: ir -Gotigrcfs there were fpeculators, and e- - Veteran need not or m .y not J"""' , I. .'JJrefiient; J never bo-h nor fold, a note to either "officer or private. f Clark.: Ij never iaid yon did,, nor . know whither voU did or not. . Prcfidenr. If Congrefs is applied to, and thcrtnV proper tocompenlatehe Ufe.ar. my', whatever they do, I mould gladly aug . .merit. w.st in mypowcr, rather than di minim, i . , i - Clark. .1 wimyqu hmj y r ""Congrefs, and perform your pVomifc. T O H N 'CLARK,' 2 d meffase from thePndcniof tlDpjtol tattf. providing for th?relief of fuch mhatMtrrnts of St. O.i-V- .j.M..M:iKin the United States, as are; in want of fapport; had i eceived the, .PxefideftW appro bation and iignatnrf . 1 .. i': J - -j i The bill providing for the remiffion of the foreign tonnage-duty 'ftn fundry French veflth, whicjook Tpfu-ein theuorts .fthe United States, the JaftSum- o ruer, ws recommir.ed. We hearv that aVefel .loaded by the rcnch'-ovcrhivc:,tvith 3qojpipcs of bran- c!y is arrived at r.ew iork. ; . CaptrJdlnV Craridon, oftltcflnp Ed xnrA. arrived her -V froin StV Pcterfbu'r'bii ' Ms "p?fTa'geV 'l-' S "fftbk'tf:Vfch6p:ier from "St.' Thonias's cut r,t d s; nd commmd ?A "hv'trrfrirV Arrrian'drwYidVave'the follow- hv'CnritV Arrrfand;vftd nave the in. intel itrncc ; That a French privateer, foncrly 'belonging ;tQ Baltimore, arid man ned pirjlf-by Xciericansr hatl captured, id cirne'il into St. Thomas's a Bntilli imp an Cft v w . - A fA witli fuars ; ihat the Frenchfhad captured 1 7 fail of theHavanaJeet,ih which wire 28 million of dollaTS-rTMs he"ai ' fertcd to be a faa and thara 'Britilh fleet, 'confiding'' of Tail of the line, Avlth a'hrpe of troops." were arrived' i tin: V eft- body of troops,' T . . Yefterday morning anchored at Qloucef "ter point feven fail pt ihwardlxiund veflels, among whichafe two'fh1r)3.: . The Gentleman that came in theEnilifh packet, Yohtradicr.. the "account ' of ; Gen : O'Hira's beiii rr taken prTToner at Toulon as "meniioned in the F. G. Digubmlers let ters lolhie Cffvention, "and fay-that he had been only flightly. wounded in. the aclion "before thitplaceV; . , , . . x . Lord Mulgrave is atrived at London from Toulon and fay that the .Girrifon of that place amounted to iSiooo effective men. . ItisVeported, thit the 'communications ; fro rh "our Minider at London ARE FAR EROM!-BEARlNTG A PACIFIC AS- peciv! i; . ; : " A correfpon dent congratulates his fel .lo v-ct:zens4upon the happy change in their repreferiratioTi at the Republic of France, a change'not6f Repieferitatrve, but in the rReprefentafive tliere.v He iS iafiured from 'tinquedioriab'c authority, that G. "Morns Is upon! Vety'good terms, with the prefent adminidration in France, Vhich was not the'e'afe1, it is well known, not" Ibnj fihee.' On Saturday lad Citizen " Faiichet, " the new mtnider from France vas introduced 'to' the Wefideht by the Secretary of Stare, lext day the new minideKdelivered to Ci tizen Genet thfc letter Tro'm the French mi nider of foreign afFa'rs, liniTyin. that the Executive has juilged proper 'id appoint Ci- 'Citizen LaTored has alfo becn ptefented as Conful General, and Citizen Petrv haiT the appointment of Conful for Pennfylva- a. ( i , i . . - . , ... . On Sunday l id, three waggons arrived in town fjorri BaJtimorejtheV; are "jfiippofed to contain money and the efTecls of the mi- nider from the French Hepublic " They "were guirdcd by a'party of the Baltimore" Voluhfeer dragoons. . " ' f ; ' : , . jt;z:qcccaings 01 vopgreis. HO US E of ; R P R E S EN T A -t I V.E & i ;,-' ' OF THE,.';:' U ? " U, N I T E D S T A T. E S. ? I ;!, WednelUtv. Ptbruiryjii. I . The bill for the ltef of Thomas Jenkins, and foil Was read tV ihlrd time and pafTed. The bill provides fortKe rem'fiori of duties on goodt-luft ina veflsl . bound up the North-River. 1 : Mr. Giles of thfcomniittee on the petition of, refpc&iilgaa extenfive plan ofirdnrance of property, proughtin a teport ..Tho committer are of opinion that the plan cannot be a Jopted by uongrel s it the itefent Ume. A motion for printing it did not pre vail. - ' 1,1 ''.; "" . . . i l On motion of Mr.