-1 - r i- -1 -I "A fw T ti ri-i H-G A R O LIN A , . 1 . , - ' I t ' ' r " ' ' ' : !- - " ''- - - fH - fill '. ' I ' 1 1 ' ' ' . . I ! - - ' . ', , ,-. f v i 2(5-1,- j-Wi4' .-... 9 .. ' . t ; . - . ' "!l'f .. t ' ... - ' t i .--' F 1 1 .., . ! . . j -.r - . : - - .r I . i A Prom thc;'LONDtiN:GAZETTfc ' ttmately van 'lac xrhofc iulmtah : W hi Tfili Al LV1 Ott'iS, 7i 703'.' V' Vccedcd aTyftem.druaiTC of iltpublid or- t trjjinimifery, aiijd di jetty 4 Alinilters reuaing at-' Jforcigp f and at lengtin.oy tne cicrauic - Couftf;" :r'f;V;;t;:(T::H" ttV-;.; juft and beneficent SqviXtJgp;.c JU 'AAicK'Jiis1 lilajfejl j;hksf found himtelf : ericaed in ; a'dcfenfiVe w'ar; zgainll FraVxe, arcinvolyed tbcirbwn court- jgracu ali civLized has hitberra been corape war atrainlfthe, people - ot Without hotrbr, FranccxolJeaively; to-treat Vunemjes a ll and of rihe .. bclaVihed in fuppbrt oanjujuft aggreflipn, ; an-uttOuken ; ; hU MaieftT.Vould ieckhW&jite fatisfat-v firmneff, has fliarel aUe.OTitortune;iof , wnftne opportunity ot aiuAg exceptions mr xrfraied iVa'dcfenfiVe vfarf galnft France; her Royatonfarr ras probaaS ferjinV P-i . . a rc kno wn already tof all Europe, f -Tne bjec-Vf- i his cruel captiv ty.: Hi jjferjomirtou jdeatri;i4bct partsLFrance, : aheMlrcatly 4on r L '"l:e"'fy'S prorcTca6'iiii'erh refptto ihdfe fUM ifalpp., f, mcnccntiu cfiiiewrarc of'TqtiaVnotdricty fo b ;The King, prdmifesi .on fas!parf,Jhe fuf. J Vo rcr.ei In unprovtokedr4rcnioii;:1 reneWcd at the period, pf erer frefli Crime penfion of hoililities, friend Hup, apd (ajfaf, j t. touts Ycf the4 imife have! found themteltes plunged into .an'atiyfs as. the cpurfe of events, wiHow of. which. :, i;7s, to obtain foVUcm an-forrliiroftlf 15 ' of unacampled calamities ji arid eighbpurr; the will of mah;cannot difpoir) fccarity and, , L i.r.t indemnification, anprovileai far i ing nations inltead.of idermng a ! new Jfc prpte.aion.to all thofe who, by declaring for. I cirrumftances will ailriiV; for Vhtf "luturd'cttriiy or ihe maintenance of agencral tran a. mpnarchial gcTcrnrricnt, . fcall ftak.oft :r l.cu.ity of his 01 fuy itofiM flll the quiliiy from th" eftab'ifhracnt o;fa wifend .the yoke of : a fanguinary-; anarchy,; -of. tit c :r :::io-.sof Eufocc 5" f lbs pomt$-. -modcf ite gavexnmenty have been pofefca; nchy. which nflicnp u- , - V rhichhw Niajefty hiV'felt it incumbent';; :the repeated attacks of a ferocious anarchy, ' red;oondsof locxclW diflblved alUhcrela- : . ; M.,i to" employ all the' nVcns"wh7 fthe naturaland qeceffary eiiernioU pifc tions of civil ;hfe,. violated eycjy-rignt-con ! crms ff 3ni the rcfources-'of liik Jdoniini-'border.,: They have had to encounter aHs of . tcuncvry duty t hich ufes the . name, ons, frill the zeal xri4'&ion o his peb aggrefJion witlioutpretextopiolatipris . :: of liberty, to, exerj:ifthc moft cruel tyranny j . pic, indrihveiindmo