XJnited rrxTES of uerica, 7 -,- $&k'M.- &fofrA thWSeffion,; advocated, 5o:iHlc.iV 5 - ---,3 ft : I: : .. thifeMeafures which dprob,v have a 7WREAS W.l;iam in", '"-J '7 " ".teVen oUockinl the m trier - ifMrmfand icvcn . tuiery, piaccu aw . , . . . . , . T , , . fll, tuH f i- PerfuafiGn int ir H1. A.:-,r, rf!nfii ctlCC.X- lpCCUCIC. ouuiiunv. , uJ TW,. ' ,mi r.f tRefidueof ibur sisr . t cent ii year oi - .7-fL... . 'h, neons iromi l5?":nuf. f.. Wral llibclS. bcloic' thC ; of V DiUria ouu for the D. tr.tT. ulore--thice of hich labels ate;agna fic and one calk of collie, containing eight V S.red and ioU...,, pounds gio& V-cight. ?o7havinV bee,, found aZ- Awards the Champ uc .,;A of. W-ilminiton. onor about tne oim ti!..unui-order : ! : . v".-... ,-,.,fi in a-cerum icnoo. .i.w. - : , e our avi, 1 homa, wcons from ihe 48 factions mec m the gar- dcii of tuc lU.ft -natioiwi , uu. v--men were under arms. t ! o - .Some wounJed Joidiers from eacMettioft, wcw then pl-ctd in 14 diiFe eiu covered cars, wiiich icrved to reprefent the 14 fcrent arniieft joi tc -r.puuuu. -.r , "i!er,U(l from :i uib lflnd and fornot hav nebcen fira enured at the pxap.cr-cffiec, and ths ditties tiicrcuu f f-T-v, t .i. aa cl the Congrclspf tlv:U,ntcda.h . , 1- ,n,i nnwided. wmch cottec With the bags and iCJk cpntaininR thc e, WJlu "J . b i1".'--.- n.i there, bv iImtnntonaioTct' -7 , the oth- of tl. d Xibe! is aga nu t he fchoontr Fox, ter tacKie, aP;;.. -.m ,ute, for having been found nn tne port. Newbern, to have proceeded efore that time, on a forcjgvoyage, without Gill ving up -to. the ColKlorof ihdD.Ilr.ah. r llment nd licenfe;a ff and whhou: bei,g Muly rcgUlered by fnch Co I ctor, contrary to an aa.ot Cong.elto ,he U..UeirSwe, in fuel, cafe mad.and -T)rvided, by reafon thereof the fa.d vcffcl, her tackle, apjareland furniture, became Ua b"lo be hid and forfei.ed and tac fa.d -.JchoonJ. 1-ox. h.t.tacV:e, apparel I and furm t'.'re' bcin fo forfeited as aforifaid, on tne & t'entl. tay of K;ach bit fall, at thcpo.t -.- vt. .1 .tKin and thtrecv John . t-r. rrtiliAnr of the oort ot A detachment cava ry,. preceded py trutn-. . ia .in t. m 1 l'r pcts and lotto ca-uy iuiAuw , . Xorty-eiaht cawnon, with a detachment .f'P:p ' an! rJ tlie Kelidue or: cur man. iine Props rty.. 1 am an Advocate for thef -Kcfolution in Qtieft ion, becaufe it, isr the j Dictate of PaUcy, 'and becauie it: is Jan&iii bned bynlie Lav of Nations.,, : iFrom the jwgular and mourntul Condit ion of our Ci!. 4izens,'bccafioncdby ilc wanton Depreda tions of Grt at Britain, we are tondi-aineil to icfort tbthisExpeuient, .s a ACeah to" induce her 10 r.urn to us what juftsce -and the UfageTof Nations require: k isbtr niy;AjteTnatrve, j 'i he enle'cf kear arid, YiAenfc nf.'jKter'? have a powerful Ooc- xaMoh upoik Nations, as well as upon Tndi- l . - . . . . n : . ' " ' T . a . Wi.Mtri. vidiiaU- trreat-cniain niay, pejiiaps, con. 'GroVrf ti .te etted.-r.m the popd .-. ive that has not much trfj '. apprehend . t ,. . tl3r. m iinnic- 4rnm our military F ret; but the can eaGir :0: coS with Icir ; Ad the Dread ofrhe LLrcUe of ihis Po, uy.ij t . to thc Juldt j7wntf will, I am, fatis . j,w ,; f . I iieJi indiic? Great-.fer.iain tomafce the Re. ' Tlm'ioi '-ueraw' of the Baftile.i 1 . ' ; oration eontcmplatej by this RcfoluiioiK Feuusen cars? cin.ebraiei to the ' fpurteea j Under.lhem? Orders of the King : bf .armies o.'.Ue republic. . j V C.eat-Bnta.n enr Cuzer.s nave men ,cW BctAcea eaUi mrcne fl aw Rpfn'mionJ 'aboat Twtntv Million. ooHar,. rhePropeofBnufh; I wt?ri: colored girdtes, marched along allured .hat the Conliderau-n , of io large?.; acu ilr arryfug buncnes . of laurUs. .Balance, : aga.nrt them, W.ll wcnder!u ly T-he members .ional conveniioniia .contribute to. Refoimat.on of the.r Man- fitrrmmdLd bv a iti co- tiers. at maid, - . ; . lored ribbon, which was hed at ecn cor ner bv veterans ana cnuuicu. Wlin ir the Obtect of this - Refolution ? isJnr to confer anv favour or tOvantage on IS I ner;by veterans ana canu e . , becaufe to them i N ninerous, troops ot mumciaxis, utiwiii"5w rr. , , fcl i rJ v cr.,.,i CoIIeaorofithe port of (. e garde .Htion-ie., , M -, fn Aoi-to B : "1 o them it is ra- ..t ,n,T In hit. laid llbelta IJllMj . Vfi.H yv ..... ...! .V .. : . - I. , r.