thU!ace,:wio after cbming Vithiri mufkcthe motion It was -further obferv, tjiat, hbtJkcpt.tiP a conftant idrine Vittf IT.naU no injuVy could poffibl reiirom to arms1 uuil they manned our yards fiom r delay,: o,uil. to what -would bf if! tnetrsj tqen mc-iinng ccaicn, ana tocyjcjrnc .jucuvv. mi iMViivM6 emrr- Miv".. . . y ;-V y ! -"';"-r: --t--i-- cown iwora in nana, iparea our Jives out . iiui uu m- vi imuv . w.,.. --"-" -rvTi ' "'r'0'" U1 i- - - . - - ,. . . fl.Ll!(1 J. t-- :..e T- .1 r ' in nnrnnriiinn.': ta . f 1" tinrh n lfr. havififv ftinnri ti nf the . t;Om tDC eiiaDIHr.CQ TUICS OI wic uuu c '"b "flwi",a"w"B JU iy4v k iii CtOCfla cldihesrchad onj and put us on board tl)e rThat it was quite a new thing to drive a th bufinefs of f.;ch magnitude with; fuch joth.ulu when ,wc. were taken -lefbre-the 'petuofity thro the-houte: " ' : J:r ' the Jn ODnofition to the motion it xras irom iljvc;,are keoHocked up at jiight ; ne day cally obiervedf that as , the .carrying trade wc were all lent to the'martne, and kept at liar J laoour from day, light to dark, with an iron chain which reaches from our legs to. ou-hip v about jolh. weight, and treated with great fsrerify hy our majlcrs, who:al-,. lar us nothing but becad and water for pur ; fubfiftcme. The heel-barrow men in voiir citv 1 ved a penteel life to we do. Our fituatioh is truly (hocking, and how,, 'which, this fubjea has been UHflcrjconfidera only, knows. iVhe ation -to Ucer clear tiieretore ot impetuo;i- , A,,u iw.unj iuinoriU:ij a loan o im- Jpne million. . 0-W r .f - . -:;-ltywaVmbed to-tkru - v pari or iue reioiunons olrcred a 'ttyy days r ; v I3nce,.v w hjcji-jstaJeomth' and the trade to the mediterranean wcre ot Tc"??pv1icTO fo trifling importance it. was really vfUri-- eem' fing that the bufinefs ot providing! a protec-'''waV:JoftV tion for the commerce of this country Jex- T purlue tfce.fubjcf Mr. aifbflVi:refol3 poled at this moment: to tne iepreqation or-i tfie Algerines, (hpuld be uiried with fo much impeciiofi y: thrqkthe,hbufe three months have auready elapled, great part sot-i iutior,s "and give .theni g dectljbr. . i x nc nouie inen went ir to a comrfi W-nrt and fpokd-as-folfows!' ; vrH v r fin exceedingly ipinr thatrthitiRefolutii inim wrm e"r r iff r r1 carpenter, John MTarlane Scotchman,' ty in' conduain. .the -.bufincfs, J . mpnthi.; wPfF wa taken cut of the mannc by the BrltlfTi more .ought to be fuffejred top&MaTCAiz J?r Coifulthc-fail. maker, Tohn -Fonrcaux, iiy thing is done- ,r A ::;h: -? nd two Spaniards, C. Romeo and B. Ga. ' With refpea to thccoiidu of the re.Iea. . pQ V Wv-l nx , , , oria, were fold a public" anQiVri: On the . committee it was aid that", in ithV firlt f""? ?c, evcbi;g of the lame I amred here,1 the fol- d 1 wins: matter . with their crews were : jeed to, oh accpunt.btr.wy$ a,nd m brought in ; Captain Wallace, Virginia ;? of being conneaed th"k tb.rerrfbv ;thjs f ' TO tos have beeafo far tota1Ir " Wmin: RnHnn , Tawlor. Rhna.If1and t nh ettionthe bill was I reoorted ja:the; xormr . V-r v.,wt wu.ain.- -. ' . - w . . 7 a ' w J , - . : ..(.. r . , r j ' t - .. -w - - r ..- ' -t. - .