N OR Vol.: p.) G A R O L IN A G AZ E f TB Saturday, September 6, 1 7 04, 1 :(-.452.) "1 ;L O N D ON,; 1 of the 8th dragoons fcrit out la the morn. intT. wis, furrounrleH -.md taken, befoic Gif- YESTERDAY Mr. Sylacr, the mef.. tell. V V-: - ; - - fencer, arrived at the 1 ireirv's office : " As far 33 wc can judge from appear- ince, ixieuportand Oltcnd .will be. abandon- wrhdi 'patches from the Dal ed Tou may, the 20th inil.i u$ df York, dat- Oh the tS h, ikeaim tmder thi com mand of hs Rdyil Ifighnfs, marched frpm Tournav :o Porte a villinc about halfway ance. ixieuni . , v . cd to thera irt the courfe.of two days, with- outftnkine a vbIow: for,- the. inundations have; not produced the expected eitect. Cork, which mention, that two Englifit fri 'gates had towtd into that jaort a French Slip of 74 guns which jhad been crippled by the rand fleet under, the command of lEari Howe on theift iuft. 1 From 'ths Loidin Gazette. . WKIiEHALL'7wi7. A letter of which the ft Hewing is a copy, between Tctfrnay and ' (ftidcnardewhcre. theyyzXctfJf,'l p refT cn tneir arms, in expectation t;t proceeding iu at iew.hours. But whatever itszy have- bjen ts'cbjecl cf this racvemsiir, it 7as found , nccefwry to abandon it. Cn the igth, the ;rcbps were ordered to mcalu'rci jack their fteps ; and at five in the evening, refumed their iOraicr pofifion at Ttit!rn.y,. .,.:! ,?: . The victory ot the 16th, on, the banibre, : " The French hire again paTed the Sam- . i waTlaft night revived from, itvajor general xeandinvefted-Ch'arlerorvth-morerm-'i by Right Hon. merous forces than before, fo that we-have no aGillance to hope from thatqaarter but much to fear. . ' ' T-? . DUKE OF TGjlfCsARtir. T vs. iJune 18.. . . " -l . Betweeiie4everi and. uyelve o'clock, we . had the. intelligence of a clange of: pofition comrnunicutcd to ?nd about t rce o'clock ihe-troops' began to move eft U:e '6af nl 'js,wi'.ie as tha firi't accounts re- ground in two columns, the fifit conimaud- f j r, - prefe:i:e;!, and has producediio'bcnelicial ed by the conteqiicucc. A'tiioutrh oriti Xvinjr of ths allied army was fuccefsfiil, the: other .win 5 was repuIfed.Even the tiruUtrlaj' Gazette fays, that thcfourth'colum:; not ohly f iiletl to raascs any impremon upon ; tne enemy, but wasXcb'.iged to give grcuiid .. The oen. v-oujir rx.i:jvni2 was dijnvjjtd tor allow ing then; to occupy, anil on the 18th .again inveftcd Charlcroi in greater torcc than c bv the arch-duke Charles, the fecond by hi'r:ivAl hirfhnes the c! alee of Yt rk. Wc HenryDundas, his majefty's principal fec retary of Jtate for the home department." - CJiend, June 14, i?9 Sir, 1 . . ; I thinkVit rry cuty : to inform you, that lieurennant colonel' PitcairnjwiJn .the 3th li$?ht draGr?oofis. and the TSth and ccth te- g ments of foot, joined this gar rifon ye fterJ day morning. . r, - M'jor Centra! De Hammerftoin, under whofe comniana vthey were, had failed ir :.n zttack he made the day before, on averf -.