N O 'T I C E. , r . THE Suftfcribrr forwarns any perfon, Vrcm taking an aflignraent or otherways 'cTatrotc given by him' to Mr.-Ward, as. the debt Kavbeen, finccf paid; and the note las iuft given by way of memorandum, and, Tot made negotiable, therefore will not " :t to any pcrfon, and requefts.that Mr. VTard will & the Subfcriber; for a let tlctrent. Tbe rote is nearly m the fol S words, to Wit, On demand pro-lf- to pay F, Ward the fum of .ninety rounds, value receivcu, other iuch' inftrument; noperfon can be n aSt0the"ATHAN SMITH. December 6. NORTH-CAROLINA (3AZETTE. AJrUor being uow tu , Ncwbern and the city; of Raleigh, thii paper will be forwarded to-fubfcribers in the towns of Kinfton, Wayneborough, Sraltlrfield and the city of Raleigh, and.oa the road to thofe placet; : The fubfeription iszf- per year; paya ble iof., at the time ot fubftribing and the reft at the year end, exclufive of poftage, which is 52 cents a year in hard money, or about 5f. 2d. ih paper. - ' ' : , Stibfcnptiorj papers are Iodg?d in the .a, m thr PMtmafters and.with William White, Efq ; Lenoir, Bryan Whitfield, Efq ; Mr. Robert Donnell and col. Joleph r.Zn ? Warre -and col. loel Lane near Raleigh, lite wife in the hands of the Polr riders. . , 4 ,,. l Any application by letter by thepoft 01 ijiherwife will be attended to. , Any perfon procuring twelve fubfenbers, tnd becoming accountable for them will be caihled to the papers for the whole year, Mr. James Foy, of Onflow has a fub rUf loAaed in his hands. He will particularly attecd torthc Jr F the papers of anygentleman who may iub fcribeto h'im-He vrill alfo receive pay- . ; " CAPITULATION or SLUYS: r I HE GeriVcomriiandiiiV the; fortrefs bf ":;l'?tuj4 propbfestb the , GcneraljQf the -French troons rr urrA 'irArkrf'r the Howihg terms ; ' , .r-.v. rViArtvI. ,The garriion (hall rnarcE ibut ill 48 hours ; after .thefigning of the capitulati? on, with all the honors bf war ; : with r their camp equipage and baggage, and'fliall take the route they plcafto the United Prorin ces The Prcnch -Generai Ihall furnifh the ncceflary conyeyance for ihe removal of the . Anf.. The garrifon (halt march biit in 48 hours after - the capitulation js . figced, hy Ztidpqrt, with the honors of warvas! a tef timbny of the gallant; defence ; they have made 5 they fliall lay down their arms after having paffid the Jluices hall be condut : ed, as prifoners of war, , and fent to ftich place as the Republic fliall appoint ; the officers and Soldiers fliall retain their bag- II- .The fick who remain, fliall :berfaain tain&Tahd cured at the expence of the ftate ; they fliaH aHerwards be furnifhed with the neccflary paffports for the purpofe ol rejoin ing their regimenis. Compiiflaries lhall be appointed to regulate this article. I , Anf. As foonj as the fick are- cured they fliall follow the fate of rhe garrifon. '. . 111. The artillery, magazines, and arfe nals fliall be ifurrendered, after the neccfTa-; ry delay, by commiflarics appointed on each fide. ' . ; , Anf. After the capitulation is figned, commiflarles hall enter the place i for the purpofe of receiving from the commiflaries . of the garrifon . the artillery, militarv ma- t72zmcs, and every thing belonging tortinc-uors removed to, Kayeityn. . S W I T Z E R! L;A NWk Tbp couucil andxitizens at, Beirne Lhavc , ing to the I E cient. . C8ib:r it- F. X- MARTIN. TUST imported from Philadelphia, a gen J eral alTortaient of '' , " . . F A L L G O O D S, which together with our former flock on hinds, we are determined tb fell on fuch lj-.v terms; that country ftorc keepers; will fi U ir their advantage tb apply to us. Our c..p-r;nerlhip will diflolve on the; 15m day o J uun'riext, allperlons who have mj de brands, afeJreq icfl;d to apply at our itcre in Graven tfrcet, ort or before that day. 1 we alio bey. our friends and cuftomers. will take, notice, that we expecl they will call and pay tbeirdiiFerent acrountf as no further indul gence can be expecledL C om us. . & MANNING & BYRNE, Alfo on hands, Port and Sherry Wine, ;.C ... v Loaf Sugar, - ;v : Supcrfine.Hylon Tea, - ' J--' A lew barreli and half barrels Krong beer, Old Gin in cafes and French brandy, Nails, Bar iron, fteel, fait, &c COMMITTED to the gaol of this coun ry, on the a8tb of this inltant, a ne. gro man named STEPN Y, five feet and one inch high, tolerably f well made 5 about icny y ears old. his right leg. about his an cb "has been fore, as his right foot rery much fweUed. He lays he belongs to Mrs. Mary Ward, of gow cow ty; and that he rana way in fodder etiing time. The owner is defired I to prove The property, pay charges ancltake him .HENRY GRAY, Sheriff- -SmUIfcU,' Jdnfl on purity, Ooier IV. ."i he inhabitants fliall nqt-be molefted n scccunt of their Drivate'obihions.br of thecodufl vhich they lave adopted. -1 Anf. Granted. -' - . - ; V. The French trorps fliall becupy onry. one pare until the departure of the garri fon : " '" -: ' J :' y ' ;v :'; ,': . - Anf. After the; capitulation is figned, -the Zudpofte and tKe advanced .works, fliall be pu: in pofTeflion of the French. ' fc VI. The clerks of the magazines the futlers and fervauts who-are- not loldiers,' fliall be permitted to .retire to their' Own country. PaflTports fliall be granted to them. (The military fervts fliall remain vvith their raafters. y i' ' ;; ,1, . ; ' ' -. : Anf, Granted.,. ! ;. v . . VII., The commiuaries on each fide (hall fettle the number of carriages lu ceffary for . the removal of the fick and the effeclsof the garrifon..;';' u :,':V-: . . rj -; -i X : . Anf. Granted., '. ;; ' -T7TTT 'Vhtt Tame cbmmidries fliall alfo !' ., J A " w " .17 .