--J - Furnace. Kew-HamDlhire s.Ualder. Ulnu- Dctoic me nouic . ; J . , ' " v r ? ft- gi: ro. pats4.i cetlcr ; Burnham,1 New-York ; Bailey and .'I he motion being' ppi for recommitting U :C ,rlo.i u1tlo,J1! iPH.a? conflo uences "are --ic paucu 111 uic negative. r4(kX' dir-; s.u-v ,v7": r : , wv wijiiucicu as rvioi.s. irwourv . rcuruic x iiuaueiDiiiA Thercholtf ntimhpr bf Ameriran ishpturn ""'lhc hbbfethen proceeded "tbTfilhttii'j the ; au act tcntiir.g to n.eet Great-Britain in Lof-I i2oi:md 130 ; they neat the aOutch in the . blanksln thbcburiebf filling u lame manner th;y do us rCaptairis O'Brian- the opposition to the bill was revived bn bid ana oicpncns, wniiincir crews, are nerc, 10 i.w tiwuuuo u. um ycitwn atuui ' ' - ' r Vv -o ' it r 1 .. . 4-..r r:.- u-'l L;i' '' i - lizcns of Afaifrc mmf ; tJi...;iti b living fmall number couM-notbe redeemed have no Hopes of relief, therefore endeavor to make ourlelves a nappy as pouiDi They alk for my ratifom 4000 .dollars, fir 111 and fecond mate, 3000 dollars each, and for each man 150- dollars. If a peace ' is not made, or our (hips protecled, we may. cxpVa to increafe daily, as we are all em4 poyedin the marine department, fitting out cruifcrs. 1 have not yet learncil their-; force, but as thee is no check on them, no American will be ab'e to go. to Europe, in fafcty. A. courier, is arrived from, illicant, inlormingthc Dcy'that Colonel Humphieys; is.theie with fall power from Congrefs to.. a peace, -and watts his permiflion 10 : come ; but the Dey, .1 am informed, had :, refufed him. I remain ypur humble, fer vanti - ,. : " i ; ; ! . wf inrr the refourcea of the Alaerines n.-iH 4 he ""r . -"o. . . . -o--------t. 1 '1 'fupcrior policy of having recourse to iiego.' -r f - r nr nn arin niirrr.aip nr a tfo xr Kobbery. and arcJainfUllelaw of Nations- hey.vvouldjuiUfyahimmediate'dcCiaration t war. Prudence inav however forhlH ?f rrrnnnd tv ac r1nw frnm JOr tne mpmtint. ; t ' -- 1 " 1 ,Kvv3''.: communications, from which it wasinfexred . lhou.K .-95' our prepn rati oris that the eligibility of the' mode of procuring : for ar clual meafures for a peace by purchafe, was greatly ftrength- VUi f i ?4T 0&m draw. -t:uc ...... - 9 . v i . .- 5 - attention Im-- vS----f :'U;-U "r'.v enea. rrom tnis view- oi the iubject, a. tranfition was made to the fubjea of navies generally in which the bad. confequences conneaed- wfth their cllablimment were, depiaed in animated termsThe jblanks were at length filled, 'and on thefqueftion' flia 1 tfx bill pafs f'-f-it was carried in the af (iimative. Ayes50-NojtS39., ; riVJarch'i2.;v;." : .'- J ' ; The bill for providing for the expences of the war depart m tnr for 1 794 vas talc en up in committee of the whole-and Veporte 1 V '" S it " -::. ! -;' -.1" Kii in attention. There is ftill a j3of$birty Jof Peace : we ihould iidhere to a 1 Names cf the crevj cn buard of the Jhipl without amendments. Minerva. : ." John M'Shane, Matter ; Andrew Tul-: lock, J ilt Mate; Samuel MiKburne, 2d . aMate ; John ilFarelane, carpenter ; John I Fogererux, failmaker ; Abel Willis, cook Seamen, Jofcph Rogers, William Brow.n, I 'Jiomas Burdpn, William Walker, WU u, Graffton,-Giani Romeo, Barrotami z"ha,.-John button, .Edward. Kerr, Jo Pitz.. . ; ; : : i.- preferyihg; neutrantv until War arih from Great Britain ; let us np aft wbich wiltthrbAr an imputtiba : upon: us. ;Ji '.SirS; .c-;'"'!; -..r:f5:' ffjthe aggremens on the parti ofGre Britain fhould fbe cbrttinUedorfetisfactibnv not be made for thelr'we;?m be thinking of the rnott leifeaull m :ans Vo ' carry : i t on; : ; ; '' ' ,;'A ' -The Ffench iReblic r: exprefes heffclf fnendiy to the tTnited States vr'e ihould "ui ututk aru in JiiaKingretUrn ior ?n . kJ-' i..J "iCi.t. 1' ' ti guuu umccs towaras us, pfi,yideti aur adts do not infringe j he pri p ciples of' ncu tra liry ; I,be!ieve it to -be theyefireof'rhls