. - . ' .... ' : -: , . r . - . ' . " - ' . . . ' - .: . . ; . ' ... - r ' v - - - . . , ,. v . ." - . i ' ' ' ; . '.' - -: ' - ... " T ' ., ' -- ' ' v t - ' " - : . - QVOL- X. SA T U R-D A Y -jVl.r ,. ' ' . ' 111 i coaimiiTioji the follow ing men ot war : "the Liberty, ot 7d eujis com-ntulil Uo Mr. Winter, 'at ;ieient a French general , of divifioii ; tlie Ilater geiVeVa'l of 74 giios commaiideJ bv Mr. Ilniv . th Rt ,,i.,t; formerlv Prince FredprirV .Tf,e commanded by Mr. Blois de Trellong ; the . j4uamy, 01 114, commanded .by Mr. Kern tion t the Dordrerh. nf 1 M,ic ' P'-- J-ucas ; the Fraternity, of 6a, C-pr. Gervais; ,uc 01.50 guns, vapu ilemtieide: : -'"'-'J- -.''Vv ... April 4. .5 . ' . " : y Tho-AVeft India Council, w hich in 1701 -.was' inftead nf (hp W(i has been aholifhcd, and a council for the at-'- ...ib 01 uie colonies nttie VVeit Jiidies iub mrateu mnt. The inhabitants of Dutch Flahdcr1 h'ivi petitioned the Aflemblv to bp i . ; w ubierov ince oi- Holla nd - or - Zda I ia ndV ; iie oaics(Lrenerai Dave relolved to adhere : 10 tIie ib"pu!a:ions with the.Swifs as far as relates to the appoinments as well as that of W-aldeck, from the regulations of the 27th of March; The exportation ,of all naval iiores has been forbidden, face the 27th cT : March. .. ' .' ' ." ' j ' , - On the 22d of March! the States Generaf refolved to confirm thefts of, the French Tl HhtltlWf i ". - -. , , jr " 'r -uc V u cou't'es ot tne Gene monftrauon in the Eledtor palatine, relative to the Maron'! f n - ,Z i-"vw.ucrgcn op z,oorn : to reOnaraleior themlelves againft the con duft of tnc French Cmmandant of Breda, -who had Teized all the vtflels jn. that neigh bourhood ; and to reprefent thu the general -ru;fn of the -,27th of Jan.: bein com piicd with by the whole IUpublic, ought to rrcmit particular and fubfcqaent Yequlfiti. FRANKFORT, 3. . Letters from 1 Lemberg of thf 16 ultJ . ftate that two Rulhan officers are! arrived there for the purpofe of purchafing com.m Gahcia tor the u(e of the perfected Poles. 1 bus is the -unhappy - country, once Vte granary of Europe, reduced to thentcciHty of depending oti Foreign Powcrffor fuLliit ence. . The King of Denmark 13s oriiTci f( hps 0 the l,ne and three hiIei 10 cruilc the Bioutb of the Elbe. :- H A N 0 V E R, tpril ij. ' ' The Frerxh have Muiiicned lii'e Province oop"W g 'f ite Enghlh no learn that ,Vir f " f1'""' u we been couMetaunSei. '" prore) ' Exlr.ifl t,r - 1 .. 1tf'th's. takinrr of that dm' rrx'i- 1 6 . ..... ..p jriuuu IU j. Ltij,faclory-as it ha'd teen antin.-iM f. Two 01 our hits 01 tne inp iiff.,-;-- vant L'JntiJeJet altjte and Z.e Thnohon, have - juft .lure .-it ii confir,n?d byX ' iW-ick r c-r-ud thefaui fl,n . " ' c r?r c J . i. the road fJulnn u m l0J VecneieltJL :ii very "nuich: damaged. ajidIie ; ajlo arrived and everv neVveis ftrinin.T r, refit them w ith all difpateh. The Censkr and Le-Ca ha have been taken by cur ene mies, in light ct our i'q'uadron, 'which was fuperioria number, but,cbold not give di'era any alTiltance. : ;The capt3int)t' the Censor, and the citizen B entity a diltinguiihcd lea. ; man, were, k l.dj after a' very gallant ati oflr Four qt cur Ihips only w ere able to engage with our enemj-es, occafioned by the .featigiLg-of our :q jqdronV-in a g!c of -wind, a te davtprevious to their geitinV fight cf the eiiernv. ) : - rn f T'lie lquattron is now "rallying aV the jflesi pld'tiiet fj they arlein number eleveir mips of thelirTe '1 he Irfg-tcs dura gcitfe, ta jutyn, and I'Abohdjnce, which are, ;MC'g WrvatiiU .to'.vov the tranlports intended lor the expedition .igainit rhe iuYnd of Corfica'j-hiweiecelVc.il oid.rs toj;iu the iquadron. - - : . ; -.'