CHARLOTTE CORDC. Letter iitMr slftd to Barbarouic, one of the pro- Jin ted deputies rj the convention, at Caen, by Charlotte Cof-de, the qffajjin of Ma rat j Citizen, j"V7OU defired a narrative of my journey, i and I Hi ill not pad over the fmallclt anecdote. Arlived at Paris, I tfent to Incite in the Rut k's Fiax tUtguffinS, in the ' ihtt I ds Pr. '.''!: h . I ten (waited on Du-ipr-r,- "-ur Vr..C; ai.t f do riot know ho x the commltte of general fafety could I eafn ;hat I had a conference with Duperret You know the firmnefs of foul which-the -latter is' poflefied of ": he anfweied the (truth: I confirmed Ins depofition by my . -own': there is nothing againtl him ; but ' hh firmnefs is.i crime. V I own, I was un Idjr apprehenfioris. I perfuaded him to go 1 and join you, but he is too head-ltrong : 1 refolved, thtrcfore, upon! the execution j of my prop. ; 'j : J ( Fauchet, (could you believe it?) if in i prifon.'as my accomplice he who did not know that 1 exmed ; but they are: hardly egotius fered much at the cdos of Jbme1 women. But (he that iaves her country, 1 ne ver minds what it co(k. May peace be refto red asfoon as I d-firj ! There, is now a great villain1 laidlpw, without -, which -j we never fliould hive obtained it; I ; enjoy peace for th tfe two days 2 paO ' the happi nels of my country conftitutes my o wn'.- I do not doubt but theyVili torruent my j fa, ther,- who already , differs 'out too much affiiclion $y lofing m. k . '. I ; - I informed him latdy by letter, that be ing afraid of the fire of civil war, I would g'o over to England f my project then was. toTemain incog, upon the death of Marat V ana l wanted to Jet the Parifi trace out my name. I ' ti you ana our colleagues, to rents, if they are molefted out one being, and J have difplayed my character : 'thole who regret me, will re joice at finding me enjoy repofe in the Ely fiun field. Brutus and fome ancients :j few are the trud patribts who know how to die tor tneir comtry ; they are jnoft of them and thofe arc fcarce provided with the moft" neceiTary arms and accoutrements for duty ; that the whole cavalry in its I environs are lecidedly againft the Convention ; and a l ove ail,' the people very clamoroufly cic r. and back their curates, and are earneflly d firous.that ihe Lnglifh mould make a def eat among them, in order that they may tret rA tf the ToxK7M . i ". J ; The bill lately pafled in Ireland, for ex cluding Certain mifonrrs ariri ri1nrfnin!frv feats in the Hcufc of Commons, vacates the feats of 16 members of that HcufeJ The German army on the Rhine, bv the- reenforcement which it received 1 iirorn ans vainly Mentz, iis now. lipwards'of 120.000 dion entreat, citizen,,- ; By a letter from Tourn.W' dated the 2d defend mv na.l ?rfl-nrif vt 1 . I never, hated miffioners of the Cnnvpminn T ;fl. iov contented that they hae but an infignift- cant woman to lacnrt e to the manes-of the grejtvmdi. Iardon, ye men ! that name disgraces your rcfpect ;t it was .a ferocious l.cait, whdi was going to con fume the reil of Fraflce wih the fire of civil war. Aow, long live peace ! Thanks to Heaven ! he was not born a Frenchman. Four members of the National Conven tion were at my firft interrogatory. Cha bot looked like a madman. Legend fe fuf- peeled to have feen me at his houle in the inorning : I never thought of this man : I be'ieve his gefources are not! great enough I iur 1:1m to'oecome me tyrant 01 ms coun try ; and ! did not prcfume to puriuS every j LJ.iy. ivn thoieAvhoTaw me for the firlt time, pretended to have known me long a i 0- .."j-;- t I :"- '-f :'- I believe, the laft words of Marat have : been printed j but, trull me, he uttered vrri(-J ... !... But thefe are the laft words he addrelTed ;to me, after I had given him all your names, befides thofcof the adminiftratcrs of Calvados who" are at Evrciix He , r61d me, tbconfole me, that f in a few days he Would have ycu all guiilotined .at I'aris Thefe l. rter words decided liis'fate. 4 If the department lays up. his carcafe facing-that of St.! Fargcau, it may have, thofe i: words ' engraved in go!dcn letters.' I fii ji give you no particulars refpcling this great c vent the rcwfpapeis will fpeak of-. it. I own, that what decided me completely, was the courage with which our voluateeers en lifted on Sunday, July 7th. I You remem ber how I was charmed 5 and I promifed mvfclf ftcadily to make Petion repent the fufpicions he manifefted refpeHng my fen- timents. " Would you be Iforry if they ere riot to depart hence V ( faid he. In fliort, I confidered, . that fo manyj brave men coming to Paris to feek the head of one left that city on tbeir way to I Paris.: after having giveii orders jto move off part of tlie heavy aitilkry and of thegarrifon fovvards Paris ; and the are further (tripping the magazines of that place. This information of- Two light-horfemeri have been fet . o-er me, to keep me from the vapours. I found this very wel by day, but not by riigh'r. j I . complained b F this indecency : the commit- has given rife to a report that Lifle bad .iered to lurrender. Extraclof a letter from Am fier dam, j!w The directors of the commerce oi the Levant; and nf the navrctrrtinn nf th I,f; tee thought proper to'pay no regardj to my teriancan, have given noriceto the body of complaints ;'; I believe this a fchenieiof merchanls, that, havinj? confidered the' re- quell prefented by the merchants, proprie tors, and thofe concerned in the fhips "ithat trade toi the. re.fnftivp nnrQ nf VncrinnA Letter cfCbarhtte (:rde, ;addrejjedt6herfa. Portugal, Spain, Italy, tne Gnlph of Ve fiT' d?fedm thrirn f: Conckrgerie, - nice, and the Levant, comprifing Smyrna J Zt ' ? yT i ' t'ie States General, in virtue of their refo- br 1P Father,;-. , -j J lution of the 2 2d of, July, have granted the . rLACE is about to reign In my country -taking of? the. pmharcm with rerA tn th TV.U.i. L . I T r n -( K. ivitiai 13 iiu mure comiorted, and burv ? . 