1 r E T T E.; 1 V. g l.. ix., ;v :. r r a,;t-- -k p-;g:;BHR i7 . - No. -l , - . - . . j - , , , , - f :1 L O N D O H Of!.. . -.1 ) fr THE 'accounts frora-the continent a fiord; little Tea fori 10 'believe -jtihati.HoIIandi - can" be proteBtu'; 'if Both'' AuIirWi and the BKtih aV7nietafctbbl fged to' rc treaty aud ; leave the Unifed Prorinfcti tu their Idwii, mcini "bl defence.1 la th mean time the . nfcfrarad vadng," " n.ctt vvhbjitfler oppatlt :on fropi the fcrtreflcs garriloned by Dutch troops J " It Wis' y cfterda reported tnat they had advarired to and taken poffe(V Hon of Utrecht; between which and Amfter.- . dJm there ""M nothing I o oppofc them.; , ; -U V Gin. Clair fay t'sf head-quarters were by . ihell ft? accounts at'Jtfiers ; but there is ;op v inucli reafbn to tear that t is 'general and h!s army V:ll a!fo find it expedient V to; scrof tHe Hhine; leaving i be Iover p?rt;-of Ger vinany, at clt as Holland, cxnoied to the e- "xiexny; " 'v i -1 ' ' - s . : Great cbnfternation prevails in Holland ; ' and we arc? forry to add, that a fpiricoi dif. affection their -prefent $;overnmendieeui4 too prevalent -nionz the Dutch , . Letters rom Mentzi' dated the z6ih ult. inform us of a coniiderable advantage gained over the eemy .the prince Hoheuiohc.4 A Ijjlan had bepu concerted for the rc-capture oi TrcVers.V ItTwa3 to be" cj&eccted In con c Xcfterday feyeraL.pvfqnsc.f (liftTnfiiM arrived in town frcrmofland'nrpann.n; ifeifpr this: country. an afyiu. . ! .. ? Mineral lairfavt is now -at; Colocrne a. gainft which the.eiiem arc faid to be atf. ijwur.i grcai iprtc, on ine near afjpcoacn j of whoa it,i.thou2iit ;Ji Rhine net jucl2iii it prudenrto riik .ahb- ther cngageraent S in .. the!, prefeni, reduced" flte ot his army, : viritb fuch an ' immenfe. fpperioiity of fi'rce as.is oppofed to him i The Dutch mail due on Monday, npt.bc ; ipg arrived whew this paper was put.ro prefs',' makes it,iinpp(fible' to determine apv thioj; . Icipeing-xTcre'nt.Viupours that have befcn l circuJated, ol riots- in (Ko:terdni Anfte;r dam, and the neighbourhood ' ) ' of thefedt.' holderrand jiis faiiiily being bufily. employed 1 io. maling preparations to com e to Zn gl a n d, his erixmie being fo numeVous. an J bccrn -" ling (a powerful as tb; "threaten .the .entire -.verthrqw of the preient Durch eovernmet: .'oUti;echt being uken Dy jfhe French ; lid- ; ourgn,are to oe executed on tiie Cattle. nUI, ninh 4ide of ilie Ca'ille Caie, iii.ihar ci'ty, on WedueAay W:-"" V H ,1? 1 . i1' frnfencc of death for hieb ireafon at Edln' cert oy generarjoiienaom, prince noncn lehe, acd'duke'AIbert; Who cotiimands. the Auftrians. A general attack was ro be inideon the aifi;::birthfcuemys .pclh ia the heighbqurhood'of that place. y Onjthdc venihpnrcfrdiii r thedetlinedatfack. ce(ir.l - a- . . - - z ,! , ... ..... .: - m. . . . ... ivioueaaornrecetveainuniaiiuuriroir. gtner j ris rojj iJiMii uic ,aww. or oric, CUtrUyt of bis dilatlernirar Macftricht : and 3 .Uit the aniry on i lu rklay lait. As h'eeam'e J conciuamg Ris'part oi ice projectru attacK, put move iu inc iuuur-ui 4f iy ij '.ic;: . w linquifhtd his part likewifc. Prince Hohen- J ; joh e; "However' at.thtVead of i lie Pruians r iinder hxj ccrnVnandy tortunatelvt receiviiig y o"couir ef order rr 1 -1 ir-wvl ' ' i k-a !cM tdtSiertick drove them from KaiferflautefDaiid all thirj poU in its vicinity vwth.veryr great f tcr." Two tboufand French were kijfctj J I the. views and wllliCi of tliuie who eUe'thiiii currency. , . ;,' V.".