i - 4- 1'. V. (Tsy CVOL. X. S A T U R. D A Y, November 7, 1795. No. 12. LIS B O N.Jftya. . : jpllE captain of one of our merchant vefleU X-ari iv.cd ifo the bay of All Saints,, in 57 iloae very confid rble' da,nage on the coatf AjVi:a, an that they had already burnt iollowing decree : 7 j j r . ' The National Convention after living heard the report of their CdiBU)Ut;f. de ee, that all private afleuiblies, koovTaiin- cree, der h pnmp nrCMuba ai d of Popular Scci- 3 uip:, bjili' Englilh, Dutch and Portu gu s'.lej ho were concerned in the fl a ve trade. " They to. k ihe merchandize and ik-ooIc from the v litis, let the neirroes at hbary, and then burnflhe veiTels. ' ' P A II I S, Augufl 29. The Rpubliciii of the camp-of Marly wi t ho ;i r. a r;m s, t his ;n e r tvi ng acepted the new Conitruiiuii, a uiliVthe cres-of Viv, la lie pnViq 1 ai J fi,-ii)g of cannon. v A tingle inan j.iV a' Coriwra!., when, the Conftuu-' h turn ..was ureietHed to mm . tot acceptance,. -rlsid.' ' i 'will nor. aj-ree to iti'j 1 hou art -t-ri rtjH-ws-a Rfwe rdthci may e ft explain '""the motives 'which determine thy conduct.." . 11 e re e : u i r'd . his ten;f at Was allnnied 1- if n f I ' L '. a . . to ;ee tne conitHUtioa acceoled bv.ali uis . oiiiiradel. Wiienall had given thVir ailsnt: they dsiiUiidcd to be placed to their guns, -a. d a general -.dilcharge announced 10 .the Dvipotsi, that the Republicans are not to b vanqliilhed, as the Koyalilh Would havef it believed. ' . -The following nddreiTes were prefented -to the Convent ton by th-fection iu- Mail (formerly William Tell) snd the lection' of the Cha np E!ylecs at the bar, in the fitting -.of'ihVt weary-eilhta inilart, beforeUhe at- ccp'aiion of the Conftitutioii by the nruiy of 1 JVUrJy : ; " From du Mail. . " Love and conridence arc the fafe. guards of govemmtnts. As footi as the laft King cealed to be lurro'jn l?d by his people, he ceafed to be power, u!. The Cvmttiruent Af. femhly, founders ot liberty, acknowledged the liecefiitycf removing the armed loiccto a diftance from the Executive power. It knows that it was the fore , means arriving at tyranny. Ly what fatality is ir, thTTa eties, are abomneq. in coniequence, toe ' h a Hs fery in g for the fe me e t ings, fhall be ihiit -the keys and papers fhall be depefited in the tdicecf the Secretary' of the ComruIJe., " ; Augult 26. iVillcrf. l ltlis reprefented to u? that the city ot Namz is a prey to, ttrrcrifm, and that the peaceable citizens are daily menac. ed and evil treated. . The- truth is, they have Jikd UVme ..mcvemc n'ts; of agitation ; ;'that there have been touVe very rtprehenli hie doings but that the culpa b4cf-wiio" are few in number will be puuilued. Tlitfgbpd jytSs are the uiajot ity, and it may be af firmed that the trcuble comnieagul. wi th tlicle who huvc faiitn vicUms to -. Never- ihd ffsi he livv alone mil protiou ?i ceibu t: be alTurtd, the v'-rtucus ciiizenj are a great mortv, aud teady 10 jqhr tiie numerous t?attilior wro art preparing ;o opt an. end to ihe 1'righii ul war ot Vendt e. ( Applaules.) ::;"t;. ,. Auuii .27... . :, ... A Member obfervtd, yt"u have already learnt by a letter Ircm our Colle.aguev-at.Ly. oiiS. that the lloyaiifts have 1 flayed, but in "vain to royaHfe the iuhabitntf. Here it, a letter fiom our colleague Eclltt, in ui.ll un in the de'par'tnitnt cf the jBoirc',' wrdch guis - the details. It is dated the 2 J of tht nn-nih. " 1 he 13d 1 htriidor, a. handful pi loy. alills' prefented themlelves to the h ha iitnts of ih?tommut i-t Crier ricres.. I.Tt y ca r, ritd a white flu?.' dftorated with emu eilis . :on;iyahj, a:.d naratigued the citizens vho futtbutidtd them rum curciuy. in iuci atcly upon ihe h:rargtTra U lccverir.g that their tnurpr ze Hid 1 ot luccetd, 12 or 13 ' finioistens alone leRiaininguiihijienu.outhi lillemngto the ChaHatJi.