gibraltar,-is arrived at Fal- : The troops- ot the Emperor amount to fpatches from admiral Crof- 224,374 cn -"ciuuve, vt tne artmery, s the pleafing intelligence, of ftaff, &c. which encreafed the r.u nber to lp Egmont having re-taken a more than 300,000 ; to thele an addition of 70,000 is 10 u" mauc. 1 . The difiblution of the national convention was a defparate mealure, which mult either accelerate the downfal or eitabliih the. re- public of France ; that the former will be the cafe, . feetns to be the opinion of the belt informed,- '. ; : ; 'ihe Duke of Luxembourg is appointed to command in the Spaniih fen-ice. Thia appointmt nt, lorfome reafon or otier, is faid to bedilpleafing to the Britifii court. Laft. night, N r Wiffen, the meffenger arrived at Whitehall,' from thehead quar ters of the Duke cf Yoik before Valencien nes, which- he left on Friday lad. . .The approaches to the town, notwith ftanding the late unfavorable weather, a yall : quantity of rain having fallen, were cairicd . 0:1 with great aaivity and fpirit.' Oh Iri- day.lail the lapp voiante was tornit d, ant the third parallel "was immedia'tely to beiai- his rviaieily s ihip iimont tiavmg bpaniih galleoiij . of the riched; ever takrn 1 and captured the French frigate, who took the galleon feveral lays,.- before. fi he French frigate is one of the new condriiai on, mounts 42 guns, quite . new, andj the galleon (was all the prize flie had taken i Vt,'hncier!Ties--By 'the lad accpunts; re ceived, in London, the town was totally de stroyed by the combined fcrces, about; 150 cannonj having been inceffantly firing upon it, for two days and nights. ; ; . . . " The frequent effujion of , innocent; .blood ': begins to operate powerfully upon the feel ings of the Ibwer defcriptionslof Parifiuns ; and fhould the Revolutionary Tribunal fbon exhibit fuch another fcene of crusty as was -prefented to the public a few days: fince', when 12 innocent perfons loiti their; heads U r mnrHeroui ciiillotine, there is, every -"r n Ki;Pve thatlhe faneuiaary reioja d. Itaiuu .w ----- , . I . ! 1 1 ? ' W - it 1 n fniAv nrij " ivia- tne in- fed, theb,ttctiesorwHcUWeteexPeaed to:; DC UlillllCU ! JfCiVWI WJf , w-y j which it wvs concluded that. practicable. r-rarn f f 1 1 1 ill dl iuauvi i - - : .. ' ,.V .ti....: ,h,,'a,r.r,h., W. ved. .that the Aultnans uiouiuincu uu u bfMar t ia iniqu yvcrii.kd their re- '.he UWnj and from the ,mplaCable nft K KffJd- diath about, 12- fi.y which thofe troops bear to the French, q.i Vkn.S.h -I- the molt dreadful confluence, ma; be ap. CTt?o"ttede8oth. Demofe PTffiC Moelean. ayoung'Wrthe!rr.oa;exoui. . al offerter, from the ntebeautyand mental endowments was , JBy. " had come into the mverfal'v admired. The blopd-thirfty Jaco-, town, 'e'-"7" ; jnts th. and 5 mod unfortunate fituation. ;4hcy were without ihelr ot any Kiiw, ankc cjwu tired from their youth, and the women par- .:..u.i (W their bcautv and heroifm ! The v ntade application to the C ,bine EmilTaries who intuited :the lait: . l r t,i i.-.frtiina!e vntinr lad V: mrrua ui m U!wl o . . , , her feUor fuffsrers wcie arifwered b i hcrr without