-ft fcttlcthe number of furgeons neccfTary to, be left with the fick vho remain iat iiluys, and of. thole wno arcp accompany ic gar- rifon. 'pn beccubt of th French emigrants, 4whonv their mbney is'htarly-fpent. , ' t r . FRAN jj F 5 R T; : 3e)i. 6. : , r For the pompletion4 of -thearrhy: pfthe Empire, the Duke ot. 5axe;TeIchen, has correfponded with', the Blflibp of Spires -, who Ifays, his ; country J s ; rjiin'cd. already, , and that he. can. furnifh no contingency to the' army. . ;. '',., j'-, - . . . - .' . - The circle of Franemna rienm nlfn iriir averfeto thefe maurcsy and the anfwer o. the King.of Pruflia' -as Klcclor of Braden- ' burgi. has been as full "a negative. He fays he has made .fuch Sacrifices, already,- as far exceed the expences of si contingericy bis troops have rendered eminentv ifcrvices; the expenpes for retaking Frankfort and ;MenU have not been ttade good yet there is rib arrhy of the Empire, for the few '.corftin jrenctes that are- fiifnifhed, do not deferve fuchj apellaiion. v iBcfides, it' was ; agreed, that ; the furniHiing ..of trcops fhould be brought with ready, money. ' . v 't.The war in Fpland, excited by the com mon j enemy, in order to prevent his Majel ty from defending, the Empire, fully difpen latest him from it Finally, his Majeftj thinks himfelfentiticd to dcclare, that if all ftates did as much as he had done, the country would have been faved.. i HAM B fR O. Srtt. ii. . Laft week rFived jn the river Elbe; the Snslifli frisrate Iris-bf -22 truns. havintr on Doara tne tnira iranippct Qt jcnginn iudii dies for the Court of Berlin, confiltiug o ,i25ioool. fterling in'Spapifh dbilars. C; OPEN Hi A G E N, Seph"6: The Triftrutidrisof " the cabinet of St?' James's arrived here yeflerday.'by the En glifli poft, by which the - Britifli men of war andi brivateers i are! .ordered not to detain fliips bound for France, and laden with corn and! flour. Is." ; ,This meaf are. puts the continuation of the, good undemanding Detweerr JJcnmaTk ana Englahdbeyond all doubt. ! -ThefeTMnftruc? tions have excited tiporl our exchange and every where a great deal of joy arid fatiafac tion. ... 1 , ' ' , . . 4 j It is faid that .the fleet anchoring in the outer road is to be unrigged and put i up ir harbour on the 1 6th inft, and the bwecdifli j fleet will then return fo Carlferona. IX The officers wno are convalescent Oinll lrVen their horfes the general fliall alfo retain with hint fuch ofii er as he may felea. i- . ! Anf. Granted. - j , H A E R L 1J M, Sept. 14.' By diflferent letters from Bpis le-puc it appeafs that on Friday and Saturday, lad the French appeared within fight ot that garri fon, but not within he reach of cannon dot. They afterwards fell back, but came in greater numbers irithe environs, and dai ly attacks are made by the refpe&ive advan ced ports. It appears to be decided that the pofts of Boxel, and the other places on the Dommel, are to be rbaintairtcd, for which purpofe fome Englifli cavalry arrived m Boxel on Saturday laft. i The. Englifli army is alfo in motion, but their deltination is -not yet known. The bridge that had.bcen thrown over the Mcufc; a: Bockhovcn, 'ii I LON D O Sept. 6. ' By the Coriinna mail of yefterday morn- ingj we have letters directly from , the Spa nifli head-iquarters; in Quipofcoa, dated Au guft;l8, cuntalniiig the : flowing particu lars: j .y' -, i J Fampelurta in Navarre remains altogether uridiftnfbed: ?i ' . ' ' . , . ; ' i - .In Bilboa: every apprehenfion has! fubfii ded i'ln confequehee of which . an border has been iffucd for the fliips, which hatt been loaded with ftores, i &c. preparatory to their departure 'in the firft moment of a- larm, to unload ; jas alio it has been hgni fiecl, that the port is again j Open for trading" vvcflelsof eyefy description.1 . . : The levy of 170,600 'men being nearly cnrhnleatedi a. rrahd attack of the enemv. was expected to i take rlace , daily- . Tha French arniy is behind Tolofa that r place is'not taken. J . ,yy 'f :-: At Bilboa fokrteen confpicubus perfont have been found guilty of treacherottfly cor rfcpoading wirh the enemy, aud are order- cd for execution. Twelve were-hanged at Pampeluna 5 ,tt was there dilcovered , th3t all the guns on thevbattetie3 had been loaded with land inftead bf powder, fb that if the caemy had fiiccce'dcd in penetrating to the

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