u t f i t " " " - 1 ' Wnr die oTclref copier, In Aeyear FfiOhe.J . r..i ...d ninety four, .rIandiadKeofthe territory ;north ten tuouftna tWf hundredo.Ur, For expenfcf ot ltattoncry, uu ereaing and. repairing of Arfenals and , 'Sc. 'and foV other purpofes, w?, read The third time, andthe blanks therein filled UPI 'i'li ;fT.i HollinefwroTth ando- th-rs, proprietors of iron works in Pennfyl v. r - - - UnnH. onrl read- f r I y dirpofcd to promote their happinefo I - 7 i WfT.T.t AM'Rf OTTMT I Knoxville, Tuefday, ? , . FeW 2SV,..7?4:;:;j- 'tl5i;---.v ; rir mritinn. refolvedt ; that the" members it v-r t - ; f . I .., "I ir u: V.nii'B rrr in nrnrrflinn fo hear a ff rmnn 3i Hits " r i ; - : T " r to be delivered, this da?, by the Rev. N,r. . - , ent "inlevin bo,b .belaid, m.on, f.-ven hJ.idred dollars :, - For the payment of -fundry .pen ions . by the 1,,eigoTme,.oAoa; fiml ,l,rc hundfed-and ttxty even dolUrs v t three cents ir "' . .cr'ucfbv CoRr:U to Bon bteuben.two . ufrnd 'five ihundred collars :' .! i , a 1 io the orp'-n children of major ALZ dec Auma.Uy ,hi-aft of Congreft . of !w iwentt fcreU February, one ihou. fan!-! fevtnbW.red and n-ntty three,' Uven l.ui'uted and ffty dollars : ' ' For .rrearaces-of nr.fion ,?e to the - widow ;aFdn pchi:.-r. -Fore Joneljohi. Hard.ng a.dtot e tnhan-childreti of ma.or Alex d T.uman, to the tr.ir.y PrA cf Deccm Ut r793 fI'Jr.d aml ieventy five Vor the annuil allowance tor tnc- u--'"t",c n of rIuKh iVcrcer,- fon of ttcbtc Major Oenc. al Mercer, four hundred dollars :, Vrr the mintenaHce-and repair of lgt lu ulc , beacons, tiers, Itakes nd buoys, twea V thoufanddoUrs; I t 4 . Vo make pood a deficiency in'thc appro, prr .i-n of the ear one thouland feven hun Srcd an ninety two, for the maintenance nd mats, of light-houe, beacons piers, ink-a 'y buoy. four thoufcrid dollars : . . For the ntirchafe of hydrometers, for the -ir.-. mf .the- cudoms - and -hcctors of the revenue one thouland five ' - K.t - balance Hated by the Auditor of the .TrrvOry. to be. due to the eftateof the late . W.r if v of tongrcfs. of themcnty feventh of Fe br ary, o thound feven hundred and ,,mVtv V,o. to indemnify the:!aid cftate for n renain bond entered in oby him, during t'i 'late war, in which is included in tciea dtrtf tn the bonds from their dates, to X c twelfth' of Apir one thouind . feven hundred anil ninety three, thirty three ihm f nd ont hudre i and eighty leven dcllars, snd f:xtv even cents t i J , For a-lravinc the ex?emfc incident to t.ie f.atm - and f rimin? the public accounts, for ,V year one thoifand ftrcn hundred and . ninety three, dg-t hundred dollars : i . For the. payment of foch demands, not otheiwife provided for, as. (hall have been . u'y MUnvird by r .c oGcers oi the trcafury, five tl.cufand iol'ars'.. Li -, ,r J: ec. ;Undb:it further enaUci Th t the feyeral anpropriat ons herein before made fl,a i be paid ard difcharged out of the funs lowing, to wit : . j Js -ri rrut. i hC 1UT oi nui...w . - was rVrefented to the houle and reao, , Mfkfr Cocke and Tintnn praying a continuance of the prelent duty Ga 7 Go;ernor adnd rcqueft his atten Reimportation of foreign bar omndc i , , , ' , ines, or-iucn cntoui4.v; , " - f i-t ' ':: . JT and improving furnaces and thfemanuttuJc Oa 0Hori of Mr.. , Cocke, Seconded by cf iron within the United .btatesas 1 P Iff Mr Tipton, reeved, that .a committee be v.. Jifvipd nroner. . Ordered to lie on the ;table. 11-1 4fn f avi iifl- tn nrovide tor two enroucu uiua r--.the define; of certain ports and harbors, m ;ijr.United:State$'rAnd f' an Al making j further previfion fbr tlie the expences attend-j . tng the inter courfe of the United Statesvith i foieign nations; anaroruicr iu w'u forctf the aft, chtitled,an Aa providing nrv nninted t; draw up an addrefto Congrefs. jracicu iu v .j r . c M iVlell vut.ci iv;., rtdi,; uu Mr. New, from the, joint cominmcc Tavjr appointed !a committee for that; L-M W:k. reorted the examination! ui M -wf- - ; - ; r X,5 . oi mntion - orilered. that rv.r. Cocke - ' ' 17 ' ." . ...... 