- Murray, ; the report on the pe tition of S. Smith pf Maryland, was read a fecond tine, and, after fome converfation, pbllponed, to give time for further information. . ri tt ' . .tr-lf inti a mmttee or the whole Mri B. Bourne in the chairand toefc into confideration the report on the Pott-Ofhce law. After s o'clock, the ctnnraitteerolel.and, retried tprogrtl, and the Houfe adjourned. 1 ; t i Friday, February ' . , ' -A'rnefTpge frdmthe Senate, by Mr. Cm, their fccieiary, informed the Houfe that the .Senate have pal lid the bill for the; relief of Thomas Jeokms. and ion. The Houfe then" pio'ceeckd lii ihe conUderation j ot he report on the Delaware eleaictn, . t TrtfqaelHon for agreeing to the tflaufe with-ftates ' that John Patton is not truly eleQed to'rerve as a me m , "Dcr, being put, 'was Cjtmed'in the aSinnauve, neat-, ly unaniivoofly; ' V'.'h -i' l.' V' 1 The cJaafe f the reporf which ftates, that Hemy Larimer rs Mulv feieftedj-betngput, a jlebate-enfued ,. Tbe 'quelion was at length determined, byyeas and ftfays 57 in favonr of agreeing to ihe claufe ind jji. agiinli it Mr, Latimer was i accoidjngly qaalified, and took his ieat in the Houfe. ,"'. ' I . Frcm Paris papers the,. 4th, q$th, iv , ' ' aridJzSth'of fyvemb'fri 1 1 . I . 6nhe.rfth of Novembefthe I gold and fiiver,cblleaed from various partsj of the rerublic, in Paris, amounted to po lfefshan 41 million iter'ing. - V' ' I i . J " . , On the 73th, Arnar,1 In iame of S the committee of g -Wral;fafety, ' announced , a plot formed by ' ittaiid the : cpalefded. Kings, to corrupt the leading tepreiWa tives of the peo'pie. Bazire and Chabot had "leceive'd, and brbughtf to' the committee, 100,000 Jivrcs, tOV put themieiyes at tne head of a confmracv to dmolve theXonven- tion J hele have denotlnCecl juirerr ana Launay who accepted the. offers of the coa- JltlOll. ., ,, ;... ; v. . . I .1.: ";' They were: all four directed 4 . to be airsrd- ed. I In this fitting, a' letter was received from the ci-devaht Buchefs of Orfean, . odering her fortune,: iry millions, to the repub lic ;'.'".'.'- ': ' ''.-.'-'tS-' I The committee of lafety :madea report on the means of giving government nece Ta 'ryenefgy. 1 J, . r" . W-L ' I i he JLhichefs of ,Lrriean3 amven at rans, ': v - f t . , ! ' 1 f 'LI -lit.' was com nui- who fighed to t bri the 21 d of November, and ted to the Luxembo'utg- ; A irreat number of tJerTons "the" famous bttitioh of the ? 8000 atid : the 2p,ooo, have beentak en up. I ! lhe feclion of Quinge-Vingt hasTetUed ed, ihatran altar flioiild , be j erected, jon which a perpetual fire jihould be kept; by young virgins." Their requed however ' has not been complied, with. j ' ' , f In each feclion a column is to be opened, Oil which me luiiuwmg iiiitiipuuji ia w,uy placed ': The good raan never dies :-He Ifves for ever in the recolledion ofhls fel- low-citizens." ; - , t - . 1 DantoW whofc influencei appeared ye wavering during die' continuance of his illnefs, was recedwith"themod unboiin. ded applaufe,when he7 made J his . fird ap pearancjs in the Convention,' on the 23d of "November.", : ..'; "' -;t ;p;; In the fittinerof the Tacobiris, 6n the 22d. a letter was communicated, in which a plot was developed, that had been formed ! to furrender the port of Havre to . the "En- 1 homas Paine, of whofe departure for America the mod abfurd reportf have been circulated, is ftilljat Paris -VV hen Dantbn ' made his fird appearance on the 22d of November, he was accompanied by Thomas Pained -v ' ' f - , ' . ' . . ' :,K ; U ; i v The reaionVthat the latter member of the . Cohvs -tidnrias Iti ever 'moleded "in cohf'e- quence 6f his attachment to BrifTotirie par ty, -are, his fuppofed popular ty in" Ameri ca, his work 'on the rights o"mahi andjhis v entire ignorance of .the French la iguage, ; WHICH WUU1U iUlUtl II lillUUIUUlC iui mui iu carry on any intrigues injuriods to the iy aim iHuiviiioiiiiy 01 iirc repuojic-r 7 p Extratf of a letter from anjffictrin the royal army; to an Enugranfin Jerfey, dated , : front 'jfiratijiw(rujmiberji&': l l ""- .Wehave left - in; ah open part of i La Yendee, a body of 1 6,coo men, ' podedi in fuch a manner as to give uneafiaefs I to the patriots 5 at the fame time there is no