4 - M O MT H-G OM G A Z E. T T E- you x. C":'Ober 4,' 1 7 f?5- No. 510. A R NA SAT U R D A Y, I L O N.D O N,. Auf i -"---T r- Y A1 M ONGS V the mangel; iunims -vhohave jiig tutoaulj lowing "j he fame, appeared a ftjwlr acy:Mirrr Dairy. Lane i heatiCj, . Her claim was :, I Etf r 1 hqusahd Pounds 1 with imcreil:, for value receive j The lor wnich a bond was duly exc'cuied. Cou.julhoiiers deju iifiT the value wis, Cou.ndlio'iiers defined to knovv of "jjaat ru rop wliiui the-bond .was would not give the wilhed-for information, a n J.'rflcsd i! they, m ?int to jy& r for ' jrr wh." c 1 the Cam a) 1 ifton r s dcl .ire J t iuV t hey ' -nd'niif la:;i an intention,; out f hit it was their thi'y. toJTuuke iucli iiuixne ;w-ition and reply having lie en -.repeated, tihl its value- and fcitiidiufely wuhursiv. Oj Wcdni-lday the Court of Juftxiary, E. diiaburgh, me: to eonfider the verdict return ed by the :iry in the cafe of Sir Arch bald Gordon Kinioch, Barri ;whcn' thir 'Lod Ih-ps adjudged him to be confined in the tol booth of Edinburgh, during all the days of '.. ll4 J t. .... . I e 1 . 13 his , vii . jt-a;i, u.u i uny ineliu; or O. In th2 difTere:it dates in vvhioi tl.ey find -flitVfiCf-the- French cmigr.n;tjjriefts cmJ1oy tiieir mire HHnvtimnahi-nsand bu7a- ttrniy men ct toe gro wucin.'drea:. e is ihay,have 5 tafte for densocf atte- principles; 1 he tollovnii); lias only beene- qjatitd by the Hi ries ct the Swiis jniardv having bee n" : baked into pisV aTuIf"op : fold by the ParilLripaiiry links, virh Svi'ilsi btood by fhe gallon, to walh d.va ihe 'rc- gicide u-pait. , . - ",:''",' " Lauskxnr, J.y ,6. . AlUhe Jcyers: received from ievrrii of tl4 Frenc,u pKvittces are fitUcl with the ac counts of Tnl?runheard of calamiiis vvbiclr that "unhappy country ilill i oin nnnr ; b t h e d epa r t m e n c Vif A u vc 1 nk t.netatTiirit'-- u is common tor prt ";'ir even theif per'.on, iliall beco:ae caution to fecure I anaconn.ie nun in lure . cultod durin"" all , ln iLi:, hi. llcja:ider- the - p.-nal, - of - io,oco!. Uerling. . 1' , - Orders have been given from the Cjif: "mifiioners lor providing ..for. prtfoncrs otivr.r two more of the o.'d tw o d.'ck Ihips, to be ini med a el fitted with all polLble expedition,: for the reception, of .men : a!l the- prifons beinglfill," and the partial exclurg- r;hf 011 very ilowly. .1' . a . ; A poar Maniic h.isbecn exir..ined before the Com;non Council oi Cork, fer disfiguring thefine t qjcilri.m Statue of George li; in tnat city.-i Fhe excule he made to the fa res of the city for nearly arr.ng oft' the leof the venerated Monarch, Avas, that he vant. ed.his boo.s to 0 a huming with 'Souife " O'Callaohan ! . 1 !, lhe Frtnch papers contain as many reports xctpetimg ths deaiation of Lord. Moira's force, as are to he lound in the Enlfii prints.- Ail the expedit'ons fitted out from' . this couniry, take upllo much time in' pre. piration, that it isiaipfiie but-the Fr.-nch muft be fuliy apprilcd of them. I,i fact, there are fo many emigrants here ading iS ipicstor thc Kepublic, that they are proba. lly better acquainted uitli the deUination of thefc eqvupmints, than thz gcncr-lty of pc0 p!e on tnislide oi the water. . Ti"'C If'1" -?rc tbe ci?ht Pirtments at the Welt, principally md-ft-H h .u. Chou,niL Orne, de la MayCnnti, dTde and Vdla:-, dc Cotfsdj Nurd, dc la Loire, de Nhine a::d Loire, de la Sarthe, and d IVIorbihan. General Hoche is now concert. 