A - . y'.'y-r NO CiAsR';! GAZE T ,- -4 I ' ' r " 460.) -r vrOULD fell "my : intcrcft in' the ? O R - s A T - i HOUSKS e.LOT I now lire in, n 'At P;i.N7?l6l9"ic T Wc immffcliate poflclTion, .on being paid THE ?V L LUlJ O 1; ; whatever Turn might be" agfecd for; and.. r ,,. . ' XT' C I for which i would receive rdifcouot, faffi, . produc er negroes.'" ; ' V" . . , - i . EDW. SIMPSON.. : : ".vir: ' 1 V. f jVcv. 8. ' , . ' t, A N impartial hitlory of the Trench reTO- I would alio feli'oncquiraWe temis, the Jy iution fXOm its commcnccaaccr to the irhcle of m IlccV of Dry Goods novr on acath of thc (wcn. ; , . . ! iiijy - ------ - 4 , coafilis of rnaiiy articles ftiitable to :hc lea fon'".. E.S: "OE it known to all whom it may eoi 5 vern. that the building in the towni ol NV-wbcrn, commonly called thePA-. L:CE, together, with' its out-hoa'ei and t'e Iots thereto belonging, are for fale :. and that the fubfenbers, were appointed by the G.-ncral Attcmbly," in January laft, com nv-Sioncrs tor recciYin prbpolals from any; pvxfonbr per.bns iiiclincd to purchalcthcm: and that u compliance with the direcliont of the at app ointing'them, the (aid com niiHioncrs will at any time, between thU day andthefirft day of January next, at hteir refpcclivc houfcs, receive propofaU ia writing or othcrwife. . -to WILLIAM NASH, Hilisboro J OilH ALLEN, (Cat.tad. CrcvtnY . WILLIAM E. LORD, Bruapivtcfy Jezvbtrz, July t6. For fale at the Printing: Office. . N Elegant "fit of UJL.AiNJx xsvo Ledger, Journal and Day, Book. Oil. ic. A rpHE Northern Mail now fett ofF everf X Wcdnefday at 6 o'clock A. M. and re turns cn the next day at 6 o'clock P.-M. The routhefriToll fets off c? ery other Friday at 5 o'clock A. Mand returns ion the following Thurfday at 7 o'clock, P. M. The Weltern roit lets oir every on. t Monday at 6 o'clock A. M. and return! th following Saturday at 7 o'clock P. M October 4; F. X. MARTIN, P. M. The fjuthern poll to ftart on Friday nexr, auatllc weftern on Monday following. 1 . R A,-,. O . Sc r--il- ?iir.:tr of ihi pspcf will giv C A3H tor JL c;an lineu andcotten HAGi, at th t.1 tnsy-five ifciiUos pr htitilrbd weight. : ' .NORTH-CAROLINA GAZETTE. A" POST being now xftabhfhed betweeit X Ncwbcrn and the city of Raleigh; t$ns paper will be forwarded to fubferiber; :o rt trvTni nt iCihftnn. V7ai'r.rboroUIlh,. Smithfield and thectty ot Kalugh, ana on . jentuckv, "i v ; the'road to thof- places. ' ' ; ' cW.Harnp(hire;. ' blc tof. at the time ct fabffribiug and the ; )elaware, : relt t the iy ear' end,. excluuVe of poftage, Qcor,t, vhich is 52 cents a year m hard money, j?ranCC, . ? : cr about 51. in. in paper. Subfcri prion papers afc Ic Maria, y Pining boy, I ?n the h-nds o the Poftmafters and with William Whiff VJn t Lenoir. - Brvan Whitncia Vf ; Mr. Robert Donnell end col. Joieph gponfman's farewell vircen, in wayr.c, ana coi. juci x-u- y Raleigh, - likewifc in the hands of the To It xiders. ' Any application by letter by tlie polt or otKerwifc-will be attended to. - , ; " ' j , Aiw rrrfhn nrnrnrinr tvelre fubfcribers and becoming accountable for them, will be Payne's common fenfe, (Jnus. ; ; Luter to the-Abbe Ray nal, Public good, 1 'Letter to the, Earl of Shelburne Sir Guy'Carleton, ; Abbe Scyeys, k. The Aarhors of the Republican; . . ' Rights ot man, , Agc of reafon, , - ' Hiftory of the rile, progrefs, and eflabhlh nient of the Independence of the .United Stares cf America by W. Gordoa. I txtftory of the Britifti Empire frork May 1 792 to the end of x 793 by F. Piowdcn, Buchan's edcciiic. ; ; l i . A fliort account of the malignant ferer, f lately prefiilin in Philadelphia j by Cary, . f . ' V , y' American jeft bcok. A ) Memoria or the young lady's friend, by Mr.' 1 Kowion, .... Fille de charhbre, by the fame, Letters of an American farmer Carver's I ravels, - " j Memoirs of Gen. Lee. ; i; 1 The fchool of Virtue, Novel . Ladies' Migainc. ; s : !; Rights of woman, . ' . j ThompfoVs Farriery, :- : - p Repofitoty of the moft valuable canbOtxet Ccmpleat Vermin killer,' Every one his fault, a comedy,. Elem-ns de la ltngue Anglaife. . :i Journal durant un fejour en France Gough'saiithmetic, American mufeiim, Rbbinlon Crufoe, , ; Charms of melody, Modern" Reports, ; Law Grammar,- -. . ' Saunders on Ufes jmd Truft ' Gilbeit'a replevin, rookes Bankrupt Laws, . Burton's Exchequer. i.i-iM.iiinn nf the StaiuteeJ Gianni ' TranliAtion or j-aic" J " JuflicC. ! t-'.r.