dhrss aaUft Terta'iv la wlefs ' inhabitants oT. I claims rcfpevYinglundry pctVficni which wf re: liiTrwiiwvi s , , Keioived, as the opmidnjof this connui-' te?, tnatyrovuion inouiu ne uijuc, iui plying ins UCCCIIK1CS Ul 111 iuuuumh "iv. . ui peace. . ' . . ' Kefjlvcdi, as the opinion of this commit. ire. that' enquiry Qiiyht to be made-whether further-means fhould be provided 'to reinforce like provifinnv' heretofore made for the ex-' lei riu an nndectded ilate by t. c tall con- "iuiuer Vteft4ttfiev4 NWrTon of the miblictfcbr; " Hcft'ilved. as the op niOirolHhifeommit- new committee to take'up the fatr.e and de cide therein this retoiutioa was igxet d ro. : ..In comtnittee of tile whole,- on the (hand-': inp rules and orders, Mr. Muhlenberg in the chiTi The ? roles were rewt!W hen the lules relative to papers introduced incir dentally, to the houfe, wai read, Mr. Day ton obict;d.:io. p4rt.,qT a leu ence tn thefe -wnriif. which had beiuie bun 'read to tee that n ecqairy pjght to be made hixo ihe ftate of the mint and VlK-tner any lur- i ' : iT T ...... ,iarCC r'tf in fhnt r1rnrf tiler pruvKiyip i -i" liiem. -.-i7' . .' ' AfTc'r font e corverfatlon as to the proprie, ty of takin.r up the refolutionsNgenerally or partially into immediate confiderktjo.n, it was a "ireed thai rliey ifiould lie over. Before he ' coau.iitte role, however, Mr. Swanwick prdented one- to the following etiVd, which alf l;es over tor future conlideration. V, Ilefol ved , as the opinion of this commit ted, that an ei q iiry ought to be in de into the progrefs of tne naval equipmentsorder ed, and whether any further prdyifions ate - jieceiTury on this fubjeft. Aijourned. , f'ridjv, Dec. A l "the houfe" -the words, on muiiuii chMrr . -pay ton, were expanded and the rule now reads h,lJVhfythe reddirg tf a rpaper is- called fin and the fame "is cbjefled to by any member, it fliall be determined by a vUe j'f tbr-ktife." ; . - ' . - C. The rule inthe following word?, '-No' committee Ihall TTrurTillie Jjoule,v'itj.dtH ipeeial leave,", was objected to by MrvW. Sin t!i, as a rule which had not been complied with in times pail, and which there was realbn to fuppofe would not be adhered to in future- and the habi tual breach of any particular rule had a ten-, dency to impair the obligation to oblerve the. reft. prrdttwes w as i c(Jy 4(; I e Tar1 r;WrtleIi hd:fe, and that Jco Cfp;es ou.'d be Hn " mcdiauly dcptii.cd ivitb ll c.elcit. v . A teuTmirricaiion as read frcin the S: cre t a ry t f S : a t e; cc n t ai njv g ; t w o itai err. tin s " ' of. rhe-ott-ir oi t he m:nt 1 bt ic lia.c iret ; wtre n'sde to the Prtlident of the United States, ede by M. De Saoffure, bte tirec tcr tf that inlttuiicq the other ly M. lioudinor, the ptelent dirccicr : 1 heSe be- ing "read, were nferred to the ccma ittee of the whole rn the (hte of the i' on -- "Mr. Day torTlR afetlTeWfallltxilars-t o T?;o members,' vii. Nfr. Daniel Buck, pfliew the: necellity and importance of the from Vermont, and Mr. 1 bomas Mender in frnm Mpw.Terfev. were Qualified "and tofck their teats. ; ' t . . The petition of Jabez Barney was pre Tented, read and referred to the committee ot claims. ' . The petition of William". Thomlon, ano ther continental. lo'd'er, relidingin the fame ftate,'. was likewile read. He ba4 been in -the continental army, and afterwards in Sul livan's expedition againft the lix nations. In . the latter affair, he was,, near Wicoming, ciit f rom'a wacgon, .had his le; broke,- and .his body brniled. Hi? petition Itatcd that his family were poor," apd himfelf iacapa ble of affording them aflifhnce. He had ne ver received any compenftionforhis fuft'er- ings in ti)e fervice bf America. He call him felf on the clemency of the Houfe. On a motion by Mr. Kitchell, thefe two .petitions were referred to the committee bf "claims! Mr. Mahlenburg eave in a report from the committee named to draw up ftuiuiing rule Mr. S nitit waved his orjt