-1 .." T-fE. VOL. X. S A T rU R D A X ?M 26, 1795. Nvo 519-3; FOR SAL E, v rpHE Planta'ion known by the name ,of -A-liKt-OULLYy-withm-ght-maej trom.New hern,; on, Trent road, lately the property of Andrew- Blanchar'd, ; deceaied. It contains nearly four hundred and fifty V cresof land, and h:ts- leveral fmall building! cn different parts of it. li , For terms apply to ' " ' ' . James Carney v , " Edward Paftcur, Ifaa'c Cole. . December 76. . . . ; i , . ' . .. ....... For Sale at the PRiiriNG-Orrice, , - A SMALL PARCEL, OF B O O KTS: ' Among which are 11 'I" ll JLTJi ,aiaJ L O N DO N, SEfTMBEetofi 11 1 o ..r r... ; b . ,,4 - kfll OT tl i lit rfli in the North . as, docs not return 10" theBaltic this year Jtisto winter, at Forfff mouth. r:' ;: rA The Span.lh fleet confuting of 22 fail of "rhe line and 1 1 frigates, was anxioufljfc ex pected at Genoajp where a tveflel -had arrivv ed on the tld of Augutt front' , B arcelona with the informaaion chat lu.h a lcrcewas fleering for that quarter. - According to me Itcounts from Fra"ck , fort, General Clairfat, after dirtctvg Various operations, by winch ho tbcuphi he had pFtventcd the Trench from crc-lDnb the j-viiiuc ii iMcuwicg, rt-paireatp utOKjcu rr to prevent their paging there, ahdjvj them n-flratiori tf a Prnre, promifes the natiorr a Vr!,e';L.,,b,tr' ur5iicr ' that of any o. I ' t he f1; . ki tv hi tit . ' - . .' 1 v .. The tei Mores newly acquired, cr rather flcUjj by the Ku prrur iu PwWd, are' to be ca 'eixNpr:h Auttiia. DeFoc Ire rn ! the foil wing two lines Ttn h . jf ite Divino, to have poop ed the old. p . va u iilyL'oa je;& mttf but the Devil fcridr 1 MYSTERIES of U. Mn of the World, Kaiurei of the Trcatji Monarchy, Guthrie's Geography, Morfe'i do. ' Do,- do. abridged, American Revolution, '"" French do. ... ' efeldert's Anatomy. Life of Dr. Franklin, . Myftjc Cottager, Pfefident't Meffage, ' State Trials, ; Gibbon'i Surveying, -Cox's view cf ihe U,- S.- Life of Dumoutjer, Homer'i IflandA Lpuiia, " v BfiiTot on-Americt merce. Thompfon't works, JVl.rror, Sorrows of Werter, Man of eel nor, Travels of Cyruj, Royal captives, Rural walk 1," -Church prayer book, American war,' . Ovid' aft of lote, Diclnaiiea, n com ' V. Maps of North-Carohn, Do. of th,e United SaT. Dec. $. ' - .:-r'" paJT. For the purpole of accplerating the npi gociations with the Empiie, Get.tral Jt ur dan feem to confider himfeir as 'a n;cre a . ble negbciator. than Citizen Bartneltmy. A uentleman remarked i n -.he conduci f ; Minifterlti fending TntffTrani-5;:,j:; (lores and proviiions That' fefiiig than felvesfrultrated in their project oi rciiucir-g the country by famine, t :'iey rvtre : now ( fei. led with remorlc of con fcic uce tor ha vinp; : entertained the detelfable intentici: cf ftar V ving twenty five millions of people at d were rcfoived to mskc amends for their fault' by aXgratuifoui reltorarion of the means" ol lub fiftence which ti e) haj withhelu " ' A'" . .Skpt. si. Nerjibern Pofl.GfiicefDcc. 