;..' - v.4 - ., -" , " - f .-.-"' s '-. 'T . -.j..': ,-'' ,- ..: f " V. K- it--.:'t.:s,::': I'i'fc?Vfr. y-f : - V ! , ; T- ' ' ! K i - ... :-i-..-nv .-! : ' . ; -its'-. '---.- ( v . - f1..' ! :j-'' ' i - J. :--?'-.-9:v.'.;;f-:j - . - v. - " .... v-.. A. 11 ... - . - - . ... ' - . 4 t . . ... ,. t .. . j' ' " ' , ' .1 ' ' i ' V . : . . . t ... i m : . I . . r . . -. ----. - . t . . .... ! - . ...... i ., . V f - -. .. . ..- : rTIJE fimlcfibersrefpe&ful J. public that .they tifFf and SHOE MAKING buiine oi the BOOT - v - A SO.BER : and Induftriaoi CcmfcJUcr. wouIJ meet with employment and good wages,' atthrs - VarJ- ' - - , t - w-is-' i 6naI1)r e wottTdbe more agfttaWe Btrt th would oa branches, in a Inop next ib Mr. . Gbu! - r " - o ; r '. .nnv, - LrX u V; , 1. Small cdk&tQn of cina's in yollck-ftrrer. oppfcfidf.tne Church. . -- yh. v-rv-, wu'A-v ' They hve cn haii'd aqua6nr tfbbots aW'f ' - 1"-V'-W rafellJ:K!?,l jhacs, boot legs. &tv&?uXc2 Jems- of ' 'Q tUe neateit and befVkmd; ihtfjfptVtWri2 fxyT 'UiHlJVVSSporfs A- rely 6n having tficfr work as well executed - 7KrbY's diy"1 iJ r i : :f-. ; V as it.cin be done. " : . LU, - -v . fegenteii boarderf 9 iTpHE furbftfriber will take a ., JL I on reafonable wtms.r United Stttercf :Atnericjaf 7 . i Cirrth CotirtJ- ' ;a. Carulioa Diftria - 1 Nuy. Tenn i rj'j.- J jhii-Simpfdii & others.- " H'- Thomas Turner, Jchn Green f 3ui' and Thus Orden. ' 1 -Y It being1 fussed that Titos Ogden; iV ORDERED that the ferefenratie ?bf il'cfaid Ogdcnfile his anfwer on or bef :?re tie firH d-jy-ofthe next. Term : otber- v .K-ihe BilKvill be taken pro confeflb; .t(f1 - ABNEIt KEALE; Clk.' Jatsiury'i 8. 25. Feb. i. 'Z 15. 22.- ' KOmI'H-CAROLINA.; : Tafury-Oiijce -January 15th, 170 1 1 S Genrn1 Afiembly, by their refolu L tb:i . :rre 6h day of the prerenfmori'tfii'' . ti:i'jc:o rhat -judgments be mih'edii .1 f7 - Heribary's'tlb? Yl'-''" ,:f " nVVobd on Conveyancings .'I ! ; iCoke upon Lutlei6n ' j I . Impey'spraaiee-yT T; ' I ' Sheridanjs do.' j j" 1 ';: ."."KTchardlbn's tfo : v? -4 -; ' -'Kidd On aWards;: . i;'- t? 7 f ;; : 1 Bolcdweri OnX'bnvidiqrt-' . ' s Cooke's Bankrupt laws-- J 'r r-Law GwinmirA ':! I r ' Saundersr' bn'iiles and trtifts.'p ' Mallory ' entries, vih ' Lovelais Oil illsV; .jj ; " iaw'or Equity, ' v' i i:; Gilbert on KepIeViny; j . Law of Ccfts. yX. Martin's 'luftice vr i-:'; Colledionof the 'Staiifresv ;::-Ar:: - '!. Anajfoftment oj. ' v JfWednefday the actth itift, at the m 1 Cdurt-Houfcln reVbernfour likely Acoivw.ieiioyT-s, oeiongipcf ta tne eltatc w monncur voipemere, dejceaied. dHAPONEL. March i. .f r . -1, 'Si B ti A;:N K S; . . ..t ; ,e ..S,.t iV perfbAsvinarrear tor For Qkrls 6 eonrtsAttcrnies Sheriff mc . ireby inform' ftch: of the reve- Merchants and oihers,' i " .v-,i .. ii.ers.i a-KlinfMrcurnies whocomtf Wrhs: iubtnas. " executions Witnefle OMMITTED to the 'piil ! of Kewbem ' V diftrilh on the 26th