-., t ht y h en led red. 1 he next day the iu;;g ilol;lh, Wd contir.tife to preach Hcyahy aud pilv be but they were no better leundcu tlun to popular governnent appears to imitate the conduct of Dcfpots I Wherefore all thele troops about the Government ? .Are we be. fieged. Whovfiiould befiege us? All good citizens with only a Government free and trauqjil. The people have fworn to be free : 'they will be fo, notwithstanding Delpou and their bayonets.'' . (Violent murmurs.) NATIONAL CONVENTION. 1 Augnit 23. Mailhe. 1 come in the mme of your Co nmfte?s of Letihtiori, of Publ cSalejy, and or tjetier I surety, tocallyotu juenii ou to the rcmi.idcr of the focienes ca led popular, ft U thcra which jet a-;t!t? the torches of terror'tfm ; it ;s them whe flurpett tlie poignards of royalty. After the 14th of July, every one mamfcllcdhis horrcr for the defpotic government of a met; arch ; fincc the pth Ihcrmidor, ever one abhors tsr. rorilm ; bu: we ppjrto have forgot rcy aliim. I know that the Ull evils are molt prefent to the memory ; but we mutt not forget interior evils, v.hich are not lehcrti. "el. -Indeed, there is a Unking analogy be. twecn a royal govcrnmeiit and a dccemviral cne. It is luiiiaent to trace a (ktch cf them, to convince the moil increJu!ou , we Gvdl Tightly touch upuu ti 1 it ia for our patri. otic writers to pcrficl it. v' "Before the 14th of July, a fingle man was all ; there was no lav, but' his will j the people were nothing. -'Before the yth . Thcrtnidcr,. anglc man dom'nr crttl in the name ot the law, and lud .rrplungrd the" ratiou in iti fir II error.. Before the'i 4h cf Jf the old parthatenii look place of vlr- tue, of talcnti, of honour and ot .proliity. Before the 9th Thermid.f, a Red Bin:t . . ind a Jacob;n ticket, took place of all." . After this dilcourfe which wis rot fidr r- ibly' lengthy it CoatCQlioa faflcd the to defert as foon as he reached the fiiore of his native country. And. Ke zeeatdm,; deferted the fiHl cppor.uniiy, and gave an account at tne general quarter;,, ohue force and means of the eneti:). tlothe thought this ctizen nTiirht erieciuaily-lerve trie exce dition he meditated : he. therefore.- oiier. a tf:r-inallexit-adJhey were cri:c conceal tl.cmielves. 1, have carded lorce dragciJis to advance, ar.d the tr:-cc!cnred fla to fly in the pUce i:kh Lad been dil". hoi!crecby the white tr.f. 1 Applaufe Gafau. It isoi.ly tco true that the . m;giants and refractory pritfts prcacl ed e. very wheic diicontetit, iurchy, dduidcr, pillage, and the..afl"aliinatin oh Patriots. Hew is it that the Conventivn k rot inferm ed of thele fafls ? Why do bol the ctmmit. tees in:.ke them known 1 t'tiuand thai all be niide know h to tne Convention ai.d that the couimittee nuke a tert 'i three tbyt, Ihe Convention dtciccd the lending ol DfiiVze! into the dtpariii.tnr ol Li M-ndie, in tvl.ich i.c inalevUcnt ehdcavunr to ex - cite trouble. Di feruu'h', in the name of the Cpmm t - tec ot Public Saftty, itid lom tfluial pie ces from the Welt Indira, wkith gae an icci uut ot ihe taking of fct. Lutia, ol haying bti tn the flctt the tneui), and le'zcd ult linimn.c q .auiy vi 'Wu., carfouchci, lulus, tuns, i-c. Siecs. I come, in the time of the Cotn miute cf Public S,.fty, to announce to you that wc have tctcivc d ctlkial difpatches by which we leain tkaf the King ol Spain has nuftfd ti.e treaty ol peace concluded at Baf Is between cur ' mbiff-dor and"tha:of his Catholic Maj fly. (He read ihe ratification and it was ordered to be ialcrttd In the Bulletin.) TaiUo, in the name of tie committee of publ.c Jaftty, prefented to the Conventi on, tne tithe brave Republicans, -who, in ti e (,r of Quiuerou, dctcrttd Irom ihe em grants, who had been