.'. The' tt 'oOD Which u-rre m hirA f- veral ol:ther. hi ports tri . rciandrd, Vnd . l I r V. ir- lii i. .... :. j !'! . I . . I 1' wi vm a... Aim-di jy in iuiy,.as well nsiiie. com,! antlers and orhVri e nplojed in that ex PvcJitnu. .'i'lietwilltaVy. 'courav e H 'beyhiid (tfci lotion. ri htv .art deit pmin?dnrw)n'r. i PAj tiM g - tlieJoiV ixt.i He . 0 mfsC4' -xipah'ttie 'mountain' of Italy, j ' t r it w uay s ago w as launcned here the 'Ffeuercs', dixcigtA) gunlblp."-' l;- ; (. F R' a N c e. NAilONAL CONVENTION. II GervilmiL March -;r. : The fectioiis of the fud'iries, of the Pi. ques.aml lvc lndivifib lity, came to intreat t ie Coiivtmioii tottund to its port, and - to fa ve the couutry.' ine .pester of the fedi ojj, . whoie n'-me is niid rn hf Intn , the lu , cries, was vigoioufly lunjmOi:td by i-joa.au anu many oilitT8 who atcufed niuj. of being a Cievaher o;j,he Dagger. Tlh titizeu with h'rninds continued riading hiv pc jiioii, v. h.cu swli be ir,fcrtcd in th bullc iin. . . Uourfault; whj had been i,i commliTron in the Vt itci 11 departments, gave the intorma. tiun reiptcting u.e war wit! the Ccuhaus. Ti:e temporary cuinmai-der of the armed force vi the d.piriuitnt of Mentz urr.i, Him; tnat on t.ic 8th of Germinal, fortv Gt. n- rajsohiit C.ulianshadackt oledged tbe K. public ol t roccand have been itimidaicd oy 5000; tlu.r lub.ilitms-.thd tn-coloured co kaJ,' h-4 been f.ibt'i.tutcd to the lymboU of rbvalt). . .. v Tnelh,UHig4nrvdrr;: ihok ol V.tcLLo'jisXVll. . ; On the 2nh uf March, 60b Couhani were at KeHi.rj, with thru- cnici, ti'jg-Cc u.MUa get cr.l p, lifictio-u That via ry if', iiuina u y defn vo mica more 0 lory th n ihulf vbtaUd by fottc. L ' I new u. by Bl u fault waircccivcj wit'itl.u Mta.tfilapjilju-l-r- ": - N 'Hk fut on of hi().nxc Vir.gts came to cUm ib: cwmitutn-n ,f i;cj3tEey call the attcmi Mi 1 ot ti.c Hflcn.bly-upon-ihe InbliilanJ cii, a,d open ij.e credit of the afiimuu. and rcIUfc oi.r rights to tn, fa:d the lratcr we v. til lave the liberiy give Patis a, Oiu:;.cj;:al iy long iv'e the indivifiblc, de. luf'L UlP;!::c, kr ever and ever. ' ' :l-lit. i.icP cfiJtnf, anfrtcrrd thepeji. tio.,tu w.tii 1, .tuhiimmefi and uifdom. l alliiiirn de lltni remarks ujkjk the in trigue whcli has produced that pctinW' at.d mov.d that if,- whlrihe Prcfidet,t, an. Jwcr ihrtrd be pn.fttd and 'polled "up, i at tbe-n'.ha-. iui.t. v the luburbi i ight be in. Wud U u;t cplt.ion which is jult prcfci.t cJ :n ihi it fiame. 'I Lis fcuiibu v.as Imcrruptcd by the hoot. 1 ings of fome people, in the galleries, but -was adopted by the Afiembly. . , : , -:2 A deputation of the lection af PHomm Arme came to tel xnaie-tlie llcmbly, on ii s dtcrfe, by which it adopted the previous ' i w.. 