ultimo, two NE GRO nien, taken up as runayays.1Y-1: -; jf One of thenf fays his name is ffi iam V and the other calls himielf James, and they both fay. they belong to Moniiei; r Goujon, ! of the ifland of Hifpaiiiola. ' ; ) - : - , T ; f William is five ; iet;ehe inchejhigh; and : 4ppeaiTs to be about 24 years kf age", ofa yl - low call . and fays he was brought op as ; Raiting man, and f peaks good Eqglifh. ! ' ,1: J amesJs-about fix feet hgn md feemr to be about yeirs old.-He, lardly j can fpeak an Englifh. word r'is of a black com plexion, and was born in Guinea. V 1 T hp defired to' come, prove t his prpperty and :iake theW , . . . . uript.ori, tna: judgment. :will alid';-Turyhieh's tickHvmarriagef licences 1 ":iir? :1?,ni! thJm congiy, dur. f and bo; apprentice's indeiituVei, guar-' the Supper-Court for HilJsboroueh diJ :,: " : . ' :Vi Vr ,wMi:- af -kI- . r. fc- : . . J tlian, aamumuavuii awucai- nm- wu Ilt . 1 iii t t rr .i c ' 1 T Aiwk'.'WIA All . IUC UiUtUU or, , 1 "i jOHNT KAY WOOD, Public Treafurerl bonds, warrants !? attachments, h leafesy deeds, dedimus prjrffutfm's,' declarations " ' in ejeciinenr, 'trover aflault -Vand ijatreiyv f-T " HE perlonr who has borrowed from-iritfy' W,,nant ior oe uveiy: 01 jpeanc X- thragedy of the. C A WASTER; u ' ?rt, U a quantum meruit of a Nfix'ed' price," injmul cnmpiitaffcrtf, frefpafs quare ctaufuml1 de- linilC, Oil pi WIIIIIWI -HUKOj UU WIU Xi ViUi ICiiltiil v.v. v... ,. A few plans of the city of " EDMUND PERKINS jailor- 'A requcitcd to return it1 February 2i,; JAES DAVIS. ' : FTSHHR & GLAMVIIXV : ATtluir I an-Yard,in Pollok-ilreernear John C. Bryan EfqVs. want. 10 pur- , s cna'e a quantity i ot Oak Bark for which they will give the following prices, . F O & SALE. . DOUBLE CHAIR on fprihgs.Vrtlr'a light top and apron, both of which can be taken' uufc va, ar picaiure. inquire or tno primer; - r . - rr viz. ForSoanifh Oak. 4sf. percbrdr- IVhite do. 35C do. do.; ! .Redaivi Black do. 3cf. do. doi : 2 , 1 hey have a'lo for file. ' ' :J .'"' . .Sole,- upper and h-rnefs leather, calf Ikini, calf ik:n and cordovan boot legs, of thefirii quality . alio a ""parcel of ilrong ibbes. Ail of which they will fell on reafou- 1 able terms., for.cafli or raw. hides. . , r ; : ney will alfb take hides to ran on fliares tL enfuing feafon. Should any perfon fa yor.them with their cuflom, -iliey hope to gv'e general fa'tisFacli in. " , 1 apprcT3tice;wnnted at the above bufinefs. . i February- i.,.,r . 5 .' - - . ' - . , " c -1 - r ? t ' v 5 ; - J . 1 .7 : l mc luoiciircr, me wcck p ..il) a.neatreil morocco pocket bo .tai;i:ne no'mo'nrvl thb'oaoers of r N,E W - Y O R K, February 8J Crty of a letter from Ji refte&ablehouje in Ltfb'on, to a mercantile gentleman In XfiL-Yorks 1 j 1 Lijbon, zzi November M-jjc.'i. 