Y -wVlV:;! 'Asn 'PEOPLE V :i- UNI 1 ED S t ATES. ,:f . CITIZENS, f.irr icuiv thrown but on al ".S.'-cierics wish-.n the Utpted :- ...".e relnrctable a.flurce viV t'r.e public attention., ; rtc:i: r Vj,i,.!5 lijffle fccieties'ari? fV-:r ".;:r.v.c:ifjl i.xp oiiionng 'the i r cV rt ui the ,eItU rd ; in -their. 'pr,: c thevihave been decreed . ii'ei. it. I w and government. - Nq .j., !huuecr barlh f and 'indecent, tiiar t.V v'tt Vc i:ot Sec j iht-niu to cfeferve ;iio r r that 1 I I- 4 I r; r -,;jifr nrsv.vver tiarK una . noma, i. -s y' !" m a:?ribted ' to . t hem- KI6 "q kM( -y!-c:i t;);i.t hae adorned an A t : . or n Home:, has been laboured jro b;cfc n l:;ir actions aiuj their principle?.; r . t m i a m .r! T riff r-o I - r i'i " n u;on fto:;i one end of the otter, i . , 2' .'..:c! -ei::rl A Art i'!i:fcrimliiife reproach- Si. JVC cor.'e . t e ;rt !ror . from the me-in- initt'nji.jralTy excsteinJiiuti- vciit-'i the innccciu ; but.com- ' irch iV ilippo'cd to co:niiue . -. tit wnJ"m ai'U cuu mi, as wenas i vtclire to wipe them aw.:y. . And .-.t - t thni pals on innoticeJ would, r . " ' tit" Tne ilfp.iblicair Society Si, be to luuiruc to tneir own con. ' f. ; tr merit thote injurious ap. ' ' :ii ot the liiilurber of pubtic happiv z. ;:ie. incendiaries and the petty tvnnts .r,tv. tle alTaliins of virtutr and charac- - ht have been, fo liberslly, heaped up iiem. Aid' thrush, from a confeious .prety r.f their own .views ; and conduct, i ::e Tee no neteflity f;r a public v7ndicar:bn th: tnfelva, )er, Vefpel to the rujers o- ;'ir,ri coun:n .wcV iiotwhhftarding' the Vrj.I-'nspt foremen, they have never loll 1 (iii'at 'of,; 'to therr own character whjervthey1 2b!ivel:re : tot we good opihidnfor their -.ci;3,.enrJ' which it - is their- pride,' as we imrrelK to revere : and to that con- I iii-tuVo.i h ch they Tjok upon-as the nobfeit 4,-fe grtlo.-huxnir. rights7 evt-r yet dew , t d h he vvikfii-n of man, prompt tnerh t.) h ;I?re t:r truth; . hbth as to the part they ' hav ri Jled r'-rpedtng the late iufunrecboh, as ' ,-;f the ' .general reaons and principka 'of '.. rheir !n(litution. - -" - OV irTu-il, that "we fhoold be thought-to have, 'h ' inV ' manner, '1 contribute. to the on-" pin YicVupport of an - jnlurreclfon .which we deplore, as1 the mo( grievous cfiftjonour that evif : ef ll our country,1 -affc us the mere " fenfib'iyjn that, at the very, early. period," we haifened, 6' refolutlbns infertdd id the pub. 1 i. wnki Tn p vnrfi ' f iiir r in li cuiduiu iiiMiia 'on of ii: ;Carfd tiave" "ce by -very nieans III UUI , j -i 1 a worhy : rcpre- ' endeavoured - to ; dif-", ell it. Well convin ced of the! tnfeperable connexion between Javy anj liberty f and that be . principle inj, - enf :coha"itut;on w Will of the juajorft (hall 'prevail'' Js not on- -the call.ot inc. executive h4 In J irulv. bblerved .by 4 fenutive xi cur 'ftate, Jy, the molt. " lummofti" out tne oniy prac rxiciblepruic'pleof rational freedom, we be 1 . held with ai much ibdignation, at leaft, as r aj others of lour .fellow, citizen; an attempt ; toXiolate botb; andhefitafed not a moinent, uisoiiabua 3hd pubUcJy;toexprelVif. Bid o5f Vccureri derive thd feritiinenisthe havf, ib fotitfdtnilyt Tmputed Vo us from tlJefe our : IUU . . ... . i -C derftands its right,; will not ue apt toneg.ecr "them, and a f natioiniipus: for he prfcr: vatipn of its rights will, not,: eafily,; fcUt a facrifici toa?tiliceff,TWw has. : "ever 4teen the? 6nfeqoencc bf ftignofance, 'i add Jb people ever et Jbtt tljeirlJibertier till W find firih k)ft toe' knQwletftev.of..ttjem.. i JyJoW- how" Ss this knowledge mtre. likely to be acqtiired and maintamca tnanamciig io cietyof inea whoto the cpnllant habit of n -jitrarinP- their rifihts, adds, Jike ile, : that bt pMyiDC! Ihcin 10 all ,he proceedings ' of our public bodies ; and who erijoyjng he i. . . . - : l. i ; n w t wA-r An r a t - , nri infill rv t.