' .. - . - , . - : V ( " - 1 . . --, , " i ' -- - ; : ' . - i . : : - , . . " . - - . . - x V ''.St i;t- VOL. X. S A T U R Z : A r, M a y 30, 1795. : Ncf. 488. .'a -3 v., 1 F O R' S A L J", Ax, the Printing-Office, (Newbern,) " AN 1 N V O. l C E O F B O O K: S i , J UST iMtORTED.F ROM NEW-YORK , - :-; V' v ' Among which arc, Pleader's Affiftant. Lilly's Entries. . Kyd on Award. : .-Bills..; Mortimer on do." Harr. ave's law tracta . Sir' Tho. Raymond's do. . Woods' Inftitute. D ' YER's Reports! EfpinaUe's do. Yclverton's do. Giibett'sdo. Lord Raymond's do Jhowei's do; Leache's do. . ""Eorft's dp. .. , SalkedVdo. " j Pere William's do Kelyng's do Woodefon's ' Left u res. Sullivan's do. : , Haw kin's Pleas of the : Crown. D o. Common Law. ; ' FofteiTs Crown La. ' Barne'8 notf s, 1 Beccafia on crimes.. Bofcowen on penal Sta- ' tutes. Dsflor and Student. Gilbert on Replevin. - - DeviIeSi Spirit of Laws. Solicitor's Guide. Digett of Adjudged - ShiefFer's fpecial plead. ags. ;',v,.: Martin's Jultice . .Latch's Cafes, - . ' Colleclion of Statutss, .. Priva-te Acls. .. ; , Points in Law and Equi- ty. , v . t Barriftef. . ' Boo'tt's fjiit at Law; Jones's pocket book. . Blackftone's Coratnenta ries. ." . Swinburo on Will's. ' Richard fon on do. . Highmoreon bail. , Morgan's Vade Mecuti. PLOWDEN'sBritirfi Juliana Armftrongi Empire. Zelocco. . J Guthrie's Geograpliy. Political Progrefs of Bri ElegantEpiftles. - . Selecl Poetry. ' ' Bore to Gnaw for Demo- Gibbon's Roman Empire; crats. ' - Necker on executive pow. Morfel for gnawers. er. : Saugrfer's Voyage. Kouchon's do. Elements of Criticfm. Nugent1 Dictionary 1 Entick'sdo. . Cullen's Synopfis. Pfiyton'f Grammar. Mcwman's King Pruffia. ' KkIc for a Eite. Chambaud's Exercifes. Mrs. Coghlan's : Me , moirs. Rival Sifters, a Tragedy. How to grow Rich, a play,. World in a village, do cf Maid of Notmandy, do. Fontaine viUe Forelt, do. WHEREAS Mr; Frederick Ward has lately offered for fale, five negro Tel. lows, and one wench", named Jack, Mipgo," Charles, am, Jicob and Hannah ; all per . fon s are forwarued from purchafing thofe flaves or any ot them, as they are the pro. perty of the next of kin to Mrs. Sarah Ward, dcccaled. 7 : April 1$. . D.1N1EL SHINE. . TREASURY DEPARTMENT, RtvENUE-OrncE, April 24, 179 rRnPOSALS will he received at the fiice of lht Lcr.Kiffcntr of the Rertnucfor huilding B E A C () N H O U S E on Shell Call!-, in fim;r ScuiJ, near Oet iieotk ,, Lil,t, in Notth-Cs olm, of the following nutc " ' r'aU, dimenfmnsand drfrription. THE form s tobeofbgon. The foundation U totaot ftonc, to be fimk nine fett and one ba f btlw the firface of thce.irth, an.ltebe coti . mcne duf thediimrierof j feet. It it il toTe la TV. to the ImpV.t i.r two left. From tkerce tothe It pht cf tix in.hei above the firth or to the b-tiom . e .l- 1 . ... M uir vrn, vi-n wo-K, thf towndjifon woll is to be eight Mel h hs n,u i(xn attune half thick. The Odigonai PyrimidUto be well framed,.aul ffft .at hrt Pme tinker. It i to be t vtnty two frtt indamcttrMtlub th?rrMf, where it will ftft cn tht top cf the ftune f.,.m4htion, to which it i to be we',1 feenfi'd by liiueit Hjut iion llrars built thcrrrp, n-I othcwWe. 