f ; r . L :? r:' ; -"-El R-.A V'N C E. W ; . : I ' . m ... j. ii Letter, front Rear Muira! Truguei to jb?. con "inittee cfPtvlh Safety, fefpefiivg ike pre Tent Jl die of tjs French nrvy, ' apAitsbfticers Parts, July. 1.2", i.73 Second f Veair. of the Republic, One and Jii'diVifible.. f , Citizens, - t: 1T SIGNIFIED to ts Mationril.Con.TcntU X""on my apprchenijons, and I dare-j fry tiofc felt by all good citizens, re fpiog the difpofal of our naval forces, I owe farther: details to the Cqmmittee of Public Safety, refpcctingourrcfourceiand obftacte.. - The publicity of. my opinion fl only dangerous, wlien it apptj?.eour. enemies, of , what wq have to fear T rom - them. Tfhe avowal .o t our errors proves, on tfje contrary, but the : energy which Cqjnpinfstesfbr them. Ic is rriy . duty to- cd acc4 1 .nothing, and ?" th ; courage of trullnireafca; with, thedanger andjwaht of declajuig ft." ir-r-j i;nri j I (hall fucega the.- taflc of trarin.-the pl&ur of .auj humVte fta$e : 1 haveiaid alj. thatd be fai df when I licwed the Spanifft., navy unfurling j&c broa1 pendantsoflefpo tiTrii 1 tliQ lJedit(prtancan while. wer hide ip burfioajja ; theflagoiih..Rcpublici ? 2ii(Jhpnranc30,yqs- $fir empire of olirrfOtd WrCy it is now butHg wftnefs of iurutnA. and Pf the Qutwgesrofou rivals. '.' Abaou gift we;ta have,done ?( ; tVat hw'wc done- .?hat. is left for us. it WftyV blL' ults, nif j. .v. f Ia.tkclaringf or, if- you,, choofc, . ,irt coramencing.the war -a$aih ft- England, . Hoi-, lxiii and Spain, " we ought to have calcuJLa teethe forces of that triple confederacy ; .wc . ought .to have, compared therii with our Ajri forces i wc ouaht to hare prevented - their ' i . it .t.: j ..r r junction, Uy cu tuuiuiircu, uic ji uui, fources i to gain probable .fucceffics. We jught ta have forefeen, tjial. the gold of our xncmrei would Ue fcattered in our , arfenaJs and ta our Heeta and to hae created at tnat epoch i permanent : courts martial, I -who would have exerclied ioceflant: vigifaiic.e, Slid (everely puni(lied-the; firft hired iagitar! jors. Thus we (hould have prevented i that cruel- anardiy which at one time, under iihe- maik of eiceflivc patriotifm, and at an oiher, in the garb of op'en Airiftoeraey, has - constantly impeded the telerity of oiir arm amenrs and 'naval repaitii and the convey-! incc of the fupplics fo indifpenfable to our fquadrons on actual :.;fervice: I -fay more, the troubles in our port -have - frequently rendered impsmblc the . fitting out of (hips, . and their failing from bur hatbours. j y c It was not by political protcftatioris at . the'Ottoman Porte, always awed by the mcnaces.of Ra(Tn, and the calumnious re- ! ' ! .. : . . I , ' attempts of mutineers and daftards I : alfd y iviflicd t!iat the Admiral jfhould hare ! time to make himfelf known and refpeted. I The v confidence cf art enrhufiafm without motives, : foon ceafcrwith, the. latter. Ir i$ not a flaviflibut. a corquere'd I fentiment, which enfure a vi3bry; i - - . cj By fea nothing is left to hazard-rto- thing can compenfate for the manoeuvres . nothing can atone for the Chief who would' be able to perform a good one. Where re iponhtrility is not equally divided, the means proves laUing:- and it is this alone- which. ' ought to be diftindt : and this is the wtal unitcs the General arid his ibldiers. Such theory of difcipline. a Xpetacle, citizens, fuch fchools of naval induftry would already have proved as be neficial to us as TiStoricseYeii in the opini on of our enemies. vi ; ' " Then we fiioiild have Tent fup'plitfs and reenforceme.nts, which I conuanttyTeqiieft ed, to St: Peter's and StL Antiouch, two points fa important for our trade to the Le rant. . . . . ' ; t ;:M--'j.