- 51 . ( N '0 ; R, i 4 :. M :O li N ' A (3 A 2 E T T Ev i . r - Saturday, Auguft 23," 1 724. (N 45 c.) lon po. Ny Ma 1 2. J if' REVOLUTION in POLAND. riir. FOLLOW INOART1CLES r COfrlF.tl from the Berlin gazette of the ' I : . 3oT:ruLT. ' ; ;., ;;.r" AS the Infur region, of ADALis'skif., and Lo zc t usko, grows every day more f fcrious tban was th ought at Gift, we hope a fairi account of the beginrf ngjbt this Re- 1 volution will riot be unKcicomto our Rea f ririfadirr iJ.4 0 ALlN SEI. 'a OOUlfl .r -rthe"reft of the body preceded for Opoc no and 1 udowze ilv endemir, in Wiica lat.er place Madalinfky get hold of the Po lifh Cheft which contained ; Sa.odo guel- Fruffia by biVthfiad, lime June 1793, not' rcc;iveJ ?ny pay lor his troops. Lair reoru sry he vent to War fa w to make his corri p'a:h:? and to demind the film owing to fcirn.'.Ke received part of it, but Was told, '. at tKe fame time, a great part of the Polifh srriy fhould be difbaridedi and he; arid 'his brigade among the reft. At this lie was irritated, and the: Ruffian General I gel STROFM cftered to take him and his brig ade into ti e Ruffian fervice; anti defired him to.ccme, with his men, to AVarfaw. ilADALiNSCT promifedthis,' and returned to Malaga ; but; inftead of paying li s men . vifh the money he received at Warfaw, he' "treated ;thc neighbouring Nobility, ard tried tr perfuade them to rife agairift Pruf- "fia arid-RulTu: and.told them, thathifflfetf s being a 'South Prufii-in, it Would be" art f ffdiqn in1 that country ; "and aid, he . was fntf fVsVv one would follow his -psriV' is fvrtv one would iollow his -p Toon as he thould male his appearance. He . m - t ' f : V was going to purtue tne lame psan in orcai 1'olar. He taid that GcneVal Kozci usKa, vho had two regiments of infantry and ca V.Vry wIth him, wbuM 'do ihe fame in Cri Ctnv VnllSendo-ur 5 arid as Madalinficy had routed Souririu.lia, he would go to Cra cow to join Kozciufko, and then march - Av'nefcvcr'any. ref:ftance ' fliould be made. Accoriiiigly. on the 12th of March I Mada linficy fmarched'Jrcm'IVlalavia at the head of i2comen, bur, no:, as he had promiied to Gtneral Igelftroem, to proceed to War faw, but in the n ght of the 14 th furpried - the Pruflian village of-, Szernflc:. CJn the following n'nht lie .furprized WifTogrod, and at that p'ace, orit the i8:h, palT d the Vivcr Wcichfei, and .ncnt to- Sachaczcw, .t ok the fait duties which the Pruflians had co lefted there, and ordered that all the fo- feign collcaorsof duties thouid leave c ouui Pruffia;- or elf? at his return he would treat, them as enemies From hence he purfued his miirh towards Tnow!6 z. In all thele "places Mdalinlky 'for.nd rmall piquets of PrlX Hs, a- is ufuil tri all front er towns, cotififting of from 20 toVJo men etch, part ly hufTars, partly ivfantr?, but without any Vtiljtry or ammunition, excepting what vas in their cart; uch bexes. '1 hee fm.tll 'parties hci.'g unable to make any refiftance, Avere of courfe ohl ged to give way before a body of 1200 mem At Inowlorz, though tTicre were only about 40 PruQIins they coririved to rcard the march of Madalm fky for mere than ha!f an hrur, by deftroy- ing part of the bridge, till at iaft a party of 'Pohliiers fwarn acrofs the Tircrand came up on "their rear. The Prum.ms at the fame time having trended all their ammu nt:cri, were obliged t6 furre;;dcr. Had thty been able to luve ftood only a- few ' Jiours longer, perhaps Madalinlky's :nfur. 