Nip :' R : t H-C A R 6 jMfo:r&Mj$$&m . ... -, ' K- - -, ; ... ; . . -t . i ' . -v '; : .1 ' ! (Vol. p.) Saturday, Auguft 16, 1704. (N 449.) i NORTH. CAROLINA, ' In General i ftmUy. July i6,l70:. Relhid, that his excellencyjhe governor be requeued to take the nibft effectual mea furesUo obtain a true and accurate ftateraeiit oi all tlic arms andmilitary llores in this t , lla:c ai;d by.thc iame befcre tie next gene.. rul j(Temb!y. T 1 A&d whereas it is ablolinejy . tiecefiary; . .tlutjhc militia of this . ilaicHToUld be ana ed, ahd equipped according to law in order " . to dejenn ami protect incur rights and privi " ledges from tkc attacks of fdreijnl ' enemies. irjohd, there-tore, that the members of the prefent General -Aficmbly make inquiry . iu their relpective cjbunticsol theorportunity and iprolubility of procuring mechanics, for the purpole of fabricanng arms in tins llatej provided the manufadureof that aniclei fhauld be found expendient to be ellablifhedj and communicate the relult of their inquiry 10 the next general afiemblyJ , Refolved, that his Excellency th$ Governor be requited to forward to the Prefcdent of v tt ynited States a copy of the foregoing rclcmttons, and alfo to-caufe a publication thereof to be made in the gazettes publifhed .' in the town of Newbern and Halifax m'this i '.. ftatel ' " ' . I '" , WILLIAM LENbiR, S: S. By Order, . : . f S. Haywood. CYS. " - : . ' : JOHN LEIGH; S. II, C. By Order,. ' -I. Hunt, C. Hi C. 1 it known to all whom it may coil-' V cerri. that the building in thetown, or Newbern, commonly called the PA- LACE, together, with its ,out;nou"rs ana the lots thereto belonging, are for fale : and. tlmt'thc fubferiberfi, were appointed by the Grntral AfTembly, in January laft, com miflioners for receiving prbpolals from any "perfonor perfons inclineil to purchafe them i and that in compliance with the directions of tlje at appointing them, thefaid corri miHibners will; iit atty-.time , between this day andtbefirll day of Jahuary next, at their refpecXive hoaies, reteive propofals iri vr.tingor otherwife. , . .. jl WILLIAM NASH, (Hillsborough) ! JOHN ALLEN, (Cai.tail, Craven) , WILLI AM E. LOR D, (Brunpwick.) ' ttixvlern, Julj t6. . " , . : . k NOW IN .i'fri E PRES ' "t n't . : SRIYATE ACljS .-..; OF TKE GEN ERA LASS EM B L IT N O R T H - G A R OL I N A. . The fublcription is 4of.from fuch pef fons as arc known to - the .Printer, or hare encouraged his former undertakings by fubferibing either to his Judice, Statutes or Gazette, he will expect no advance nio neyi A wilh to provide again ft deception impbfeson him the nfxefllty of requiring a fmnll enrncft from all othersj io vH ten lillings. : V Any perfon.who will fubferibe and bc conie accountable for fix copies will be enti tied to the feventh gratis. . . . . The expediency of the undertaker know ingjwhat number of copies will .be wanted, - iculcrs itneccfTary that application fhould be nude early. . . The gentlemen who fupeftntend a prefs or a Poll Office in this (late are defired to afford their aid to trie undertaking. . Application by pofl (pottage paid) or o thcrwife will be thanfuliy attended to. As thi3 Collection will contain all . the Tbavj Atts the commiCioners of the difFcr en'towasinthis State'arc foiicited to con fidjr of tKe propriety of procuring copies tor thuir rcfpectfciyc officer. ; ' - . i; - ' '. Lr O N I) O N May23; ?HIS mcrning Mr. Brooks, the King's jiuensnger, arnvea wiui aiipatcnes T from hisKoyal Highriefs, the Duke of York. ; wards fiie met with very tempeftuous wta- Captain, to proceed directly to that pdrtj that the, fchooner after clearing the ; land (leered a courfe forj feveral das as direct for Cnarlellon as the winds and bihti ciri cumllances would permtt ; but that after1- datcd May 2 . By the fame conveyance be have letters from oiir correlpondents'in the army. We find-as wc ycRcrday ftatedi flla: the allied armies under Ids Royal Highnefs had met with a check, in which from five to eight hundred men were killed and wounded, and fome pieces of light artillery were loft; report faid to the number of thirty, j General Fox's brigade, which was de tached from the, rriaiu force, fufFere J mbft. They were furrqunded by the French, but alaways drove them , who attacked thcai the tront. ther, which Iafted with little, or no intery mifiion for ten days, and finally forced hef,' ! for the preferv.ition of the livcs df the ere ir i to bedr away for Nev7-Jrcvideuce, wherb fhe arrived vn tne 15th day at April; A(-, ter the evidence Avas clofsd, die caUfe was ftrenuoufly argued by counfel on bo h fides, , but the xourifel on the -part of the 'United btatcs explicitly admitted that tha conduct of Me firs. Bernard us Swartwout arid. Son. perfectly irreproachable ; asthe eviden did not fiirriifti the kateround fdr fiinn nng, uiac incy.naanot reaiJy intended t voyage 16 Charlefton, or that; they were ' 1 he Aid have" loft 183 menthe four- any degree privy to the voyage to New PiJo teeiith and thirty- feyenrhiabout ico each ; vidence. . lhe counlel , having concluded re their argu-penrs, tne lUdfre.ot the diltria: 0f intirriatedjhis perfuafiun of the abTclutehe fa cefiity which compelied the ichooricr to go 111 wag b.