N O R T H-C A R O L INI GAZ E T T E. (Vol.:8.) Saturday, Odobfr i 26YI17 93. m 407.) 1 . i '-- ; f .,---'--. ----.., i,v :i'.p:;'v;;;;tP-s'.'i- " ' ' . .ji mil' D U B L IN, Augusts THE public attention hath been lately fo much cngroiTcd by French affairs, that it has but flightly conJidered ;an event that is- likely to be of more importance. That is the invafionand difinemberment, af not the entire fubjetion of the great, -warlike andcxtenfivc kingdom or" Poland. Its original extent was about 700 miles from N.toS. and 23 much from B. to V. In.: n ,i iiucli curpilcJ ly the three Roy al Plunderers, who each ot a large fliarc. Finding the pillage fo eafily made, they feemcd not contented ith their booty, but within a few months paft refolved to get more ; and the prsfent diftraaed ftate of that country fecms liliely to throw the entire kingdom into the; hands of Ruffia, which already bounds the whole of the North and Eaft fide. I ! v:: However, it is not likely that the two otner comederates will tamely behold ' the - . . x 1 late to prevent the diftnernbering of Poland, at lead we ought; in found policy, iotoaft as to Jet it be divided by feveral powers ra ther than fall under the hands of one ! M . F A L M O p T H, Auguft 91! I The object of the c Lord Ho w e's fleet is now off this port j a 44 gun frigate, and a fifty gun (hip f rom the fleet arc jufiput in here, who inform us, that the French yre thrse fhiDs' in number lefs than our. fleet 5 and haying the : the Frenchcities wina in tneir ia vour, JLord liowe, with his beft manoeuvres could not bring them; to aclion. Every fhip was cleaied and prepa red for battle on Tuefday evening I laft, but on Wednefday morning the ! French fleet were got fafe into Br eft . hatbour. ' The French (hips are all painted black. I ) tclighij&ppcroE fa of Power. i ; AUCUkT 10. .' The Auftnans are Idling up the trenches all round Valenciennei j and it is a very Ke-i ii vrr Tai- "iC I0rncations win De razed. mbined powers, now P L Y M O U T H, i Auguft id.! 1 elterday at fioon arrived here his Majef- A few hours after the Eurydice came in eIrlonofDaat2ickHnthno.rtnnnf R. i ic -ivionaay morning and chafed her on fia, gFvin her the command of? the-mat 1 Uxo5c.on V16 COalt :of ance BeWJleA river Viflula, by which al mo ft every article or export comes down tc zick and lbinr. .This v South Weft, between and the Crapack runs north eal city of Cracow II. : the ports of Dant- r r74"JS'l 7 i X 6 I W r;V(4;r;lec i C. Carpektkr, from the fleet, when (he river riles in. the -. t - . thP rnnri nfa,, Mcit 1112111 y wcrt cruiling ott and mountainofHunkary. It a necn.una upe.. la the courlej ot 1 thro' Little Poland, hv tr- u-u' " l rc.., tne .neetgot 5 at Sandomir it receives V the renthUwice, but that fcthey the river San and then turns north by War- TlS r t0 Pd jachtimc, that , to, pifles Plocike and Culm, land fills in- ord HoU'E cou.d not bring them to aaion ; to the Baltic at Dantzic, ana by another. thr number altogeer.faid totof22 fail; . Branch, to I the Fifli-Kcok and Elbing. nd it now poled ihey may be ;ot mto i TJL Vtt U!auwrito the fca' immeiifii 1 . -Vj; ; ;r :Vh'."' ".:"kr - i -.1. - aucu agamic iranc$ , appears to be as iol- T"l. 1 f lrt . :.-' '-'":! x -cn ancir.auiih eets to inveft lie French cities in the Medit attract the attention of the Republic to that quarter and to affithe Sardinians in re covering their country; and in entering France. " ' ? The Spaniards croffing the Pyrenees, are to penetrate.irito France, and by capturing the fortified phces, to eftablifli a '"cordon of polls fufficientto prevent the introduaion of French principles into Spain ; and to af fift in the re-,eilabliftiment of tKc " rerrafcor'y prieftsThe fleet under Lord Howe is faid to land a force in Brittany, to allilt, the re bels, if any are left unconquered. The Pruffians are to enter Alface and Lorraine : The'Auflriahsitp march in the Duke of Brunfwick's trackto Paris, and the Englilh to attack Dunkirk.' This is the work faid to be cut cut for.-the prefent . campaign ; whether the Frehch will not fpoil'thc fafhion cf the fust ; arid, to alter the allufiony' teach ' them all. , . " l ' Thetrue war-dance of Briinfwick reej! , ' And raanusl.exercife of httlg ' , Make them jrJve up, like Saints, complete, The &rm ddhand, tiuut.'je feet; VOlK, ijKe cnrutians. undifllir.bli And 1 Salvation out bv fear l3 :yet in the womb off developed under a number oi weeks. and trcinHnr, cannot be Wh ox quantities ot grain of diflererif kinds, fpi ccs, fait and furs, and,:if poilelTed by.Ruf ila will leave,. Royal,, and Ducal Prufiia. entirely at its mercy. AV lien theie cuxumftances are duly ; con t t. Ml ! L O N D O N. ; Auffuft! 