- 11. v-"v -''X: ' ;C'V' V O L. IX.1 . S:, A T TT p ta, V. 4r : - . . . - - - - - I LONDON. rTpV.O pcrfons of the name of Hteeins x aw ijmic rc ia;a to nave formed refo!u. iui3 to alTVJinae, his raajefty.. -The ipor in which the allaflinition was to take pl-c was the Theatre. The inftromrnt which it was to be eiiedled to be blownfroA a. long tubf. The perfon implicated in the p-ot, were on the firll night bt.hb MajeiryY appearance in . the Thea;re, ro cation them, ie vet m the put. Somr confufion was to br produced atuongft the auditois, by the frequent vociferation of pickpocket. This cy-ciimftance, it was naturallr . fdppofcd MoaiJ draw the attention of bisAtajefty, and would induce him to lean forward from the S'ac Box. At that moment thearrow was to be b!ovn from the, tube. " . Hfeftfn? and Le .Vjalftre hiring admitted $ third perfon into theolor. rhar r.. co ninur.icared it' to government, whogrsnt id a warrant for iheparpofe bl apprehend- I :X-l.h-f.nJ In wnuencp of this wairant, r.Iirs. i onlend and Jealous went, on Saturday hft, to-ihehoufe of Meflrt. Mac Jilrce and -DeA-inet, in Denmark flreer, where they look Le Malilre'ioto enftody and coa Chei. iii's ftdp in Fleet Market vhere. they apprchendeci Hfgjins. ' ' ftpbcr3r: ' " There are (rrchcr renorfj f auon takx , place between Kofciuiko nd the King of Pu.aa..' ' . iu-nours of an approaching pscification wim France 4ire circulated and dtSufed in tae Continental and oihcr Jcbrnali.: . Te States General ifTueda Prcclamation n :c25in:uif. exAortitig tke iribabit.ints ? -J .he princ:p,, lceJ4WS Pfeaiy .provided ithaB.mttonsacfpro. an.aud 'hreeDutchregimfnts. - In the Britilh armv nntKin U... T.:ii.:il tlkepltct. . On thraonrn.L.P ' a; to Grave thc ofDaoias, in the Dutch which they killed 22 dragoon,, and had only heir Major pounded, fa knee being Cat. teredTjy a half. - 6 ; On the ajnT. I witneflTed anotheren. G'gineiit. v I he Srcnchare tni(Tt R ,fk. Jg, on' the othef Hde'of thc Meufe.; the -....wybMUS ine rieliians, the hiiflars' ttd tne intaiitrvof Rh3n .1M. Kt:a.-i. 6 ?rmLer Place- The Generri who ---uu iac ompoiti gave orders no: to ;Z ? rejr partj tontinned their fife from eight o'clock in the morninjr tlU One O'clorlp in rk f,-JL 1 , . c - . . . mjun : ana in tnis nnnp-. which itA fi,,. -j- i , . ir l n- Muu,,mey omy &u. Jed one imflar of Rohan and, woanded one . Qur: .Pafk rtillery has Been Reinforced by 14 pieces of can.non of different fizes, with tbeir carnage Tk- -'-iL f . t 1 , f v . "WSJ Mure ??d'.' br VeJIelt Hanoverian u Z i- j However a great deal "J arnijeryiot ali the revU ; mentt wiJJ be fpcfcdiJy-cumpleted, and that df the out.poUs augmented. ! We learn that yurernmenr granted two additic-nal lipht fieldpieces to the regiment of Rohan, which has already a verv teinrftzhl ;, Tk;. .w6....,4, Mftmre ot its uual piccejj-has been Dcrn.itr-H tnl.iM 1 1 i to affgn for Jut we arc a Iofs What reafon "VC? Breda, ff atese ;French advanced ffomihat quarS vnrh Their printip force ainfl Maefbfcht ldA Bel. ; In the viaes efpedaiJy at Oudenbufch mah. i -fS . . arenot 10 lcarce yet asJbmd pUD-1 Iicjounials have announced. Bat teaf coflee, i tar, fpice ncei and Other merdiandife ! ivmch muft be brought from Holland, arc ! dearer than the