LONDON GAZETTE EXTR AORDI- the giins and retire. Annflwiv- t ;W mapv , bj-r -ciirc. n paiiage beinghotr- . NARYV ' ; wrdifcovcrcd which Wenrnrf- 4 trr T T t?' U A - T T i . i ! r ... : ' CAPTAIN Calvert, of the Coldjlream regiment of guards, aid-de-camp to .his royal highnefs the Duke of York, ar rived this morning with jlifpatchcs front - Colonel Sir James Murray, bart. adjutaht enera! in the foices under hu royal high nefs s command, to the right honorable Henry Dundas, one of his rriajcftyV princi pal fecretaries qiffiate, of which the follow ing are copies. 4 ' v . - Eftreui, July 26, 1793. Sir, ; I am happy to have the honor of infori ming you, that lad night, not only the at tacks of the covered bom-work, and of the advanced iletche by St. Sauve, were atten ded with fuccefs, but that poflfeflion has an obftimxy for which you have no longer any .legitimate excufchher military or .political, I muft ohknc to yoU, that your "V crocaoiy decide the fate of r Irom the ditch into the work ,-and no ene- Tin 11 nnniM.r ... ' i . .. t , .1 6 in tnccounter-guird, which immediately overlook u .t. workmen, t waS Hetf V5 ZSZ'SIV-: fate Highnef, to takeadvant S tTO perffeft feu?r! TM' W"."1, J 7 ftoM you know tooeU.the ter L.feouenceth.wJLlH .'"!.- hbfc.confeqaeric?. t&s to cxa,; , ' ""- ". u ramt, thereforei m the common line of operations, hive re' ' quired a confiderable tim,. nA a 'r "i J 1 lrrnf , ll.mei.and occafionedj Jots of men i&.courfe, to have gained oof feffion ot it; .MeaAir,. , " . F.A nu i tdKinjj; with all - poraWc expedition, to profit of this fuccefs I ir Ji' by ereding a battery for the buffi of! i, lferfUoli T- , V6. ulcacn "e counter-VuarH- ilisKoval HiVhticfs h-k Vv.V.r j i - Dllkff Of V'rCrlr Commander in Chief of th6 vJBefieging Armies. SUmmbh's io the Municipality.'- ; nave written tn thi nLs-- r-1. . . vuunumiucr or your town, and inform you that he i will exnfe you to the moft dread fii! faV IF hldiM accept the olier blimed. - , Three attacks weirc formed ; one upon the falient antle of the ravelin of tlif bnmi work, one upon the falient angle of the filf bnftinn unnrt thf? riiTrif. nnJ nnA nnnn mmmmmm J J VilV UUU he Fleche.' Nine hundred men were de ilmed for each attack. In each of the two firft, an advanced guard vasormed of 156 men, followed by joo) with the necciTary workmen andmirers, fuppdrted by the re It of the column. The troops employed on the attack upon the right were divided into . three'parts, hne of which tUrnedthe Flechc to thcright, anothet to the; teft; and the third advanced in front-. I hc column de fined for the attack of the falient angle f the ravelin was compofed of Bri:ifli, Hanoverian and Hcilian troops, the other 2 of Auftrians. One hundred and fifty men of the brigade of guards; under the cohi jnand of col. Leigh, formed the advanced party. They were followed by 156 men of the brigade ot the line, with an equal num ber of Hanoverians, commanded by lieut. lleflians compofed the reft of the column. Col. Langcrke of iheHeffians, and lieiit. col. fifTricy of the Hanoverians, command ed thefe troops A detachment of the com- -panyof artificers, tinder Captain Sother lanJ, accompanied this column and perfor med the duty allotted to them with great aclivity and rcfolution. This attack was -commanded by Major General Abercfom blc. . The Aultrian Lieutenant General Er bacli commanded the whole. 17)C fnrincinsf of the clobes of eomfrref. ion was the fignal for the attack, of. thefe , i , ajur oeneral . Aber- ?nS!f -f? LVA ? WeUtenant -it, as well as with that which r-: LT," Mngjrke arid !Lieu- uciitiLS in n i5 rt-f ifiii u w. ww m m m w w a w m w v-m aahm T b& a u . ir-iu n m at - ... t- - w - . a a w k. la m. ju . it m , 1f . o Ciprciied 1 him- 1 r .4 . i i "vv.i uit; Miicr been obtained of the horn-work hfclf, in elf to be highly pleafed with the eailamrv ,;m caPltulatlon by which the, honor lof which the troops are now completely cftaj-' and good conduft 0f Major General AbeVl 1 rrfo.n a4d !,at; remains of rygjir yC e " picitrvea loUwiJI owe this fate to an bbilintvc Very1 ill undir ilobd, iis you muit be fenfib thf ?rV tenant Colonel 0Fnct. The cond i P"1 tfrcumftahces, you can! neither; de- the.other officers : and Wt nfi ndf exped affiftance. . -Hi- general, as well in regard to their rfTrTi: ! Piori of the 21ft of June "is a' libel and the order which they preferved V, to 1 thfarmies nbw before !your walls. gauamry or their behaviour, merir i A T. Vlcfc DraTC ad well di- -VtS::". .tenant Coloml Count Dietnckftem, Captains Count Or Iandini: and ThiarKrlrf f a n Y , W1 czjgmccrs, were lumnies 1" but von have ever v tlfrM f.,. I from the vengeance of fofdiers prdvoked bv attache n F"u"iions. Jt will not be in nhc ?,,a77&, V ' power of the moa Humane: chief to fcreen left column,and their ' Pr of the mc by major-general Abercrombie in termV of m- if ,y6" b?i t0 fc(?meto thefe , l.Ac.....v.o. uv, upui your guard agamic jfnfinuations, by