--i .;; I-hid furniflied fufficierit convoys j fpt the arrival of ou.r grain, and the protection of our cbaRing fetvicH. biit it was indifpeh- iaoiy neceilary to-let our bell frigates be com- , I, know that- adminiftratiori 3s forced to Fear its own opinions, refpe&irtg the com mand it may be inclined to confer upon the ancient fea officers; but if it be enential to befur'e oftheir principles, ought we to defpife theiri talents -and becaufe it is rare now adays, to fee thefe united together,: ought we to condemn the principles beforehand merely becaufe we have found talents irt an individual ? I ani very far from centering this kind of folicitude,' which for. my own . part, I (hall never fear ; but why punifh irt a free man the hazard which is regenerated rnanded by the abtert officers, andxruize the . by equality ? Let us examine his conduct, fea tp qbfeiiV'e the number ntiiation, and : follow his connections, interroaatc his foul a :pT0jcs.ojv our ncrnies. If foine tinfore feen , and let us not reject experience, without bcuig-fure of not committing an act of in juftice as this would reflect upon ourfelvesi Amnuiiuu. nw uuuui utc inn. ui virtue.s , there is none where this is not to be found $ , but jiiftice will alfo be a Republican virtue if it. were not a duty -common to every man. i ; Several pfneers of the ancient marine. not to bp fliaken by fedUction, have renoun- circumflance,: fume gu(t oF-witidV :had 'dif- per lea.tne fines', w.e mould nave-known it ; V'e ihould have?) hern ready to choofe;bur 'e, ;imy,: and to tr unijph feparately over: their league.; V V .-I '. )J --v " , WHeh I.prbpofed: to jthe; fttcceuar f blF Bertrand: to. coUedt the naval forces, eTcaped from the criminal difpofitibbsof the King's lIinifters, and to inake the greateft part of . ced: the deareft affections of the foul the them rendezvous in the ; Mediterranean', -.we had foon alter, on the i oth ofi Auguft, x 792 9 twenty three-flwps of the line, ahd forty fri gate or corvettes' and wMe our defertefs infultcdiourmirirle,, 104- Republicak mips, well armed,: -and -well commanded! were feekih lenRmie&on- thfeaiV-j "t-t--V Whai-haYe-wc,k)ne hx'rJ--yh---l ' ' ' y6u- knbw:i.tv citizens 5 we Havemade. ho prbper a ttac k ; VJ have' niade- no": timely deft nee ; wethuvc) coulbmed ; ho maritime operation, and ai criminal: want of flcill- re. diced tp nullity, att the epoch of !waHi a navy whicji had already been formidable for five months before the armaments lofi the Allied Powers.?; -; ; ;;vv t"': .' '---c , y Our.'. Cofatues V are almoft- open ; and' however great the enemy's; infolence. may be. vet' We muft Hill think.! that the idea' bf 4 - ill whattwc; can-do, has made thsm refpet us their infignificancy: This was, however, 'the epoch which could eafily be forefeen, and at which even inferior forces would have thun dered upon the foe: I call to ' witbefs -the prefentations of other Courts but: by : the courage of my brothers m 'arms, who cau fnipoCng afpea of a fleet completely fitted judgeof the faiforsfCafti . y a b ,r..i- ?.t5 ttr. ft Thf &ett nf the -Remlblie Was td have fweeteft add mbftantiquated habits, to d- voieithtmlclves 10 the defence: of freedom. Well they are now dcrfecUted, arbitrarily deprived: of their charge, dragged in : duh geon& yet nothing proves' that they have not truly .and feriouflV abjured the preju 'dice jvrtiill.Jtlicy tljcinfiVcS have with; tyranny. No part of their conduct can, impeach their military fervices ; no overt act can: arraign them for incivifnv. How often have I not myfelf employed fuc ccfsfully for discipline; the love and the re f pect wlthHvhicH they infpired the feamen under their command. - ' ., ' Citizens, funer not the " fad and difaft rous