A .11.4 Vt OT 0 fc ;tcd to nc nAofe who have 1-.OR f,ll f or C or Produce, I three ' W ri. w fllres two eirU and niel Mallory, pray ng. that the fine or ope F' Uke, Obwdred dollar, by. him forfeited andpatd bor. . Ul" " i Nathan Keais Collector! of, fte Poniol atrerc qud?4 to niwk rii i nr- i linn a any. Jemaltarrairdl rdllatc arc defired to bz -ing ikhcir acois properly atteft td in crdcibat theruy receive payment. - . X L . )botii ShC'tna lets nr TubhipilreTpearulIy taform.th 1 ,ci . J iLjuJm tlii . D09 4 .nrii SHOFlluSINGbulinefs pui; branches, in a fcopnextio Mr.iGoul-: din g's m rVUoHtrecr, oppoiuc mc ,wuuh ft n !y on hiving their work as well executed a: lie can ucgoac. . I v HUDSON & SMITH. "January I , . ?:.V '. ; Subfcriition - for a Jf ubucation oi priVaIte acts nf trie . o.. - GENSRAIJ ASSEMtiLX, Jiundred dollar bj' him .forfeited and Tpaid to Nathan . Keais Collector j oi, xe Vtl;WI Wafliiogton, forsa; breach ,Qt tne. coaiapg a,'inay be remitted, and, reft oreoo lum Artornrv of the diftria afcrefaid and : all other.perfons interefted or concerned. in the to . t NO RlH-tAR O L IN A. I . . . to, " - !' 1 f "-4 . ulry inrorm - pfewd of a ReviM of the pub icfs in its, vart nciavis y pffltvof iprefervine X pamphlet pubhJhed . at ih- ( ..w. ...... -t:.. . .... ...nj i hrfhu nrrdiann admoniincu appear on the fecond day of the xiext dillntt 'court to be held at Wilmington for the ,dilfr- riaaforefaid and ihew-came it any incj haYe; why the prayer.pf the petition (hodJd not be granted.-. , fs I ';' rl' . . - . , j By order ofthe Judg , - January, l 25. e e to. mHI Vivate; are of momentous utility Treafury.dgce Jan.uayJi5th 1794 . HpH .penera) AfTeinbly, by their refolu i X I tion of the 6ih day of , the pretent month, having directed that judgments be imo'edi- ately taken againjt all perlons m arrear to the tte, 1 hereby 'inform fuch ofthereve i i ! Arl W I A L k A M V - m k.' mahv Athe inhabitantV oi thU , Oate; and nue officers and their lecuritiea who I come mavVentuaJly become fo 0 -V,' o? V1Ct . , within this detcription. that tudgment tu J wrft not induded.m the J udge s reyi- ie ,niercd up aainQ them accordinslvi dnr- i': ' r.i ArJthe fficolty-bffndiiig a number of ; Wbe Superior Court for Hilisborough1 di. negroes for ctlhorcountryr.ro. theA is already -exirecic, itTlCt' '" wi nappen in tne monm or S due. bi the L bfcriber. : , ? plication, .will fo6n ripen into anabioluie Aprilnext. : . i V Imwrj il. v JAME3M'wni.Ax. irri)ract;cabilUy. ' V a n S A L E. cr. : ' ? ruSication,-wil TAMES M'KINLAV. VT..Mu;i;fVj Under, tneie imprcuwi .t t ::j..i;n tn rolled ind TCDrint them v JOHN HAYweODj Pubfic Treafurer thele impremon. r , h ; r -1 1 1 - i . .'T70R Sale at tJe Printing-office ; a calcu. hi) undertaken,to fJKf1- a' perfoni have demands aJainft P ..U!t MnMi t. Cents, .ind . , Ji wil furnifh a well, bdjnd jcopy. ,ot nit L . it, q...ti-:pr. 5n.. . Ddlawi the vaIrf,Goia-.(a.eflabWhed yUefHi toany gendeman CohntV W-J'fiir&h either of by Congrcfs,) froin oncGrainto a Pound. 1leHttoaty County; are Jcqnefted tp- furnih either of i honor the -undertalung btfh, h s P ':hel m4riber, ith an aint)Unt the0.J de. TV AN away from the fubferiber, on the Jave encoured IC iothinlt m Fayet , .. i n . -f.. .M tdtes or Gazette, five feet fee cr feven Jnchc high. , - . 'VfVtl Hs alumn on one of his bands which billing. i i h . He .ijs a lump on one Anyperfon who wiir jubjnbe and be. U The 'Steward will be paid , a any. con,e accountiMe Tor :fix copjswi.l bentU Xiwdl fecurehii in Sny-f dei"- ,he-remh' ; , , ',: ' , .Wuticritwr Ce him again.- ; . "'t. r . 1.-. i ' I. f . - :.irr nnmhi nf conic i-All 1 he Wanted. . r i,..,r kv tT,- nanie . renders' it neccuary. tnat apaication.tuipma;; wnu.u wy:wui girc. i of BEN aiaftas Dccn icca on v. t- - Ttheir Tan-tYardi in Pollok-ftre tf, near jopn tui ory.an iLlg'rs. want to pur , cnaie, a qqantity of Oak Barki for i i . r'T roid; United State oiArica, - Nonb.Caxa!in Diftria. John Simfqa & others. ' 1 ir ' ; J Circuit Court," Nor. Term 1795. The eentlernen who InpHntend a prefi. or!a Poit Office in this ftatc arejdefired to afford th'said tp the under iking. ; i -, Application by poll (pel ge paid) or o tbefvvife will hethankfully jttfhded to. ; As this QoIleoi wil; contain rail, the .ForSpanih Oak, ioH per cord. AVhitedo'. 35C do do.', Red and Bfock da 3of. do. do. ' Jj" - t - '. L j"J ' m ""'jt r m .1. .'nTaXn.a. of rl!Aat- ' Irin. r-llrli iill.rnrrtnnnn Yin Ian, Thomas Turner John Green I : -1 . : ,t,v State ardlplicltetf"' to. coriT: , the firftr quality. i- alfo a .parcel of ilrong . nJ;!F- - for i fhAn ot which ?thy wdifell oairealon. It ocing lugger- -to-- their reipective.ollices. :i . ;t, h!e terms, Torcatin op rajriniaes. j - ! de. 1 r i"' 1 ;;1 j ' ''" - 1 h They will alfo take hides to fan on fliare, ORDERED that the representative aL,.. ' 'i"" ' theenluinff fealon. 'ShWd anv perfon la. lhe faid OWcn hie his anfwer on or , von them with their ciiftom, , tbe; hope to i giyei nerai iatma$rj4.n.; ; . j- yn apprciiucc wanica ai 111c aoovcuyniicj Jphriiarv I. F C1L a PetitioAhn bicn prefer i. 8.