P II IX. A DE LPHIA, December 6. The following Letter from the Prefident of the United States, was read on the 5th December, 1793, in the Houfe of Reprei Jentatives :"' ' yl - j " . United States, December 5, 1793, Gentlemen of the Senate, and of the ' Houfe of Reprefentatives, j - S the preient fituation of the Teveral rneafure, dictated by ; a Jove of peace, for" obtaining an amicable .termination of the af flicking war on pur irhn tiers, . fhould bay leen iruffrated, and fcat.arcfort to! often- A The Bririfh government having 'underra- j l;en by orders to the commanders of their armed vefTels, to reftrain generally our com mcrce in corn and fc;her protfifions to their" own ports and thofc or: their Iriends, the in- five meafures'ihould afaiii become neceffarv ltructions now. communicated were immedi- As the latter ; .howe-uer, muil be rendered ately forwarded to our Mipilrer at that court, j more fatisfa&ory. in jfopbrrion to the iolici- In themean time fpme ddcufjions on theiub- j tude for peac? manife ted bjl the former, it ject took place between htn and them 5 thejs is to be hoped they wil be puffued under the are alio before you ; and I tnaif expect to learn, i better auioices 011 tha account, and hr fi liations of Europe, and efpedally of the refult of hisfpecial mffnujlions in time to i " naJlv crowned with mire hbnnv fnrrf .r&9re !UfiL.whiH. the JUniteii States make it known to the legiilet to during theit L In relation to th:pWcryiiitribsibf In- prelent leliion:. ; j! : dians, aainft v horn oifeh five mea fares have Very early after the arrival or a Britiih. have important relations, cannot but'render the fhteot things between them and us, matter cf interefting enquiry to the t legifla iure, tnay indeed give rife to deliberati ons to which they alone are competent, I liaTe thought it my duty to communicate to lhcm certain correfpondences which "have fikcnpiace. ' , ..; ,, - r ; j:. Tlie reprefentative and executive, bodies cfl Vance have manitefled generally a friend ly attachment to this country ; have. giveii rdvan rages to owr commerce and navigation, jnd hyz made overtures Tor placing thefe ativ-ri?3ges 011 permanent ground ; a decree .rvcrr of the national afiembly, fubje&ing reilels laden with pro'-Hions to be carried in i :t:err ports, and making enemy goods,5 law--.; pri-'.c in the vellel of a friend, contrary to -ir irdity, though revoked at one time, as. to the United States; . has been fince' exten- J to their vefTels alio, as has been recently fi.;::d to n;. jKeprelentationson this, ftibject Minifter here mutual explanations on the ex ecution of the treaty of peace were entered into with that Minifier, theie are now bid before you for your information. . j On the fubjecb of mutual intereft between this country and tpairi, riegociations and conferences are no jv. depending The pub lic good requiring that the preient Uate of thele inou'd be made known to the legiii: been prohibited, .as on. all the other impor tant fubje&s which you have Tprefenteu to pur view, we (hall beftow the att'entiort which they claim; Wecanuoc, however, refrain, at this time from' particularly ex preffing our concurrence in your anxiety, for the regular difchsrge of the pub!icdeb:s, as fait as circumftances andevents will nPr. init : and"in the policy of removing any im- ? known to the legilla. : pediments .that may be found in the ture in confidence only, they lhall be the fub- V a faithful renrefentaricn of r-jblrc nrnr j- ' ,- : - : -.j..- G. 'WASHINGTON, t SKETCH OF THE PaOCEEDINGS OF CONGRllSS. v..- : HOUSE OF R EPilESENTATlVES. I ;- December 6.