'a-on might have terminated here- as the battalion oi Heinrich, two companies of Fuzi'eers of Ofwald, with two p:eccs;of , can ,on and a party of Trcnck's huftrs un. der the command -of Col. Buodenbrock, were on their march thither ; but the m ; fan:ry being much fatigued with forced marencs, could not come up ; in time, and Madalirfcy did not ftop- a- moment longer than was n?ceuary to refrcOi his, troops. Trenck's huOars however were up m time enough to make fomc of his rcar,nnfonsr dres,; aaio lour pieccs i-i unu nance ; 'after which Lejned General Kuz CiUfko at Cracow. I .' f In the ifteent fk fmifhes on l?s march t6 Cracow, it.c Pruliians loll 1 3 kmfd and 105 prifoners, among iWi om wewfivc :of cer&- - 'i he v piiioncr, Jhmve- trhavej no: to erve againft the 'patriot. , 'i he; ' Pruflians have taken four Pciiih OiScers and 50 pr vates. - ; " ' ' " While thefe matters were tranfadtmg, GeritrU Kozciulko, with hs tro.p,, was. near Cracow ' and the . Radian an sfpn which corififted pf 6cb men hav;ng cyacu-, ated it, he took -pcflVlTion:of it . Jnvtne market placej The addrefied'he inhabuants intieat 'ng them -o loge jhis troops, anu join him in the defence of his country. After this, : he, went to f e Xovvn .houD, where hewasrecdved by agr?at number of y Polith' Nobility, who werefrembied ,rhere, Thefe made;kim Commapdrr m thict a the troops colleaed for iiera ing Poland j and he took the caths: His army them a.- ( fo :00k the oaihs to Ibcrate their , country, after vhich lublcriptions1) were ope ried fr raiiinffriioney, prcviCcns, snd recruiis. The quota To be furnilhed by Cracow alone was. eco-recruits;.-r 'f. . ;. l- During :hcTe tranfaftions in the Eaftern part of Poland, -which is next toPruffin aqd Auftiia, the" f. mi troubles broke out-m Warfaw ittelfV Bids. were,, circulatehich be-ran with the. words, Long live i-ad aUnlky and Kozcrufic." At the fame, time a great number, of PoTiflv .ibldiers arrived h.re in fmall parties, pretending that they w ere uporr furl, uh, anJhhcy nad or y come to refidca few, days at Wart aw till they iliould jointheir regiments. Upon the - fame preteit ' many ' o;hers;.who had never been in the army put on regimentals. ;. neral IgeUtroem ordered that ahthe (bicir, fhouldTmmediatcly join thrir iefpeaive re - a ,tf tlinfe who weie not; tpl- pimcms, duu ui- . 1 . .ri . .t i r:. fhp uniform. i ne j vaa. . n . i 1 1 i'iu j 1 1 1 1 1 j . - a 1 1" 1 1 1 1 1 tA. . i maw - - VW.A J jie'ghbourhood of Cracow waiting for. reln forcemeiits ; and it is faid that Gen. Razu ilky andCapfk'y are bn their way to join him with 4000 men. A houfe belonging to Prince . Adam Czartorinfky.has been plundered by; the RufilansJlonthel pretext ti his fon being among the iufurgents at: Crardw.In.the infuirrcdiitn at Wafiaw, a nephew of the Buflian Ge nerallgeiftrpem w as killed. 1 he Infurgehts count upon the neutrality o " Auftria, and hope;, to be afllited .by tho ri uikcCei n-iriisheTttrltf crxcfsL ' of Chtczim has been reinforced with 5000 men ; and alfb ti at a camp has been form ed along thelriverjLigs, which is occupied -! by the Bcfuiaus, tne moft ; warlike mong 1 it e T urkifh trotps Large maa2;nes have 'been formed at Jafly for the Turkifh troops ; ; and the Prince of Moldavia arid Wallachia has received ttdet from the Porte to give? a friendly reception to ihe Infurgent?, fhculd any of them be obliged . to feck refuse there in confvquaice o lollcaniff a large torte on the lurK.tn inn- tiers. ' Vv.VJvV ;j' &X-- ',-'t-'v:.:t '"f Ludicrous hurvjhfnent inflitfeJ on titled Trr . 