i ,--. T. vol; x. uaD a : y; . j xr iv k o, : No. 491.3 . '. -S A T .'f'-'r- V x. r t General Pofl-Officc; Philadelphia, May i, 1795I VT7HEREAS at variou times from the V Vi lit day of June, i 792, to the 10th day of May,' 1 794, fundry lettVrsfranfmit ted by .the public maifs were traudemly c- penidzand hanl; notes .of ieveral 'denomina tions' taken-'out. : And whereas a part of the notes io taken have been fmce recovered and fecured by the Poft.mafter General. In or der therefore; that the owWrs Vcf thole which (hall, be identified may have them a- gain, and that itr equitable diftributio'n may be made of tne -. remainder, and of the calli found with them. !.z t NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, i That all perfons having fullered any lof? by the robbing of the mails as afWefaid, du ring the period above- mentioned, will re', ceive their bank notes which ftil be iden. M, 'atela-d by -application: at the General PolhOrfice pii 'cr Edore :the1j tW -dLiy; of AtigfrfFm- ;;t $ -and tfcarvthe rifidu:. of the notes and eafti recovered as at'ore mrntiontd will tnen he divided among ,th chimants in proportion to their ItfTes, which are to be alcertaincd by reatonabie proofs, which on tor before thar day .hall be produced to the General Pcft-t.ffice. v : GHAS. BURR ALL, 1 . Alli.t. Pofim'r, rGenl. , P. S. Claimants aie delired .forthwith to ixhibit'their claims an.! j roofs, that if thef - fho uld - a ppea r i n fu ffi c i e n t , i n l or .n a t ion thereof may be given.-to th claimants in time, to fumifh fuch others as may be attain able. '" . '" : y - J O S E :PH c : I; A- R-K, . . Blocks Pump, and Sparmakkr, BEGS leave to inform his old cuftomers and the Public, thatheftill continues to carry on his buftnei's, in its various branches, at his Shop in Craven frrect, one door.north of the goal. He gratefully acknowledges paft favors, and hopes to merit a continu ance of them. Matters of veflels may here lurnilh themfelves with any article relative to his bufinels, at the flionett notice,- and exe cuted iii amaftcrly manner, having on hand a choice collectjon of the beft.wood for the -difpatch of his bufinc.fs, he flatters himfelf that ft rangers will find it to their advantage to honor him with their commands May 18. RUN away from the fubferiber fomc time in the month ot March, a r.epro mwt tailed M A II C Hj,e is about five iect Itvcn or tight inches high, and ve ry ftout, fpeski plain, and has a large fear on one of nis checks. He has been lately ft en on hi way to the north-ejftof Caps. Tear. I expert from what information 1 have had, he inians to fby there. Any perfin that wi!! apprehend and fe. cure !aiwS itcgro in gaol, fo that l.get him, or, deliver hin to tne, lhall receive Ten Pcand Iwcwrd. JOflAH UOVVARD. Oijflow County, May 22. ' . .1 ... , NOTICE is .hereby given that i fpecial Meeting of the TruUeesof the Univer fuy of North Carolina will be held at the ci ty of Ilaleig'i on Mondty the 13th d.iy ot Ju. If next, audit U'requctted that the Trullees will be pun.lna! iatiieir attendance. RICHARD D. SPaIGHT, PrtHdent. Jiinc 6; f-he (illerent Printers in this date will give the shore a place in their papers. WHEREAS tn, wife Kcfiah, has left ( rflfc without provocation. I furwaro u perfoni from trotting her on my account a .w.I! pay no JeFrol her contraaine. June 6. EDWARD MURPHY. 