the executives of the feteralftates copies' bf "T. 7 ,ICicrvc "iC .ra.ity,anri Ip iar the amendment nrornVH fnrnnftsL,: 35 1 iearn cven French Rep ublc ' .T r W W W MW4W . . r 1 1'. A. 1 - - f - - - w -I Concurred. ... , - - .it: -I J :-:r7-r repor ' 1 he bill for fortifying our harbours Was taten up the : blanks filled and patted. Ameflage war, received from the Senate communicating a refoliition requeuing jh'e Piefident of the United States to tranfmit to j G N G K E ,S S ! Of TirwTJNnEb bTATFS. HOUSK OF KpRbSENTATIVES. A J VI M 1. m 7X 1 M fr . m 4111 til lUi ution of .he'duty, on the mponion 1 ceSim ar iron under certain reflriaions. ' . ;, f "T1? :"V I I. Air. Park .1 he houfc went into comnjittee on ' t part of the Pr efiHcht -s . fpeech which' relates. 10 diicira.s auu magazines, CQmiqcrea .re . report of their feledl si wbud hvilling to fbrser i4 V f oi meriinjunes; bohe'hat niuu wiu iurycus lo nate ner I ' i-fi:iii !uia:;ij to -v$i :,Srifi;; . ifiS t ifJ - v f, . .we are forced into one-and mould imam, committee apdircpor-A,,n n R ."M.tP?,A i A ,i - -r , motlsi (jrreari-Brnainf trav find'u&ih vheitr red to; the principles: ! - , , -vd" ' v . . . - -i - ; mu.nuu itidit uic dt lire rnr vmmi. . i, - - lcverartown? and-countiu in"tKe flare of! containca m,;. and- appointed . a s- - .-t-'i.. 'P " v -t.tM Virginia, relative to the eris tow ' .coinnuttee to bring Inabill. ; PS- rl 1 ; TrMmJS- pending before Congrefi- refpeal co " ; Adjourned. " 'rfj'skp-i, '. 1 i ' ; .9- r. X - hm v . !! ..... ; . . otates men1 w ilrbe-f Ound to at baamft i - merce the general import of1 whichNvere 1 - . . . March 13. , i! ' ' -'a; . 3n -f . ' r r l 1 t - - i tl'ii Llt 'ij ' f ' --'ill. ' -Common CCCmf . 1 v ,.vr.;,, in favor of the principles contained in Mr. A bill for the building of magazines, ar-- Vxrtr'i Kj- ? MadiHm's Relblutions Thefe 7Wtre rcM1 nals and for other purpoies, was reported ' f;?J 'a U:a .V - - -,- ,j'tw.; ..!. ' ; !' I tion) we have little to fear.lfrom Euxoptari , ; The bill for fortifying.thc ports and har-1 bors of the United States was reported, read twice, and committed for "to-morrow. - ' The bill providing a nayal'arruament for the protection of the commerce of 'the tJni-j ted btates, was brought iri tngroflld and l read. . '"--'-;," jS'l A motion was made1 to. recommit -it" to? the committee of the whole houfe. . j 1 his motion was principally hippo on the ground of the felecl committee ing acviatca irom tne report ot tne mittee of the whnlr urhirh rnnrf mi ed'the wavs and means of rfefravinir the cxl A bjli came down from the Senate, fup- pcmentary to a bill providing for the piinifh- mCht Stated combinations. 1 hisy5(lutJ5 ifrfiVjbyia fmiitbritT -Madlfonarrfnlntinftc' TK, at rWrt; ;7e,TOflS fOT?Of; ot the Britifh on ourcommerce has in a. decree the nature of the otiefi complexionof the debates. Ihe t efblutidns ; ?vln?etl tmdiate cpniiitu rted r anow oppo.'ed as too weak for pnr prefent -T iuTi"fi5;r Xha" !" nation yr.-.. : ccm-;' c rcioiuuons oy jpecitymgrureat-r V ' W : lJrm if 4 nrA: Britain as the ob?etof them and vm mrtlVA' ? : ; : -'iV ,:.v ' ;:' - 1.7 : ; 5 : ob?et"of the") by a confiderable' maioritV.; No other quef- i nis pon nas ocen open, Imcc January, for a fevr the arrnament, where the bill contains no "To'utions generally, which was lbft. The ? JinHl0,a" fu.h cllimate for the ifake thereof of order lubjea will probably be .refuraed fto-mbr-fi)?? ott -.ixi nd regularity in cc-ndo the-publicbu-row..-