n i c II M O N D. DeceziLer iC. ' of ihe Ur.i-.ed Stated to this da Be pleafcd Extrucl from tte Jxrnal if He Uoue-oUf- I .i.fUDi.w rem ir.c extract m o tr.e proicec Math! Sttuiiay, Dec, ul - . j ingf, for the inoiBiat:cn tf &y tctltuu -HVririiiiig to t reorder of the ems. day, rcfotved i'tfelf into a committee of the. xLhalr Houfe. on the ftate of the commoti-1 ,T:ti and afterTome time fpent there- Mf.r b-pkeVrfefuirieii' the chair, r arid . Shitld report, that the committee cf Mr thW whole Houfe had;- according to.ipcdcr, had under their cor.fidcra.tionthe Hate of the fnliu:o!is thereupon, which fie read in,hu Morocco, aV.d thet)y cf Alfilf rs are -now - U i i I t I finalK) aflinftVrl in i manrif i that oHiMIS --nlaCe.1" c crks; where the lame ere agaunwicc ru -and are as follows : :Relolved, That the Senators reprefenu viri this-it ate in the Senate of the United Sates, be, .and they are hereby inrtrufted, '.ard the reprelenraiives requeltfd to unjte their 'utmull ' cxe0idn$7."'tc obrain;;iiii their t Lctive Houles,; the" foliating amende life; its-to the conititufton, viz : ; r. That ;V0 treaty, comaiiiin nny ftt; , .ulatiou upon tlie iubje& of the powers veil rtui ConrctVby the eighth kiVio'n of the article ihall brcone ihelaprcm huv of i; e a id, ti'it:! it lhall have been approved r.h-t, pte particulars by a ; JjV jn Hjule ot RepreiVmatives j and Ui.u the P(efi.leit betare he thai! ra tify any treaty ," (hill lutmnr the fame to the Honieor He- ' (h tll l it out i prel'eiiiativcji 2. "True a With due clot t, &c , ' J .-PAKKLR. e!phia,- Dec. j i?9$. . x": rr.cn ftrfe cCght o,Imri cs, there is a points ejerd which bun:ahfTilrrc3nnot go tbat Jt is rot piftb-le that tucb rrumberi, who. rcflTch ever v day thev live the power of tr er -ouJifrdi-j7p- will filter Inch txtretTifes Exlratl cf a UUir from a m rcaritile Hivfe ! rkd cr ctLrt whfcii n:;y t the frit i ffutitiirt.in Nulpga, Sduui p.Cth T; aHhe- rcxi ; -i d that The chief motive of the pt'efenr is to ccm.ro'uricite.to you that H-4h-dff(pftt;ce. beTttTYcrMct-JoLtl e EtTpertr o reafon to believe their friendflvp w,ill m t a. gain dc inicriupicu as iu nim jiiui i i -may bw navigate theie feas fof the fp?ce of ore year without IVlcditcraceanEii,fles ' '--ajterfchich peric d tl iy mult be provided wiih. the fa:d protcttic :l - ' ;'JSrj-r- - ' INTER F8T ! N Q ' t N F O'RM AT 1 ON ' O F ,TU E S'l A'lE oy IRELAND. : Frona qurttrt on u Lub tU Bcitf,rs pUce By a letter U om Dublin it evident'' ap. pears the GovcrnnienuuterTainr . preei dons, as tojuye ! lately ' employ eiUhe ltj;di!T members t f. orpi-fi'icn to procure jn -interview at the Call.e witn the Cathtyic . to 1'tbVrty: : - t At tnis.mtaviey,- ft mewhsr T.ke terms cf capitu'ai'-oti, were i tlcicd to thcle they nivn7?6t1i?irttfaifth"rS frir ever : tl'it ike lira) ntfiitrne .it-feme fc " be this year s .wcL' 1 n i t d es rcme it .' Voth it a dclolatirn m pc fiihle to fee withltocd That a rt volt of thellavts hibflr riisppcneiorfQna 'f. y tar.s, Ky ill veiinre 't' ' to predict ? i.nd if itJJKvla happen on the if-: p lard, to wha:evr Ijurrpean iiaiioti it bei Icngs, the U'cfi '-India ijles xcill never .tflir be nUituted tor the trial ot -in - ' That the Senate of the United States fli-ill be com poled of two Senators from each fta'tc, choten by the kgiflature Uiereof Tor three ye:nsr and each lonatoi' have one vo'.e : ' ImTuediaiely aitsr'tlsey '. H he r-fieaib't'd in conltq j.eoce ot thc firll ? tttion, they ih ill be divided ayeq jally.' aa m y