pleafute ofhumblihg good arid t gallant officers, to -be prefefed to the' welfare of your country. : 1 fblicit for my comrades and felf; all the eyes of vigilance alf the fererity oif cen- moie thail our inactivity encouraged them. fure : but. I mould deferve the contempt of .Tlic Spariuqajdjon arrived in a niais bn my fellow-citizens if I were afraid. to appeal purcoaits4 "it'wsfoon Jfeparated -oy. the from ; their Tiuitruft to their impartiality, winds 5 it does .not -even think of umthW a- Oh how ulnuft would he be, that would gain ; its fcjuuctidn is cpnfidered -ai.unne- feek in; my expreffiow a fentinient different ceflHry ; thepamardi? have, a .dUqrr-fenfe; bf froni that - which dictates them If r;fomc out, completely fupplied with prqvifions, cading anchdr in the Dardanelles, and be fore Cohftantinople,. that we ought o hare determined Turkey to fhire no ionger the empire of the Black Sea, by procuring to ; that country the fofleflibri' of the Crimea. The DivTin, ever hefieged by titled fpics, . .would have been feduced by a riaval army rttAw atits cdmmind. ' f Had w;e chofen to reject the courage ous operations on which national character authorifed us at the fame time to depend ; had we chofen to adopt a fimplc- plan of xlefence, I had alio preicntedJt outi wun d our fdencc abroad to be compenfated'by the greatcft activity in our ports. : ' ! i " I intended to eVerci(e the army whofe cnmmaml was entrufled to me.'in cOnftant erolutions, and to form, by ari indifpenfable difcipline', the new. fold iers and ! ofiicers of liherrv r- as likkwifo the tVefhf tefamen who abound in our-flxets I Withe fbr,7 ;jInei iTcr ceafed to demand, thofe -Ia's which" in" feconded the operations by land in Sardinia, r It was cafy for us to feize that important Ifle, after the taking bf Nice and Savoy ; . but lorig . expectation a defence thn preparing want of difcipline an antlcivic and merce nary terror-bafe jealoufies land plots,; fru--ftrated' thatenterpr!ze.; 4 f v.'; '; ;;:f Let us caft aVil over thofe misfofsfunes ; the onry meajiS -ito diniinifh their effectsy is ; to toniider them as leflbns. --T; j-1 : ShipSjT meni coura?c thofe efements are in- Our hearts and in our hands. Em- fliould miftake me. and confound the "lore of my. Country with the love of command, .1 mould be-able j then tp diuihguifh both '; : I (hould prove my fubordination to the Chief fet'OVer me, the whole of my zeal: -you would foon acknowledge that my efforts, to obtain reprefiive and reguliiting laws, are the refult of the congenial and mod intimate conviction which I feel that ' difcipline ii the eflence of true Courage, and the fafe pledge of fuccefs. : . ..... .(Signed) .v . TRUGUfeT' ReaT. Admiral, com manding the Na . val Arrriy of the republicr'in the Medi- .' '. t : -I ' 1 .: ' f .'..II' ' i M -!f'. . terrancan U O N D O N, AuctJST loandra. The j?ng of Pruffia with liis victorious publican troops In IferTain and thc 'NOrthern part of Al&ce do-not excee' 40,000 men. ihiobville, which is expected to be one of the 'firft objects of attack after the reduction of Landau 'is ganifbned by a rabble which fcienceJ of which every agdrit oiight Well to . fttles.itlcit volunteerswithout .Oeneraisi or undewtandjtne-wnoic,1 ana;-ma vrericrai, a "jf ,-vi"r"w, v-wi .- pofition, a fingle moment oi' cnthuuafm may nuuoxi of an army. of fame and liberty ; this the navyftands in need of, and in fact, it is evenV what , the Ra-nablic-berfclf wants. ButKre therrers of dmiiiiftfation are follOwedby-tlie reateft evils. The fea fervice depe)ids;on -an exact everv focicty ought to curb and terrify . the ..: v ' . . X' r . ! : . . '? U . i - t i . .. ;.., !.

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