1 wait cn the Rev Mr. tfarrick, and piefcnt lent difcourfe deiiverep by him yefterday. ;';v;:!.; 1 Thurday Fehruaty ' 27. -0 . , The hou'c proceeded to the election ot . force the" aft, chtitledan Aa providing f nnorS when the. Jfollowirig-t gentlerAcu themean ofintercovrf betweene Unuedj . leaed. 9;:: i.rl dolors, referved by the aa making provifioii for the dibt'ot tne unt . -1 he furpus of revenue and m come bevondths aprropriations! heretofore charge thereupon,: to the end of the year one thou:and fereA 'hundred and ninety Frederick Augustus Muhlesbrg . Speaker of the Voufe. of . k ' Representatives. 1 John Adams, ViecPrtfiJent oftbe ' Uwted StuteSt and PreJii-ent . , of the Senate.. ;C -Approved March the 7 ,1 r .fourte'emh 179 5 ..rj r4. TJ . - : Go: Wastiington, PrefiJerJ of the Urn- : ; ted State i. -..;"!! "r ' DeptfteJtmwg the Foils in the Wpce of t: ; . Edm: Randolfh, - . . Secret ury of State C 6 N G ST'e S: S . OF THE UNITED STATES. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVE. . bKETCH or tki Proceedings, " . lurfday, Watch 18. - - An cnroued biU to pxotidc for the t -v A f rir i'Tn" na'tionsi" liOiVd hv the Senate and H6ule ot t).f-nHM nf the'United States of A- ;n,rnnorff 'ifTemble'di that the Pre- of ihi. Tfnited Sfatesbe authorized to employ s d!fp3t h boats; fuch of the revenue cutte rs of the United States as the public exigencies ri'ay require, j ' : '. . I The" faid Relol ution wasTent t o the henatc for concurrence. . I M, a .cr ; writincr from fthe Prchdeht t lllllv o i .-i of the United States, by Mr. Dandridge, ;.rr,ftirv. as follows i i 4 I ! j , United States, tn ivjarcn 1 794s Gentlemen of the Scnate,and cf the r I Houfe of Rcprefentatives, J - The Minifter Plenipotentiary of the French Republic having jrequelted an ad- .: vance of money, ! tranfinft to Congrefs cer ta'n documents relative! i that fubjea. "Mc?nage and papers read and ordered to be committed. 10 Mr. William Smith, Mr. Ames, Mr. Hillhoufe, Mr. Venable ana, Mr. Sherburne. ' y . ! A mefTage fromthe Senate, by Mr. Otis their fecretary. A H ' .l : Mr. Speaker, the Senate have palled the Ttfolution authorising th!e Prefident of th United States, to employ, as packet boats; fuch of the revenue cutters of the United States, as the public exigencies may require.' T .nrnmittPP nT thf. VV-lloIft llOUfe. OX the flate of the Union lbme time was tpent,j and then tne nouie aajounica. .l EXTRACT from the JOURNAL OF THE ;, '. ' ; HOUSE ot REPRESENTATIVES 0F T' ! j j.' TERRITORY SOUTH of OHIO, .Begun end held at KnoXVill'e, Monday February 24, i794 On motion, it was rcfolvedthat the fol lowing meflage be fent to the .Governor,, and that MeflT. Cocke arid Ford wait on him. with th the lame': . ' v V I . 7b V Excellency WilViam J?rount, Efquire S I R n I ' . , r The reprefentatives btthe e6pleof this territory having niet according to your pro tlamation, are ready to receive any commu i nications you may be pleafed to make. I . Tueffrr, February 25. - i rrtc.i?.rt was received from his Excellency the Governor, by-Mr. Willie r' ti ur riforv in anfweif to Governor Blcunt whica was read Tre" WJnrhefter. William Fort. Stock. ley Donet bn,Jphri Sevier, fen. Richard Gammon, David RuiTelljAdam Meekj John Adair, Griffith Ruthekfbrd, and Parmenas IViyior. -' i-l':-' :-' . V . v Friday iFelruaryiZ ' t The committee appointed to draw up ail addrefs to Congreis made report, which Oil motion, ordered, that a commitree he app'intcd to draw up! an addrefs to his Ex. cellency Governor Blcunt, requeuing-him to grant further proteaidh to the f ronti e t s, and a guard 'to efcort the