- f he Koufe refolded itlelf iiitd a committee "a !I be immediately given in cnsrge .to our .of the whole, Mr. Trumbull in the chair, on T ,': u.;:t there, and the refulr.be communica- the draft of an anhverjp the Prefidexit's ad t d in the leiskitureJ f ' .: j drefs Tnis draft was reported oy the com Ir mitiee .withoutamendment;1 the report' was adopted by t lie houfk .and Meifrs.; iVladifon, Sedgwick, and Hai tlcy, vxrappoinicd i to wait on tne Prstide it to leani vnen it will ' be conveuieht to him to receive this anfwer. . They,, before adjonni p&yt reprted sih ? he would receive toe addrefs- to-morrowtat 12 o'clock. This addrefs follows : SIR, :!i extreme concern ! have to tn- f rm ou, that the proceedings of the pcrlou v M,n; tliey have unforiuuatcly appointed t ;-.ir tniniiter Pbnipotcptiary here have brea t.ie.l nothing of the friendly fpirir of the jujiafi whic icjitj' him ; ?hrk"1 tendency on i- e conrrar,' ha been to involve us in war i VKtl,' and diicord and anarchy at home. Sj-jr'dS his acts or thole of his agents, have f reatrncdourimmed atecoaimitment in the vjr r Iia- ;rint inlbltLto .the' authority ?of the J ;;;:, their efFefls has been counteracted by the ordinary recognizance of the laws, and by a:i exertioi of the powers confided tome. r Vh?re their dancers was not imminent. .they h?ve been bonier with, from fentiments; expreaiug to you their congratulations onjfo cf rer--d to his nation, from a fenfe of their 1 diftinguiilied a teftimonjf of public apprcbati frienuihip ttnvards us, from a conviaipn that lon and their? entire confidence in the purity thry wctild riot ibtfer us to remain long ex- ; and patriotifm of the motives which have .vro'teclto thcactiou df a perfbn who has fb' ! produced the obedincelto the voice of your ltnle relperd our mutual difbofitions. and. ' country, xc is 10 virtues wnicn nave com i ;nV?(( frnn a reliance nn th firmn .v manded Ions and uiiiverfal reverence1, and --. Iltv.r-.MVPIIS 5n tllPir nrSnnUe r,f lerVlCCS trom WlllCll , & tui.yiigii.vfuv me juijucu lilies ; i oein periuaded with you, that on no fubje$more than the former, can delay be' mure injuri ous, or an economy'cf lime more valuable ; and thst with refpeel :j;d i, the latter, no re fource is too firm for the government 'of the "United Stares as the affediors of the peo ple, guided bj an enlightened policy. j Tnrcughout our dehberitionsV we hall endeavour to clierilh every feniiment, jvvhich may contribute to render them! conducive to the clignity, 'as well as to the Welfare of the ' United States : and we join with vou in ini- plonng that bemg on ivhom the fate of na tions depends,;; tp crown with fuccefs our" mutual endeavours. THE Representatives of thje people of the United States,ai;in meeting you 'for , the hrir time, fince you havp been again icalicd,- by an unanimous fufira to yoiir preient tta tion, find an occafion, whidi they embrace with no lefs fincerjt than promptitude,' for An fiver cf the PreJidrliiofjhe United States. j to the addrsfs of the fliufe o Reprefenta ''.' fives I ' , ' I . . ' j I SHALL not affect to conceal the! cor dial.fatisfaclioh which derive from the ad drels of the Houfe of Heprefentatiyes.-w V hatever thqfe Jeryicesmay be,; which yoii Jiave fandtioned by yoiir fvor,! it is a fuffi- cienv reward, j that they have been accepted as they were meant ;Fcr the fulfilment of your anticipations of cfje future, ; 1 can-give ino other ailurance,' than that the motive which, you approve, 'fhall continue unchan Icred. j It is true'y gratirymg to me toicarn that peace" and order. In the mean time I have laitmg oenents, tnat refpeted and pnrfued theiupulationsof our treaties,-according to what I judged their true ten fe ; and ! have withheld iioact of frientifliip vh;ch their affairs have called for from us and which juftice toothers leftbs free to perform. ; nave gone turther : rather the proclamation nas'Deen coniiueredj as a ; feafohable guard againlt the