'If' H O R T H-C AROL (Vol. 8.) Dec 28, 17P3 (AT' Saturday ember i '-I Henry Tooley .... A'r't.'V. rvherebe tntmdi rnr- ry'tr.n n Jhvjir.cfl cf a SURGEON W A I 'GTH EC AR V ; has Imported frtiin frfe r-1 cither by uhd:fdc or retail en rea : . -1. j trms amen? 'which ' are ? the foL NOT ICE. i; the Ditto Burgamo Cinnamon, ! Clovei, -,i . i "' " -Liquorice Ballj . Snnnirr. : ' . Alo Saccotorine,; Bine Vitriol, AVr ' ' WhAte do.' ! . (tuuiicutn - Calamine Stone Trigors blood, Burax, Mercury CoroliTe Subli- Beft flake Mann, : yTtUM Opitfsa, , jf Cao:phor, Afla txiida Animniacf ! Jvirh, wit. Calomel, ; 1 Qick. Silver, i Jvd Pnecipiute,' Spirits of Nitre, i or iiinuiviu, senna, . r Crude Antitr.cnyi Spanish Flies, j Flowers of Sulphur, Charaemile,.. Benzoin 1 - A Lt, nerlbns anvwife indebted to JLJL Eftate of the lac' Maries Aditms dec. arerequefted to' makellmWdiate payment to the iublcriber ; "and all thofe who bar ady demands againftJaid eftate are defired to bring in their acCbLut properly ,tieft- ea in oroer mat tney may receive payment i ; - Jafinct Aoimj, Admrx, ! FIVE POUNDS REWARD. RAN away from the fubferiber on; the i: j AtYx ultimo, antftrrohnv cnl!Tl TAK- I -t- ' . t j j m ' -about eighteen years ol age, five feet four indies high a black completion, formerly thelfroperty of Divici Hix, who is now an oyer leer for Mr. Wilfon Blount ; ! tiie boy is fuppofed to be lurking about there, or Mr. Taylor's on Neufev ; any per &n that will apprehend th faid boy, and deliver him to me or lodge hirn in Newbern jail iliall receive the above reward. : :: - " - ; j 1 , ' JUHM SIMMONS -December tr All mafters of vefTel or ant other perfon, are forwarneu from carrying inm away affifhai: door-keeper, and Thomas Claxton , door-keeper I r The two Houfes then fent a joint com-' mittee, to wait on theprefident, and inform him, that they ,were ready to receive fuch : communications, as he might have to lay be-, fore them. The Prefident returned, in an fwer, that he would meet both houfes in the fen ate chamber, at twelve o'clock, to-mor- TOW pr llAivmvnu, i LavejHlerc.apOJrid Cardamoa Seedi, JJEtHtr.'f Vitriol i Gentian Root,! . e . j f . Plrlr Runt " t .. I hus ir f Ld. jtxtr-it of tlilt, ; tlt tf Nitre, j ; vf Ghuber, ! Hurtflioro, : , Wormwood, i Ammoniac, 1 red uo. JPowdti of jalap, ' Rhubarb", j . .. Jj.ecicuan, M.fc-.fiV m lump, I-., i vpuder " t rittiC, " 'wrA-n of Tartarj Uii'ctMiit, A'.tte Fennyroyai, . . Amber, : ' V ti:Ol, i CAioi Oi!, . u: .f oil, -hmr.ee of Lavender, T December 14. &cxrma Caetu i Balfom Capavi, ' f i. Oxyrnel ot Squillt, Nux.Voixaca, -! Arfenic, white, Stienjhenir.g ptaifter, Mercurial do ' .! Adhsetive do. Pewter S) -rii'gesV Thei GolJcii Dncltre, " iieman drop$, . Turingtons Balfotf Godttfey'v .Cordial, , AnJrtlwnS, P)l, m VtCiuzt of Peppermint . Butifh.Oil. , . ' - Ati'i iortU, j Liquid Landanow, Bhxir Paragonc, Eiiiti. VitnoU Taa&un- of Birk, ffifstda, Oin!ir?nts, Ljiuectf, Phuli, Giiiiypo.a, ""pcflival of St, John the Evahgelift. rrpliOSE Brethren of the ordei-xjf Free 4v- - j Mafia's intendinr to .;.! fh,-- Wlvnn the anniverlarv ot St. John the Evaugelift wUl pleafe-to apply to one of th following Brethren for. tickets lour d.iys previous to fhat time and thereby iMoffm to a rr:in re accordingly.' . 1 VMwikwivii. r " 1 (Jeore vumea,- , John Howard, Thomas Ellis, 1 December 14. Stewarts 4 I: United States of America, J Nohth Caholini Di stri ct, - t m a f WHEREAS a petition has been preicn ted to the Honorable John Sitgreaves, ri- i.rro rf fhi' diflrkit aforelaid. bf juujjw w. . ; 1 I Henry Francois Hervteux, praying that the forreitureofa certain trunk containing bul lion, coin and other articles which has been ieized by William Cooke, Captain of the Revenue Cutter, for a breach of the Reve nue law, be recitigatrd or remitted, the Attorney of the diftrict aforrfaid and all o ther perfons interefted or concerned in the lime, are hereby cited . and admoniflied to appear on the third day of the next dif trict court to be held at Newbern ;for the dihrtcl aforefaidaHd-fiiew caule (if any they have) why the prayer of the petition (hould not be granted. J . . JfcSy order of the Judge, -U r j ABNER.NEU-E, C. Df C. December ra. F boy OR falc, for Calh or Produce; three i likely negro flaves, two sirls and! 1 RODKIGU LA I'ASIE.; TTHE fubferiber informs the public tht X. J he continues to infpec' country pi;o. -duce : and will, at all times, attend the commands of his- friends, at any place 'within the limits of the town; j He is prepared with fcveral fets of fcales and weights; and has.numbers of packers and coopers, alwaysirpady to attend him. ; he has atfo aquantitygf harrels and -hall barrels, of the exa& lize,1foi;fa!e. ' i . Tiis charges for coopering and packing pork pr beef will be 6d. per barrel. i f T ;- JAMES CARNETi W member io 1 OR Sale