be into t.vree clalTe?." The "fs-iis of the fenaor-s cf the firft clafe ftull be vacated at the expiration of the firit year; the fecoad cia'.V at the cx;i? . ration of the feton'J year ; and of the' third clals at the expiration ot the third year, lb that one third may be.chofen at the expira tion o? every yeap" '""TVi"That no perfon holding the cilice of a judge under the United States, fliall be capable of holding at the fame time any'oihci odi'ce or appointment whatever." A motion was then mad? to amend the fa'td fefolutions,' by ftriking out - the whole of the faid relolutions,-and fubftiiuting Jn lieu thereof the folio inir ; r Whereas in all radical changes that may. . be cntcmp:Ved ,n tne conttitut:on ot a conntryi in fit and wile that the fame flnuld be publ.Ihed tor the confederation . of the community, before they receive leg.JL- tive fanftion, more efpecially It, when iuui radical chatiges'are propofed to be applied io cur preient ly'flem of Federal Goyermenf, . hict 's therefultof long and-mature in veUigatiori, and may be deemed a hap" iomoVomile of tlie Conflclinc intcttlts ot " fcnrrate and independent fovcreignties, for tne purpoic o nuiiiun. uiuu tuvm cetual union. ' 11 Beit RrfelveJt'Xhn the fnf 'her confider "ation6T tl c propfed anrendmcnt to the con. ft MtVon of the United States," be poltptftitd ui til the next meeting of the General Aflen b y and'that copies thcrrc f oe pritittdand d itribnteii anion the good peoic ct t mi com munweatthj for their ci n!idratuii." It paGcd in the Neitues. Aes'Sp iNoei 70. lhe hrlt relolution b.M.iiy then reai a third timr, was, on tne q leltin put tie rt upon, 'agteed tu by the Uoulc Ayes S2 Noes -al. 1 ' 1 hefecond, thirdly and four h refoTutions be'ng then rcatl amfd time", wcre ii the qicttion pat thereupon," agteed to by the houfe." 4 Ordered, That Mr. Taylor, (of 'Prince George) do carry the faid relolution to the Senate, and dclire their ccncurrence. N O IV F O I. K, r Dec. 7., , eflrs. Willett O'Conncr, 1 fend lOuanextraAof abetter hmhly ujurrfs Me h a l ate ul. jufttyf Since thi Uiitr was wVutcn v.o have loft our A m'ffican co!ct . . . ' -. ' , " 't' lt.i? insptflible here to avoid tumirg our eyes to the late horrors in St. Joinm&o. Tit. N E'W B E R N,' January "2-. . From a Ithuon feper- " .. .. , AT'lACK ON 1-rit KING. :JVi msjefty'i private coach j vas attacked, bfetwecn thep-'h-ccar-d Bu'rkiniham l:oul bv fix teen cr teventeeii 1 rntlian?, v ho ducd forth troni the rand tnoh. , A gentlenieu of the i)2vy cflice, who flood bv at the time put his hand into his pcfckft, and by an invci, luntary motion, cocked a brace of piftnis , which he lid with him ; but fttii g the hcrfe guards at a "cliftance, it ;rri;ncdiately oe'eufred ic h m that thtir sliittauce.'Xould be mcrV c flf ctual tlian hi ov 11, ai d he there. - fpre- ranwithVhiu.h.x'lt-ij.ttd --towards them, and brmii-ht them rb the rifcnc if ,' his fovcreipn : but tortbra ely his, inajofty's coachman had already extrua'ed tl-e earn ;ge frcm the irobj .and the;"ruffia-i -had joined the crowdj to as to icnejti it impctlU b'eto mark any oi.e of ttfem. Noihit g can "mere c etly prove he mi leve'lenr c fij r.r of the hiied nr'cfeavt in the p.uk, ihati the (Xchiiiiaiion whieh ifiijril from tbe n.ouths. of many. Ko-.ptuu f DwnvjitfrCecrgc" . .