-Vv - . T Witt and . Dovine.1 l:thCrrJTonr u'nder . ;$unday;eyeoj- thjrcf ripel- Jenger in tnexoune ot 24 huuis) arrived at Mr. Punda omcer wiih' UiWcheirom )H'ai km iuui uuui.c, . uc urougnt oniy pri ' vatejJHpatCiies -ir 'ovcinricnt ; but we i UiidertfandHlVjft' hV roy LrhlVhnefs'ha -made-l cdaidice or treachery or the commandant, 'Who is nbw tncJer arreit, aiid be ; tried; by a court. martal. - 7 , ; . ' f t 1' i:unnei ;'a1i?joyeucprta tlfe i 0 tjii tibifof rSilin jt .UeV & -f -'' 0 lllCi with "concern we Gave to' lafcl that ! 'cnVb'Hn.nIt.'he fdrtrefs bf 'Creiicbur;; !to lli'tf BiimmclJfwai taVen pofeiron dfbj the nuiv. Ir was tjiven uD'eitlipr Vrn ?fliit , - . V 1. " 7 . C.' ji r ... 'A printed papier,'" of wlchthefonowiiig is a,tratifltibn;:,vas.J lately noYleiiair over. V nen v tDe;Korxian oenafe took all thfil K pb Wers in rp t h c:rf 01 ' ' ban ds, t he Pt b 7' pie wf re reduced Vb Vfta very . 1 Citiietts j i you arc recifjeed tb'this htuation'f ' Have nothing r to five ydu' but the;3ilt Article of tne risxhu bflVlan that is'lnr T 'ftfrrectibn.! ; The ter.ti of the French in H jllaricf cont iTftof lira w huts j Which they Tf or ce Uie peai." tVio raler; tbe ' ' 'Ybe 'French . are faid to have- hiade thc r I 'SohniirdiTttrcaL three fMcr"iiei F5i-voi?H'Ph1. L ,Jeiu I rifiina. j ; Lf ; i r . f lU Wrniir hrislk;en rctiken bviHoim on 7o4h - - . . . .... . j iUV-bi-" fr e ileiiun iml tDmch if peps, Uaf 1 .who have orderedLair 'tfje-t5eiicveieprfrr oticdoxi thi? JCc if Uam! a fof eP,. r"f debt-to ;ic 'and is -:eri:ly Uelxvcd by, ibPuuk er . ' ;. P T.f v. f . Cri-iitJi ' . , t.it.ut Tf'O -r t.-r-r- v . A-""'' T-v "' - . ' 'TZ: Wccirr TntirehrVoniradift' thpidea fe- An a'cenunt runi, the. Cologne, 'mention-: :rrf t li-.'h: rnnlmilijicrnavmf: mide mp ihejate cdiiflicts near Alacilncht, tayff.r it a Jreace.ii xonciuaeu.uv tne or nni L'ffpcatein ihe.recbaqUt otheNetherlands tb.bc'cifccted as iptediiy. as poiflible',', . 7, The Netherlands fhall haveCftandinw i' 1 three thoufand were 'made prifbn'c; an;pn vhomwere upwards of one, hundred cihccf a; Tive1 pieces of cannon vere liktyie tMp-j liettefs from Duffeldori lay, thtfrom.th "i cth : tb jhed ; ot SeptemberXgeaes T Clairfavl'i army loft oirc thapcleveu thuj ' landmen, infilled and wbuno.ed, .bf.fiijfs a 'Vreat nunirernaken fribivrs ; apoy; pnfe ' ' hundred Vieces of camiQn 'faj?d all,fi(yani Munition and laggage 01 tJie iwr mZy ":,the ith the Freiidi were ityl continuing ib . ' . . . . . n :.. r ' puriuc aiid atrack tie 'Auunans . wnerevcr "xcev.ibuld ovevukerthem, whlvtbe.tvjdent " jntenironoi or.ving -viu wit fit-t wnoTjt tncy coilld.not delhoy ortakeprilon- .ItisTaid thapepsTatiolS :lre lnaingrfar r.2pn3Vlre rihtrfStad!!Kiler;'if.tbx; Ur -ni!f 'PmviiicVr.for. tliisn.ctisi.rv.. and 1 thai p4 ct b tii'hae. aUxJiy b.en : MS 1 1 . , f,,v. .,; L f " 'rolicies' were 'idnebnr nd a V aifiritae ie Stadtbb!derhasVione ?n perfoj toihe I. City; at twelve guineas to pay one hundred-1 ramtia mmtient for cer; tieino tf i4 4 a ic Luiivciiiji-.il ciiictcu xiuo at . tne 1 Hau,e fhaU.beanfiuhed. - ? 5. Auftria b to i t ceive of Great-Britain ' i -the lwh 014.000,000 ofilorinsper annum jtf r Hi-ii tovcriMnn . troops itioiti.iira, -,anu ,an. wic- iron tier pro r : .'Tfi.E- British Army ; Heii'jqprFeji at Groeibeck,! 0Srvr n v.Ou r, 1 jea yy, biggage is, . bv, wa y of precau 't en,. ;kept pjnj.he.;pihfi: lide.ircvcr : Tallin' intc0fii.qutttCfvt!,tempt ttl sV.m iS Wb? 4"fl.er iwt!?''.?:ecl alTatlinatehmiiiceaJspdJiijeCfiriued mucn; Jrf,Vh.!Ufiwj MhirK .was' evidt ntlv f dn ..:"th didini.S'mipajMiweverha ; weight nrkth?onvearts3;im .igvc;oii Sir-v 'A'1''11 r,rc ' 7.