1 i '.1. (Vol. j),) - Eebsjaary i , i (j 04; Saturday MICH AEL G AI I L E T, ; SrrJdlcr and Harnejs. Maker. " INFORMS the public that he has opened a r.n.-., ;ri Poliok-ftreer,' next door to Mr." Csapo.iel's, at the corner of Hancock freet, where he carries on his bufioefs in its' various branches . .' He has for fdea numbei of elegant fad dies mnJs'-af'cr t- mcdeni .French 'faihTon, bndle-, &:.'' . . : ';: 'He will end-avoa? by good workman fh'p ai:d reafonable prices to lecure the contiuu. ance of the "iavoars or fuch pcrfons as- may . chufe to employ him. ; " ... !ii ' ' :" . A FEW COPIES OF , the BOOK r,f COMMON PRAYER " of the P rr.sTANT Episcopal Cutacu 1 v ' ----- : 4, uittie Z - " . ' ' TJrVitcd States of America. lfUELl SHED . , ; ' I7y ClRECTXON c the GENERAL CoNVEN- ... s. . -TIG! ' v- . Torfaleat ISAAC TsIYLDK'a Slere . January 1 1 " . . . SIX DOLLARS REWARD. uriCk, which Tiill happen in the ; monrh !of Nathan Keais Collector ; 'of theP. Lr April next.'' . ; '' n . ; . ' - Waihixigton; for a! breach of ' th? cw.r l JCHN HAYVVOp), Public Treafurer. 'acl:,-may be remitted, "and rcftoredto hiwTf ; -it-.. . appear on tne iecond day ot the nrxtdiltnct v .; j court to be held at Vvilniington lortljecLit v r3cr aforefa:d axid ihew caufe pf any they .i I'iave) why the prayer of tile petition ihould 1J y order of thJudce ; . 1 . ABNER NE ALE, C." D. C. January 8. 15. VA. ; 1 . i : 'Of: tS.t N O R-T H - C O L I Nl A. - TpHE publication ol a Re v(ral of the p'tib. -5. , he laws of :Fiis JUte, b?Jndge Jredeil,- " : having feemin'gly.fupc ficded Che .-neceflity if prefer yhig the .nanphli7S publifikd' ax the.;.-- ' - in atew veai H1 niiiil,! ctrtJu, .. M ?.:tutson of 179,-, W1flung,no doobs .; . . A, , - . . ' - ., .. ' . f - 4 7 7 1 - Tl . ; ', Si L O N D Q N, Ceiober xo. : OfD Kood, in his firft prodamatioa 79, - wui3ings.n tant. It isi.i thnhrir - rr...5: f . "luufr tne-muun ivunurry a ir&Aif their "Allies. fecn. forjook. him. aij announces-, tliat the proclamation had gg; 'he rl.mvc tr'.Y.-rJ-'wiII-'be paid to any aE u.aiiy gr the irfti.bitUi or- this! inay eventual becomi; fo" id all of tht-n. u a : . i ,-6 . . ' - is quieted the icrunlps nt-fr.rn tht-mhnfii- an fee tobe- provided were m goycriiiiient. 9 s minate-' has allured profligate 'Jvftem now ailonted'be to hold cut ii.e icdorationpf tliej old' Deipc- h ,...: ;i rJ-:..!r-v,l: ruh:atLm: aJ,!' .iJ. Li.',' ta"tsotlcil.on as' could "-not 1,.,. m,! AID.t civ vbs uM- Pra:t.c:M!;-.J.. I . ! : la r.. country, but-who,- Hvcteetiixor feven inch hwhS : - -Under 'thlS wnprVour. F. -XT Mariin ' : ,iVr-eoe, free' ir.