1 ". - ' : .-i-r-f.: : :: v ? f v;-v r:.f.y- -- :-; -x. --Mj ; i. " i ol":) Saturday" Marci 794.' "43 " ' . - . ; .. 4 . , - -. i . , , - : j . r .? :- .. . . . PISHER Zc CLANVILf A TiheirTan-YardiinPolIck-ilreencar At the PiunI-ing-Office. KVv)bern; John G. Bryap'Efq'rsJ" yant to. pur- : ' chale-a quantity oftpak 'Bart, i for r y vhich. they wU.i ivc the following prices -ir ' X For Spanifli Oak, 40X per ccrd. White doi 35C , do. do." tlcti ntr-4 I$lck dot 3of. do.ildi ; 2 key have alfo fir frh. ' Sole, upper, aqd .hurnefs leather, calf ' fkiin, call" ikm and cordovan . boot legs, of firll quility : f alio a. parcel .6f llrong la f s- Aii ot which they yUi jell oil ? reaion- ; ib'J terms, furcafti t or rayr-hidesT . The Will ailo take hides to 'an on hares "e,e:ilaing fca i piiV, SfibuIiT I any penfai fa. or ilieni vvirh their '.culloin, they v hepe m to . ....... ,. r'ive rcncral latistacti.in. . napprentice wanted at the aboyebutocte a. curuary 1. f . . . . t Small colle&ion hf ' row tie (New- Tork) jykithG azette, f MIXED t i - . 4 :- TAXES. j- . S - , T "fYY the fubTcriber the ireek before laft,' a neat rc twining no nionc; d morocco pocket hook, ..con- nry,tho papers of much lrn- port2ice to hini, buc,t no fcrvice,. toany c:?er pet fon. He fupna'cs. he dropped it j ij'me where between his (hop and the tobac j co Y2rc-houfe..i Tfxe finder, is defirtd to re- ! turn the papers and will be entitled to ONE' DOLLAR reward, ind ,to the pocket book ; itlclf, befides the, thanks i;f. . 1 ( - . j LUTHER HYDE. February 22.' y - . ; '. : .:: Woi fale. "for Cafli' or TroduccV : tnree AMONG-WHICH -ARiZ- BU H ROWS' reports' - ? :range?si. dp. :r 5r : 1 nomas . Hay miond's da. -Kirby's do, v - ;-?--: Modern do.' v I.' ' 'Parker's do. ' .Bejibu'ryV db. yood on Conveyancing, ,t Cokq upon Litjletony i 1 lnipey's practice, . . - . '.' Kichardfon,s do jKidd oil awards, - . Bofcbwen on Cohvil:bn',' , qokcs rankrupc law?,; ; -Law. Grammar, , . Saunders on ules and iruii ; J91allpr entries,-5 i Lovelafs xn'Wilis" jVl't ; Law of Equity . '".; Gilbert bii Keplevin,'! ' ; Law of Colh. i;v -l Martin's Tultice,' -V:" 'Z l - . :;'. Colleaion ofthe Statutesv , . An aJTut tmtnt cf For' Clerks of Courts, AYicrnies,V S.berifPs3: ivierciiants . ano ocners, ytzm. n... : w ; - -s nxciywcio. u-f ivTW .g1..;.mi Writs, lubpxnas, 'executions. . witneues boy.. KOpK'IGU LA 1A5&; . :.iVv-inenV ticketsl niarnavriicehces j Ocliber X2.' J ' .v . - ; v, ;. r. , ' aud bmidsapprentice's indentures gi- - - -i t - - !!.,; - ' . - - ,'-. - - ' ' ' rGEOR DENT 0, - r i nb , ndn-comnviflioned officers and cri I X vatesof the Newrli ork lne, in tiie lat jAliiertcan ' army, WWflmeCeifittf l- ;Ter vices rend ojtunyuxifi' the late glorious ftrugale with the armies of " ihc King of Qrea t-Britain and the -mode in which we have Ibeeri paid. l.That at the concluffon of "the war we t re- jtrrcd to private life, wbh.alfurances of coni- -penfation for pur hard bdt approVed of fer- . -jThat terrea'fqnl- ,; - paid (not in i!ecia 'but In cert ill catbs whicheerecompel ,lcd; through extreme diftrefs Jarid DovertvJ '.. Ca ieil for two and lix pence for every twentr ihiliings, after getting to our refpeclive iioinc5, or 10 men places as iCppid neadund alter tome ;;-time riuncted -and paid to the ;holders'at the rale of llxteen &tiligs inhe pound.- . ', : That there atpre'eiir remains a balance of jfour lhillings' for evertvveiity uSfllmgs due to usin thev hands pf; government,' wjiich we conceive ought, in honbr ' of the country 1to be paid to thbfejwho eani't it, or to tlieir eprelentatiyejsa'rtd whiehcanbcJdQne with outinterfering' with any Jyftem heretofore hat in the laft and Tdrmer feflions of Congrefs, we were well.pleafed to hear that, Mr Tames Ivladiion. with ftveral o'tlier of the members of the Hou(e Jof reprefe'ntatives ipf Jthe tJiiiteji Statesi ftept forward in bur , defence, and propofed a mode of payment of tne certincates ip jinied, in our iavor j, but r. T public auction, for ready moher on Wednefday tne sdth tnU. atthe Court'-Houfe in Newbern, four likely KECRQ fellows,. belonging to the1 eilate 'cf I-Jcnficur Volpeliiere, deccafed.; r K ' J.CHAPpNELV Agent of the French 'Republic. bonds, wxrraiusVatuchnientsi .Vfaaier "jtb pur unhappy . fi tuations bdd the; failure of deeds, 4edmiuspotrftatems - , . ' ; W ejfetiiient, ' trWeralTaulf5. and battery I That a recital of ourpaft ft ryices, fa well debt," covenant' br deliver of ,;ipecific ; ;. phpwrt to; jrpn; Sir, we conceive to be ule articles. roods" lold on a 'quantum 'val; .)eis but beg:leave to fjyj that for want of Marci ' i. f 0 OMMirrabfllc, iaiV-..bfbcni .w; .dh'irift, tlic 26th ' ultimo,.'iw6 ;KE-. CH'? men, taken up as runaways. ;. One of them .fays his .name. . is William, and the other calls himlelf June.ancf they .