at the Printing-Office ; a calcu lation exhibicioD: in Mills, Cents, ind oUars. the value bf.jGoId as eflablimed by Congrefs,).from one Grain to a Pound, ; It o b .e S O L D. A HniTSK'anri bt in the town of INew- t befn Now 323 iirbate on the u clt 1 lide of Middle-ftreet, oppofiie the Glebe. j One lot No.! 236 on .German-lireer. ; j ; One water tot No. 35 at 'the corner j of Froht-ftreet, and dirty lane. , i h One other water lot No. 36 joininrr .the above. ' y ) I . Alio 330 acres of land oh the North fide m of Neule river, above' and joining bnTay " lors-Creek about 14 miles abwve' Newbern. .The whole will be Jold togetner or lepa rately as may j (uit the purchaler and the terms may be known by applying to J: j ...! iWILLIAM SHEPARD. " Att. in fft for John Jonea'of Philadelphia. Who has alio for laie leveral likely iJt- GROlb. Tuesd A Y J; Decembers . m . " 1 The Tfecretarv of the fenate. ' Mr. Oris. ' ; . : , , r j informed .the bonfe,' that the.members of the fenate were waiting to recive,tbe members of the .houfe . of Representatives, in! the fenate-Chamber, in order to meet the Prefident of the United States jjlVhereupori tnemejrns . bers, preceded by their Jpeaker ivd Clerk, repaired to the lenate-Chamber, Exaclly at twelve o'clock the! Prefident arrived, acccm '. panied by the fecretary of ftate, the lecreta 1 ry of the Treafury, the fecretary at war, and the Attm-neyliGeneraj, &:c. and in the preience of, a largcafiemblage of ciiizens and feeiers houfes the fol lowing addrels : ! ! ril V);'-' V X ..-Tv " FELCo W--CI T I ZEN ef the senate nd qfHousi Representatives,! J SINCE the commencement of the termr ' for which I ifave been! again called into office, no fit occafion has arifen f or expreffing to my fellow-ciiizens at large, Kthe, deep I and :re ipedful fenfe, which t feel, of the renewed i teftimony of public approbation. W hile on the one banc, it awakened my gratirude for all thofe inltances'pf afieftionate partiality with which ,1 have ,, been honoured by my country ; on the bther,f h could not prevent an earneft ivilh for that retirement, from i which no prevent! confideration ihould e.vef. have tom me. But influenced by the belief that my conduct wordd be eftima ted accord, ing to its real motives 4, and tha t the people, and the auihoriues derived fromthem, would fupport exertions, having nothing perfonal for their obje&, I have obeyed the fuffrago which commanded me to relume the execu , tive poyer'. and II h4mbly implore thathc ' w& on whole will theifate of nations depcadt to crown with fuccefs pur niutual endeavours for the general haprjjnefs. 1 . : ' . As loon as the war in Europe had embraJ ced, thole poWers, Ayith whom the United States have the j nieft extenfive delation,' there . waS iaibn to apprehend, that our intefcourfe uith them might be interrupted, and our difpofuion for peace drawn into queftion, by the fuipicions, too often enter tained by : belligerent nations It Teemed therefore to be my duty,to admonifli our citizens of the confeguences of a contraband trade, and of hcftile afts to any of the parties; arid to obtain; by a declaration of the extfi ine legal (late of things, an ealier admiifioa tne immumties, belongm under thele impreJIions,' which will be laid before December -14. Proceedings jot Congrefs. HOUSE of.representatives 1 I .O F T n c . UNITED ,S T J T E S. I Mown ay. December 2. . . 1 ' T . ' ; ! MttTD .1 . UoSmmt nrtrw-tinrpn. hv tnm rnn. ftitution, for the meeting of the third Congrefs of the United States, fixty-fix mem bers of the Houfe of Reprefentatives, and a quorum of the Senate, alTcmbled in Philadel- The Houfe of Reprefentatives made choice of Frederick Auguabs Muhlenberg, j for fpeaker ; John Beckley, clerk m j ' Jofeph Whearon, fergeant atarms ; Gifiord Dally, of our npht to to our fiiuation. the proclamation,' wnn . vas ifTncd. f In this pbilure of affairs. Loth new and deli, cate, I reiblved to; aiopt general rules, which fhould cemfbrm tbTthe treatiesV and aflerc the privileges, Of the U9jedtates--Thele w ere reduced into a fyftem which will be communicated to you. Although I have not thought myfelf at liberty to torbid the faleof te prizes, j permitted by our reaty f com roerce with France to be brought into our ports, 1 have not refufed to caufe U: them to be redored, when jtbey were taken Whhfn the proteaion of bur territory ; or by veflefs commiflioned or equipped in a warlike iorni within the limits of the United States. It refts with the wifdom of Congrefs to correct, improve, or enforce this plan of procedure ; land it ' will probably be found expedient, to extend the legal code, and the jurifdiction of the courts of the United States, to many cafes which though dependent on principles already recognized,' demand fome further provifions. ' ' t. -When individuals-fhall, within the Unitcdt 4-