&jiii iniii. VrQWario-mr-'Uie-'fubjea of the dHUirbati- '- ptrtect ob v NrT dbabofc-r Vi..iL'".a't,;:,Jtiv.-:.. --n.t,- I nrinrne with practice f-.INcr ooest6.appe,r telol.tUoni f Jt cauuoi uc x-.ci mtuj, niti, deilAri rbiwE!e;vho havVa right to V beintrd frotn lbme condua of ours, or ( . Ji4ve; A Jronr me repon ot xnc icwrciry v !cf ,ttabryrfttm with a -pfofeTed View " to eivijHe cinxehs at Iar4 full- int. furreciions among the citizens ? Have lejj by letrer or otnerwiU, exhorted rhem to - -perfevtre- in pppofitibn to the laws ? Have we iyn pathized with them in the grievance' either reaor pretended, which they afft2t-; . ed to labour under Have.we, to this . day cxprefled an opinion oii.the hw.cf excife, ei- ther bn way or. the btii-?rro 'alHtbefe ; 'quclVions, wqh our hands upon our. hearts, and appealing to-him who Inoweth the) fe crets of all men,; ye pofitiyeiy. anfw er j no. Why then, -has our conduct been reprefent ed as like, that of fo many crocodiles weeping over thefe very laws and : that conftiiuuon which, inwardly, wc were Tefolved to de- (troy ? .was it becauferhat, in " this countr , dungeons, chains nnd. death awaited j the man who wt uld dare to exprefsa dilppro lotion which he felt refpecting the" form or the meafures of government. i' . tl,j , Va it .becaulie. that, if real grievances orprtlTed'uf, there, was po other. mode; ot getting rid of tt era I than by the dircml iand precGnous refortto "civjl war ?jVas it! be-: caufc that it would nr t have deemed wiler to leek rcparatiop in the good -fenfe and jul( ice, than in the blood 'of Tour courifrymen ; to have tried' them fry; petition ;bcfore.sWe' provft-kttPtltem o iRebeJJioijT?T V as it j be- ' cauie tra among us the huerty.bf :he pre's : was inters jfted; and liberty of fpeechieckorJ ed (edition, that we.lhbisld be under ibe ut-f c flUy c f puriuing the? nioil law.lul knd :b I the moft unlaw ful mearis, ard of-;;Tmeetii in the daik.to perform incau ration'! agabft a law which we had an aver Con to, 0ragainltr Conltiiutipn wh eh! we " did not . approve ? It wtalld kok indeed, as if, pertbjiialrannr or'inpatience of puljlic iiecurity whch,! we thank God, is yet the natural nd conftituti. unal rightSOf all our citizeiis:vvherhfT tiidi vidualiv ; or. collecavf y,baa ino littje j'jjarf-i nor h ; the idea of ;a . fcripol for acuirin. a Ktefee of the narure of JSWs aid Wefn ment mrw ablnrdihan, h ,t of o,.e fcracoui. ring a kr ledge! of ,allkomy and the ma hemat,c5. nd.f frorij aht Ler Z learn to trace the wan uVrin s ol a iJane? tain fflctf of cerrain laws at.d t overnment to a: people I .A,,d .ftajWcclcjiefor the en. ct-nragemenr, pflthen eancft . arts amor, men, meet wjrii the public approbation an3 eiicour.gement, while a foc;eiv Jet ihc llu. h0bh? ??Hl 91 the freedom the ctty and ; the h3ppmea c f nian be deemed tmwojtbyo regard., But if be. heved at this; kncwieV, ;.m it, turn, wouM begecapirubt independence, both irj feminiem and ac-ticnf.vovra Je to the admiluon of flavery. j ' Theiman,. who, to the naturqf love adds the true knowledge of frteoWwUJ nor, ea fiJy be deceived by foriis and names which . exhibit.bat the apre. nee .without the real- ) Jty of what they hnve been : bare authority .withoutmtb orjuftue l&Milldttpfc ; and reci: cuitom and prejudice no fuither than a? tbnjF, appear, to be. founded in reafon and nature. ha;1 uated to confider, himfelf a in theconducl of oui accuks;tir asitif-fthai4 the cenfnre- which, . fon iaught we ,kbow ;fonie other 'iocie'j iei may have deserved, '-has,) haftry at jealt, been exrpndedfo us. 'Iier oui 'fellow citizna - judge r 'bn'the opinjons'.. of men accuftomed to'fhi'nk "idr.Tiheniicfties, werelv : well aliiirei tljat ' ftjong jafTerii- ns -without i3roof, will ior, reVdiy,;be;cre uited againft os, ar.d that,' even Oibuld Jthey, -we have, . itiS(:tlexonlcicufnefsJeitbfi'not having delerved thera. -j 'f jr.t ' Wnh refpett tbrthe reafons anid principles of our inftitutibny jthAt.ithe' pnbh"c;;ba$ hot', before beef. polT i-fled rof tRem, has-been 'more nwlhf towant of attention -tfcaa of refpedt in us to their gbodJ opinion.