'v imuMi.g ui me primary aU lcmblicsi f The orator triced rapidly the ' tnblofth- engagements, which the con. rivertoJulfiranl is it at ihis moment laid he that yau-will quit ur ' port Nono I Continue to mttit ' the cor.fi.' denctr ot your country, aiid give her happi. nels a.buiidauce al:d peace, ' ; I bis addrel, was received amidfl unani mous applaufes. v :r:.. :-. ::,r v CraUcus'demanded: wherefore they clucl ' ed ccninuajiy a demand lo repeatedly bn?t . -"k 'v; .jwiMHuuic, ranu io proper to calm trie' inquietudes ,ot the good citizen i ' V the motives ot their arreftf-lt is, "ladhe becaule royahlm is bu:y in all parts. 1 ' ' , (Murmurs.) r . RuampcYes, ycs ; and the Mucadines alio ; and Monna will tell you that the coin nu;tee el general Airety i;aS given them ' 3Q;cpo to aliaflmate us.f ift lsaViai cfied a ' .member, that th prelcnt govs rnmeht will dtttroy France. ;tialuux continue. It Is no longer in virtue of laws that impnlcnnnnts are made . msny .ue made without nrotives ; the mo'' eUowH on h.d ins leat on ont fide, inftead cf the l ether .1 demand that we do not confine curlelvca to making a dcclar.nion, but t.hat, 'veput principles jn execmijo, and that the' " committee ol . general furety be bound to make a report cn this fubjecV ' The obierva:iousof Crallbux Were" ac companied by the moft violent tumult. The prthdent put on his hat. Bourgeois ran to the tribune ; he was unanimoully repulfed. Gcyniard ootained I ave to (peak k0 amoti on of older , he added, tl)at it as by de. c amimg tuceflantly againil the government . hat hey dcltroycd all confidence and rive, X U Ration MM He demanded hat in all deliberations the convention fhonld be a lave to its rules, io the end that palli. o:,s, perlcnal.tics, and -private interelh '. may no longer take place of the public , Pci.jeres rcqueftcd iSTaflembly not tbde llroyitkif wus own bofom, but to open its eyeven the lnuation of France 1 he lection of Unity entered, and deman. ded, id. Jhepurihrneitof the great cul. -PMS who ud lullicd the name of ttkut. ivof the pecple, ad. Ale-ns io rid the nat.oral rej-reKntation . of ignprsnce, u. fiultulnds, aid peculation.. (Murmur,.) 3d. A lok-inn difcuflion 0, ihe article intro. duccd info the conihtution, which prrm.ts reunion under the name of popular focic t:cu ' " ; Tbeafiembly decreed honourable mention and infertion in the bulletin. v ' Thuriouoletopoint oui the errori, which he 1 .Id cxilled in this petition.. Tjley wifh fjys he, to modify the ccuilhution. Theal! scmbly fupportcd its decree. Kw.fly d'Anglas brought forward a report ' on iul hitcntcs. A great noilc wa heard ; ;w i bout , a great number ol citizens enter. Jed the hall, crying Vive Ja Republic; The prtlidcm put on hUTat. -Tue MlUai fjlkdj Bread, Bread, Vive la Republic. ' ,t vttn,,on "fe in a nuls; and repeat, cd the Ian cry. Many members demanded ' T'l "ipki. lh'n& prevented them i.r a Icn tin e. .Ugc. dre was heard. The evil mhjdcd Meiljicflhicmille. J heiiiicowhctn yctneet.err, inkrnis me that ,thty f.avc con.c ni-h nc etil inrrntiom (U0 no) but the have um.td in In3t q make known tUir i.ucfiiiicr tha in I tf coi.fidcncc in the natural rtprclc.iufin () ei, yesjhr ii m ia,r f g by tht.r i.urr.. ! SI 40 i "1 - J 1 i ri - 3

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