-hiJ 0:1 when hs v.er.t awav. brown has undertaken to culler ami rpnrJv.i r!W Va.WtIi.J. . JPr,fl iot .. .:-.ij,.k.. . ' - r andwillf.,mifU uL i i ;.i ' u J5 mzm$ to icen; whether a i , , -1 J. ' T V rnllflin i- - 1- ! , ' TU 1 P."Pe 1 C 1 1 0 be It 3U t llOI'U V ne iias a iir.ijp on uuc 01 nis nanus. wnicn vju.uw .v uv jciuiiinju v:io may j wuij l i i " vcrv rciiwiKauic. . . - . w "u"- uuiut lojnir .ins uairon t . . t .or who -win iccure nun in any . ... w tlic lublcribcr frees" lim atram. LAUCHLIN M an i'lformcd that he palTes by 15 EN :aiid ha been 1 ten "on idT John Sinipfoh & others.- 1 vs. hoinas Turner, John Green cad : 1 itus p;den. -- f . . ,. " . .- I ' i '1 i , l 1111 U JJliR Pt T. I rrnrHrnor I 'tKa wcIm 11 "...11 'COY. -.svjr ei,cour,?ed Mi;Urer uadcrtas ' fSf. .Lc.: F.d. !. i thenjme by lubK.-ibit.g citiu i ' his Jcftite, Sr " "Vft Z '"""'V''''. . eher. , , f 1J Ne-.vbera tutes or. Gazs-ie,-,t M,)! . e1pt no'advahre .awS t( SVnT,i0"' ' M nunttv. A.--;jJi fe'Sfiae Ai-i aefuiii : " i? - g?aSe , "t war Dunkirk, ,on ihe 7th - ; : ' come accountable fbr 'bi cokts ui'l b '-ntf ?- v "'"fl"03' fo vaids the - ' : f W tied to ,hc Icvcml A?' ' " fP?f? g?ifs ! capital. bchrr fuelled that Tim, n,,l,n ig vhat nu,nhercf cbples will, be wanted. VJlT fJ " dead ' "Tto renders it neccllary xha-c anplicarr fhouki j- ' -? :'h ' X"' - -''w PVfaw Jthis.'''-,s ttt-tV , l - bemVerr'. V. J1ll.c mW dinner WH ORDERED tlrat the r-nror.fnf;t, r oe m-ce ertr.y. i : , - . . . , LL -:j f "x Pcn5c; T " 1 JWAAV4A&1 fc. " rill a - . ' . ir I -.. - -m I Hi WW 1111 llll.t HIT .'I I I n PfC I : T V Ml. -A. W ' . j. - L ' "'i ... J ,I,e la-d Ogdeo file his anlW on or or t f "enho lopcriufend a prefs fearAeS every yAvHt&'Ll'K c. i r. rr- , or a Jroit Office in tfnii Oat. . . ; 7 . , . lwJr. Kvis, coane jrc luc in n -y u iuc jictxi i erm t otner- rr- . .wut neer or trine. vvhprt he mtc ,.i:.L c ,e BWWHI be .ako'a pro eonfeflo. m. a,d to ,i,3 undertaking. ;- : . that be approv'esl te ays' S Vhe U - ABNER NEALE, Clk. - IX or and returns with'the chqge ," X ,- ' C . Circuit Court, X Nor, Term 1733. :en j ll,:,J- A tTc rit xv : " . , - V'nci. - ir neis ceirauaed. which k n- 1 T,-.. ,- "-. ' " ver, ms caie except. tor tue amufeinent nf . .S' -I , r LTHfiTri rAO-r txt ' - w llitjcu O tOH n flip hmplia !. 1 i. fr ,i '-, i m w ww a r a a i -m ..h. ! . . "" r- w r-- m ,. . i j. . . i .. .m.jaa'a.Aj .iiiii m. s. i . r i a .. a i i m. i r v - aw i- v ir . m . . tm. ... . '-. . - . j rl, Cienerai A hnhv. Ti.T. r-rT., r" A. ' -7 to rTr--,--' unutu as refi-uiariV.as .any rrpm fmv, k UJ lion of the 6th day of the urefenr month. . J 1 . T ' I j , . v frequents the. market, hut he.canhot b'& ' ' attSEcnarnfr all nerfnn. in ,rrr AT .il;. HT 5 FA- J : Jn?JiieAareIy;furtsInsMa " VV :ir.aute, itierepy iniorm Juch ofthereve- 'rJotficrs; aiid iheirftcurities who come Vj tin tkis defcriptioiv thit judgment wiU 'Efq, 1 'V'.-H. ope,ior,,n;ot.. tsm who f tprfladysnce. , , . i i " f - ti ; - ': ' -It j .k, . ... ? i . J . - . - - . : , - - . i . " - ! -