vvhich you would facrifice an you poiicls tOithe inter-Ir of one . ahd let thofc. among you who are willing and a bfe td aa for theheii, preve nt, . by a . pru dent refolution, :the devaftatioh and car riage, which would be th?..cbnfeqUenceof a refiHahce ufelcf-I J continued for a few days. This day' expired, ycur "commander will no longer be adrhitted to capitulate. If your town 13 taken .by Itcrm, it will 1 be plundered, and nothing- cVii prevent the maiTacre of both foidiers, and inhabitants May this dreadful example which Twifh n;f.r uu,t mierras ot approoation. ! The attack of the FJeche upon the riehr- theif iWayintoTheri6dTch:Partlef made A'sic "P1 'Hie fide of Mount An n and St. ,J auve carried feveral de tached works, killed about fifty of -die cnL my, and took 92 -Drift,.,,,, 7i . T en5 "-SMHdahi ofthe "ui10D or ttatloverian erenad e advanted with a detachment ZJ2?' thecreft of the Glacis unon tl rZ'TZTJZ k .... j ... a w in 1 r t 1 . w rr- . . ne .remained till dav hrV t- Z iyouro avoio, oe a leiion to other towns. upon the works, and marie a 4fur diver I g,ye C u inl!abi.tJan cll- inclined, fion. . y auicim divert fencrgy enough to avoid a th or your , oy an ; unpardonable weaknefs. JsVi- y r.ine ccbined troops up on this important dec a fi 6 n does not exceed 150 men and officers killed and wounded. . ePcloi?hc return of the Britifli. The Hanoverians had : one man killed, and fix wounded ; the Heffians non-; P.i Highnefs regrets the lofs of a brave 6fficer in there were three ; one towards the fallen ty :EnCgn Tollemache" who was killed, bv a s thar ot " N' and one angle of the ravelin ; one towan the half baftion upon the rinht : Detwixt thele two.- 1 hey were . iprung- at (hort intervals from one another ;L the firft it nine o'clock- The two columns on the left advanced with the utmoft alacrity, rufhing put from the. fap, which j had beert carried the preceding nights to within. a fmall diftance of the creft of the Glacis. The enemy were almofl inftantaneoufly driven from the covered way. They aban doned the horn-work, andj as it afterwards appeared, all the out-works of the place. The miners defcended into the ditch, and got poflcfiicn of thofeof the enemy's mines, which had efcaped the effccls oft the globes, pf compreflion. Thefe were loaded and feveral of the miners were taken. One fcrtrefs was fprung, but; happily without occafioning any lofs. The horn -work' was entered by the Gorge. The probability of this had been fcrcfeen 5 but it was reckon ed unlcfs to attempt a lodgment, ! want ' of proper communication ; and indeed nearly impofliblc to efFcft it. The original orders given-for this cafe vcrc, therefofe jo fpike flicll in the third oarrallel. I enclofe the copies of the fummons ferit M ft royal highnefs this morning !to the town with the letters tvhich have afterwards :pafied. i Thefe givs a reafonable ground for hope, that the fiege will not be of . miich. longer continuance. -P r , ! 5 1 ( , . " J "j ,. I . Summons to the Commander.' 4. expofe themielves to ihare equally with tl3 perverie. . r ! ' Mne$) : frSdrick:, ! . ; - j '- -j- Du!;eof York,i ; : ' : ; r . Commander in chief or the. ' i - :; Befieging Arrhicsl ;Geheral ; Ferrand to Frederick 1 Duke of ; Ycrfo commanding thcombined armies . " ij; befieging Valenciennes. t Neither the conftituired authorities, tne garrifon, nor mrfelf, have been ab!e .tf ter minate, the important object that youvjffied1 for in the letter which you did mfethe ho-i nor to write to meithis - morningthe 26th ; infl:. rcfpecling the furrender 'r jtheplice. which I have the honor to conmand. J j We demandof ybuj fir, adclay of twentv- lour uuurs. io raxts its oaosriiuin 111 rime rnac LiicvciJi uiutii as DOlllDJe , - t -z :. . t irremediable misfortune was the motive of 1 addr-1?r to'you this demand. If this is a the propofal I made to youon the 14th of geable-td yoii, y6yf; troops and mine (hall June, -t Either you thought yourfelf able each of them refpeively remain at the pofts erfeaually to refift our attacks,, or flattered whIch bclonS to f15"?' wl.thou ' V J yourfelf with the hopes of affiflance,. and did ' communication than by trumpets: not liften to it. But now that both thefe' 1 If youconfent-to this the firing hall ceafe errors arc deitroyed.T offer yoii, from the on h dej n,I11t?e't,mc f eIav a' fame motives of humanity, capitulation' bove Remanded mall haye expired. . which will favc your honor and what re-. ;VaJe1nC1fenTnf9, - i VhlCTmn. maini of their property, to the unfortunate . I vluRn' ' ' Viaimsofyourohftinacy. Are you deter- POURTA?!, , FERRANp, mined to force us,-by the neceffity of war, i Mayor.. General of .the dmfion, : compleatly to deftroy.a beautiful town or T Axttt p rcl " ti ? will you pVclervcwhat has hlthenp elca- :rftnATJ' Prdcnt , cjaT ; . ;-fcccond letter from his royal highnefs thx , V ' ! dukeofYork to General Ferrand. . 1

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