1ngxv1thGcr.cr.it Duboyet, a grand plan for purging fucccdiTciy each of thofe depm. AVS'JST 20. Sjreral o the, emigranrjf tabn by' the rrpuohcaas in their attack upon Oaiberon, have already been triedOr, thT 161U u!i. the Cwunt d.- Soubreuil, thcB.fli p of Dul fourteen o.hcr iiobie em.granti and pr.eJli were executed at Vannej. , ; The Courier Francois Ilaies, that there wrcmoretha,Mw emigrar.ti at Vannci, v ho were -bout to .flnre the ia:nc fate cf the unJoitunatc Sar.ibrcui?, the -R.fliop cf Vot and ihofe ho were execured Viih them. , , The Spaniard! 8rprJr to hate m3jc peace only ,,, Uckm time to f-ve the vil. hgc cfPamixluni. The French, fuperior i.nhe field, were preparing to inve 1 the of the inhabit ts w.uld lure been immc duitly lurterdcrcdioihem.' . is to excei'ivc, tnoic 01- ur"sc's. wnen tiie: "v.Y fall into-'their hands. Others yiJ,1 i ta:n cine laup.es agninlt the cwnn,.ii::orfn inurder, piutniy wau theuVuli 0f tl'c t children through lantrbefbie t hH" ?3 them. The tew in.hpy ; fb,HvCi:!, ' are daily reuimu g to the faith i f ,.e in- ca thoiic thurch, as d.ll'iuioaud bj co,,: , jnring prietts, and the aft fih if.u,.,,v V thfis is breaihui tUt i the n.cii ardt "A lh?S . I or ICKof i:irue religion ' F R 1 N C ra tioiioiH oyair y-arcT morning, the'mcment when the throne was overturned,, a i'dvo of artillery Oia'.l recall " . ilut viciory over tyranny. The Keprefen catives, in ccllume Jhall meet in the li all of the Co.ivvntion,wliere the Na'iohul-Eila--bl'dhnient of Mulicjhall execute patriotic by inns. At one O'clock the Piefidcnt (hall ".prop.oisnc a difcourfe anaiogouj: to thccir--cumllancc, and the Convention lhult reluxe .its deliberations. At 5 in the afteinoon; theie fhal! be a public concert in the rarden of fhevrhu;lhries. The amiyerfary )f the; iorh of . Augaft ;halu6e celebratol ..inaH the L.)iiin;unes or tne nepuouc, vm in inc .ar rn es-with every ponip tucLiblcuinitythat . thje d;fi?rent placeSiwill allow. , ; " . Mailhe, in the name of the Commiife? of . f .egi'Utton, propo'fd to decree the fuipeo-j "(ion "of :th'e la vs" 0 diTcrce; - . ... ... 1 ; ' The Convention decreed, that from this .'day the above. law, are fuIpenUed ;arid 1 hat the Cb.nuiitttef of. Legiifloi ion Ihall, within twenty djys, make a report on their 1 he Metiibers who went out by roratioi from the Com:iiitieet-f - Public Safety Were .CanvWecres, Aubry, Taliieii, .and Tred-. iard y they vvefe ljicceeded by Merlin of Douay, Letourneuriof la Manche, KewDell, and yees. ; - Extraordinary Evening Sitting. - U-aieincrOcvjs-Seveftrei-andC to:, were voted out or the C:,mt,m .'( ".- verera becilnt?, and CuccppApA k pi,, !... - . W.. V KJ J VUCIiL) PAR I S, Ji.iy 71. . r .1 ... , .m , .... J,. wuuic.y'i.j i neruiuur 'idnxn were 4 uaniny ;ii"ab?ai7rand Gauticf of PAine- fpjendid dinner to Ct'vtral mefnbfr of the Conveinio;!.-- i he folio ing toiita drank : Lanjuiniis propofed the firft - ; 1. 'lo t he 9b 1 l.ermidlr io the De puties the friends cl Lbirty, who" on that day dedroyed thetyram, ar.a have'fince de Uroyed tyranny. Ma the atfachnrnt of .their colleagues, and the love ol Frenchmen "be the 1 ccorripeuce of their pairio:,fm a:.i ihrir courage. Tallien gave the ferond. 2. 'l'o the deputies antlawedj under the tyranny tf tne former Gtm-'rnrrenr," to the feventy thiee, to the ther. vicl.nn tit !er. ror. and to all ihofe, who. in tLj cflfaf trous tinus, remained Liihiul to the laws of love and IriiT.dihip. " Louvct uave the third. 