clions. Mr. Giles role tor ci:q nry refpfct ng a ducedas an article in oue of the rules- The edabitihment of lucii a comm'tfee, he ob ferved, was an t fleiitial deviation from the ufage of the hoilc. ' J V ,. ' Mr. Murray and Mr. Baldwin rofe to ex plain : The ..Latter gentleman gave a brief hatemcnt of the advantages which had been derived Irorh the appointment of the com mittee cf claims fv Item and difpatch were the relultin rjehtion to the (objects fabmit ted toheir decion ; and therecould be'no doubt ot li near advantages being the effect of a tijr.ding comtnittee to tike, into conli. derationr the yaridu' objecU 'which wtuld t rules and orders for the Houle. Tie oofcrv? ed that they differed in forae refptds from thefe of lall Congrefs.. He moved, that tluy fliould be printed with the new variations fe- paratefy marked, for the conuderation of members, and referred to a committee of the whole Houl'e. .This was agreed to, and on another motion, Monday was appointed for takii thera up. "v Mr'. John Nicholas, from Virginia, was q iil fird and took his feat. It was next moved and refolved to pro ceexl to the choice of a chaplain. The Speak er moved the Houfe to prepare their bat lotsv- Mr. Hillhoule laid that it would firll be proper to make, as on former occafions, a nominatio n The Houfe contented,' and Mr. Hillhoufe named Dr. Green. The Speaker thrn remmded the Houfe, .that any - thef gentleman was at liberty to mak- what other nomination he mould think fit Mr. Giles, and Mr. W. Smith,- were appointed tellers. Sixty three votes wtre in favour of Dr. Green, befidei feven fcattering votes. He was declared duly elected. . The petitio:i of John Porracn was read, and on motion referred to a felct commit- tee of three members. " A petiticn was received from the town of 'Ncwburv ; from its iituJtion, &c. praying to be made a port of delivery ; ordered to be laid on the table . . ' , A petitioti was received from John Far- re'.I, dating that hit pay had been taken up by fome pcrlcn not properly authorifed y he prayed redrefs. Mr. M xre thought fome method ought tn be adopted to prevent fuch impofition in future, and moved that the petition of John Farrel be'refcrred to a fpecial committee, which was(agreed to. . -vTlic Houfe then dourBed till Monday next. . . . , ' ' ' . Decen&er ii. Areport wauead from the committee of r r . s i i i coue 'jt-tore tne leuuur?, under tneva rous heids of imwrt, toilnage, Sec. &c, Mf. Glv expreff dVnmielf fatisfied with the reatoMs alhncd lor introducing fuch a committee into the ruhs and orders of the houfe; -.-. 'A - . ' M W. Sniith moved that the rule which apptarsjujnuly that thetrei'hut qu'tivt 'may be pU; in cbTmn tteeT)f i,!jewholc houfe, -might be mai c politive Hob'ei ved, that it had in times piltlciV determined by' the chair, that the previous .q'ieltion c,ould not be uken in commitueot theWhole ; the coifcunencc was, that embaruflments had often incurred The difcuifions of a whole fui)ject hd been olten interrupted by a mo tiuii lor the ri'ing of the committee of the whole, hen fuch parts cf a fubjee might have been got rid of by taking the previous queitio i on a particular point.. He mcred to inlVrt a politive decoration that the pre vious q i'!lion in g ,t Le taken in committee cf the whole. , . . ' . Mr. BiUU in and Mr. Giles objected, on ih? ground, that it would go to transforming the committee of:he whole into the houfe( impede the freedom ot difcyllioni and del", troy the benefit of a committee ot the whole altogether. Mr. Smith's uictior. was not a. greed to. , The rules and ciders being gone through with, the co nmitrre role, ani the chairman reported one amendment to the houfe, which - A lprrrrwa&jread from." the Secretary tf me. x i cdiurv, cniiuiuig ar. ei.nuaie oi iiiU -aj.prcpriations nettllaiy tur the fervices ot the year 1796.