--u- T,mn r!nh but thev con. T divided- into .6 clalTei. the hiivnMfc',V(avifr' I iinuc tMnveie ainffcB4rrjrC Collot A fcwenrr ind the Weft one -ddffiftf -'b- .1 WrtibU7tcvalleixrvVmin1WiA wrier, J Ixdes this, a (uhfidy Is ;deina,lided'bf fhej Gsvj 1 TVadlerd BUlaud :Var.ciyjc; i?nc Kfy litter af'whburWl?4dinfliawiJui ibe Jiccj: 'Hmtnel to tikcJM'cellaryiniralures ur pr-i' WHrt. auemi, .tDatirnf ioriiciv fjr re- ,1 vu orders lomaKe rcpniis azaiiui inc ;-j-uiwiiy ; tKfe PbJifh Charge'd'Aff.irsat Vienna has not yei been able tTQ obrain any "anfwer io the rtbtei h has lately prt ten ted; It is lid, that ;Kofciufko .pffers term advantageous to the Ho'ufe 01 Aullr a; The prisoners taken ; infehdf ebnteft in which the Aulfrians v'Cre rorced 'tO repais;' Weipre; bt tug brought be- ; fore'Kcfcruiko, 'fje rreated them kindly amd ? faid That Poland was dip6fedio pay eve- ; ry! refpct 'to tne tonfe of bflWa,but would at ; the failie time repel'-any - hofblities' coai .mitted on its terrijLQi ies. , : A gentleman who left -'Paris on theifti ' inftant; ffs3'' that all was ttien. q iet ; and that'fu intent were the 'Committed o Public: fatety oh' affording P:chegru andf Jourdan the'meatis of executing her orders, that jhey had lent reinforcemeiits which' would ,. fnake the armies amount to 2oojC0o men. . ! The thirteeu Bengalhi s itaied in tiyi .Convention 10 have been captured by the jFrehchjr pear, to have been Botany. Bay veiV.f ;iels( on their return iron! that colony, they j j touched at bengal, and were laden? with ilugar, "iilk,; &c , : ' - - . ; Y . f jf eftertlay a courier arrived at the Secre i .ary of State's effice with le;ters from Mad rid, which ' mention, thisr the Courts- o ; Madrio land-Naples were determined to proj -iBcute'the war , . " . . Private letters froin the neighbourhood of the Rlifrie mention-that there is by np, means that cordially between i the Prulliaiii ahtl'Auftrian Cimma nders w hich .would be ft defirable hi-the prefe? t;t momentous crlih rixo a want of unanimity among the different, nder m clni, Ave may a I en be molt aiaanties of.iheprefent war. CommandeT of the caiaaii L All S, A N i &r DEPT. 1 Wife!, the chief of the. party of jbemoun talti arGePevwas-iWiron.' :.rhi ortK-AlC , . 4 lie r rench reiident feoulavie,. took his de. parture in ft!creti;c His fucceffor i the nan oril commilfioner Dollet,; who. has already let at liberty agiaat number of ; prlfoners t'ahd declared, that he ha orders irdm thje cpmvnittee of public ;v eliare at Pari to do nothing but ;.whae Ihould appear mpft agree. r:.- able to the Switsw i . ; . . ; -V I E N W-a;, Sept. 13. ; . The two Engh'lhi'pktiipofentUrJCs haw had their audiane'e of ieavV,: and will thorny quit this city ; bate whether they u ill go 'di- . rectly to London or tojuy other place. , we do not -know - , Wiith regard id the'-; treaty bet ween Great ?Brirain aini Auftria' - me t following, i ai tjicr ;bar'ficubrs b ivd tr.inh irf-rL . , , r..LGreatvBritain vvaf iufmediately p3Y ihc fubud:es.to -bcitrraiiied. a4 :icon,.as: Anuria I mall 'rrqucii;thtxru .. .V. . " : 2?jiGreatFBritan.wiil mnftv earncftly co -.1 fWhkh it is eJxpecred'wjJJ be;r rttfiiibrrow.jfjt.is thought ?' : will crbf s ibe water at.M(j ' -;4jvbere.ihe Val and apart.o ; - ': 'jubcliipn.r r l$y tfcat;mqaiUt 1 W:4Kesa,once,t i(C.bpjngrj in vry dffftcilt, to fornix bri ; : .JcsavetnefiV - 'A.Ilirl- ' ' fr' ; U yOuivlmetTDreleP-- : if L3 .--:. " " . 1 , ;-'J :v-'. i i. . ! - f v, . : . n ,. . . ' ' -' J B , niMi -i -1- ttt- - t iti 1 mi, - -.'. -

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