caufe of apprehenfion frpm apy efforts which they may attempt. Another xorps of 25000 rhen, under the command of M. Charette,1 - has taken pbffeflionof the iflahd of Noir. (moutier. They have fince thought proper , to quit that ifland, land join the former" bo- -dy, which they effected in a. mailerly man. ner ; fo that we now have in thofe 1 towns an army of 4X,o6oirneri, on fo rrefpeclable a footing as to remove all caufe of uneafi , riefs wi th regard to, us. - : f it was -after very nature deliberation, that M. de Boncharnp thought proper to a bahdon Mortagne, Ghplet,- and ivtl er pods, of which the recriciiiers took p'ofleirion, and, where they found nothing but what ; we ; chofe tajca-ve' them. Tne object of. tKe council of warrwrj eh refolVed on this plain wasto putjn motion the coalition ..of L Roverie, in Britann.y ; to procure provifi- ons, and 'ammunition ; VO. appfQaCh thef. m.ri:jme coad"of NoTmany and Britanny, and be thus" enabled to open a diredt inter-. courfe with England, and !to receive; fuc cburs from thence : - r : : 'C)urarmy ' amounted to 45,000 men when we paffed the Loire; ijOur vidories l ar 'Laval and Fourgeres increafed it to o.o'ob." We" formed two columns ; one Jook;A;vrauchS, withbut:'firing a. (hot i and .proceeded to' Granville", which was like- ' vife taken. But theTnomeht we were drawn up in the grand place of that town, the re- I; gicides, who hid fljehifelves in the hcufes, tiered in every direction upon : us, Which o- r billed Us jn our ovn defence to retaliate . atiS burner fat leald-the-greateri part) to v - aftes;-" . - . ;.''- ;The fetond column: marched to Doh hhd tobk: poffeflion' of lt.: -The republicans returned mi rorce ro ciuuugc us, j n'v. Svasbbftinate and bloody; ' 1'he lols of the regicides "Was yeryjconfiderabje ; but : their numbers,) and the difhx'ulry of keeping an f open tbwn obliged tis'to abandon it. ' We1 "retreated in great order. Soine ftragglers,.. . paf ticularly omen ; and children, fell the v ' unhappy vi'clims to jour hVvage enemies. - '.- Our commanders, held conferences in " theiriviroris "with liie ;ragenW,of the allied ; W.wPt1e5 fi-?T wa flieri cknbwleciircd - that s wi 'ftnrf'-trtiiieedwa town for the nroteaion of old age, our! wives and chjl dren, and for giving due .attention toour wounded'coriipamdhs. ' Befides ourtroops; although: invincible inbattie array, wanted many things to carry on a regular fiege, and, for the defence of towns, to neither of whiclithey hay beii accudomed not having any cannoiV above itwelve-pounders. In conenoT which ; ve have afked ,v for a body of , regulars, of 40,000 me n, WrnTfrnn's' arid 'ammunition.' ' ? Aftpr ferrlinir thefe matters, it was judged necehry to chahgelouX'rpfmer plan of o peratioVis. We (hall return ; towards Dol', frorn thence the army will Operate again in two columns, one of which wijl go to Sr. Cas, and the other f to Cancalei St. Malo is fituated' between thefe two points. When we have received the promif ed fuc roiirQ: xve ftiall liefietre it and it is probable that it cannot makdany griatirefifiancbe- cauie the republicans have vwicnaraw uic there and carried it to Uennes, wheYe they have an arrhy o 45,000 men. The garrifbh oftais inconfiderable. ' '- l- - - J' t If the promifed fuccoers foon; arrive, I can aflure you, aft&the well fcnown dat of the public mind, that within one month there will be aT gerieTalti" ioirinthe two great provinces of .Britanny and Ior m o Hn ... . . s ii j . ' a r T?:v.itrr ffittea tnc iwm SX lCilCi.XlUHI i UUUUi(, Novemberi fays; There is at prefent a military confeription in this; country which will furriifh 28,000 men forhe campaign.; The Couh&V of rladeriiaTiHies 6000 men. Fuftembcrirhvy; arid theBlack Forett , 1 6.ooo; I1ip tnwn nf FriboUTs: alone will equip 522, among wnom arc iuu mviA 4.u.,ho.o - i"Moft of them, el- peciallythofeof the Black Fored, are armed with'an-arubbufe, dowf . a mari at 500 br 'dbo pacestdidance. , ' :l A correfpohden t lbferve tht the; ap proaching independence of 1 Corfjca, fitua ted in the Mediterranean," naturally; brings forward . an inqnirv concerning the fate or

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