ufuaj produce of the countrT1 , - rrmx M"'s -ul o we are ap prenenfive left w OinnU u- jm-.r. j S urSdcSi The Inbridation abobtl Cdenbufch hat r.,-r.r..i u,r . the town there is a battery on the dykeand ,b re?H' flrengthened with abaftis. - Convention with the Army otiour Frontiers : haeput Under AlJL Con whb didnotruiBclenrfy prevent pndrf, and exaction . nri ... r. j o i I- s wwicu icverai umcers A M S T E Rfi A M, Sept, ' 1 he letters from th Riii.; a..' .1 the Aultrian armv. after J. frciri the environs of Matfrrichv took pofi tion on the 22d anft. near Aldeiibdvcn, and was to crois the Riiri n . j... rrentheritered Aixiraitart-n-Jf.u. Ot thfi 99d FrtltnuiriM U zr "r: & ,,c ,uurians under . .a tjni jusTcireat. , 1 A 1 - . a, - 1 I lut ntnuu ;c. . The.inilumlcrftanding between Denmark and tiii Country is fo corrt J''c uv.av tnat the Dan'Wb Underwriters, ha vcio U .4 m nuc iunn .nccicri I Thips. - , . . CUcber7. : TTiryr it nrt tMlt'i in ffir nnrf rro flVt-Mr tiven in-fome ot thc.Morniug Papers, of the );ike of York's army having been engaged with the French in corifcqucncc . cf an at tS rpt of tne harr'jto crofsthe Meufe. When thc lali mcflengcr,"-Mr.' Scott, came away, l.is.Rcyal Highnefs rema'ned at Grocfbeckj and no ac!ion bad taken place.- He had, however,-on tiie , I ft ifetached i6,ood men towards Gennop4 to keep hp the coir.municar tion with Gen. Vral:uK.leii, y.'iib is polled at W.e,- a place about tea leagues above Grave ariu three or four below enfo. His Jtoyal highiiels thus lines the Meufe for a conCder abie exten'tl It was expected however that the whole liritifti army oi?Id.(hortIy make' a moveinrrlt.lor tne.pUrpoie, of ! forming a junction with'.' Gen. Clairfayr . 1 he armies ttn.;eu it isreaionaWe hoped may be able to rulc the fiege of Maeflrichu - , v THE BRITISH ARMY. . Cjmfi tit Lofceck 1 Settember tr. '. , - The ir.convetiicnce which attends a reira. rrade rnovemenr." fo little conrjenia! to. '.the uiu ciiMua-, patently, oorne Dy tms aruiy, fince h :s tlae relull of the movements M 1 cot conlt.iu'cali the practice the. art of v ar. T Englifli Fbrces continue to , be encamped between Grave (and Nimeguen behind the Mtufe andbefo're the Wahal ; i contmasdjng from rheir camp ,the yiew . of . , " " v - 1 ui vreve t03ur neat Boit-Ie Duc is taken. There was a detach- w.w irK,on.oi iseonoTxfte -at IT' V.'L-tnrTtTr ot the above corps is . ! 1 t : -- ...... ac oo!s-ieJJuc, -from wfcicn it cannot re treat. . - - - ;'.- Prt of the army made a movemerityefler day, wijich is intended to cover the Meufe. This we conclude fronr fe ver.il howitzers and pieces of at tiilery having been moved that Geo. Clairfayt had defeated the French and taken areat de !'f 'baggage ifrom them ;? iartnerjrtnat tne orders given to m-nke the bajjaae'of the 'Auftriati army to crofs the- x.iiiic, had bicii 'cdJintQrtiianded iinct. A boat.bridffe is erecting: at NnneUeni as."' the. prefence of tne Britilh army makes the (mall hrtf&f Infiifliriif T'th mnr"fo. be thr Rri-' tim hofpifalsVre on the cppogte'fijde of the liver oi;ci. - ' . , " ; -f -. BErwGEOZOPM, Serf. 24 .'the Britilh and JEelJirn Troops jinGarrifon lay .iu vjuciuci jauu Lujoin inc arujy .ui Duke of Yorlc-rThey will march hence an the 28th. Thefe troops