taken out of the nri-nm in Enrtand. to Intrcale the arma. me.1t. He wlioai Talhen preiented, alter having ful m'uted lothemcltctacl ireatment lip'nre l Irned the traitors ot tneir cuun 1 txv, en:Jhimftlf atleoUj deterumicd ed him the conduct tf a column, whirh hn accepted, and proniiled that in twenty-four" hours, the lort of Pcnthievrc wculd be ours. The next day the fort was taken; and the army cf ihe enemy deflrcyed .This coura. gcous ioJuier was re-conipenlcd imrrediate Jy on the field cf battle, ind was railed" to the degree of Lieutenant ofcaya'ry. J 'I he Prefrdent gave him the fraternal em brace, and tiie Conveniion confirmed, him in his ohke, aiid granted him two ho;fesy and a cuuipieat cquiprhent. . . " V-.H1-IS5l':fc,;car51 tha .tni 'citizen fliould again h gfrtTth twmjjs nd coutribu: e t tHunnne;the LjgLnt!8jhrowaQii,ihe Ihortd in Le Poitou. J . L O N D.O N, Augufl 25. . . . . The vanguard ef Lord Moira's army, as it is termei', did not fail, as ic was'propoltd, 611 Friday. -This evening is fixed for ,ihe r departure. ' They are to du tct their courfe, it is beliey ed,'. fur .i;h'cLdli't.dot Noirmouiierl v to endeavour 3t a co opera (ion Iwith ChareU te 1 he Cieoeral, we Oeheve, is indebted to tle jrigenious iiiends of his caufe in En gland, lor his recturTfuccefles. The Par it papers, w Inch hav e latterly been prone to anticipate dilailtr, do not even allude to a. ny rtcrni movcintnt -on-the. part of the HoyalilU'' : ' Tlie orde'f s ol Admiral Duncan were un equivocally to (ink, burn, ai.d deftroy luch of the Dutch velleis'of war as he might fall in with, ai;d to make, trom the cannon's nu uih, a c!t daraiiou of War, ' which has for loroe mcnthspalt been virtually a carrying on betv. eeri th s country snd the United States ct !!o!lai .4. .- ' . Auvud 26. Th e pj p tr s, Jnliea d of c ex fir miiigthcLre port of Pichettu's havintr Icon rmillcd in an attempt to crefs the Hhine, fay that he was prevented on the 12th, by the fwtliing of theKiver ; but on the 13th, and 14th, and 15th, he carried cttr fu cclumni of hit army. They neither rr.emion where this operation w as dicCled, nor whether any op pditiou was madc-to it by the Aullriaa troops. . - A letter from Cleves fays, that a Dutch fquadron of 12 flilps cf the line, and 18 fri gates is to co-operate with a Freuch fquadrwn httii g cut at Dunkirk. The alacrity ol the Huflian fquadron in failing in quell of the Dutch fquadron, on the fir tt nct:ce, has been much infided upon as a proof of the great afh'Uanceour.ltufiian alliiueit likely to afford to cur naval cj e rations. I he Lords if the Adr.irality, howeyer, depended fo little upon their at liftance, that they lent but a BritiOi force mere tha:i a match for that tf the Dutch. BOSTON, Ofahery. . INTERESTING. So abundant it the harveft in France, and) fo much cheaper are crovifious likely to be there, than they arerere, that the French agentt in this country have received crdera. to difcontinue the purchale and fiYnmcnt cf provifions, and todifpofe cf any they miy at prelent have purchafed but not Clipped. We congratulate the public, on an oc cutreoce, which mull in every point of vievr be intetcftirg. The plentiful harveft in France, will be a themecf exultation 10 every frierdtothe two nations. Itinfurei the eftablilhment cf their Hepublitan lyftem of Government; and will 1 educe amaiirgly the exorbitant prices of provifions in ttia country The American farmer do er had -1 1 ft . , j -mm .... 1 1 '.Jv';;' .... ' - U ( 1UP ,T - x.-.-'. im .. 1 1:. L, , -1 . i io 1 , -: '-- - Ml'' ,11 ; J5 I i If - " A ... -. ... . . , . T-f.-v....y 1 :. 1 if da " 1 'h)y: - V U t : ! : : 1 ' . .. ..... li ' ' : ; --'-lv . P - - i if . 4 I 1 1 - . .. ' ... W-

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