'A r. ' 1 . .. V O t S A T. At the Printing-office, (Newbern,) aim i 1N1 Y V 1 CJ E O t r B 0 D K- Just Imported From New-Tork, r . S. z driwz.vihkh arc.. 'i::. J 1:: : FleaUer'5 Alhltant, TV JsJYvER's Reports; I fp-nafic's Ho. Yclverton'i do. . Giibett' dow . v -Lord Raymond's do.: i.,. 6ir Tba. kfiymohcl's do. Shower's do. Leacbe's do. , JLofffs do. '. . - Salked's do. - :., , IPeert William's Jo. Ke lyng's do. .' w codtlon's Lcflures. ' Sullivan's do. Huwkin's PJea of the '-rrr?'?,.-. ' Crow n .' ' -r H ale's do. - , . V 3. : Corn iron LawwS l?i ftir'$ (.rown LaW; Jian.e's fious." r r T Lillv's Entries." Kyd on Award. ' . ,Biiis;. ' ; Morti mer on do. , 1 Hargrave's Liw trails . Woods' Inftitne. Soirit of Law s. Solicitor's Guide.:' tit of .-Adjudged ' "; .cafes,:. ' Shieffer's fpecial plead; ings.. -. " -Martin's Jultice Latch's Cafts, . CoJkaion of Statutes, r rnyate, Acts,. ...,:? Points in Lawand Equi. j Barriften . .- ,;Jfc6ott'srnit Lnw. " Jones's pocket booki ., Blackitone's Commenta .. . . . lies.- " Swinbum on, VjIl"s, Richard fon on do. ' vi Iighmore on bail. - Bec:aria on crimes. Bofcoweiv bn pinal-,,Sta , : ' ...tutes. . . w Doflor and Student. . Gilbert on Ref kvin. Devifes. . Morgan's Vade Mtcum. PiLOVVDLN's Britilh Juliana Armftrongi ; 1 tinpi're. v , Zeliicc.o, GutHrie's Gfography.' . political Prrgrefs of Bri Lltgant Epi(tits. , r :. ' ta'": Stka Poetry. LlJJore toGnaw.Jbt.Demo," Gibbon's Koman Empire. " cr-ats. .', decker on executive pow. Morfelfor Gnaweri."',. Kick for a "Hite. Chartibaud's Exci.cifes. ' Mrs. Coghlan's Me ' ; . . moirs..- ; , Rival Sifters,, a Tragedy. How .. to glow Rich, a ' . ' piay.. 7 ' World in a village, do. Newman's .King ' of.Maid of Noimandyy do. -rZ.y.-''r' Fontaine villc Forelt, do. tr Saugnier's Voy?ge. Routhon's do. , Elements of CriticiCm. Nugent's Di6ionarj "En lick's do. -Cuilen'i Synopfis. ' Peyton's Grammar. TAKEN up, near the luhfcrihcr's iYrry, . about ten miles above Kewbern; 1' petty.auger built beat, about twenty. fire teet long, five feet wide, a cyprefs bottom with' two malts," cable, anchor, ar.d forelail. yhoever owns her is dtfircd to come, prove his propeny, pay the colls cf this adveitile mem, and take her away. JOHN s. west: It is fuppofed flie was Lfought there by runaway negroe:. I EIGHT POUNDS REWARD. ON Thtirfday rhe 23d inttant, ran away" from the fublcriber, in Newbern, an apprentice bo, named James K'u.g, abcut five feet hiph, Iquarc built, knock knee'd, and fU ftjoted, dark hair, and light blue ey s. He had on when he went away, a blue jacket, and irowfers, with many other clothes, he ii fuppofed to have gone n Waflimgtcn. The rubferiber for warns a ny pcrfui.! or matters cf vcflcl?,' frcm har bouring cr carry irg the faid boy away. U is about eighteen years-o'd. Any pcrion u ho will fecure him in Neb?m iail. in that I may git him again, (hall be entitled iu me -uovc reward, and , all rcalonable charges. Jpril7$. LEX.DUGU1D. WILLIAM P, HOWELL, Harness maker. Saddler and Shoe. MAKER. HAS lately opened a fh6p, at the houfe of Henry Puri, where he inicnds carrymg on the aboye.bufineres. with neat, nels and dilpatcb, and on the rery loucit terms. . . n An ff nthat mayemplpy him, will, he, fint ten himfelf, rcccire ample latisfaaion. 