7 he height of the wo-K?rn hniMJf j frrm trie fop tf the llone wotk (!x in. h v,ve the Atrface f the eirth) isto be fil'iy four fccUnd one half (o the t?p c-f the wjo.len wnik, upiIt the floor ( t,e hntert, hue the ib,iftcr i tobe lwe!e fret. I ,e f4,fn. illion iito be cpt i'hfiv, tlcnrat lesft riThtin. che wifc, f.nd fi"je I t ti p to turn t ft !hewa'cf, The ftam'tf in- Pmihi. h to be covered wiih . b.T.nir.f oneirrh aii'l cue lulf in thuknef, ever wh eh is to be hi t pt.l n, mplne c.rrin of fti rf.!e, and it is lu be we i painteJ with three , The Beacon hovH-is th'-Wo win lows in ih !.( artl lhtfindnwiniwffl. The lafl.r lfc lobfturRWtth binr, tti twn f,,,, jt tQ e'ght cfrJif f HrM ,y irn inches, On the lop f-t the wcMlfn w nk tf the VyrmU Si toUa BfocfittJ'tf UdJtJ therein, planked ever with Oak plank,, extending one foot 1 r eyond the fides ofthe Pyramid, thereby forming a . eve which is to be finifhed by a cornice, the whole having a dtfeet t from the centre fufficient to throw eff the water, and to be coveied. with 'copper. A 'Complete and fufficient iron lap tern io the OclagoiiaU, form is to relt thereon. The eight corner pieces or ilihehionfc of wliich are to be will fecurrd to the up right timbers of the Pyramid, or to the tier of oi it si or both. - ' " V77 ' ' V . Thcfe ft anchions Ire to be (loot in the lower eight ; feet, and fufficiertly ftrong aliove. ' The Lantern is to be fix feet high, from the floor to the bottom o f the dome or roof; and to have a dome ;. or roof of three feet in height. The whre fpa:e be tween the pods to be occupied by the lathes, which . -are to be moulded on the iiifide and lbuck. I'olid, The falhes ar to be fuiniftied with laige' panes of glafi j a part bfthefam'ori the fouth welt fidois to be nung with hinges for a door to go out on the plat--form . The iron rafters cf the Lant. in arf ; io he framed into an ii on hoop, over which is to be a cop per funnel through which the irnoke may pals into larcre copper ventilator in the form of a man's head!' . V capable orcontaining thirty-ga.br s,:thi head to be turned by alarge vanf, lo that the hole fOrvejHing - the fmoke may be always to leeward. " Eight dormant "ventilators are to be fixed in' the roof j a large curved air-pipe is to "be palTtd through the floor. . . . Tiiefe are to be five pairs of flairs to afcend to the Lanterif the entrance to which is to be by a trap door covered with copper. : - The building is to be furniflied with two complete eleilrical conductors or rods with points. The floors are to be laid with plank. 1 he entrance into the .light houie is to be well feenred by a .'lirong door Jiung upotl hins with a ftrong lock ar.d latch com 1 plete. . . . : - Alfo A FRAME riFt.f.tNn HnnSF nfnn Ifnrn ..to bt,lwenty.eigliL.feet in '.iront aud Jiftyi feetidpep UltK n i.IUiiimJa. I. r ! . A. . 1 J u i' I . CV 1 ble t o make one. , The, cellarwalls are to be tonr- teen inches thick, and feven feet, high. The ftoTyT : of the Houfe to be ftven feet and one half in the clear, the roof to have a redangular .ich. The fiooi s to be Idid in whole lengths nailed through. The Houfe JS to be rcmnnli'fl nf irun rivim o bout thirteen feet and one half by fourteen ai.d one half on the lower floor. The ftack of chimnh s is to be between the two fittingroomsand it is to have two plain fire places,, on? of them large for a Kitchen, to which is to be joined an oven. There is to be an outer door in "ront between the two rooms and in the rear, in the Kitchen. , There are to be two windows in each of the rooms. : Each fafli is to have twelve panes of glafs eight by ten inches. Each window is to have a ftrong ph:in fhutter with falteninga and hinges. The duu ate Jo be hung and iuin:!hcd coinpleiely.