J .1,11 J? r - A - t. 't 1 . This day is PulVJbed and for Cale ai the; it . . . , . rrinthg-Cffice, ' " " 1 f A Ntv Edition f - ! LATCH's KING's BENCH REPORTS,- " : : : j -OK. "r ;-.-:--:i,r-:-: CASS DETERMINED IN THAT oL'RT Dtin- ; INC THE 3 '.FIRST YEARS OPClf AJlLKvI. A SUrFLEMENTj TO CROKi CHARLES. : '" 1 taielj trsnfixitJ inii (Le EMljp ToAgtUt S THE per fen who basboVrowtd from me, 'the'iraedy of: the -G A MJES TER is requeued to return iu . i i Subfcr;ptkh for Publication of ! v i : T THE .'1 ;. 4 ' ' of the A1 "I o jdl Jy; he wouTd Se ittbr6 agreeable r But this wouli ? Jiot be abibiutej neCcifaryy : -.v-T ::- i' EiiJi iUDicri Der ail -taice a tew genteel boarders ! cn renabJe terms.: ' ' ' i f -1 Marco u ; :;j-V: Vxizt o.-re djlL'r end a hal" r 1 1 i. : Alpcffoiis wftdSiavc demands againCt the late JoUil SfArkcy Elq. -ct Onflov County, are rcqilelidno furnifli 'either tif the lV.bfcriberk with bri amount' thereof, def cr'bin thc Tnatiire f the claim y that pro vt iioiinav be mads 'to '"dircharge'lhe-fahie. AriJ-.drn'ofe indebted to the deceafed,- are reqaelicii to maKq immeaiate payment. " Ar.iCE STARKEY, yAdm'rx. i ; 1 -WiliS ' TAYLOR; i'mf1-' :.: ' VaViLLIAM JONES,: hJ?1L : GEN E R AL-'AiS S;E M IT L?Yj O F N p R; T. H -C O t I N j; r.lHE; publication oi, 4 Re vifaljoftbe pdb'2 JL lie jaws' of this fia'te, 'by jude JfedplJ havjnjj. reemiiygiy fuperleded thejiucelhty of prefervino: the pamphlets publilhed at the -rile of 'each1' fembn oftliej Xej;jllature. th?ie are no looked upon as uleleis lUiiiber," and in a few vcars will probably "ceale to be ek- records' of th N 6 T I C E. " ALL pcrfons any wife indebted to the i x :h:e of the late Charles. Attains dec. a. s requited to make immediate' payment u i.le lUDicnoer ; anaantnoie wno nave axiy.iiciRan'dssainfl'jaid eltate atedefired atteit- W.riS m tne;r accountspropeny ed in order that, 'they' may receive p iyment. - - -""Tannec Adams, AHin'rx. VI - December . . . -1? t F O R . S A L E. Otxn:ktr yrungi'i'ro:s.ior .cafi or country pro U" . .5 is. ""JAMES MNJLAY. ; F JAMES 0 ,V at the Printintr-OfUce Va'calcu- X l.i'.J.v.i exhibiting- iit Ivills Cents, and. J.V.irs, the value of Gold (as tltablilhcd Lj v iMTrds,) irbm one Oram to a round, j; T Vot ard Shoe -makers, ; HE fuoUr-brsreJpeclfully inform the 1 r.::hl:c tint ihev carrv on the BOOT and blUc-vlAiIklj buh.iels i us Van. daJbra,ches, in a ihop ncxr to Mr. . GoqU ! dhiur in PIok-Urcet, oppoiitc the Cliurc-li. 1"iey have on hand a quantity of boots and Ihocs, bootless. cair lkins, feal llcins; of tbe.neatelt and bcfVldud, cheaper1 than can hou&bc cUewhere. Tliofe-GeHtfenieii v; ho will favour them with tr.eir cnlloiri inay Vely on Having their work as well executed i ss ii can be done. i: - ' : ; 1 " : ' '. ' - iant.' It is. in them alone" (if rthe the Secretary's AHRte are excepted) v that are contained a number bf Acsy j which tjib" called private, are ofYmoinembus utility ta many of the inhabitants ot thiij jlate; and may eventually. become lbto"atl ?ofvthem. Thefe were not inciudtdjih the Judge's revi 11'.; andthe 'difficulty offinding a number! of the hi' is al really ex tremey and without a ire- pubheatiort,- will loon ripi into an ablolute ; Under thel'e impreflions,' F. X. Martin has uiidrrtakn to coUtct and -ix Drint ;thera and wiil furniih a rveil- jbound; copy of 'his collection to any gentieiliaii who may .Willi - i.-i& riJOKf rion -is 401 foai; aJtttorrfrmuiarl kiiov have encouraged his -fdrui'fefT undertakfrigs by fubferibing, either . to! his 'Juitice; Sta tutes or Gazeui;,' lie wilj - expect no advance moHey; 3 A' wii'h to provide' againit' decepti on impoles oil hi'm tlie necemty of requirmg a fuuH eamelt from ail others- twit.- ten: ..hillings: -r.' ' r . . j -.: ' . ; j Any perfon who' will:? fubferibe and be- : come accountable lor. fix iconics will be enii-i . . i -J! r tlea to tne.lcvenihgr,j'. than.it has t?een in for half aVfnMirir ' The comnarfders ofc the TBrj rife add Sanifit fq ua d rons i n - our port, which - were reeh- 1 forced laltiveelc: bf ieyeral fhips of the line; ; frigates land cuttersrjexfiftfin Urging the Senate, ;even by threats, to join the power 4 combined againft France 5 there is, 'hdwe verr;j at , Genoa, a very numerous party; which; ' oppefes i this ccalirion; " and ? is 1 even in fayoartheCbnv whoion to this party areiaccufed'bf the mo ft! fi n irter dens $ and the Governm en t has "ordered public 'prayers 'fbr-threlei days; which; ended on -i Wcdrtefday Uaft, to pre- lcrve tne jtate irora, the dangers which tiiicaicucu IX.