7: .. t i I Vf... V A. '.. .V ' A"' '" .; -A A AA -:, '';; r'"..7-: ,'" V."-:'f ." ,j f ' . " '.'A-. -;- A " . :' ... A- A A.A -A A -A-A; AA. OA -r"A '4 A -AA. V olq.); " 1 " ' 1 ' "" , ' - . f O'ND O N, Auguft,4; , -EAUL- MOIPA. r.JPT tncmph, &c. .v nd teemed 'tpfco mni iftrate he he dcpapedW them oa.TuS ' 'I?'''-- ' Jul a2. I7c"4i .. , words hare been pr T in I.rA Molr !;;:?.Ca Mn y found .near Leeh his the me Lord Ioira immeH;afi -Knglimf, he is to be i-'iicvcd atthis pbil by Lieutenant-Gencral Abercro.-nl i. X-ord Molra cannorAirrcndrr his com .xnand w:thout entreating the' oHiccvt, non- commiCIned ofHsers, and men of the corps which accompanied him from Oftend to scccpt his '.vsrrr.cft and moil grateful thanU fcr the kind and cheerful "acquiefcence- he h;exp'rienced -frm -iheml in the fevere fatinues to.whichhc was obliged to fubjedl them.-- v 1 . -' , c He has tWe aflunnce, tliat he is fliil td have their fupport in the ffrvice to which they were originally deftihe'd ; and that hone leficns his rclua.m at cealing,. for ihe pre-fen., to iharc the honourable dangers of " iervice. - "i " . ... n :; - s. m. He tn:fts thsy wl'I bclfcvc, tbt no light co )fi bratiwn would bare oj'iged him to quit them; as he perluaJe bimfcX tbevare fmfible of his having, endeavored to repay the ijehcro. s attachmeiit the.- h-, ihewn to hirn,.by he malt lively interctfs for their wellfjrr. . - - . f. For the pretence Hdsthem farewell, with the rno:t fervent prayers for their honor and prcfper.ty." . Thfi lenif of the Kmoercr tnwanle Brabant fubjeSts is now to be regretted Too much nraife. Van i2u u:t-n:'; . "trfe r, , iZ?l" TF - and unions en.' m r-fi : wwdft ,Se dangers whiehthfeatea prophetical, with whofe" body has V lound near Tn-frlirtTr. ku on ihatoccsfJori. . - i ya,if; T ln;li impatience;, and wc V AFrenih prateer of J2 efeleenoun vSed'w P" K Majffty wi bc Pre. ers ha, taken two br frS eftS" d iTr fronr t0ThW'thdra Ws xPfrom. names unknown.' .V , , - . r .U,T. .i . I . perluade the publicj. Our prefent w ar wiih Frini. the n ars of tormer times a dilute, Iha I have this or thit IHand-bnt, whether we lhali retain our Liberty, our Property; anibUjiv ? In fja every thing, dear to nghfh men is at flake in: this conteft ; and we' cannot rerreit without difgrace, and (lil! greater. daner.Xfr-m. the 'artifjees inends. are committing i ground lefs. But the merchants of Amfteri dam believe them to be true, andare afraid oftheRepublicas'Leyenth timentsJean; towards: the French iVftWmr of tne drench, iinrf their fr 'HHIUO 111 counirv; . A briff was chafed BERGEKT, in here veilerrlv v a French pnvaieers 'from. Oft thdi "and Gang v.'ss heard o the North Fcreland. Nothin to be fare, cart fnrpafs t,e confidence which thefe trifling fnips h;.;yc in the fup nenefs of cur iarine. The molt determined fupporter of tbingras they -are-cannot go beyond the Jacobinesin their anxiety for the continu ance of the lame yflem. ; . V ) A FrenchiDan, with two young ladies,: and a couple of fervants, dext?rciTfly con trived to make fhtirefcace from Franrlafl'' . . - Thismorning arrive r r r, r?v",C v c learn tnat Antwerp has been evacuated;, and .'triat the troops, which compoled agarrifbn of , that place and of Mahnes, h ive ; marched tn morrow allthe WlJI fllllf nnr'tnmn u .Tlie Attorney General hat devifed the i punimmcnt torjtiaron d'Arm- aane, tae rench. forced., hem- to weekinanopen fcc, and Wxre picked up ro-perty; iiSff'"1 wminde-ence.cf iheii -country, i: mgllt. by a verTel, and lanaed near place s 4e pi hare been prefcrjed to its lawful S- ialla'ri.l, ft, off f,r toado.;'.; ? : v ' " I 'n&Sg,: If the French rea:Iv mean to afmrl- Wet land, oi wh en e-.cnt we think very furious ap:rehcnfions may be entertained, it tems part of tftcir plan to drive the Auftrians fo far i)ac!i, in the fall place, as to prevent all . co-operation bet a ecu them and the Dutch and Critifli troops. : - Lord Stanhopes-ipecch on his motion for peace has been printed and circulated in France.. It is nor to be wondered that the French rulers Should promote the pub licity cf a fbeech fo flattering to thetr fceiin 2s and their c-ule. , , 7 . & . It is a e'riumfrance curious enough, " that Birrcre Ihould quote in the Convention from an Englifii n'ewlpaper. ..For the credit of , the papers, however, fwel afleaed to po i vcrnuient, ufliojJd bes known, that the ; paper he quoted from was the Jacobin : Chronicle. FALMOUTH, July so. This evening a ' Dnifii Eaft Indi had n Enghfh pafTeneron board, whofe ijuiuc was xvicnara , n;r,rorcj, ana on tne 26th inftaht, in latitude 48,' longrude oj fell in with 7; French 'fr'igaical'and-'asccri vette. jThe French commcdore, who was in La'Gemilley. a 40 giiii fnipi took out the hnglitn palienger, and all the Uamthcrew, except the Captain, fureori and three perfons who were . a prtreimafter and :iS men b with directions to take the fhijS to Bred ; but the next day (the 271b) Sir John War- ren reii 1:1 witu rier,1 and reroox her. and y. v i "cicnrenccor the Ar,i; '1 w:i -1 -wilrfhortly appear xn print. , . aa i ranlun. in. Da aoarHi : - I J -.