will probably , be realaced bv fome of the Dutch 1 corps, who o hxiadred bay for th iiiu or tne xvxajia. The artfliery will be removed clofe- fti thu latter place, ot to the Heath of i&ift the I We Jearnxfrtm Vlardibtrehi bnder tli date of the . d6th Jnft:: that1 th pews had been received there, of there hav ing been diicovored among the herring Mi: bablV the fame who deftVveH fli T.i,ni fleet, and that on the tfjthXili h9A rv- ana burn t two of t hole ihips. - j k A jetter ticm lieuiden itates that on the 25ttihe enemy kept up a ilrorifeannonadi the town and fort lfahf11r tfif n ' at 2 x o'ciock the t regiment of Saxe Gmu cnicrca ncuioeuj wnence the holpital ws lnevAuitriansi after having (rruck all heir camrs about Marftrii-hr ,".ini' .kL..m 6 or 8000 men ibto that fortrefs erofied the ivieuie 1 1 curfioM as far as'Bokhouen and the next clay to Hedinkhuy zen whence they we're eflabliflied there and in cpnfequenceof whtih iome 01 wie enemys men were killed. The ivj mcB uictc aiio prevent tnem from penetrating farther; meanwhile all the for- f the-combined armies and .Cabinets ; and ; CI --""V 8 f f"?"" "1 ' atrc eattIeav.;W Krrv,M, il lll j Rrirftnha ,- a 1 rlcTiemen advanced witb- ai poinoie ipeett t j c' C"C u tT ; s"c"suci . i tj: i 1 . t - 1 lowaru xiuirciiiiciutrij. iuu j rciui ucu nuuit; time after, with a:F.rench .CommilTary of- .Provifions, two Dragoons, and four riemans. The French detachment which efcorted the Vi IS lis sa' v v w ww f3 w - oF ii French draaonni-who would not fur- w4 . o j 7 7 , render was ihot, and his horfe was : badly Tvmch may be alljiled by the enemy, . i . - 7 The great blew is flruck in the quarter of" 5 mounded. One of the r renchmen was fe. the Auftrian armv. - where leveral pitched rverely, wounded : m the arm ; this wound, battles have been fought in a' fhort time. defied in the orderly . room, andhe was mm. H.u r.,r 'j rt,t M.. . l. -.u- l.Telt . treated .wim, me oreaieit numanuy. 1 .u r.i. j 1 -t- I 1 a I Th Commiflirv bad.oo crowns- and ?6co nnV fJnrt tKsf anv tliincr has as vet: hacoened liu - --j 4 ,( 41 ar ed hence a week ago. returneid ' yefterday of the French in' particular, s it had ilrbng1 inirenctiments to attack. But the means of the Republicans,, in pufhing on continually , with-fresft members, made the Aullrians re-' yeat. We are allured, that the French have At I ft -ii t r mV r ' 7jr A-iwHvsapeije, ana mat iviacitncnt noy.the enemy, is much as poiTible. AIX LA-CHAPELLBi Sept. 2 ' " v " . La' waft v ft, ffV French armjr oh the river Mcofe being re- lnioreeo ,py, teverai mviiioDSTeceniiy arrived made fince the 7th inft repeated and com bined attacks upon the Auftrian poits, j who ' Were ftationed iirtne left bank of that river,, Whick th'ey made on the 17th oh the Auftrian UCiUIV iMfcUVUt W w 11V tilt IlUb VI JVile and FouronLe Costite were not luccefs. ful ; but it was . quite different the attack which ttey made the next day upon the pofi tions of uenerai uatour andUriozv. 00 the Ourte : " Thc left wingouJ not refift tbt 4 . f ", . r ' l. ' r, ' , ' '.: ''.."1 : - - - . ' - ! I . - - . . 'I t' ' ; . . - , . . . . ' " v T . ." -'':':! v - . : v-1' ' : '.. J . . ' - - i . - . r-. . v : -

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