.1 "A, 'Hot 1 E XJs (yoi..j.) : ; Saturday; April i p, , 7 ,4 (W-4.): , ' ' 1 ii. - f " (. -' ; :-...-.". ,:- ',ir- :.- .-J 'v-V. V'--'-V.V 1 ' i.t- - - - - . . . - 1 ": 1 ..! .. . . - ; ' - . . - :'i:;-,.v: . - - ' 1 ' ' I . - - - - - PosTOFrrcEMarch ju Z? cf Utters remaMgjin tU tPoI.Cfnce at QSTEND, Dxcmher 30. if A- l?Bajc.svo.o.ji is jut arrived, with intelli- . fiicwaenit which bt.S taken .out ht : thru m Montbs . jiU be fen tp tU Cc Report are in circu ration, which ihhough fanaior by fome of the higheft names in the lingduo, we can' 0x1 !y ft ate the rumour of the day t According to ihcfc reports, the French who, 0A1 . " T -- - -1. " Cerise, lhat the Rbva lift have hren tntoll feitt.l-i.thit the AHie hafekva'ciiated Alface,raiied rV!!?niaandwRh-r -I iUthe.id uIt.roccopied therftrong pofiuoat HWcao. toA,aYitX " ' Tic: P ? r ii weparus uioots, ana. .Lrrpmwhich they had driven General Wurmfcfgavc J1''JH td,let.ten, : , ThonWsPam,.de)TJi j -order., to their Generzl imj;. .Wi. ifTi ILLIAM Aphony, James Atmbrc, t,0f nMe.rleat., ftae been Intfred; and feal. put. tagc j They brought hCm to geeVa? ennenrl 1 : v., i6 MI IfT wmcn jje was totally routed, bt' the artillery, fibres,;- and camp fjiripage taken;! : tne 25m tney.attackcd the Uakc of. 'Tohrt Allri Blia,..in AAr.r " "&thrf? P-Ttf.l olihe pri(o..ers, W . T . J - ..,-w. . EliCia Brown. Nutame! :3ax:6tiil h'oma c: tj ii:nf.' r i .The if publican troop hai : ncaily extirpated . rebels at Xa Vcndeei ' ; iLn'Jin, Simon Bex JonaJJjul?er,,Rcv li.eitei3ah Biker, 1 Hrv ti y n'tiip ChrftJIcr, Ifaac Xroora -arwf Milium Whi4 Prederick Clements, Ste- p'hen Caaibreling, Charles Campbell, Na. . tjian Cob, . Jon Coart, William Cara . thCTS.1 ; r , '. ' t ' 4 : Frank Drcwlkitt, Samuel Dbttcn, Don hell Dunn. r ;, , , . p : ; John Eafton, Silas Ernes. . , j , , l' John Fair, John Frcebody, Citoyennc Friou, Jonathan Fellows. " IMalcolm Gillis, John- Green, William ; . Gardner, Solomon P. Goodricii, ..Wil- t liam Green, Borthtck C Gillefpie, Frede- '. lick Garrick, John Graham. ; . , William Hc it, Ropeter Hall,. Elias; Hawes, Edward HolmVs, David jfienderfon, John Harris,. Samuel Ijolliday.Archlbild Haml'ton, John Howard, Charles Hotton, .' Johu Harvey, Matthias Handy, Hligh Hou ltoa.. ' j.. . : ... , u ? : f.Jbhn Knox, Jabez Kingfbury ; ' Ktelianl'Kenoir. Marv Lowthoro. -Frah- cjs Lowihorp, James Little, - William Li- Vrnttfr. V.. till am Loclrart. " r Jofiah-Maudaugh, Nathan Mattjiewfon, Ilurdock .MInncfs, StepUenMoorCj John j JohnNorris, AbnerNafh. . J William Oliver. ! T 1 I :iJo ni C. Pindar, Jeremiah Parfons, James, Parfltal, Jane P.rmule, Nymphen Price, iljoleph Riddick, .Reuben Re w, Richard, James 1C to NtTlONAt COnvint'ioh. December .7 "Carnot, in the rrameof the IcooiiDittee of pubi Solicit ti, RicarJ. Frererl Rob erf-tier 1 tit TKirrii. , tbitr'UtfiPueS COmtcRt the committee af iu 'An taiitv. .. Head garters, ThuloBi December -zoj ' Secemijear ofte Republic one and inJivifibU. ' f? TheaTrny;of xjie fepublic,!near colleagues, in ' tered Toulon yefterdar . at feven in the raoming, af- r tet fie days and five hights fighting and fatigue : It burnt with impatiqice tpgive the atfault ; 4000 " fltells were ready-" but 'the cowardice ot the enemy, who had ev acuated the place after having fpiked ait the cannon 00 the ramparts, rendered tht tcaiing ufe'. - t-! Vhen enemy Ine'w the! capture of the En- I g.ilh redoubt, and the Whole promontory, and fiw 1 ail the -heights of Pharoa occupied 4y the -di virion bf General La Poypet terror feized thern.; They entered , Toulon , in. treachery, they