- The cielirg and inner lidts of the Uonfe are to be plaiftered witn two coats. . All the wood work outfide ik to be fi. niflied in a plain and decent manner. i 1 An Oil VAULT is to be built ten by twelve feet in the clear, nchtd over td covered wi'h earth or lanJ, 'over which a flitd isjobf built. It is to be furnifhed with three itrong cedar tifteriis wi.h covets capable of conlair.rng two hundred g .llors. The entrance to the vault is to be lecuied by a trong door." " Tne builJer is to procure and pay for all materi als, labor,' wotkmanfhip, provifions, and ether ob. jecttof colt, chatge, or expenfc, for a lum to l e pro pofed sr.d agreed upon, ami to execute the betore fefenbrd wik, and tvery part thereof, in a good and woikmin-iike manner. Convenient payments or advances', on fscvirity, will be made. April ay The ater table is to .be.capt with fawed ftcne. at leuft eight inches wide and floped at. the top to tur eff the water.; The outfide of the walls is to be fa., ced with hewn or. hammer defied ftone, having , four windows in the no: th eaft and ve windows in tht , fouth wefl;. The fallies are to be hung with, hine'es jjiiu catii 1am is to nave twelve panes ot giafs, eight In ten inches. . x "-t ..' . . yn tne top ot tne Itone work is to bea framed tier of joiftsi.beddcd (herein, planked over with bak Pjank extending two feet beyond the wall thereby forming an - eve which is co be finiflied with' a cor nice, the whole having a delcentfrom the centre Suffi cient to throw tff the water,;and to be cc ered with copper. A complete and S fficient iron lentcrn in . the oiaponal form is to thrinn'! TV. corner pieces or ftanchions of which,, are to be built ' 111 ui wat 10 ttiecieptn pt ten teerfejrfaefe feancbiont to be nearly tWree inches, fduare in th Uwrt r and. -ir t inches bv z :n inches aSnv: T-i,- Jem is to be ten feet and nine inches in diameter, it is auo to oe ten teet nign rrom the floor, to the bottom of the dome or roof and to have a dome or roof of fiva v fe&t nine inches in height. The whole fpace between ' pofts or upright pieces at the angles is to be occupi ed by the falhes - which ai;e;p moulded on the in ude hBd ftruck lblidiJlEacH lafh is to; ha.e twenty fighf panes of glafs, fotirteen by twelvt. inches.- A ' part of the fam. on the fbuth Weft fide is V be hung" with hinges for a ccn vt hient dcor to go out on tht . plHtfot m. Tlie rafters of the lantern are to be framed into an iron hoop, over which js to be a copper tun .nelj thro whifch the fmoke may paff into a large cop per ventilator in the foim of a man's head, capablt of containing one hundred gallons. .' This head is to be turned by a large v.nr ; fb that the hoi e of venting the fmok'e, may be always to. leeward. Eight dormant ventilators are to be fijted into the roof, a Jarre carved -aim- nine likh. n.t through the floor, and a clofe ftoveis to be provided and fivptt in llip lr. ."i.u. .u nciic ui uceignt pairs - of Itau s to afcend to the lantern, the enrrW.. t ..,k:,k Ft to be by atrap door covered with copper. The Duiidmg is to be lurmlhed with two complete eleft ricalconduaor8, ,qr rods-with points.. "The floors are to be laid with plank, ot at leaft one inch and one half in think nel's. . The entrance, to the light houfe is to be wtll 'iccured by a ftrong door hurg up on hinges with a ftrong leek and latch c6mplete. . Alio a frame Uoule to be thirty four fett in front and fixteen feet deep with a cellar uudri' it. The cellar walls to be eighteen inches thick and feven feet high. - y; , .The fiift ftory of hb hj,nf;8 to be eigh rfeet, and the lecond, feven feet and fix inches high. The floors are toVlaid iriwho!e legrbs.-TTsncfnhroUgh: The ftack Of chiinniea is tp U finiflied with two plain fire places on each floor, one of tuem large for a kitchen. Two windows, below," and three above-' in front and rear, each lain to have eighteen panes o( glafs ten by twelve inches. The doors are to b 1 hung and furnilhed completely. The Cielicgs and fides of the Houfe arrto bt plaif. .tend with two coats j all the wood woik infide and out is to be well painted and the whole to be finiflied - in a pjain recent marner. . TREASURY DEPARTMENT, T'tKur Cff.(t trills 1795. PtCPOSAU t refiv,,ta: tie 0$t if the CfrMMiiiiostf.o; i!.eJUvENUE3r hiUwf. A L 10 H 1H O U S E enththiidhnj rj Cafe Uatlerat in tht anf rj horth.l.aniia, cl ihtjollowi! m'cUcralst Jimin- Ji.nit .n irjfrifllCHl. - i t be ocl Jgonal. The f junJation isioocot none, to be funk thmten IVn T' mw " f ' " llltlfcll Ktt lowthcbottcmofthewatertthleor the fuihce of ;ne eartn, and to be commenced pf the diatrettr of twenty nine Iret.ri.n fuch Commrncfmrntto iht he:ght of four tret tlw knndjtion is ta be liiJ lolid U and from there to the bottom of the wrcr table, the tottndnion wall is to be nine feel hith and nina feet thick. . Thediime:cr.ft1.ch,fffMrt1lhe hot om of the wsttribletoihf tr.p il rrf.,f (h,re the obgal pyramid it to com vtncc) if t0 be twenty eight fret Mit mche a,i thew!!,, tlrttoHefmnfeftlh.ck. The wil. rfiheoiijgonal pyt ami ! is to b f t feet thick at thebaic ihueof, on the top f the water ta. ble. " - The hrV o! the huiMIng ff?m bottom cf thfwaitf fjh.e. andfiin thef-iif4'e tt the esrth, is It be nindy ft loihe lnp cfhe ,;0Mwofkf drfhefl rri,fthe Unfm where the diameter ;i o f.meen and one half fiti n?i ,v WJ ,i,( .The hJf the walls is to be bul.t f lloue. ' An'Oil vault is to h huilt tuifntu r. k. .....t...' j ,,j feet liTfhe clear, arched over and coveied vyith ratib; or fand over which a fl.ed is to be built ft is to bt furniflied with nine tttong Cedar Cifttrns with co vers, each carable of containing, two hundred gal lons. .' ' t 1 he entrance to the vault is to be fJcured by " n ftrcng door, A will is to Ah k at a convenient dif- tance, ard fuinifhcd with a cuib, bucket anJ iup completely. The builder to find aid pay forallthe materialfja, bor, workmanflup, provifions and other objitls of cell, chrfige or t apt nee, for a fum o be pgretd upont and to tx.ctie the bifore dtfcribtd work ar.d every patt thcieof in agoiid and wo.kman like manner. Convenient pajmtntsoradyauces,'oii lecuriiy wilt be mndc. ' . April 17. tn&thtf, J O S E P H C L A R K; Dlock, Pt'Mr, AND 'CTAR MAKER,' BEG leave 10 inform Mi old cuflornert jiiJ the Public, that he Hill cor.tinuti to' tarry on his bul'mcle, in its various branche? at his Shop in Craven lti fct, one door north of the gaol. He gratt fully acknowledge! p;, ft la vers, and hopes to merit a ctnilnu ance nf them. Mailers of vtlleU may here lurnilh themfe(ves with any article relative' his budnels, at the (!ior:c(l notice, and exe cuted in a titalUrly. manner, hninr on'hand a thoice co:Jelon of the In It wood for the dilpatchf his hufine'fs, 4ie llanen hin.felf lhat Itrangf rs will find it to their advantage 10 l.nnor hitn ith their cimmantU. H .L A N . K S . Or all KnJt for file at lite 1' riming QtHce i .r ! 4 t '

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