'X V 7K confiriri wha't we hacl the pleasure of wri Vy . ting you by; the laft conreyaric and the' ' . A I Irf If 1 V; 1 M't ireeeived down totrhtt-day poft, teganjmg (he Alee; M.7 A! i " : iA f Irinds.rand thfe continuance of American arrival t hera- the court ol"-jyiaaria-:write8 us from 5 1. Laurence. i - j. r , ia n imwnti mai mere was ctnam nteu?fn nF PURSXJANT to the laft will andj tefta rWct American Tefleri carried into Alger ;j that one mcnt of lftiac Bryan Efq. late bT Cra of thenVwas loaded for Spanijb account, bu doe not . i An ' hp fnA t Mililirwri mention the names of the velTelsMr. James Simp- ven rountv. dec. win De loin at puoiicvtn-. ... , . ri:u 1.1. . ..js. -t .. due on, Friday the twenty hTft. day ot jVlareh thefolloWing No AmerfcahieflVIs hirebWir , next on the premifes, that sll ki own and brought in hereV no bare the Porttiguefr reffelsrrui- . valunble!oriU"and law- milf bhMbfeley - ft4 fince th Sthof laft months to know Whar, prize tf ' . i?r i.-'t;i,.v' Vfr.rv'pieXfi mitp may'have been' carried up j j be fides the tvird frigate v creek in ifaid coun. (t eniy.ei, mi.es ..T . from Newberrj) with about eight ot mne n r Hhat,at preftnly bhe: , advantageous H. 1 'a:li-An plantation and feme other iefld$r. bu ihtft is ntf i.-, 1,- rMtM nart of whicnwlJr bear .-.v. S. . : r -. inc na monrv. tho' papers of much portance t6 hira. but'of no Icrvicc Jto :anv chafe money; part oi.wmcii "i" " When1 thpafs the Straits. cOier pcfi.rHc: fdppofes hcidropp fn-riK-. K-f, K:0a.rn4 U nurclialer giving a U"S. W V . i rr.nf t-htf lht e denendencds vetoF i ,co Warc:Boofe:i; The-finder is defired to re- '. n penonal Wf Vhat'AfSereueli haVcBSK p- , .turn the paper? arid wi" entitled to-ONE. . nierit of.the :&eM;.-J"T J .DOLUAR-re!wra..and-tothc-pocket.JokvUeeU ftirs, how eaiyitJ to. check and put k flo;, ri : itfeif, beCd ti dnkt.f perilha:b!e cftateijf tojmilchiefthey p .j .' . -LUTHEil.HDE.; . 5f ftock,.furnuure, uten -February 32. V ' ' ;-.v 7." .,-' : Slfi' ?'f?f . . pcrtu (WZm ... : "V .rear..;, .,;, . U '-;' 1,!- .' r?.Lji.f fAineiicaniaftiTBaJn.-flw.KW",,;.-. ;.170ItWe,; CbrCan.' or: Pfbduce;. three ; : V EWIHA" ? Executor.. .i.HvCWll i .r Ufcely' nWri'fl.'twi 'gfr1:d' a : . r .AVILLtAM COX,' S.r. : J .... ; H' KO0MCO' LATASTE.' ' ' qraT.en'.Couotyi Feb' " j - . : ' -PC ; m " ; ' - - , - - ' . , t ' ' . ' - ., .'' - j . r ' ' '.. -i- " J' : i ' . " ' ' r ' - . . , ' i- , . .;)' -. -jit ' - ' I : . . ; .! - ' i . ' v ' , " . . - - " " , ' . ' ' ; - . i.' . . . ' ; - . -. . . ' ..... -"i:,- .. ' ' : . . . ' " -If I ' :'"---;:" -V - " - V . 1 . ' . . I --,-.:::-.- . - - . - - . ' ; .... . Vx ' . . ' ' 'I -.. -- I . ; n - -. r .. ! I -' i . ' " - . ' ! '' . i -: ' : ' 1 ' ?' .:- .! - ; -1 - ' " " - - ' . ' ". ' -i ' ' . i :,: h.-,. ".(. i - ' . : ' :, . " ,- . ' f. . ' -, - - ' 1 - . -; ;- 1 ; 'j'- ; !'" 'w'iz.ti'Z: ;''T -4MI- " - I- ,,,,,. i)ITI i i in . , i i iii - - - - ii - - - T- 1 i - - " 1 '" "" " " "i " """"" 1111,1 " """ " ' "" ' 1 ' ' --""' 11 ' ; .... -1: