(Vol. p.) : .' :Saturday,"May 17-71 trn.; - ' T,T i tnev .want i , . "Woiea ; t0,d them jt was an iWifh fi- ' " tnc Juno.-., The v antefeH "g2tf a ed" . 'I? aniwered, vivas nnrl ft v jLiiiy jiiii !inn itata.i Cftm -i-.r - .M,v,:ucu ana "me, what kr,v n.- .rf-iome . i J vir; orftw Majctty Y. fhips Briiifh-Admirer a nd "e I,l!""-rc ,F t.J- i . - - J. Here hfinr . I - A J R. of wWchTcVolio: HonJ V:' " r; ' " . r-on- -Lord ..j.,- . . :"ci ana t - I r. m . r ft - ' - -".u,tV. iiwimjic icrvanr. r-r? . '1 ' H00Ii Juno . inHievies 'B'vJal .1 704 v Lord: . y .1 hoc Je ,V. to JnrJnf. T : ;ivc of .he- fortune efcapcoi his' Majcfty's J;:ip Juno, unricr my cemmarid, :from the port of T oulon ; after having-run alhore in' thclnntp Hsrbour on the night of the nth The firm, aeadjrard quIetmariW w J . It . . - n intention- of mrgilllcfm ft gettmg cuv fWfhen we gof?abreaft o T the centre part of the land of Cape fcepeV I was afraid we (Iwujd ha vbeen obliged o ! make attack, but as 'kn ArZnr 1 . were ready, file came to points ' n- t r ahc srcaayior ? l11 e y d iiVc affiiianccs or l.ieut; Turner atid all the officers pre Rented any confufioa - rem arifing i ur" Critical iitlintinn Ar.. . 0 . T nowuu a uic canie was ton. :I ordered If fr ri v t. . . , good fortune to fee the fliip ftarl from the iai.i. were J:Jcu : A favour, fiwind comin at thr fjiiii- way cri hei; aiKl wc had then c . ; , : . - ' 7". ' r u -f-ul- uur neincr, inlb.nt ia-i. : V?m rc . woaL, The , eetuc heri puns reA i ... n. . -j. . 4 - icnceci nead tc w;hd. i d as hr, t v , t . -:e;s ot cue Admiralty; a narrative of and perfedlW VhT I Tm wind, t- ciorrunare prcfcrratiotiofh MaiePv Stilt? Ordered the-fnili to i: i U'10, owin tb the nrv 'lJ r J J c 1 ,CU-UP. aa handed ;:'rA'r H u7:r , ...1 . rCa.r iPfcnce of a boat went from 7: At i abe fl3w q . , ouexertion of CoPt. Hood, ' Before th, uVards the town. ; got gcod JamiHr" : k. - 'P went; a:fiem 'vr'-f ft-. - hour the aivr : tlT 1Uifa itp' W;hd,' - t;p we could Wt l.cr w.uld adnlit. AVJien i cou)d alibl(l. the launc 4to put ... -vvuuua uy JlCUCCni JOD of heutennts Mafbn an? WAl? VX ?f ,w'ered officer had .b,e ,i kf ,Wi" "?uS IeVT ""?"t,1 of ir. bfVni ft I f nations the attention of Ar. opped firing, till "with the wind a tew m inures. . t ' Ttcommendatioij. .'- ' I have tiie honour to b?,' 5s c.- r-J X&t Kin. LwdHitsir un.nunarr in CUef9 , Cr. or. cr, , On the od infla-f I f. r. .t. 5 m ' . . u;c luaiia or 7t cf vailcze ""mMfo the -fleet.- po.n of Sanhnia, and Uenrd a couffc for J oafon. On the fith Li 7i t made Cape Sic.e, but found a current ,hzS l r tie f.- ri o J . - . . " Zte?, kne lls greit damage. tpfttwdve, beinjreut cf reachrif- v;-e nad no perfen hurt.- Sorpe fliot paffed tluough the iaifs, part of the ilnnHm; .,t aflcin, h wheLrSlar-e; TF aWa twFrcncb'' February 24 I : '"'."'"""pmen having if- the' Cv"Jfai''Tbev;Wereenat;onT -oTeTJdiaa ;.Ck 7 b;,ethef thCir.-h,a,S nf'T8 Wed the, 8,V ,i,.i j-n- """ ?Y -:he mQOni?Ijt.!inftiiate that th ifesi.. jv.i 1 Z." 'hree coiouri. Per- f whicK hadK ! CUt Lord HnrtH , actus v K. .L.-. : t ' -r-,l, j wwuji. tucir operations,. and tht m ovez trar.nuil.-e, a molt formi,!ab;: war' "I ' ji' 1. . . traitons 'bien l'A;r,i '.".!"" naioour. Iient. whiw .t. .t r . . " t. . . - --" '- ncicniive : -70.000' r-..v.vtvnol- Ve could not, till the. 0f the Ibio M S i rV - esPa" : ,e"cfiare 3!ready7 EflemMed; before that 3'"ff the ' Rot , far- o vrind. fta be bl e fc Vi appeafs that Fichegru yet aifo upi SeP:t: ?aiig that eveninK, jiJ "w"?-,?.-?? T H 'nf ,he arrival of taralry.- ! V ' " c:ng-Which,Iordedfornebf;hMS he .the half pikes, and force them "b Zk&fT'.S. tn IT t V fore ai1 and d"w to hp fct, could brintr their triins to bear Ac rJ rii- Soon JtrvX T . i , ,hC U"5 Werc we" h'-'n'-ed, I" be ?a K ftaW ;st .Nt I .. : isaman to get our- guns xeadvj but not " men, .under lei ianiceniteimf-eritirely cut off. They alfo'. Jearniit lirurels that Merzies and St.- Clair j at the diftance 0 x leagues from. Treves,, ; are a!fo in i theiVhands; and that thedreaA ! general invaHon in thai country. A Genera! officer in the Frenchafrnyt o the name of Cpmperce, has made his efcape 7 .t to Valenciennes, and there M relates the - following Irory, of which our readeri will form their own Judgement. That a'perfor came to hinvin the name of Roberfpierre 'wpwitu -inpuia endeavour ta .''' . 17 7 r -w yvviTt vucrjpicrrc ix 3. 7 '