kept themfeJvti there . like . cowaids.' and quitted it like villains. They blew up the Trw mi flocks, which ferved as a piifon ' tor the patriots t Happily the latter, except a lew, foun 1 means to efcape'dmingthefre. They burnt.' nine of . our ihips, and carried awaythiee j fifteen are . refer ved to the icpubiic,-among which rauft.be r marked ' tne iCoeth Sar.c.PniAr ..f m Some boats approached ai far as th? harbour -whilft : fuDnnfrl ! thev mult either be cut to .oieces:-cr hv dm theirarms. i . "'--r--. . r.;-' - The Neapolitan Prince! thkett by the French at Toulon,is fh: to thtfKfnfi of Naples; ana. .iicw w mc Jatevueen ot France. ! ; Accounts by the way of Brutels, fpeakint--ot our Iafe misfortunes at Toulon, ftatei that: Fort Mulgrave Which the lichen call .thc I Eugitih tedoubt; was occnied by:2i5bcS Bfc tifhi andjOQ.Spanrfh .tr's,l--thd'two?flan-king redoubts by 200 men fiom the troops ; of. all) descriptions, . rid that of the whole number not one efcaped; and only too were made prifoners. ' , T 1 January urders hare been fent from the Admiralhir for Cxtecn fhibs of the lih. none of them . under 74 gons, and in the belt condition of equipmenf. to rendezrou: at Spithead with as much difpatch as poffi , ble, and to be rcadj to fail on the flortcft notice. wcic in luuiun , not two neid pieces, placed on . ..y u.j..ifcu iu(uit ruui.ingsies were aireaav burning, when the ' galley . 11 weV, who are tiie moft- P A R I S, December t. S hbixft ptopic in Toulon,, cut thejr cnMes, and extin- wm i tu7Srj and tne" wood ma gaxineaie not damaged. 'FiTMhreatning tocon-' lume the-general magaiin; we commanded 500 workmen to tut off the commub'ication. There are tme rngates left, that the. republic ftiil has a rcf-' pedlabie naval foce beie. We found provifions ofs cvciy kind.. of wh.ch a ftatenient is making our, : whith we wjl fend to you. .r . - '; , L"-Th5 nalional vengeance is difplaying itfclf, and mooting on brAiy." All the ma rine officers are already exterminated.. TLe republic. fliall be revenged in a manner worthy of it J The mane of the patriots iiiail be appeafcth 1 :j iuiwoi"rww, . . T r , - Avj um iidvc lunacr aetaiis to-mor-P4.nr Ti'nVpr. Knhraim TilFanv. loienlV mm 'V.,'.' iJ L' - 1. 1 r :: 1 . . j-u" r - , , v " vu t.uiuiuy;iiciit9 ana latisucs mar Thaims, William Thompfon(Dobbs) Adam be eafily conceived. , jt ToJey. . ' : - (Signed). . , v "SjitfcBTJ, Frilron; . fJohn Urquarr. :r . : . " Uicard, RobertsfIere, B arras. .: jThomas UMhams, Ann Witherhead, ; I-thb iittmg the plan o a decree pre J. Waiker, jun. John ilfon, J" vftnted by the committee of welfare was a Uratermaii,FrcdtrickWard,EdwarfVi hiu dopted,.viz. That a national rr (hall be yy Stephen nite, wn. vance, jcrcmiaii celebrated throughout the rcpub .t John Spiar, Benjamin . Sparrow, Sandy, .Nathaniel b'treet, Hutchm bylvia, Samuel Simmurall, ftierifF of Craven, John Smallwood, Jofeph Shefiield, Alifey Sin rltarv. Nathan Svlvefter, Andrew IShonnarU . c:mnrAn fZiTtt Star. & Vernice, Nathaniel Willis. , .F. X.. MARTIN, P. M. 30th of December, at which1 the holc.Cpnl ventron in a body fhall be prefect : That -the name of Toulon ihall'be J'upprcIed,andv that commonalty be henceforth called Port - N O T I CE, .. .:: ... LiT ricrfons .anvwife -indebted to th 1 77 f?i yf thr laf p Charles Jjfdami dec i are requtlted to . make . immediate payment fhall be levelled with the Iground, and rio-i for the lubTcriber and all.thofe who have thing pfeferved hut :he tfabliflinwnrancj - L i- 1 -. c ; 1 it I 'rr ii - :. "1J.A'5 . ' I NATIONAL CONVENTION OF ! - . . FRANCE, , . 