interruption of ' the public peace. , Nor can I doubt that the fiibiecls which I have recommended tci youf paid, without the reproach ofj flattery .; and .! attention, as depending on legiflative pro-"' it is irom tlie lame iiources that the taireit Ivdion, will receive a diicuinon luited to have flowed creat and the tnbufe of praife be of than employ force for the refUtution of cer tain vellels whfcl I deemed the United States bound to reflcre, I thought it more ad vifablc ; to fatisfy the parties by avowing it to be my onJnion, that if rcftitution were rot-made. hp incumbent on me IThitd Statp anticipations; may oe derived m iavor the public happinefsJ 1 I ; ; . 1 he United States havinn; taken no part in the war, which had embraced in Europe the powers with whom they have" the moft extenfive relations, the maintenance cfpeace was jultly to be regarded as one ofihemohV Important duties of the magiil:rate, charged, with the faithful execution of the law. '.Ve accordingly witnefs, ivith approbation fnnd pleafure the vioildnce vviih which you; have guarded agamic an lmerrupiicn oi that biel- their importance. VVitn every reafonJ then it may be expected that your deliberations, under the divine bleiTin'g, will be matured to the honourj and happinefs of the United S ates: j ' !j -:h ; G. WASHINGTON. I L P N D O Nj September fji our rights to the immunities belonging to our fituation. It WOl. to make ccmpenfation. T lie .papers now communicated will more particularly apprize you of thefe traniaaions. f . J . : The vexations and fpoliation..underrood to hare been committed on our veiTels and . commerce by the .cru-zers and officers of fome of the belligerent powers, appeared to require attention. The proofs of thefe how- ever not navintr oecu uiwuu" ,uwmu, v-ic, . . mtm- it-ja .:.t , delcription of ?nJWJ - Eupe, has evidently become extremelv in. . fered werenotifTed, tnat on furn.nnngthem The coinmunications -which re- tn the executive, due meafures would be ta wrfini,b; , 'l- i mi - j I V hL J" L?c, r ,K. wa main to beexhib.ted to us, will, no doubr,. Ken to ccuaui cui ti -i v "-'i & fectual prcvifions againft the future.- Should fuch documents be furnifhed, 'proper repre fentations will be made thereon : with a juft reliance on a redrefs p report icned to the ex- I The fall of the gallarit and polite captain Courtney, is a natiouarinisfprtune, and ren- Iders the fituation of his much refpedted and ling, by your proclamation aumonilhmg cur '4 amiable lady the object jot; general concern, citizens of the conferences of illicit or hof- ; particulurly to the more immediate circles of : m a MAA v iriwifio rn 0 1 lit w f -- 1 1 m 1 j r w j cap pi rm 1 i-v a n rrw 1 1 - j 1 j ii-jiii v 11 111 1 ji 1 1 k: iiiii nw-i 'i t V1JC V,fcJ V IJV .WVLiv. j--. ..v j. 1.jv...-.,., r p-i . v.... VV promoting, by a declaration of the exifting jjunclurei'eem to vie with each other to afford lecal ftate' of things, an eafier i admiflion of her every cjonfbiation Jh their power, j j j ! 1 ne joriiuii neci unuci ivru ximtup now ! in the Mediterranean,- conlilrs of two ot led j guns, three of oS, twelve of 74, three of 164, ftore-fhip of 44 two frigates of 39, lieven ot jii two of 28, two of 4, one of 1 16, two of 12, and two fire-fliips. 1 ! September 13. Yefterday evenmpr deA , parcnes u ere brought; by Mf. Silyefter, who left the Britifh camp, near Thouroute on the 15th ; and happily fuch information was Immediately given from thefe. as refuted affift in giving us a fuller viey of the fubject, and in guiding our deliberations, to lucn re fults, as may comport with the rights and true interefts of our Country, j ; r : . i - Ve learn with (deep: regret that the lcncy o wjc caac i - 7 I 1 1 r..

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