1795 DmiNG the year 17 y6, tbemtis tft.c United States will be 'carried, brtween i'u at. i the neighbouring Office' st ai jllrv i ' KoRTHfcu.M-Miu - ' FronT-V-alhingtoii-toNewbernon:ca eek. ... v:. Leave .AVafliington every Wednefdaj'by 6 P. M. and arrive at Nebefn on 'i'harf dayby 6 P.M. Returning Leave Newbern on Friday by 6 A. iM. arrive nt W tlUin ton by 5 P. M. - ! Western Mail. From Ralciehby Smithueld, 'Waynerto- roueh and xwinlton to Kswbern. once tn tvo weeks . -.. ' Leave Raleigh every other Tutfday by 6 A. M, arrive at Newbern tht net Friday bv-io A. M. 'Re turn'w p. Lesve P-Jev.bsrn every other Friday by 2 P. M, and arrive gt Raleigh the next Monday by C P.' M. . . . Southern Mail. From Newbern to Wilmington, tnce in two v?eeh " , ' Leave Newbern every other Fridav noon, and arrive at Wilmingti n the net Sunday, by 6 P. M. Returning Leave Vi!niing. s ton every other Tuefday noon, and anive t Ncvbern the text Fr'da by 10 A. M. . ; F. X. MAIUIV. Xetten fenr for any of the atiove mailiv flioud be lei t a quarter of an hour belore the i:me of ilcj-aruifC ; December 2$. . F O R S A L , ANEGIU) WENCIUcd twoChildreni one a girl vtar 'd, the other a boy inbiifoarVa ,ear.' Enquire of the Deeemter try . " . k TO BE HI IV E D, A; " ; Haifa dcieo o! flroa ' ' H E 0 R O FEhui) WS, Jnouire cf Minfcur FwcU'f, ntar ite CMl'lhi'fc Tht Artois fngatrof 2'f ?wnTCaptl;ir' Edward Naclb', arriv.d at P v'moaih, mf Thuriday with difpa tel es frc-m . C ')t ron Bay. J BclitrophMt, Lord CrAiii one of Lorl Cortwaliu'fquadron h'iTd pui back to Faimomh,' having received lume dani2ge in agale of wind'. Lord Brideport with ten of the heavier fli ps of his Iquadron, p-fftiup Channel on rurfjay tf hl.w-kaac cf E-I!e fie hl- abandoned, and V;tC AOTin at vcrnwalhs leli it U Tu2iTicin"orcr-to krep-open 'tne (ui G over MEsts from Heaven might firffc4 ippcwr, , ; ' ; ''.::'' ;v,;:-..,- But Governors ccme from the Lbt d know 5 . v here-. . :":-,-. '''..;: - Nliit f the lar'g fh'ps employed in he-: coil trad;-, loir e v t Wich 'carry 'eight or ten ' . j-.ve obtw.td Lcatt of Mar- -hi aiujieutfhi - -V - 'i " oepienm r,2l Tl e IV-Vv'rry flptif WtihYani on er, . trfv d at Lia.fnu,-on ihe nrh. it.ll-.l i", iii;.trinpii y AHitb. the, homewr4T: " b'M.nd Kill lndiH.ti cti .havintonipleieltf ;' ' 'vt.ffjjcisii. -,v 1 1? j xt j)t Act ixectioiii at.d' itute;.lvmfvi Oi t3t,,rd;:cvvei ic5; on : the- rvvrtii .war loat.ot America; ; A FreiToVtMa'nffon oft he ingenieurRby- c t France, has invt iurtl a h onar,'by whichA lh -'us ire rutwn withcut pt.tidcr, and with' tq ;al vt-;. ttiy. An Kenious tircchanicat; B rri.itianrFis rn ployed.upcnihe fabricaV nan ct tt:.s u ortar, which ftjrj.iov : 1 itit rentail jio docb of Ruflia, Prufi- f-f.Tr;jnd A uftn i1 h a Ting rgirred - on a dcfini.-r- t ivejar ty tl c bttmd.!i of iheir L'onouK' -b;eatqu (l ion sin Poland B A S L ScftenV'r i. To morrow jadgrrent is to be paflfd. ori ' thoff perfotti hu v tie cd tt rntd in tr,e late Many ot ,cp; rates by W t 111. I .I'l I I 1.1 Alv Vra w Ji ren za's appear but tood fiu U of'leve ri y-.w . An ci pell. tionJyti.