'he' nreiu motive- loasJvocca of cheating an Jiaji grant pr js.ame ai the Company conlidered in what .man nc r be fliouid belpunilhedrTOne fuggefted kick tn2 o-.hers wjfhcd to take him, before a Ma g ftrate f,but thel French -Ariftoeratj with what N.rl.Euik c -lis A generous atten tion to rank " propofed that the circumftancc: fhoj-d no. be mdde public, it he.wpuld Tub. mit to hve the " oitehding hand'' branded n 17 J Initial of rFripon ) 1 he? idea .was no' (boner mentioried than acceded rt-Vic the cu'nrit. and the Frenchman nea. ted tne poker, executed pn with bans Cu!ottev,barbanty. T he Spartan 'Boy ne ver, fufferedwhmpreherm than tnis opcraiiui w""" . , modern Greek. ; , ;,. , ' . V J'V D V ( B L I - &&;My& ' The ports. of this klhgdOm are opcrie4foi' the invportatibn of corn; to the grat relief imtorm.- i ac nnn . The duty ori the im- TttPr art.df rhis ordet was comp ied .n j ,u wheit is about 1 S. 7d. r: r i-..J: 4;if rnri-inued to cohceat ,p -A , - J -u n, . , c . .. therafelves in Warfaw, till anOFpormwtyj whom they at lajMroye out of .Vv 1 u:rr m hi cower to The King aia eyci y ,-6 .rrraion. but it . was ahcidy become too formidable. 1 ; - ; Since the fkir.miih Avhicn roo at per barrel; and on Br.tifh flour is. 8d. per hundred. - ; ' . . The importation of corn from Great-Un-tun becoming legalized on . Saturday laft, the 10th inftant in confluence pf the ge neral average prKr ..mounting to that laid down in the corn a6l, theElinor and Betty of Yarmonth, Captain Jones, laden " . vheat, arrived in this harbour Stom Lon don on that dav, and many other yefiels loaded with the fame commodity, are ex ;Feaed to arrire daily from that, and bthtr Englifh rorrs. ' ' ' . l he d fparity W the price of wheat, and flour in thcLonaon and Dublin markets,, muff make the importation of thefe articles th.ther, while the patent demandcontinues, a very profitable branch of commerce.--in, London, according to the la ft returns, the ..r ,Kt'was- to moderate as " : , I' tV oWt .70,600, ' , average price. OI,tnl troops in roianu, amuu rxA A lln aos. od. per quaricx cxc u "r 7 and rcmrorcciucii.- : , ' . -r . i- nloved poor, u ",iJ: ;'77 faw. the lniuiiiiafw"-. . . - ni mattable that tnei op- however aflured tn 5 'v- rg, 8000 fold ers, befides jeoo-Pohto Gete- ! Ln, who have ,,ed outas vo. unte. The Ruffians, hare to PV?,' K ,oco n,en under GenerU P? . Tormanf,W, Which, before tne .nforrea on ! lt Watfaw, had received a reintorcement of i occo men. incwnuic - " " i v . poo V.- Arfnal at War :4oo, or, according to fome accounts. P,-?So;thWuM,noriCngh ,hou"h Madalinlky had faid that the .wnole .W narter would be mttaot T up fn arm Many Nobles, who had been ,m ior jjziarnanuwiw., J,. !. . i-. ..4.r,V remain ftiUin.cttlto- .contxneaai ciriuu"i PROM THE ; WEICHSELL, ' . April 23- 'r . , : , Kofciulkohas eatrenchedhimfelf mthe eration of the corn awonpfiWfore.. told br the la-.e Henry Flood .1..' the houfe ofcornrnons. He prediaeclthat tt wouht onlv beb-nefuial to the ariftocracy, .and it, would enaBle the millerandthe momed man, io enter into combination,, to the greatm. to enter in Years have fince Q e ow Mr: FJood's prdiaipn fulfilled fuch a combination has aauallf' S-n ice, and in a year of ahoundance ne public Save a fmalier Joaf than at anr . time heretofore in the memory ot tbp o.delt perfon living.

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