-.nn nf Guthrie's geography, Bcfciiption bf the Tencflee government. Vermont, Connecticut, Maryland;;." NewJerfey, ! . . S. Territory War Atlas."" ' Boy gathering appiesj Dancing uog, ; Cottage children Favorite Cat; Falling cut,! -? Reconciliation, Elkgrove, S winton , Dnnfirinani, 3nd Aber ; cromby, commiffioners of Judiciary : and j Barou - Norton, the Teiiior Bsron of thc I court cf Excheqiter ; . wh'a are all named in ; the commUfion, and empowered to enqaire into, hear, and .determine, all high trea -j Tons", and mifprifions of high treafons, com- mkted in trie county of Edinburg. After tne commiffion Was read, the grand ; jury was fworn. . The Lord Prefidenr then delivered a moft, able .and manly charge,- oLferving, that the; act they were called upon to difcharge mufti in a great meafure be new to them ; as the inhabitants of this country had been in ge- neral, confeioiis of the liberty and happinels they really enjoyed; under the;form f go-i Unnn;itr (lnh(kFr in this rnnntrv- TCI illliciii. iiayjnj .v-w....-- .... -- , and which hadi been the admiration of fur- rounoirig nations ; therefore, the crime of high treafbrf, or the offence of endeavour ing to overthrow the government, jdjd not frequently happen within thc life of one man, but cf late, a lpirit of diU'atisfacilon had a-: rifen, from the example, of 'a neighbouring nation. It'wouid rherefore be their-duty, deligently to enquire,; whether the erfbns ;Vmi h ot inthftmenr miiThr ha. prefented ta them, had been guilty ci lorm-j inn- the dangerous plans 'to oyer thro 7 the government oy law eiiaonmca. :;. ; j - Bills of indictment were : then delivered1 to the Grand jury againft Robert Watt David Ddwnie, and John .Edmonds --.Stock' for high treafon ; and he . witnefles being i worn, tht court adjourned until Seven. i i return, Swing Swang,, b l A n ;K s; Of all forts to. be hai at this Oficff 4, nw ihm rhcprino' nf the court in the eve4 ningj: the Grand Jury came into -court and retiSrned all jtlie ihdidments indorfed true bills; Watt and Downie being in cuftody; v,'ere immediately fent forandbeing brought into court, were told, that they ilood jn dicted for High Treafon, , and tfast they were entitled to a copy of their indiclmenr. a lift of the witnefles to be produced againft "ihem cn their; trials, and the names and def. ciiptions of the Jury who were to try them ten days before their trials c ould come cnl Copies oAhe indictments, . and lifts ot the witneffes and jurors were then delivered i(i . court to the defendants i and, the court of fered to affign to eaih of jhem. any two council they ihouldiame to ; "affiftthem i x preparing fcr trial and making thei; dek n ee ; but they fecming r.ot to be prepared to name their council immediately, lke rC9"5c induced them with further time to conlideV imtil Ibis day-aty eleven o'clock; andf.ad-, " jo'ui-ned accordingly. ' ,u ' The court met agsip this morning, ;ar d on the i-equeft of Watt afligneH him fur ccuh fel Mr. - William Robinlcrt and Mr. W jL Erfk'me ; andfof-. Downie, Mr. John Clarke, anp Mr. Archibald Fletcher. J Downie delivered 'into court a paper, de ' firing to know frcm thc.court, ift. Whe- ; thcr it was' a ccuft of reccrd ?. 2dly. Whe ther he could have warrants, to ccmpel h's witnefles to appear, ?3dly. Whether he could have copies of the evidence given be- fore the Grand Jury and 4thly. Whether . ' any appeal lay from the judgment of the court, and if it did, to bat tribunal ? -T he court laid, in anfwer to the lecond ani third queftions, that he might have from Mr. Knapp, the; clerk of the ccnim;U-', as many .warrants io tompei iic i ip- On - entitled.-to' tire papers" for the whole year, r Mr. James Foy, cf Onflow,' has a (lib- P-yy: t L icrtption paper lodged in his hands, y He y X T 1 N iU K S : will particularly attend to the delivery of G H, Avgr$ x - , r , Maleftv's ccmroilijon or uyci the papers of any gentleman who may fob- TJI fW,r th ; nrrat Seal of r,-r.K-w,rf Ho wi a fb receiva nav- -JL.JL j. crriiJiu t - . ; - . AVWV W - - ' - ill, A men:. Cclcr 1 1. F. X. MARTIN. . Great-Britain, was opened yefterday Wore J tS LordPrefidenr, the Lord Chiet Urcn,f. : W Lord Juftice Clerk, Lords JJmderlaiids, ance of witnefles as'he chole.to spply tor: 'luryj was taken in writing,- therefore, he could not have copies of it, '.but if the Jury, for their own information, sd taken notes . ofhv they vere bound by their oath to keep jt jecret; therefore, he could nbt Jpofllbly be informed ot the evidence given before, theiii ; that as.to the firit and laft jqueftions. , they were queflion of law, and his- council would give him advice .upon them. : The cm t then adjourned, tllingthe prisoners? they would be brcught up topical to tkert