7f aV UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, ? NORTH. CAROLINA DISTRICT, 3 X7HEREASBcnjatrln tWocds, Elquire, , Y V.. Attorney for tneUcited btatesj with f in the Diftriclaforeraid; hss this ailtday of M,3y, 1795, exhibited his Liber bef ore the Honourable John , Sitgrea ve? F.Jquire,.. j judge of the Diltricl court for the Di Uriel alorefaid, agairiit 8 barrels of lugar and fite .barrels-and 2 , bags of coflee, io,r having be ea; r unladen from on, bbaril the veflel or floop' Lucinda within the port of Newberh, W ith out a permit: from the' Collector , thereof, contrary to the acVcf Congiels in fuch cale made and provide, and the faid,- attornt-y pray ing in his iaid'Libel, that the faid Judge Ihould appoint a time; and place; sh. n and '.where he Jliould cendemh the fame and dti - tree thereon accordingTolawr1 his is there-. fore to notify aHperlons whom the fame may concern, " that the Honourable tnhn Sir. r greave"Jut)gc as a-toref-ihas direaed a Court to be. held at N f Svbern, ! 011 .1 hurl day the 7th day of July iiescr, wheri the confideration ,ci ihe Libel exhibited as atordaid will be had : And all pe'ifou having claims to the articles Libtl ed x?r concerned therein', ' are hereby cited and ad monilhed, to appear on the 7th;clay of July aforelaid; J.t the Coart afcrcfaid, and hjew caufe, (if any they Jflve) w lieref of e" tile pray, er of the Libd.'ant may not be granted, and the rtlcfes cordemntd.r . V Wi ( n e f A 13 N E R N E AL E , ACle r k - ot the laid ourr; the aift ot Mav 170. ' Atteft.: -ABNEM NEALE, Cerk. AVJay.23' 3; Je 6.- 13. 20. THO M A S G U.R T I S; TAYf.iriR TNFORMShis tfiends and the mU Q tif b-- -, mioi i,s iivcij a:nouie in; Broad Street between the Court.Houkand Gaol, where he intends carriug tn. the a bove bufint fs in all its various branches on the lowcit terms with neatnels and difpatch.' May 9. - , . . ' TEN POUNDS. REWARD. BROKE Jail, laOweek, a nff ro feJIqw named A B E L, about five feet two inches h'gh, very likely nadernearly nine." teen years of age, fpeaks ery good E uplift. He is luppofed to be gone towards'Wil mington, and it is likely he will pafs by fcme other name. Had on ragged homefpuu clothes. - , fc 1 Whcever will tai e up faid nf gro and fo fecure bim that 1 get him again fha! have the aLove reward and all reafonable chare es paid. b , WILLIAM BELL. Hydc Ciuntj; EePs Lay. near Currituck, Nay 24. . ' - ' : - ; .1 t' O R S A L E. AB R I 0, op the llock, at Hill's ferry on Roanoke river helaw Hal.f linearly finimcd about 150 tens federal onn.igc, pi'ot boat built, f or terms app'y to the lublcriber, or to the Printer hneii Murch 2B. : WILLIAM CUV. CITIZEN GAILLIARD vuldwifh to find a lew perlom, wilhng to learn the Fri K T ........ I f . . -.... i-iiui .-iigur. ne is capable ol teach t ing it graiiimatually. He will begin as ftoa j as lie can obtain eight fcholarii.u ;i a . ppiy tonim at Lit 2eu ChapbnclPs. June 1 ', .' TO. Ii K R.IJ'N T li IX Hp HE Houfe lately occupied by JOHN, JL the Berber, between Mr. Wm. H aw. ley's and Win. Sladc, Apply- to tho Pf irti t-,-- ,r I .-. . if -- ' ' '. ' ;! - -W Pi , 1

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