-'- .. J , Rev eels. trip inr "itii?r,i,f f - - J J , .i.u,iaiiti)ui 4j-proVnce. " Vrhe RuiHan grand 'fleet of that nation V alfo m the harbour of. Swenfkfund, readr . ta are, 'however,; veryiiiet here "'"b kV l"c utcjarauons received fr ,rr. t . '.. i t- . - ..... ' RulTianiimbairaoronV r four fervants Jhi ng 1$ a.Uo.qmet on ike Ruffian frontier,, tick,; and. ferit from jhejauhd ;.,, on board her, a - ' -' " - ' ; a; .;- ihi ' t-a . 1- " S T ri r tr ti t1 ' . . J tint- -nl! f li -' FTi-nr7im-n nti TinarH r K rliffvrf ! thp Kir f frnm title' i rn A 1 . J nouft-LOM INJacartnev's embaHy may fhips of his own lqujdron but fent only a 1 ht the mines at'Delecariia ; a a; rovi fb ,mid!hipman and c hands to carry' her into the firft porf , z, he did not thiri it proper to veaKen nis mip s company ; tor - on re ceiving information of the French fquadron, he immediately made fail, and flood in the. track, to fall in with it.v which the Dahifh . . r - no; nave execeuied to the full extent which was propofed when it was Undertaken, yet, as we obferved, ojjeas have been "attained .that will amply repay the trouble and ex ; f eme. i'Jiat he has not fucccedcd to the full extent propoied, U to he imouted fo- t Jely to the prefen: flate.of Euiope, of which Captain thinks he probably, mightfdo the inc iuaucanncs r.ad neard ; and' the very- next day. ;Ve are therefore idea of theintrodudlion by any means of the petaton of hearing of an ati: jajuiuiiau.c uocurinesor t ranee, has revived Iquadrons, and iron the; known A v "'-iwuijr wiuciniicy naveiiereciaarily nravery oi tne omcers anu leamen oi. tnis cf.tert. ined of Europeans. j r v. - little fquadidn,, we have the greatett hopes Letters from the Hague mention, that, of fue'eefs, hotwithftanding the faperiority; the Hereditary Prince ot Orange 'has lent of the enemy in number ,-V; f;f a i.M') ;".V fererul trumpets with letters to the. com. ' There was a Mrsi White cn board the rnand rs of the'Frcnch cut pells, requ eft- DaueJ whom the Commodore,! at the ear ing informat on refneclincrt the 'fate nf neff entreatv of ihe Danifh Cantain. fuf. t in Prince HelTc t on refpeHng! lie ate 9 entreaty of the Danifh Captain, PhiliDfthal. who was"' either fered to remain. and fhe is Ibrough 1-Illrt ..i. .:r IAlA tiA t? t '.. ; t. the 6th inlt. but hzs yet bbtaincd-no ' fwer. on an- hiere. The celebrated M.d'Epremenil, covered -wltn wounds by the iVnifeillois, vhom Pction had called to Paris for the purpofe of accohiplifiiing the Revolution of the icth ot Augult, faid to that Mayor, who was then at the 2enith cf his power aud popular D E A L, Jtily Vt, rvgwrnmjht Has rDhtpo)nted during their abfence; conGfliiug 6f his royal hUh- nels Frederick; Adqihusbe of Oitrogo--thia, brother tb the regent and fix o ther pcrfons. His Wajefty.would not have gone? to Denmark, had even that Voi.rf fnf o jinvrtation to that purport,' ss tHeVregenta.1 s: A chaplain to the arm v. 'hhpn'Kr" bended,, and examined ;. beJore ' the auiic. council, for Having -fent a moft infamous and HSeHour letter to Baron uiwuiu u iuu ccui;y,. accuung' jinm or being concernecl in the ti eachefy of of d ArmfeldtJ ;ilhisenthuila JeliusV he is jamaiiribbU ahd ogives" the V; Butchersmeat 'has i teaH(hVrtf tim palt, occbhie fo feared herej that Jtcdu id ihiidlv be procured for any money. This want is I Yeflerdav evening twd Cutters belonino- !not owinz.to the exigencies of the fleet, hi to Admiral Peyton's fqbadron, dfF Gavelmes ,(. is owing tok quite diientcatifes 'STie go fell in with "fix French Frigates and two Wnment has already prohibited the expor Slnon5. His Maieftv's fhins Leonard. I)i- tation of aU meat . ' ' auaV Briilhat. Pcrfeus- and La -Prompte. k Thyleiius who wrote a letter to Baron ' .; i. . . .1 . : .4"' -4 ' n A" . . ' v-5.- r.',. .... . AA-: - t

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