decIaratio,sj of ; to annihill propcityofee onfall- j b aufcl:n r :- rr-; ' - r ; -5 ;t.v.r' i a .word,- wbater bctrUptipriitl.V FoffelHons.vhich ; founds itspower on the zth2lfcct$lii? Pretended content of topje an-itfblf , ; cviJ.nrrHawinUcK th:in ?rd . t hroUg h-gtcrA , Iranci obllrticts the couon of a folid iud .S inftitutions of loclety, and bextendingver , provinces tor uavmg demand jt j ; : - -c-T . f . - -..; ': i-H -ii'l f r:ihiI,,'".ii ., -f Km Kf AninHnri' their . relicion. and theu lawful borerein. his Majeitv's j?klt and' YitdtafyicVs jor the which has produced :ccom important obieasi I This ftate.of thin li.s Maiellyfees, thcrciVrewithtHe utm danger wjthoutgivjng to irWiY4Ae'nffii?i1;fiinrl i nf iiccelera . ! them as a dutV-to flop the, proerefs rodFf an vof Europe that; eohfufipn; their. A W - - a -m. 4. . - a M - I I 1111 :i Wi 111 111. i K I tu. LA ,F .' W -A M V vw . L -Jtn. : T?-i,- lrrrn thU iinhejni of DDoretnon.'to rutar id to.aiyltem or unpirraueicccnrn.s, u reitore, at jerigtff .tranquility, to rancet id fceuntv toaji Europe, that his Ma jelly. ti-iviff th. ro-nn'errtiori. of thc oeoolC o tin? thttctMri of p&ceby making; to ?t Jib,: ! evil which cxifts only by the effive yio- Fran ce ..." rj y . I , : r - 1. . AfA ti' IrTt?--! J-X. 1 , r 11. .n nM1t f1-fi, It is for thefe obtecis that he well diinoicd parr OLaiiupcppic ot Aiiv,-.' iaiiy w n ., vjvi . . , . . a mn,e kriuar ideclaVatioji oftbe princW" Attacks the fundamental principles by which them to ; join.the ftandard of .an pies whic.'i atihnt e h?nT(: of tlic objeas I o mankind Js united "an the bondAf rivii fpei-i wich Ji":s views arc cijed; ..and of ; the ' cty.rHis NJajett'y; byno meansdifputes jthc -yr a WtjUk it-Iw -h tiitttpvijcr I right of JVantajft-fainris Jaws. It never AVf rh rifJea to the prefent fituatioa of .af- would hate;beefl hit wifli toremploy the-in- !. . . , 1 ; -r.t... .n.l. .rj t. f.. r iJi.: k J , feives once more under the empire of , law, rr-noieci in im ov one vi , iic.iu.u. -uuuuc- . uc piii-4i-i -w-n- viu kmi'iv uv . - , . j j r ' V ,-. 4VrA of calls l?port ' I hereditary rabnaichy not for th purpofe of deciding. in tuis rnomenc or uuuiuci ,yaiai.it, ijblic danger, ion al the modi (Jcations: of which" this form of irOvernment mav Tiereaf- t'erbe fufcepiible,butjin order ;to tinite them- Jill I -OlIW-V ll-.il. ti. U14UU. w 111 ktu! fuch a declaration, Jrom-theMiope,pf 1 chy, whichhas no force.butorthepurpofe3 great.aad poweitui nation. . . Uflliv lli w..f(i. -'-'-,...- ,.. v. tlr:iIM:!lT Louis the XVIthhad called his ; but.difporingarhitWlly' ol the property .roy c arouiia nirn.io loui m uiuiwnt- yiwwu y.v .... .---rw- jitcq more a.iu iuic furcs,' tjie confequence 5 irrce January. CAROLINA. !rnnHE General Ailemblv, by their refolut- X tion of the 6th day ot 1 lie preicnt menm, having direfted that! judgments" be, inineoi- arrami. an ucu-ua aw- -v ? 