- btit it is fuppofed that the! m aft of them taken prifoners. BrevetlMajor Brown me 14m wno commanuei tne regnneny ia ljuy r .. vvvrTVr- . "c.cuuoncr to go the .abfence" of Mior Rots,' was foot t0 ew-rroviaenre 5 out; tooK time, to id- was through the body and Iefc, in ; the Held. Captain Cook who commanded tfie. th regiment, Sir C. Rofs king fick, was !kil 'led. Colonel Ludlow, as' wc have ftatcd Has loft an arni. - ; Sir Wil'iamErficinq; hd comrhahded another column, was fi:d to have met with a very fujjerior number', of the French at Comines, to vvhich heiiad advanced, j- The Heifians who ere with him, fought moft . bravely, and the Emperor's troop's, who were to join fome of the columns came up opportunely, and obliged trie Carmagnoles to retreat.. ... y,C, . . f . The above checks by no means fd ' cori ii derablc, - as it wa at firft rcprclentcdj has hot h3d much effect upon the fpirits of the Britifti army. On the 20th, his, Royal mgnneis gave ic out in general craers, " That he thanked the trpeps for their bravery . vile upon the conftfutibhpf the ilatute which the fuit was founded. On Saturday the iptfi inftant, the Jud proceeded ;tcr prdrieUrice his decree in t on go. the- cafe ; after ftating the point in controvrerfv in a perfpicuous manner, arid jadicioiifly re marking as rell upon the.facl:s as the cca ftruction of the ftatute, j the Judge declared it as his opm:on, that thej evidence left no; room to doubt, that the fchooner went to Ne w-Providence, jthrougli inevitable' nedef- j fity, and that under all the circuurftance of i the cafe ; fhe had not proceeded on a !fp- reign 'voyage ; wnererore :ne ordered and decreed that the libel be difmified,' arid her cargo be reftdrd to rhe owners but with out CoftS. :. . : .. . ' -;: '! ' With regard td cofts, the Judge 'dbferved that there W4s iufci6nt reaipri to jufiify the Colletorand Attorriey for thd diftricV, in- lcimg anw uwiuii uic ituuorier, and ner rA rrnnrl rnnflll in tfi )at Prt(T-irrf rrfrt with the enemy, who, "Swing to their great cargo, and that they done nothing niorc fuperiority of numbers, and the gr9und on ulji"fw"d,a;luc.iavv AC4 attentive and- had obtained' fome , JdV"iW4 WUV"'V! ;; -l :.A. had that which they enaragedi 1 mfling advantage, in their having; beeri obliged to abajidon to them' fome of their artillery ; our ne cruuca mac men a c;rcum- ftance would not difptric th. army he the honor to cdmmand,r and he hoped in. a flicrt time, .cy 'would repay with in- tereft, any lofs they had faftained. I . Colddel Craig, Adjutant-General of the Tiritifh armv in FlanderS; arrived in town . this morning. -."' . ;H N E W - t 6 It j July . 2 1 This trial carindt laii to Vive pieafur to our readers, whilft on the one hand it will refcue the characters of Meffrs.. Bernard us Swartwout a nd Son , and the Captain or) the fchdoner Prince and Liberty, from the ftig .; ma of having violated riot only the acl of j Cdngi-efs for ; regulating the. coaftincr trade; J but jalfo the late embargo ; ic .will on theb- ther convince the unprejudiced, that out public officers are tlgilant and impartial in fol- On Mnndav. th'e.iitli inftant. at i I o- cinckat the Citv:Hall iri this citYi ' the fait lately inftituted in the diftrii: Court ""for this diftricl -iri bclialf of. the, United Statesjagaintl the fchooner Prince arid Li berty, -dnd her cargo, owned by Meflrs. Bernard us Swartwout arid Son; wasbrought to trial. The libeltharged,hattne7chob ner being enrolled and licenfed for carrying on the caafting trade, had proceeded pn a . foreign voyage, (from this ihy to New Providence, one of the Bahama illands) .without firlt giving up her . enrollment and licenfe to the collector. ; The owners ,in tKeir' the libel deriied,V that the ' ichconcr had proceeded oft a foreign . voy- , age, and infilled that file failed on the 29th " day'cf March laft, from this city on ja voy- age to Chaflefton, in the ftate of South-Carolina : bdt'was cdmpelled by ftfefs of wea ther to put in to Ne w-Providenee. tTporf the trial, a number of witnefles were fxa ; mined on the part of the ownefs, who pro- , red moft fatisfactorily, ; that the fchooner obramed a clearance; from this (to city Charlcfton j that the owners inftruacd the . the difcharce of their d uties, The decree above mentioned is in the ! " lowin? words . I At a fpecial diftricl court of the United ; States, held. for', the "diftricV of New- I ' York,, at the city of New-Yoik, onj Sa-' turaay me 19111 aay oi jU'j yy4 at 12 o'clock, A. M. Prefect The Hon. John Lawrancc, Efq. . . - . Judge of the diitnct The United States VS. time doth The fchooner Prince.arid Liberty; Bcrnar dus SwartwoutandBernardus Swartwout . jun. Claimants. . I HIS Honor the Judge haying taken to advife in this caufe Until this day now order, feritence. adjudge arid decree, that the libel filed in this caufe; bc difuiif- frd without cofts. and that the fchooner r tririce and Liberty, and her cargo . rnentrl . bned in the faid libel, be difcharged frim arreft,- and be refibred to the claimants Ber riardus" Swartwout arid Berriardus Swart wout, jun. t A tf ue extral,from the minutes. i ' - R. TROUP, Clerk. A letter from Montreal dated July Cth, fd a gentleman in this city fays, For this X

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