- : : A letter irom the. late Sccretcry of War was read, encoli"ng fundry itateiiients-T-re-ferred to the committee ot the whole. - It was 01 de red that the ihtenients rcla. jcive to the, mint iliouid be printed Tor '"the.' u'e ot tlje njt mhers. : ' . A ccmii'ittte ot commerce and manufac tures was appointed corfiiting of, Mri;; Goodhue, .Ilr, S. Smith, Mi Bun e, Mr. S.vanwick,, Mr. VW, Saiitb, Mr. Fatker, and Mr. L,iugifoii. A memorial fronv the coih ctor cf Ce da r -4)iirt-wa read 1U;d n ferrid 10 the cpnimii tee of commerce ?nd manufacture' h con". tainsa recoirmiendaiiou cf Nsfjrrucy .as a ' port of enlry ih preieience to Cecbr Point'. v Adjourned. , - B O S T O VN, December 10. ' On Tuefday lalt Capi, Hclland arnvt d at this bcrt trcm LorYdonj-in;apaftge.-6f.-35 days ; 1 he Cn'u io vv n eel by M r. S ttphe 11 Higginfon, which was carried into EugJatid for trial with a cagro of ircr dutk, Li: -frtm liuffi. The lliip is leturned to tlie- " owner, but the cargo (which is the ye lk of ... - the egg) remains a; poUcH'on of ccr ainict- , u'..'A.rni.mA.' n;. a Urii tK v.i, . r " ftl the firit information rrpcrted Ma the capture of the principal part ot the Mediter ranean fleet by the French, which is. c n(K dered nearly equal in value to the Eail India fitet . . r . ; " A large part cf this fleet is captured by . the Ft each part cf which is very valuable," : fays the Centinel, but the w hole of w hich is known to be very valuable, and vill cccafi on confidcrable mbarrffTments on the cx,. change cl London. We iht.u d be happy " to give funher particulars by Mr. Hicgln. jon'i vcflcl, but the captain Jm brcVno papers, and but nineteen letters j who the lenersare te, we have not yet difccvcrcd.. It is laid there was, little prcbihility of J)eac!atprefent. Thelucccfftsof the French it is probable, has recuced the Britilli ML niHry to their ultimatum, they are dcubr. lefsl'enfible that the :trn.s cf PVarce for peace wculd er.darger their heads, they sre therefore obliged, like Samp feu, tc pull dow a the edince andperiflnhemfelvesintherinn;. Pitt knows that if he flicu'd tow half, his dellrucbonis ii.cvit-ble ; Ike a delpcr.te gambler, hcis'r.cw rtdi ced' to flake the nation a hazardous tuow. As we an not within the focrs of thefe whoown the nffJ, we cannot relieve the public from their anxiety, but we have e very re;fcn to fuppofe that the atcctir.ts from Ei glar.d ate agirfthat hai gh:y monarchy and in favour of cur allies the French j we therefore cheerlully wait to hear lurther befcre-wc give any particulars. One thing how cer is a i;u, that tran vas agreed to. ctuility univtrUUy prevails in fiance, ex. Mr G.lcs moved, that the woritcnJmai Cf ptirp amcng tl e Hcyal patty, who, hid 1 - . t . ..I. ..(lk!. ..I.k.l .....I.'.. . y tit ' itvjaJiuretflhouUibe added to tne words4 a c-inmittee of commerce." This motion was agreed to. Other amendments were propefed,' fome of which were agreed to, others not. The rule in the following words, on mo tion of Mr. Giles, was expunged, vi. t J No petition to controvert the elecTim cf a oietnler returned to ferve in this houfe ' lhali be receive, unlefs the fame be pre cn'cd within fifty days . after the member petitioned aga'uill (hall take hisfent." Thequcttion on the report as amended was then put and agreed 10. A Communication was read from the Se. "cretary of theTrr afury, informing the houfe that the annual account of receipts and ex- war been the cufe of their mt rral troubles ard that the accounts of the d llurbances lo readily publifhed in the Britifh papers in A merica, have been only thettluuutis of the Engl lh Gaieties, atd terdlng 10 deceive the public in the Isme manner a ibe, i iters on the dillurbantei in Bcfton mrant to dr. ceive the citizens through the Ccojmon. wtalth. t - Ey. Ctron. TheBrirfii kirg, jn lis fpefeh to par lis. intni. initiates uat the AulSriani 1 ad cair. ed a vulory over the French. The lnh ftftri ir.cntior.cd, ihe y had tern rejulfed, and fell back to the Rhine. ,. . England had not dcdaied waf againft Spam.