-howji yer. bf r-'n Utniietf.jir tft.thead communicatior. with the Koya irtb .n Poacu. s of a ch sre the en-trrs 1 tolly, bava-er,T . To the above iutVrntun u ifrn added at d B.i.ki. tt ne of thele aie actuated by a report ot an adhon between tht Rova'ilis and Republicans, in which the ianer- ioil .oco n.cn by the fwoid, ad 2cco b u br. tion. Sucn reprtstou much n f: ntMe tie ftones fro:u the lame q jrtcr, tt-v t p-redtd ihe dilsftcr at f);i bcion, todc-Uivc'auy iit tention. . : ' . ; , ; ' Letttr from Berlin aflerr, that an exprcft arrived there about trie 6th of AutulK :tt m b;s Britannic. Majefty to the Knj of PilITu, eainrltly pqmftii ghii good t fetes with the French Republ.c'uitliVut dcias, in tuMtir of the Emigrant!, partittilarly 1.x rtginii i it made prilbners in the nnforu.naie pf tli:i on apauul Qiiibtrcn, tie vrt-aur parr of ihtle priU-n r bemg t lficcrs aid get;tlenen cf lintannt. std rnit to rpare the tHulion t hue au blocd, ii.Rcad t f the rigour" of tie law, a pure U cf Knnan ty tr.ight be exert d. '11 eKigil Piufl ivit is added, icce. Ccd : 1 Ink 1 c out it m its 1 ulleft . . tine of the Muiillcrial Papers, from being a nn It velen ent auvccateboih Itr tie ph. c a d the pri-ballity of the W ar be'ufg con. linued, was, on !tturdj, at ludt'xniy ai uii4ccountabl, convcrttd into an advocate lor Ftaie, and into aa onnrer 01 ine preat thtnci aichuvtd by the Frcrch, Compared to the vtry n vt innj;i atimcvcu oy ite Etnpetor. " ' - ; Ihe Emperor, bowtver, bas beaten tVt Frft ch lollowiniicathieyement j he has conj-irei more merey tfjt H Bntillt criTeri info h'u OAtt ihintl.e KiCncb ever cculddo litite.thcy were a Nation. . An almtit entire anolit on i,f tbe fe!gnori. al ngti is now talked of n Denmark ihe on!i falutary teforin left unefftAed finceihe Anuntilration tf CvUnt Urfiiltorf H e Dji litis Govrrnnent, 11 it rbletved, in thus : j.oMhig the iciiiii' I o! c?r fpciifm, and tor. idhai wiiaicvcr MwfJccbvc in Lie AdmL - t .., ., wht-kie cilUd RiVibi'.oiurv (entiu ruts ; thry ap.pr tu ue.irJpjredia;ly byait.vc cf- jutlite, and of ilit'.r country. Lvater, fo vt 1 kndVin. by hisTrea'ifeoF . PhdVguon y. si d byhis Philan'tbrcpy,has cau'reted lumftit like a truly viituousnui! , Neither il tea s nor inUjts have been abTi 1 to drier bun, ,in his t&rtt to con.bine iiiQ deration w nit jultite. lle hil prepbdd, arrorp: oihcr tbe tw jcl'oii g qu ttvoi i o the Judges . . ' i Can the lame pet ion, in a criminj .1 cafe, U at ct;ce actuler, partyj examine! , and judge t: ' 1. Uthe perfrn who committed a fault to beanfweraole ai druiiilhable for all thit , v ll bieconliquerccs wnicn may ue ine ne lull of bis original error? 1 But in fpite cf this interpclltion, the pf e. paratious for the execution ol ihe.'e nnfor tunate men Hill continue. If they are put to death, it is tobe feared that much dan rer will fpringfrorn their afhes ; and when lhi tow n, hitherto fo flcurifliing, fhall flow Wtih tbe blood of its ow n tit iiens, then fhall we have to 1 egret tbar the ears cf the m ajcri ly were fbut to ti e counfels of fucb ttjep as Lavater and FuQy names which arc n;en tioned eWn by flrangen with refpc&. V t E N N Aj Agud Barer? Barter.ncin, appointed by bit Itn perial Majefty 10 pt elide at the Conjrefs of facilitation between r ranee ana ir.e empire, is making preparations to fct out from hence " He iU quit this capital in three or four, wc'tll v' ' ..? . : -- 1 F RAN C K F O R T SrptmlerU It tooU ippear itat the bepes el peicf which have UfOnteriaiocd fyiUowathi,

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