-' both fay they belong to Moniieur. ,Goujon, ot the iflandof flilpaniola. t- r i, William is tivefeet eight inches high, and , appears to be about 24 years of ay;e, pt a y el- . I wcalt ; and lays he was brought up as a waging man,, and ipeaks good EnglMh4 . ; June is? about iix feet nigh, . 3nd! leetns to be about 26 years "old. He f hardly Jean fccakinEiifilifll;-prd : is ofa black; coin- jason, ana was noru 111 vjuuic. , . ;The owner of thelc negroes is defircd.to prperhis -property and. take I theni EDMUND PERKINS. jailor.; .F. Q R S A" X. E. bant or a lixeoV jire, work and labpur,on the balance due, juitly due us from our coun- a 'duantivn meruit or' fixed- price, tnjimul try we are Obliged to fcek relief from : the comtutJ lent, trelpais quare ciau urn, uv coiu.iwhu w uiaiuv, cvui wh uiuic wna tinue. 011 promiuory iiotes, 00.. wuu .-!-. cmoy amuciiw.iiJiuujjii uui cdiwmi. unu uoriements, xc ccc. xc. ; ;. ..I : : A VV :'). ; 1 .""'" .; A' few plans of the city 0;' R ; A L E I G tefta- "TTJRSIJANT to the laft will and JT mehtof JaaBJryjTi:E$:i late pCr. ven county," dec. wi;i uc io,u ai puu vcif due on Friday the tvyenty firit day of March next on the premifes; that wll kiSown and , valuable gritt and faw mill ' on Moieley's-. creekTn laid cbtrnty (twenty eightf miles . ftom Kewbern), with abeu'e eight or, mnc Wr,vlrPrV acres of land adioining and conve nient thereto, tho e ir.iiis are well bui;t ;. op a "ood ltream within halt a mile !o ,thef ri ver Neufe at aplacewhW there! might be naiVantagtbus bridge built ;Therey is a; plantationnd foms other impoyraenon the lardthe greater part of which vm 11 bear -:.!.4t rtn. A frood title win uc uiauc 10 lUC . - ',, r i,. - ' V ' laud, and IpTtablc creJit given ior tne pur- ;'d0U3LE CHAIRon fprings, whHf. ligft chafe money part 6t which will npt jbe re top and apron, V-ih of whictt tan'Ketakm 'mider twelve 'and- fourteen years .the - 4 ?r put! on, V plcaiurc.-lnquirc of the ,oivinga mortgage n the IanAs V;:h:- : " .I' . fn additYon to penoiial iecurity for the pay- 5 1 - -v: ' cUt "time', at the' fame time and place will be fold on fix months : credit the cVrimable "eftate of faid deceafed, conjlfting -wmii Ttttiber intenJi to leave ihe ffa'e, I for a JL- :: inort time,- in npu , - . ".ccriuiauw --. . .WiVviVl Af - I mmAf lf Executors. ard tiavthebalancctiut tnay oeuu , ,Vi alio De 'r I hciloxket4cte spelled ; -6-: v.-, ia&ttfuiisaeainathcra, indilcriminately. rT hole year.. - Jr i . - ho.xnavkavrclvnia uPoa,Ui wul ieccie; pay- ! ; . LJilAJJK.x;ijf .ntooapplicati.:.. . 1 U AVILLIAM 1V.UA, o tHe deftrudtibn of our families. W e f the" r'ef ofe, ; rely ing, pn your wHdom, Kumbly implore your aflilfcance and influence' ''aft the preieht feffion of Congrefs, to obtain for usthejiaiancedue on the faid certificates. And fubferibe, as well for biirfekes as in behalf of' the faid line. Your moll obedient humble fei vants. ' , . j. ! To be prefented by Sergeant John Clark,' cri behalf bf the faid lineJ j - JOHN CLARK, late Serft, id Neav- ThtUport'of Mr JOfiN CLARK, late' Serjeant in the 2d JNew-xorK ilegunent. 1; Gent itjiN, . ;.. ".V? V- '-, On the 2ilt of lanuary laP, t delivered jyour petition to rneoecrciary uiuie liwjuuit Vhp promifed me he would prefent it to Kim the momcnf he was at leifure. ; On the z5th following 1 had a ipHvate conference with thePrefident he informed methat he was not the: proper perfon! to' be applied to that it was Congrefs .we fhould. apply-; to, though it was his opinion if we did, we fhould not meet with fuccefs; , I anfwered that it was the opinion of many, and I ac-1 -quiefced that" he was the proper "perfon for twb reafbnS : tft That the commiffioned officers had applied repeatedly to Congrefs ; and never i ecefved any redrefs: d, That; he had promifed the army,, that he would,) before they quitted the fervice, fee that full and ample. compenfation fhould be made to them, arid their hard and approved (ervice fliouid not gor unregarded.' He anfwered, Hat he had done every thing he could. ; I replied I never heard of your itepping for- wxd in any relpe s andf urUcr,Thurwlai - Craven Cousty, icD. l&axit. H