-t:j .1-- ",L.i..i ul iJ- u.; i., Liu.ienor icrce ot tne enemy et inuw in ron ,i,9t rf ,n ih , ihr of FrS ii- ter the aflion he retreated to ThoroUt, and hes. and nroceeded throuzh Rain, and Herinnesl to Potte-i whre thecb of hisroval hi 'hnefs relied upon mcxr arms. Thit of Pri;;ce Charles, w;vs of. courfc iii Oc-V the night, failing brckhimfclf with the cbluun u io7erians to Burger,0, he ordered the 1 ront. ; We arrived on oir prounj aoouc two oclcck, rn the morning of lune 10. - v ; Vhcn we were informed,, that wwcts halt till bet ween fc ven an J eight o ciocs Bnuin iroops :o uneiKi; j Lieutenncht: Colonel Pitcairn fpeaks. very favourable of the cxiduupf tliefe regiments. :oi :and by this time the troops vere exj.t cted; !. IT1 - .U - LI! t-..l . ...a.. JJ DUbiomca is a mi u mucu, wwuuutu. and imlling. . a- 1 hzvc the honour to be, Sir, : .'four rr'ol 'obedient humble iervant, -ALEX. S'iEWART, ' Major Genera " ' . ' V : , l -r ---- ;"T , . 1 I.e.ttctsrweivc.1. rrcai the. Rhine ftnte . to have a day's provilioris cooked. to carry, Totthe n; ht Hon. Henry Dundas, &c. - r commandinz at Often! of G-irricrfheim. from which.', according to the accounts published at BruiTcJsV they are faid toiuve been driven fome tin.e ago with crcat lofs. - Their army on the Rhine has received inch large reinforcement as to be: able to aii oiFcnl:vcly. , V . " . ; : On the nth in(. jhey made i nn attack on .the PruHi -ns, near tlic defiles of Anwcikr 1 but were 1 ;rced to retreat. . On the 13111, in, 'and his ?oyaI hihnefs the r duke vas feen riding to tne. head-quartfrs or the arcn. duke more than once. -. jj Between nin- and ten o'clocli. wc(we irifbrme !, that the French had. a Tain croficd the Sambre and that it was neceflary we - fhould refumc pur pofiiionbelors.Tournay ; cf ccurfe. with reludHant hearts, wc ag2iri they advanced to St. Imbert, . Kornbacki took a retrogdde rozow, and r returned ; 10 and Bliefciitcl, .where- they; 'eftablifhed- a Tourr.ay in the evening, ; where :we arrived camp. I he Emperor had not ai rived at the, . abou;. te .o'clock, .without forming any yej head quarters of the Aullrian ,army on the ry favourable ideas of the fituation allotted Khi-c. on the i 4rh inih hiirhs was'xnecl:. to us. all ho'Des of poflefiiiiK Courtray,-ana- racing inc negc oi . i prc, apcai , . end. Our our. pods had " recrofled ... the n.fifrM rf fK ltiilpH. rc uhded. and rr. fing, of the Br tifti troops civ vne i 31a of June, 1704, at Ghits. , . . 38th icimtnt, I private killed ; 1 fe- Jeant, and 2 rank and iile vounded fc-4; mif- flllfT. . . . , " , ' ' ; J , th regiment. I ferjeaht and 4 privates ki'.Icd ; 2 officers', 2 ferjeaiits,. and 2 prU vat' s wounded ; o privates milling. i Tu:al, 1 ferjeant and 5 privates - killed 5 priva es cd hourh. Accounts are received from Lord Hood, f iheers, ienvar.ts and 1 31 wounded ; 'n privates m: fling. , ' r .Officers wounded. . Captfain Jatoes Lumfdain, and Lieutennint Wild. ind were, very fatt-rt 0:1 m ; id nf T?mf- H. wn-: about to Sche.dt in the iHiornme, attark C;vi. i he Engiilh fleet had taken near thefe of the enemy, by which means tne iY.ovtUe frigate, and fcveral t Willi pr..viuo:i3. . .. . .. . CwMP or EfLOUneirTHIELT. m ccrs.. four in the morning.?...' the Flan- ' I have-onKv time to inform you of ntlanchol.' pcfture of aiTuirs m'Weflt 1 Admirchv f ffice jutre 14, 1794 A letter was received Yefterday evemrg rm aHmiral rarl Howe to Mr. " SienhensV ooats laden: we were unfortunate enough to lofe the a,d that day, eff Dumcfe, in the lfle o