1 . To the-Miniiter f-yafi4yhe general amir j chief of the army ofj Italy. i From the quarter-general of. Ouilliculei th'fef h 29th Frimaire, 2d year of the French Re.; . public, one and indivifiblci ) 7 Citizen MmtftrJ . ! r''-i ' " s ' . Toulon is, rendered fo the fepbolic- tul: : thc cce of pur arms is complete. I The! promoutorof Aiguillctte; firft decided che late -of : the infamous city. (The 1 26th Fri. raaire, every jneans were united Vor the re-. dudioh of this poiition. j i he bad weather, was contrary to our views till near in the . morning : but nothing could flop' the ar dour of free men combatmg again1 tyrants. . And notwithftanding fhc. obftacles of the weather, our brethren rumedi into the path ' of g'ory as ibon as 1'he repreientatives !pf the peopltv Robcryv jrjre, Sallicttti, Ricard and Freron were with , us.r-1 hey (hewed to. their i brethren an example of their courage. This patern al and heroic body was certain toVifare Yiaory T he Englifh redoubts defended uj a uuumc uacry--a trenched camp -co- any, demands againft faid ellate. arcdelired fo brihz ih tKeir accburits'.properly attefi- id in order that they, may receive payment and, ttyat the news, of the ; .jannec ziaams, -ziam rx December 2t. . ; : I : , AND CRV 'l' B ROKE jaYl, on Thurfdav thed in- flajitjijoCniNe.wbern Djar;- John George, a negra fellow; who was'lndicled for .Burglaryi-:at theiate. term-of: the. ;SuiT' perSor Court. u : : vvj t He Jv about fi ve feet eight .inches high nd five and twenty years olage ; remark Wc.Cprightly. r, : , : - . . ; . ; t . Whoever wilj .lecure him fa that hs tn,ay be re-cdmrnhud to jail will be .entitled to ft.TWfd of -four -pounds. . Vv- 1 r - ( WILLIAM HENRY. Sheriff- - wn.t jr icnuiicu camp -co ver t wii v r fiMf 11 v- X2c9 "--w o ' jv : i e. ie de la Montaghe, (portf:te mountain) ; piecesbf caniwrrof 36V V4 &c: 5 mortar ,.Tbat the houfes within thaVi ebeliicus city and "25 co choft n troops. befides defend redoubts, which con'ramnl - ceflary.lpr the Jferyice olthe wsr ' and th Tliempttuofity 6f itherriepublicans; and' and, ttyat the newsjof thepturef oulonl which appears from its! heightsan insccefli-! hall be tarried tof the armies' "and depart- hie volcano; (o : afrrightcd the encmv, that jiiciius, y c'flwiuii4ijf bumiciif m "7 iiiiAit4a.ucjy auanaonca tne reit 01 the- In this feflion, 1 homas Paine, with all , promontory, and fpread in Toulon; a panicr the other foreigners was eipeiled from the aggravated to the laft decree, when ihw A Converitiorioy a decree ptopofed by. Bar lhe fleet ridinir bat of the roads. ' tere; ancT palled in ; the f qhowing words.1 lnc lame dav I cbatinued differenr rFvrv ffireinner is' ahri fhall Ke. f-rr1n JA taek&: m MalhmifntiW . nnA , tY Jauary 6 By a letter written from General Wurrr.feir ta thrf rrince ox ; coooui ter, it appears that 1 1 that Ueneral te had been no dayr,-vpnd had about 6o-mrri llttwHeTctrettcUV and many others were abandoned the follow- mg nignr. - At Jenixr; I ou on was c vacua c - a - r ' uiictf JTCcavcnieiui, 'lyecemoeri t , r m.w. , t.. tvivi; i the French had; attacked the pofts ; (heir Sight, and we could not folio w,o being i on tneiad, a3t, arui a4tnailtitriati dcfendet7; the ra nnart,. . rh : vt r ' . r de the nectiy of retreating on thoile; zfC.:' CmA r.--fiV: i v 1 I M fome-pkees of jcirion, and had! v.y.v, ..wwir.q 1 killed. ThrDukeiof BfunAvidc hadf P. P.ffAt-L. .Ji ....rrV- ? ' ldo-chtewiT3cceVai WrH ' " t J v -..- i . u . , i i . - - . : ' ' - ' . i ;i ' . i - ": ( ..... ... V 1 . .. r ;' ' JT " - .ft'".,"",- ' I: : , . - .. . . , ' . ; ': i : ! t