1I ' .. - " : 1 - . r .1. . hereby mrorm lucn or ine roc- aim tneir iccurjua y w wi , rlcrintion. that judgment will . acrainfl them accordingly; 4dur rior Court for Hilisborobgh di. of lU'-i-T Tk.- j' r v.... j 7--- 7 i . i. - HI iclj VIJil. - j--. ... ---. .. .7-7.7- - , evidciitlrthat.raca-;; :,. ' , rs of which' he coulct of .union j and;.peace,,.fKb Majefty wjfiies XjQHitf HAYWOOD, Fublic Treafurer TtheirTan.YatdinPoUok-llrcet.near ; John C! Bryan EfqrsL want to pur-'v-kUi; Vnnartti'rv of Oak' Bark,., tor- ' which t&yfwillglyc the following; : . A. 'r b . . j " J, I" For SpanVfh Oak 40 ,pecord. XVhlfPn. .L CO. uu. r.ot difiluife fromhimtc.l, mult hnauy com- arncnuy u c uku Vv.: -17 , nt1 ilrrTto reJmquifli the fHendfy .and pa- ftablifhment of gqnera tranquiiity.with fuch UtvU em 'Which hehad adopted. The j a government . ctcreiling icgai-ana per- : jr.oivcut if length arrived whbi h.$Majcfty mancnt authority,' :animatcditn -Jr A r ... vu-. LV:?nit-t K?m not on!v for.' .freneral .-5tranqutlityf-;.,. uld.;:pqreihng . -JL .1 kTrtfjlS-Wn itMth-Cs of .h5 U po?t enfortte obfcmf ?u en. I :. .1.'-.'.ut .o. i;n;rin o.,rTcm-n. The Kine would propole none ...rJl Jti . r : i,l ' -.r..L, -i t wnmrfsi ther Tlfoues. and . '- . .. i-rmit- inrrrn fir iiik nrnnre iniuui.u nui iu.ii a. iuv -- .vw-- - iw u4 4UC"yi'nV: , .1,. V, of warmiffht iuftifrJ but ! . .f rfnJ At ' 'cntri him a qutyjiiii.morp imujrit--,7"fc uiv -.mvv-.-- r . . ,y- i " "l-.ea aim v. . r . . .,- oFdI-W;fo"' f-rthc pleftWation.of. huIijeftf A;hmU.der. the.-in- , ; r7tyt!n:ofak.;. ;- - IS- nSibijof Europe'-,- I; ; V t 1 ..tQfhecconGd.raUoDJ, and ttil.L more jo that ;& if.kin -ri;.brdoyan bgot legs, of '"TfifSi W. JiadVen profeirrf of of his own feeurityMndfthefuture tran- fi'rft Mi -.'wel of .ftrong i&S-rcf.t govSn-nie--: -f. ' ilhjr of Europe ? . .r,)? n . . .AUoi Vhi&Aey w.llWTen;re?ion- ;.ffiil6rpi-perin' folid fondtion; J,thn thus totermmateWw.wh.ch hem r.: ey alfo t Ae hide, to tan onfljare of fr L iHS - e-Cve: knd. 'pipuiou, yiia. eneaVoured io ;avo2d and n the J!" the fenJ-ing feafo-i Should Wrfo EirV!Tebtnef ,MtbSeb.r.ii nof Pfencedb v;,Temwi&.crfto?. thooe ..?.n"tf'. v-Virii mrn'iftritinnoF its France.- e'tmbntedoaly to the am- irUhtiktJ&xuhai'-: . -1" I ' ('' i i ' 'j i " ' . k . - . . , . U . . j ' - ' i . ,, - -' f i- ".. 'i - i- -t --,.'.: - :' '.' ' i - ; 1 1 : ! , 1 i . 1 1 - ' " . i - - i I4 V- ' ' 1 ' ' f , - - ' . i -t . . . , - , j 'i I . . .'... - ' ' 1 i ---.-'.;'! : ! v i - , , s " " , . . ; " . ' .-. , J,- I. . Jl , .i! ' ' I ; i -1 - , , ' ' - - ' . - t. . ' t . ..-" -I - 'l 1 n' 1 - V,' . I iiiiOTrim,iwi...iiiM --ifV-.. t- -r--i t--j mmmKHmM ,rr-Mum.Wtowmm(ft' ini-)ili:iT 4&lsmm mMX" ' ' ' l,llll,,'J,ll, MWi11-1 .l1fl--lllwilll-na--ill"ll,--l-" 1 1-11 I,II"IIL 5 i I V

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