-j;f tki A'mPriran M rrhartH. tne uiu auunvj ""."'ar. -nt a a warri0r w as feated in each car, 4ioiamg4a, auct --7- k r 1 t . . . 1 . ..,.1.1,1 , Jrcflniv nitciuiuii .u vuiuin an 'that the Judge aforcfatd ould appoint a lime and place, when and where he (houW conaemnthe fame, and decree thtrem aC 'cordintr to law thefc . re, therefore, tono ' iifv alipci fons whom the Uine may concern, lhat the faid libeh . will be confidercd atxd decreed upon,on,thcfecond day of the next ,,rm. whtJi will be hcld.at Edcnton onhc one har.d arland ot. iaureis, ueu ruuuu aitj .-r- -r ; : - - 1 j ' Sko?ed ribbons : and in the oxner Security toour own Cuizens for the valuj . wlttt lMuni- ' . - -abkProDcriy that has been wantonly ukc i :e coio. s taxcu muiu uw. waAw,,-.. , ,- . :;.. t J b-tacbme:.ts of cavalry with trumpet. tromtWi . orwi-uuu u, . , ; fcour. and Sn half , the PrineiplesandUiage of at rfte- NatM reaching tlie Champ cc Aviai rived thvrw, a hvmn wus iuuj Xeale. Clerk of X id Court, at Ncwbcrn this asdday of April 1794- v :V"cl. , ABNiiR NEALE, Clerk. 111 ll'LLILC. illlU 111 lllb Xiarrtl vi n . '.. 1 ., .v smith rtitTrca 10 mccctcoraicu vuti, n.a fn monC other Seaions. read the following:. cntertuiumetK:prcua.: Weh-veobferved, that the y thceveniii cuiiciubed by a'pubUcjdaacs in the diuerent noce s 01 una. j L O N 'D 0 N, January s . :""! , -. j.: . -j : :- .---,;.-- fi Extraaofa letterj from Madrid,! Dec ig ! lhe auKiiUary corps ot Pourtugucie 1 . . 5 . j .1, i-.tl- at Kolas, to the : IJiitrict aiorciaio, wm ut wiu, troops ii.hjui n-...-.,-. . i;. mnn in rrol 1 cr . imir of" r ma . .Lt ii. and have -jcantooaed ufort,in the county oCartiret, themlelvis ,u .the; c:iv irons of t m m . . . 1 C V. aw " t ' -'1. ... Vt-ktrairT ' 1 INpurfuance of an interlocutory judge ment of the Diftria Court of the U nited btates for the Diftria aforefaid, will be fold, at public au Iti -Vi riair of M iv next, the Schooner D:i-ght,with her tackle, rigging, lails, ap EDWARD PAS EUR, D. M. N. CD. X.r U ii trivfA tht the wraith of thC : ritS.ht itrim inarf of the total wealth jbf 2 ti uinn V thnt het wet n Stzte and State, whatv ver is the property of the iVkmbeis, is con sidered as belcriVing to the Body, a d is an fwerable for the debts rf the Body i Whence it , follows, that! in reprifals, they feizc the Gocdsof ihe uMedt, in the fame rcanner as thbie of the State, or the fovereiiin. f ye- tc of KVn. Carolina, ? J .Court of Equity, Newbtrn Pilr.iU-. . i . t September term 17 9 amui iroop.ii--:i'-rw'-..i hands, only in; conlequence ot mac IVlalaea. from whence they were to fet oil .L.tL '.inrir.tor has nut Jn: cur the 28th of Oaober. General Ricardos, gbod faftarJd it ought to be refpeaed, er having failed in hts attempt on Perpignan, ?en -in of pc. Thus, i: is ufual haibtcn ttnable to ma ntain himfelf m Hou- ;. n Harice, England, or elfewh;c. term, the lompiainam s put uun uc $ro cdnfrfi as to him, and the matter there ot decreed accordingly. : " JAtVESELLIS, C. M. E.' . Jfril 12. ; - :. P A R.I S, Januajy I. The fete decreed by the national conven- 1 . r r .t. t- P H I LA D E ' v."" I- A Sketch of Mr. .1 P H I; A JpfU to. reign is to recompenie tnoie vi jh .u - on whom the j reprifals fall : This is a debt lof the ftt, or nation of which each Utiacn t --. . r i ; i ought only -to-lupporc uia vrr t inadr- 'Oft the nth lnRanU in the Hwfe of f Tr,, jr;nLnr of the laws ot naiu I , ' ' t 1 . - . M ,.1 i wviw ..yf "j" .- United States, on Mr. Day top's Rejtiutitm to fequcftcrtiritijh debts, as a ' Security for. the Depredations com mitted on American Property by the Sub- jS7r i.f C,rit-Iiritnin- rotitrirv to the Tsi-Air i tion to celebrate the riaorics of the repub- 1 -0 Nations. : J -. u U ' 3 ; . -v. nf Tnnlnn:. trtnk It muft be m iiic RccoUcctioii of everv ought to form the only rule of our conriuu , It will then obtain tne appruu-i-v mankind. The enlightened part i f tte pe pleof.Englandthemfclves. cannot but 1 probate this unexampled depredation. F our property;; and, of courfc, nnt 'dcmrithdcxpcdicntwcIiavcTcfortcd to inv .

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