6i It is evidently the defign of the Emperor, ultimately to retain in hii hands, and to annex to hisAuttrian do iunioiis, the frontier garri- fidered, it will not appear extraordinary if Yon towns which fliall now be taken from the inc Jvmg ot l ruma mould loon grow tired -1 French, at the joint expence of all the allies of employing - his ftrength j againft , the . but chiefly of the Englilh. , j AVhen "he has frencn ; and mould think otdefendinir his . I done this the firft claim to part of Poland at leaft, of protect ing his own dominions againft a powerful and reftlefs neighbour, now coming to live too clofc tojiim : and as it muft be highly detrimental to Great-Britain! that Rufiia mould acquire addition to hei already too extenfive dominicns it is within the bounds fpeefbus pretext for quarrel with Pruflla and England will put in-J to his hands alt that the Great 'Frederick! won, and the power of united Europe will not. fave from his gripe he jftates ; o ! HolI land Such is the glorious war in which wc are fo happily engaged pOiTefiion of the cfty of Cohde, he did" it. not in the name-of LoUisXVIf, but in the names -of the Emperor of Germany, and King of Pruffia. Thus it appears plain, that the partition of France is the object of the combined powers' What England is to re ceive, on dividend day, is unknowncer tainly not ralencienhes. If (he can take Dunkirk, againft, which ilie is. bending her force, that poflibly may be her's Ifnot flie may: get fome millions more in debt- and the pieafing fatisfa&ion of having paid the piper." . NATIONAL CONVENTION, Aug.'iS. The National Convention, defirous to add to the precautions already taken by the oiobabi.ity.th bo:h (he ana PrufT.a may frigate arriveJ on Saturday atfthe idmiralty.' ( Toric" bf ZlducnA ZvXln Jeave AWlria to folic affairs, as well . as iV . wifh difpatches from :EarI Ho We. : The ?:r! ,ZSZLjJS "f?" us to cohfider of the firft neceffity), decree can with France, and-make a feparale peace In concert. For it is manifeft1 that it will be more to the intereft of Cricain, that lVuflia lhould poflefs the ports of Dantsic, lilbin, Pillaw, Konigfburgh 'and Memel, than that either fliou'd fall into the heads of lluflia, who has ahcady'Rigo, Revel, Nar va, Cronftadt, Percjfburg, &c. l For. every acceflion , to the Ruluan. mari time power, Bri:ain may thank her. own imprudence and want - of-policy-. AVhilft that kingdom had only land forces, howe ver numerous they were, we had nothing to fear from them. And when we afliiled - them to form a navy and taught the Ruffian" "Bear to fwim as well as walk, the "brutifti tin worthy bcaft.began to be formidable. If ever Ru Ilia fliould be able to overawe S .ye-. den and Denmark, (which does not feem to be placed at a very diftant period) then Bri tain can draw naval (lores froai the Baltic .only at her p'eafure, which muft be very cUftreflirtg, as we have great dependence on her fjr hemp, pitch, tar, iron, Sec, and it "is pretty evident that any increafe of ports md territory in Poland will much accelerate that dependence. Hence it is more the in tereft cf this empire tb aflift Poland than to ' .intermeddle with France ; and if it is tco with difpatches' from Earl Howe. ' The! j noble Admiral fell in with the French fleet!! conuiiioir qi iourieen mips qi tne line, and . . lix frigates, off MJetflt fo advantageoufly Breadj bifcuit, all kinds of flelh, fifli fituatcdastomaxeitimpoffiblcforjhis cyder, wine, brandy, vinegar, oil, . hip to bring them to adion. The two) faIt honey, . -fugar, fcap, lard, coals, iron fleets continued in light of each other for-; univrought or melted, paper and linen, feme time5 but at length the French . through ftufts milliner , (exceping fi.k) cannot, af-" the favour of a bhfk gale made off, and ter the publication of this decree, be per were completely out of fightlwhen the Eu- mittedtobe exported frpm the territories rydlce was difpatched, "The Englifli fleet j cf the republic: ' rcoj5fted of lo fliipsoi ; the line. .The T Poland, that unhappy kingdom, refifts the FrerRh fleetformed in a hilt: on the approach ; fatg prepared for it, but we fear the 1 oppb- of-Jtne Britifh fleet, and offered battle ; but tby were not by any dexterity of manoeuvre td be drawn from their pofition. I U, j i The inaction hitherto of Lord Howe and . Hood-, reminds us of the ftory of the two Irifh labourers ; the .firft was allied what he was doing ; to which he anfwered, I am huCy. doing nothing; the. fame queftion being put to his comrade, he faid he wasj bel' ing him. fition will have but little cffeQ. That re- fpedling the form of the new oath to he ta- i ken by marflialBielinfliy has, we learn by i the laft letters Itom Fo.'and, been bained in a moil extraordinary' manner, which ftiews 1 the inutility of any oppofition. Thofemem I hers of the diet who rejected the new form '' were put under a'rrcft in their houfes, "and . 1 were not permitted to go to the Aflembly I till nftpr theMVlarihal harf tikeh the oath, in i , A: perfon who arretted to pals tor a great j the form prefcribed, in the, prefence of fcholar, was afkedby'a friend, j what was i fome members difpofed to conferit to it. meant by pofthumws works ? t Works, faid : J-ne latter, informed of the plan, went'to he, that a man writes alter he is dead. . , the feflion early, and ,when tne former ar I Old Kate only fwallows Poland by way of rived, the oath was, taken. The King him- a luncheon, bhe has a larger territory ;, in ; feif who at prefent ftands firm at the ; head view for her dinner s after hich Ihe .will ; 0f oppofition, is not txempt frorn thefc V.