1 1 ...-.-. 1 . 1 . , i vti;ui 3 nivtiiuoil ; lionc DUt " a can have fucH ideas. Adieu. ; : 4 S Charlotte CoufcR. Capiichin i'ldged me lu.cicruai ooiiv!Gn, t 1 am to ne td-morrow, the 17th, at feven o'clock in the mo!ning 'I 1 bave lived long enough,! as I have atchieved a great exploit I put'vou under the protedlion f Barbarbux and' his colleagues; in cafe you fliould be molefted. Let my relatives find my honiage her'ej ; and-remember, each and' all of j you, that, crime begets difgracc, and not the fcaf- Charlotte Cordk. L O N D O N, 1 AuguftS. It was yefterday fettled, before theJCirig in Council, that the Parliament,1 which (lands pt orogued to the i th inftant, be on wiai oay lurciicr proroi'Uco ior rortydays.l A letter ircm vonitantinople, dated June Refpelin that city, i 2, lays," all trie-attempts, otr the party at To urn a v. that ad nave raiiea. ivi. ij.:iorcnes cn v r- iHpi - r - . - - u 111," iinle: (man, might have mifled him, 7 or that death might have entailed dellructi on upon mmy good citizens : he was not worthy of fo much honor ; the hands of a woman were r,ujte fufiicieht for the bufi nc(s. ;I confefs that I was obliged to. have "recourfe to a treacherous artifice, in order , to gain admittance to him. I intended, when I lett Caen, to have facrificed liitn on the fummit of the Mountain of the conven tion ; he went no more to the convention. At liris, they do not conceive how one ufelef woman, whofe longeft life would be of no avail, can facrifice it in cold blood, toXave jier country., ;I really j eipe&ed to die at the very inftant. 'Men j of courage, nnd really above all praifc, refcued me from the fury c.f thofe whom I had made wretch ed. As I was really in cold blood, I fuf- liere as a merchant. , C;n liis firlt arrival, the Porte forbade any of the interpreter to vifit or receive any vififs from him. In fine, the repeated defeats fullered by his nation in the courfeofthe la It fix months havi de termined the Divan to follow. the example of other Courts. It is . fuppefed jhat I the arrival of the combined ileers in1 the ivlcdi terranean1 has not a 4 little contributed to this rclolution on the part1 of the Sultant" j y 'llie latelt accounts from' the jcoafl: of Brittany aflure us, that -the French fleet, which lately failed from Bred, coifilU of no more than fifteen line of battle fliips and five frigates ; and their only object is, to protect; the coafts of France, without ha- zarding, if pbflible, an engagement with the Britifh fleet. -: -. : ' Jt ;. ;'.-!f The name of the commander of the French fleet is Legal. . Hq is an olHcer; 'of courage, and experience of his profeflion. He was uffrein's Captain during the laft, war in the Eaft-Indies. :'y'"-;:. ';M ;';)'; It is pofitively aflerted, that orders have been given to form a camp of 30,000 men near Brell, but that as yet no more than 6000 national guards arc i aflernbled there convoys, for thofe parts. His Highnefs, as . Admiral General, is defired to caule the 2--f i iv 4ijvyjp liik Liikwi, ui lilt ItlUiU tion alfo taken by the,ir" High IViighHiiefles the 22diult. as fa rf as the naval force Will permit. 1 In thc.laft place, in conformity to the declnration of his Britannic Majefty, the Dutth merchantmen may navigate under the efcort of Englifh .fli'tps of war. The States-General: repeat their i.refplution of the 1 6th of FehFuary lait, with refpeel: to the prohibition of. all navigation;, with 1 the; ports of France 5 as alfo their latter orders of the 26th of March laft, with regard to contraband tHc., . " J ' i ' 'Atigvjl The French army have quit ted their boaded pofition iu the camp of c 1 r .1. .1 " . 1 . . r ' -n erciar, wxiicn iney occupiea 011 leaving ra- . mars, and have retreated ' behind Cambrav. t has been1 reported eputatioh have been ac I!y fent .to the Prince of Cobourg, re- quelling him not to advance hoflile ly as it was propofed to open the gates aud receive the-allies on the molt. amicable terms. : It is memioned with confidence, that xhis Royal Highnefs the Duke of Yorh .will be appointed, !on hs return home, to "the . long vacant polt oi Commander in Chief of ,thc:Arm.t;r -; - " ' t A gentleman who left Calais, day morning, in a Danifli ihip, town on Wednefday, by whom formed, ,that the ' departmental army from : the fouthern provinces of France are Ion their march towards Paris, in order to pre vent the Federation taking plice on the iGth i inflant, and that; the Parifians were prepar ing to .meet.them. . . j . "' I A letter was received on Tuefday,,bya refpeclable houfe in the city,' whiclr fays,, they had advice there, that the heavy artil-J lery; was removing from Oftend,' for the purpofe of atta ck mg D unki rk. j , 1 Dunkirk, of which the fiege will fpeedi-' ly be iformed, was once a place of great, flrength, having been fortified by Vauban, 1 immediately after the fale of it, .by Charles i the Second, to xhe French. By the peace on Tuef arrived in' we areiin-

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