Wight, giving an account of his lafe ajiri rf" val with fix captured (hips of the line, men- tioned in his tormer letter ot tne 2n inn nnri with a rrpat nart of his " maieflv's fleet commanding officer of an out picquet of ca valry, commanding- the advance on Chaufe of Courtray. . , . Tune 16. -i , . This morning a co uncil1 of war was held at head-quarters, the refii't of which is not - Vnrrs fnrri-n.frre.l -;rrtf.v.j.,v mnrnini?.'' known, but everv. thine bears tne- appear- Thc garricn coufidin "r of tcn'.b.ittalions, ance of one fettling back, as the enemy are muchriduccd in number by tlic fiee, are in very great, fcrcc in .every direaion, pri onci3 of war, and haVe been eicortcd to .,n : : ; ;: , : June 26, - - . J : T iiu , . . .i. . - .'A b quitK no. official iccounta have yet The K'anovcnans arc at BniceV, where been received of the capture of-Ypres, tht re the Bririlli", . who were at Ofiend, joined has been but too much reafon to . tear, them la It nntr :i . , ., ; " General Clairfay t is it Thielf , and uii-: lefs he receive reinforcements" rnuft fall back upon-Ghent to morrow. Never was feen fuch a break ud as that of verte'rday at Oitend ! Evert bodv that W the frarrifon-bas been neceffitated to fa'Trender. A letter has been received from Ofiend. announcing the general- belief of thb-newf at that place i and wc confidcrit indeed as certain. . 1 , y " 1 ' V The . following are faidlo be the general could find the mrans; were quitting, that terms of capitulation.: :. - , - : place. . The magidrates ind people of . pro -; . . Thegarrilon, confiiling of about 7000 men; n tub ' .u T7 7," ti. ii.w Um Kntinnrt of war i to march pcrtv were -all one When the Frencn comt, they will find nothing but magazines empty, fnops (hut up, andf houfe's, defcrt ed. . General Stewart yefterday gave leave to all the inhabitants to depart.5 rAlf .. the (hips in the harbour were 'ordered out -ints the ro?.d 5 and all the bagcagfcjbelo'ngiiiiS mc li.tif, inc rein regiment 01 jour, auu tne gtii -iMnwed the honours of war; to. march oirt witli colours flying, and drums beating on'a pfomife not to fight agamft thd French during the prefent campaign f , . - Two hundred , and feventj , emigrants, who formed a part of the garrifon, were In cluded in the capitulatioh,; -The enemy are faid to have infiltcd, .that tnree ot tne prm7 niVfVr bift -command, havlnir - fent the re-1 mainder ir to; Plymouth Sound. 1 hejfol-i lowing . are the returnsOr the kilied.iancf wounded on board Jiismaje fly's (hips in - the aaions; with tjieCFrench fleet, cn the 8th, and;29thx)fTay, and the 1 ft inft.;ahdjalfo of the numbers killed and wounded on board the French mips captured and fixnk. on the, Iaft mentioned day.;- v , A return , ot the killed, and wounded on board his Majefty's fliips. ' Total killed. ajsTotalwoundsd, 69 Admirals, Captains, and Lieutennant?, killed and wounded ion board his ajef- tj's fhips. J , , ' ' . ' TKillefl 1 4. Wounded 40.3 ' i (Signed)- , :! ' KOWE. An account of the. kil?ed and. wounded on board the French fhips captured-and funk. Lejufte . Sans Pareil ;; L'Amerique -L'Achille N01 thuroberlarid xoo killedi 45 wounded 200 - - 1 20 i 361 3 .60 100 ft

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