7. The Conllin.tlcn of th- nc-uiltr may the wildrm a.id prtidiue of the De puties cornet any deft cb that may be con. tatned in it, previoufly to its I eirgful mlited to the people for th ir aicepiancc. ' 8. General Kofchiiko, ai.d all ;h0, ;;kC him, are in irm.s fc r ihc caufe cf Jorrty. 9. Hurnmity: Vay the French people in their v.clorlci aflbrd an example of that virtue. to. CcncorJ betwr-n a'l the Heprcfua. ttves who arc the fiiends of jufl'cc and hu manity. 11. The ennq'teror of f Gilbert n. NATIONAL C(;NVENTK)N. 15 THlRVfiDO-t. At,'GLST 2. Cambatcrcj, In the 1 anir of the Commit. jet of Public Safeiy, p.-qn,! r'd to decree that the National Reprelcntative, Taticn and lilad, return to the Cor.vtnuon, thc.r powers ce ;fing (m ih'i day. In-, ponant circurrnuKej," fjjd ,hc Itepcrter, determined ytu tcinvril thefc lprifen! tat,ves with cx!riordinar). roucr,. thefc c.rturraarces Iuve,,e4frd . snj ,jic pavers ouyht to ceair allo-Df creed. .Pcrt7 !l V0,,r-111 ,hc name of the rom. m.tteeof ubbc Inlfrodhon, made a report onthetclliva ofthe.o.hVAugulL . formably to thi, reporr, the Convention de. V rt ,?Yhi 5J T,'"midcr, icthof APguftOdle, at half aher ci-htm tho FtOM Till UNITED STATES GAZETTE. AiaticMiin rrutinmijaliblns f A,nr. ' ' . tea, ... . mJ t;c Jecret hilliry of the debt con- ' tradkd ur r ranee was publi.'hcd, it would d.fcover the or.g:n of many fortunes which have alhiiiHicu us. Jt is certain, fcr in. . ilance, that M. de.Vergennes ddpoled cf ' thole loans at pleafure, caufed military Itorcs and merchandizes to be furnifhed by tperfns attached to him, and faffcred not the.r accounts to be dilputed. Itisafacl that in his accounts with Corgrefs, ther was one million of livres that he never" ac counted for,- cfter all the demand that were m.dc to hhn. h is likewife a fart, -that cut of the lurty.fevenrnidions pretend. t;d tobe iurn,madinihe above articles by trance to Cougrcfs, the employment of V r - " w,J"Out touchers. Many foi tur.es may be made rem 21 miiL ons. , . . M. 13cau-::3rchaij,. in a memoir publiCi. ed two yean ago, prctcndi to be the credi. tcr ot Congre.'s for mili;0nf; I have in mr hjnd, a report made to Congufi by two rcfptctab.c inrmbrrf, b which they prove, that he now owes Congrefs 742,413 KvreiJ aul a m Ihoa more, if the wandering milli'. on , above-mentitned has fallen into his hand. 1 tt I- reporters make, a llriking pidure of tl e niar.rcuvrcs praclifed to deceive the A. uierscaus. Will rot the National AOembly caufe cme account toi be rendered cf the fums Iquainjerc d mour part of the American war : or rather the fums which, irflead of poinr . ..to fuccour thefe brave flrUggUrs for liberty cntto adcrnthe bed-chamber of an ac! ti elt i Adeline did mere mifchief to the A, ,nriCianj ,han a ''"cnt of HcQianf. whtrs are the accounts of her favorite yeyn.crange I Why des not.M. Ncckar' draw the in.penctrable veil which fcreens them from the, public t and be himleifhas he nothing to inlw er for the choice he made of corrupted, weak and wicked agents, and the facility ith which he raiifiid their ac counts i . .BriirotdeWarviile Travcli. . B L A N K S, Ofalllindifora'e at thiscfScc. . i v Aho bound Dockets. . .... 1 t : if 1. 1 ' ;j IV. V , J -' .t '1 ".I .7 i 1 , 1 1 t 5:1 t : 1 1 4 I I

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