Cumberiiud rriem bers through the' w.ldernef i ; :- The committee rppointed to' draw up an aaarcis o;:Ui juavw g.iw; made the f oilowiag report; rnnrr aarp-ed to." - I I To his Excellency jWiihnm Hiottnr, ejqmre, Governor of the jfernt o'ry cf the United states jouw of umo 4 j Wp: iKi rfnrfiVn tat Ives of this Territory, ' tr treat vru on bihalf of our ;fello'j-.citixen of this frontier, expofed to the .'jufmpft diftrefs from , the well known hcftilcintehtions of ihe i.yagtt, that lemething farther he dontfor their proteition. j 1 n .L. r jo rWn rf faf tv. ..frVnfivp onera. tioiis, ccrae within your pre fent authoiity , wehura " biy! conceive that any fytUm of defenliye pioteflion &art of ctta bli ftiuvg a chain of block houfes rpuud t ho frontieis, at convenient iliftances, muft fall far fliort of the wiftiid for purpofes we therefore fugeeft the propriety of obftru&ing he principal inroad of tht 'foiicWipplaces; ; ; I '.,. ' v. V,, - - , ' . . hni.vf ih widow DiMarris. , In thecour.tr of Greisne At the Warin S pi ir on: French Broadlrivcr, ind; one at the mth ot Bi ' Creek,' on fatJ riter.-::;" ' ! ' " N-v :.' - In tne county f JeSerfbn One at the head rf Jane' Cove,'ori the little Fan Fork of Litt ic Pigeom river : one is Richardf ii' Cove, on the Middle -'tk ' leS at tht Creafy ot Little Pigeon river s cut m!VearVCove, ataay ereaed. r " ) H:. , - t In the countyof Knox.One at a place known by the nsme of Tuckaltecfaa on Little River ; one on the hcalf Crooked Crtek, known by the name of BlacUs' bWkrhoufeij one; at the plantation of Mr.; Stcne on the waters of Nine Mile Creek i one on the north cf t he TenefTee known by tht name of the Tcllico block-houfe j in 1 one on aid river below, , at or near the Ccvatee fork, on the north fide of xt i tie Teiicflee oneon the north fide of Holfton River ; . - .t'i.rT 'ir t sr'rrl and at tne mouin pi iown -rccK, aiicauj the garrilbnlof iSoutUAVeft Point to he kept up y j Eagle, ford $ one on Bull Run, at the great fait lick, already ereaed 1; onitir llind Creek, centrical be tWeen'Byran'rand RWd; cnc at Willbm' cab- dip, on tne norm uue oriintii " n, 011 ic uui vu uus Vi.i... !- ina x4Ai.bu1.uwj w - w. - , - y . . j in tne county or riawitiH5.-vMw wv .vr-v-- Blount, his private fecretary, in anlwcr to cf clinch tiver, en tile north -fide of theiCentticky theimcflage fent to hint yefterday .: 'road, attbefeig fpjingbetwten Chrh and Cumber. Sakerrandgedmen one at Morgan's nation anfd one. at uriown s o Cumberland River.-J .. - i In the county of pividion-One at HayV. flan on Stoe't River, and the other as Gen. Robertion fliall judge rncft proper. f . . 0 ' . '.fVi Lotf... Dne on the Sonne in mecoumv oi acunvMvv- - CreekfSycamose, H the other a Col. Ford ihall judge proper. TT,- rtrr?inanr of Congrefs of the xth ot July, 1787, which mayjbe called the confU tutioii on which the legiflatiVe powers toibe . exercifed in this territory ?re limited the objecli.: d( the tirefent meeting ' to the nomination of ten pef fons for. couu iellors. It only remains j for me to reami - mend, what I affure my felf jrour good fenfe and love of our comma couBtry nas alrea dy determined you .to; do, to nommatbe lrn mo ft caDable and dcic mipqicu w tcrce then to evacoaie men y'V'V r iMie -this occalion to aflure you, that the reprcfen- pijrpofr reiviaoathe buauimy and r nnnlr uill ever find me Oil tallies o i"w wwjj-.w .1 M - - . F S?? "ii'j i- :t Amncrr to the fitoatton in -1. 1. . - ' -f tK TTnited States Jay wnicn ine ironiirr tuwem - .. . r- ejfiwfed i and until they are better lecored, wi e imLbOible fcrthemtoraife their crops, htch .w . tk!r nlantations.- am! . . . -. .u K larne deitlfUlc eft rn, tre-'flatteT.wfelw. :iend yc or authority for the above the humanity and goodiufa ot i ' .4,,- i

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