-' 1 V I ff-r- This relatesio the difcovery of a Catalins " uuittifacy, ciitumpaiicu oy a let or nxenr whoj - favoure'd by fcfd i t iqus a n areh y, fl a t te red themftlves tcr tn'm thc geiieral coufufi bn to their own profitV . One of thofe con fpirat of s Ha s be eri arr e(I eH (ar Pbz t, mo o, a-1 mong whofe papers were found tlie names of all the accomplices in this cbrifpira'cy. or thofe at kaft who were to have a fliare in red, jor were; farthei: to incur j 'to obtain adi- herenfs and abettors j ; ; '; ' ; f ' 1 f ;l T vThe chief, cf tne cpnfpiracy ia'alio faid to be in cuftddy i .he is a Roman by birth, of the name of Pali, and was' lit the fervi ce o f IViri Tilly; tl refin Jatller of the ConyentiOrii'.:l.t; is $alfpj'Jfaidi'; that in the, note iei zed: upon this chief rhere are the names of 14 youngpatricians, who have al ready lert O-ehoa. .0 . y- . m . .The expediency of .the undertaker know-. V JLhe plan of the . con fpira tors was to fct! ing what number ol copies w ill be j.wantd, " Jflre toortaFranto and to the hpipitalof renders it necellary that! anDlieatiori" lhoilld' lini - wK;)? f wrr ,,uu ; ii-;---. ; 1 1 .v i , ..bufy'dn eitingutfliinff the" flames'.f 600 'ftfthfe- - HUDSON & SMITHi January 25. be made early . rl l t 1 I .I"-'-' J , .(- .U. O -O i. ::-:i?e. gentlemen, wno luperincend a preis c'onlpirators were.to go to the" J3ankof St or.a 1 cit Ufecc in tins Irate are dehred 0 , George, . ! to plnnder the treafure 300 aSora. this aid tolieundertaking.V,.;., Mt rnoref were to make themftlve malters of ApplicjTion bypoft(poibge. paid) or o- the fort and of the battery of St. Benig- therwile will be thankfully attended to.: , no j 250 of the battery of Delia Cava v As this Collection nviII contain all tfie 250-i of fheVatter Town he.:Cimmifiipnsrs ofthe; difter- nd 200 of the arfenal and the Palace; Tile cnttoyns in tins State are Elicited , to eon- jeft of the confpirators were to patrol1 the K ORTH-CAROLINA. Trearurv-Oi2ce January 15th, 11794. THE General AfTcmbly, by the'r rcfolu tipri oft hV 6th day -of ( he re(ei t month, having directed that judgments be ;imredi. m tely taken againft all perfons 'in arrear to the State. 1 hereby inform fuch of the reve nue oilicers, and their fecunties who come iider or tie pronnciy, or procuring - copies, ipr city, to plunder; and to fpread confternati . , their reipecuve omces. .jK : .. .. r . . f j : on: We twill not vouch Jot s the truth of Vjefou X:...ourt,Houl, on:,onday the 28th erte the neutrality., Forefreine ; that this. day or. npm next, ; ,wpiantauon Known Jbour andjth 'hJ tIie;f?i.1le : of s ferry, adjoining i,tockaded, the Council has taken the Vreate ft precauionsCv Atthe (arne time all the Ge forbidden to leave the plantation of Henry . tewis; Lutterloit .14. -.1. pwi uu u v; h ' noele merchantmen are jamcs uaKer now iiycs ,;intncntiaw t,6n. . n . ric:uiv.wiiu ionic pcripu. P"PHFl,v; P.ia . " fTlWFrehrh arft ftHl in tisfy .Sundry Circuit Court, a dxtions,ca(h.,, . aincs-Baker. Coin rTT?0 be fold at public aucHori. at the b Jl L.ourtrtiouie inr.upun nefd on. .Wed- within this delcriptiou, that jud:Vcnt " will be entered ur airamft them accord !rifv' ?nr. U -Vj -J , " " inrr tVi fnrrinr fTnnrr Tnr ' Hfltckri.! aria, which will' happen in the rnbmh of J9N ?M?LT April next. : r ' .vfr ;. WmuigtW.i; . JOHN HA VWUUU, Public Treafurer. r n lO be fold in Wilmington, .on.Tuefday : b the &;h day !df April next, ten negro ""iflave? ; to fetisfy a judgment obtained V by Alexander RoTc in the fall Circuit .Court, : againft Henry Toomer, admtniftrator j of '. . the late John Gordon, "deceafed. i Ccmditions 'J ; ? . :J OH BL AKELY, ; Q.: .M. t t "Wilmington, dlarcbiq.y V judgment, obtfied: in I tftc Jniglitthw; fief p on board their mips. ,..Cr- t i z en Ti lly-the. "Jrench : Minilier; liill rc- iains here.tfi ' . LE G H O R N, November 6. w V i We learn from Corfica, that the Royaliil partyi .with General; Paoli at their head, ay the 2d day of; April , nexttwenty gain ; grounfl,:on; the comcntional party o TV - 4 v . rr i T - adminlftratqrs of the btcWm;K'unah'i?-;: ceafed.' :,. Conditions eah.. . - ; . JOHN;BLAKEll,rsj'f D; MJ TVilfnington, March ' importantofts. A comrhiJioner from the j;Conventibh andrfome other; republicans, Jfavebern taken. by ; the Englilhlleetj Jnlthe GciIi of St. Laurence, land feat to Corto -i ''i::