-Wheo. v e ' fOq- I templatea the nutory oi nanons w nicn i naa . loft their ; f reecjom, r foitie fromtjgnbfa'ncc, fome from (upinenels andr fqUie'frbmVihe-iu - irigues'nd artifices of an, .bitbus men, itap nearcd to usthat a wife peoplexot ld oouex-;' hibit too much tare and, activity in the. pi e ; lervation of that lnvaiuaoie s piemng, j ? f mbng ethers wliith "occur red, Vthe ,eftablilh- ' merit of alfbaety," - where cbjea.fh-would "be Vtb ftudy the laws and ci:nftitutionbf .their, i t .j'-nlKpr cntintritsaoJwarch'the ODC- ; nwn r i . rations of government andi lcrutin:zej ;the o 0 r- l;r. ah1.;1 f . I '. Tli v" . : . i.Hul;y , ciuicu wnii au others, Ui m the gut of his creator, to the enjoyments cf b:s life. Ms uuderibndinirt his Drrnrrru his iibei-ty, he wll, before, Jie.niigns them to any, man or kt of med, be, prompted to er quire by what ri-ht jtjis-thi-y demanded : them- . And this wi'l, admirably fit frrn for promotinga. thTl eftc contemplired by itutionrhat of r.e(5fting,thc iuirigue : arid ricip.rtcf nf amFii!nne Li. -. ' 0 : . Tnaf there have beeA'fbfb'-nien irit all coamhes, hiftory, butopV wellconvirices us .5 fhat there may be fqh in ouro.' n ct.th mon 'prudence would prompt ua ro fulpeft. And that thefe men (hpM .have Jomc o!her controul over the.nthah whar barely refuhe froriXl jt Cohftitution and tfiews is an opi- . nibn't derived from expriVnce, when ' we cpnfider- how Caefar by prefervinir the; fa cred nabics bf Senaxc ad- i ohful, .had- srir principlesnd condut of men-in poer; ap:; reared a very likely means of r'aftecling ; ili " ,o cuauv inc wiioie nature: c t government in JRbraeJ- and haw in fdcceedihg' times,' t lie free GoVeKtiinents bf Vebice, Geevp, ;rhe United Provinces and bf fe'verat Sthpp rm.n- c tri'es'btEurppehav been !ch nge'd the niifc iiito Ariftbcraciei "arid ;vet rtsained the nan c! ot republics. Thea;!vance.c orambit-ori ? i often V roubb the inb(Hecr..t ways,; it h -?ppeartu: uimci -ihu un:ce:iH iimik Ol r! J vVionV-of patridtiini atid even of 'icorn fcV i public life. V 441CIC arc jiuidyica -ut , men wno " r.aver ventured tliel h 'theirjives in the ft TficG of their country, tht '.they v niighr, at teafds. abiidft the ' ftupid gaie 'of pojiular V 'amuatipn. Aide 'down', Jikeniolteu'oltf'InWiU Wry vi tals. t There are' Initances, ' gain! of o. thers uho'fetUiouykbryhjB poreit zeal -for the' libel ties jef rir nBi haVe",been cor rupted in . theircpF ogr'f s and 'coIaV 'never atterwarcis , be induced ii jay dowri the au thority which ihe JgratJude of' a 'nation or the ceceflities of the'trni?i had intrufted to . them. And icappe'ared to us ' thaf? abde4 A ; : perteel freedom of lpeech and ifr the prefs. a locieiy-of mtforWhbie dUty it sihould be, to watch tne prcceeuings 01 our cuqix oincers. i'i rl'A-Lf12 Vujrftn'l 'r'ililMri- -r WL-iiiin lurin iiul Luc jean i ciuct-iaiiitf iji-' cri -?r.- lid neceffi'tythis' Uicxty lafm ap'dVrtlxifcongVhefr. fehVw c! ',; nc rAiifp'tWem; to a conterrpJatibn rf -l ; VtV: Principe w,t?;practKer . J on ' B-rr: a .rftPJOIH DJ:iMvnt J?ave r.es irii t . . , .SWrMilli. hrtnciDlefc-itharf. any. Fnc rrMifp'theiR tb a cbnterrpJation af v.'1 fenfe of thir danger.' Aa hst tK& . the alarm be, fometime, fj.fc;1.. ; . r : that reabn, never be true. ?-r : -c: t 'i ;:- ; aeoodmaii, f ometimes.'liinb " " Janty ?nu repuiauM, ""ji.ty -: that reafbh," never Ke de1? r- ' f wile a Ckfir rWliattB? , ?ced aSrdhey JWflie f well f j v;n .more. - f r .sr. - - i3sfnende:ccted'i!itheweltern count.es ptlU -"5a1rr.r i.. .r it:.;J. rr.nrtTi i,- other whc04S'WHcww'T-TT- ,. - . ft , ,v - '"." " " - - ' : ' ' ' ' 1 "' - , , , " . - . I , ' ' .-..' 1 . i - 1 ' - " IK. J , 2" h . Si -' "' 1 ' " . - ' - - 11 1 ' ".. ' n.r- ii " ' "' 11 1111111 '"" '"" ----

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