- : fiti mjf ity's body-coochmen cUt'nrrd, in his examin itiin at the bar of the hou'ic. bf lord,' ".hit he htd r.e'ver beer T frightened in his I ft j as he. was. w hile the mob wa,s prei- roiii'U. iffe (.ai 1 ugi tie was ft aihTTor 'they', dread JgM't meet'ng: of the citizeus of Dubhn ua pre p( feci, t which ' Mt lfrs : G rattan, . Por. I c 1 . by ;a nitCy r r en , '."detiarfd then hue mien, of atanditjg and eni ftnini! the i;rcti'ity tf PafliymentJiy Re- form, 'fr.c-j.ooLt ;on c;t tjtnt s, aiu m inort- cf every cthei lievaiVteif whi'i it hasbien anv wih iole to coiiMiiji-. .. . ,- - " ' The repe ahef tld'e j"enal laws hich Hill exi'd, was ( fl ud to the Cairo! cs, who, irU the tr.liahtend fp nt ot mttt d?iervng 10 be'frce, decided, thev n.idrow g'ven thtir cmai c'pticn op ihit iluy w'tie unaltcra. bly Jctermn.eci 1 eve r mricto n.tve as a Je parate body bin united and .'.ci tig in con. -cert. -kith' their utui.tiymtn- id r;te with them (itiik .11 their tun. ' j i-utt'tv'-h s htrei ir:toa dailc-D'.'asthrv were . . .1.1 . 1 i - lhe rt lull ot tte 1 e.ueratu ns was, tnat f0 tiilf of Ipti: s torerdtr hnn arrVfun nothing ce.u!d be dene, Ji: ccthc j -tople moiiUI five that he thcoid not bo abletofbn ti em ; no h;i g;r Juppe rt luth mtalure!, jtckiiig up I Srd U Was cqunlly afraid of'prelerving njs to thole of a.u.orc j4iitnztutc. ' ! ufual pace, left henrght cxp.-lc his love. "... v Frrpi a hte fwdw T rper. . rKcruF.cr cfur. sxcilet; (ll'iiliai a few math kftre Us Detfh.) ' (f alVtht kingdoms ot iiurope, 1" think cur own iflird in the greatett danger -rel. pe eling her cc!r n:es, ard in theleaft wiih rigarUtoher; lf-irs at home. At heme you l a. e a v w riiuica'iy uucoi;ter.ictj men, witn a vail ar d iii dotbtcd majority, who are tnvU tbi-01) at'ached to the prefenteftablifhmenr; in oor American colonies, we nny alocft la trej are all Republicans to a riian ; that tuthii'gbut the tie cf intcrclt, ar.dthewant of pov.tr tc llaidaUme; hat hitherto pre". ,lcitd t' em in their allegiance to the cror.n tf (ri at.Ur.fant, vhich, cu niat rely ur- f r t thy will tmlrace the f.rfe feit epportu rit) hji.kt t ror uouUnuth an event, in i. y e, be at all d.fadvantageous to tl e p-rrnt Itatr, ir to the cr Ionics them. feUes, jrovited it vere pc.iTib.'e it could hajpen ithrut kfi ard btooifflied cf wt uh I fesr, the relent fictk'U nifdom and u e deisnou, ou cither lice, can afford ls no terta'n afiurarcti To turn ourejesowai'ds cur Ir'fJ.fniTta I ijlanar, I ihnk the prolpea loi ks at alt more g oomy at d alarming. It has ever excited 11 y aftoiiilhtner t,, that nobody, either in Erglaril or the fe; iilinds fliould entertain tt e halt drcjil cr forecaft of the dangeriUs corf- quct ce ot introducing fuih an ioimenfe muUni.de ct Afr'cfi flavri into 1 htm, or the luulleftcompui (tion for the enormous wick, ednels ot the tf exaggerated as I. if a thoo. f.nd degrees, by beihg perpefrated by men whole nation let fo high p va'ue upon their on t.bcrt, at d ho pretend tofuch an a VetfioH from dtet'i cf cruelty. It we have no apprehtnftun of the veneeance ofdivit e InfCfcftingtb the navigation ct the United julUei lor the ountlers and hoi rid barbar States, if the contents are tAiei alio the iuei v.hich re toufl-nily exertiled cn the ...uwis wi vcprcicniati?cs 1 unicrLijc luuiu iloic coionici Uiii COTJ tc g'V to lt.il I mere lerinui drpgcr.'i The manner in v.-hich heflatfd his n barn-Amenr, dilplaycd the null grateful zeal, and the n oft feehng heart, 1 r m nni unirn not n t iifMinh Mi i h a co;ch, is fuppofed to have proceeded either frtm an empty hcufe, m vhich,.it was very extraordinary, at fueha time; that 1 ot a fmgle kul fbculd appear at any cf the v,ih- . dows of dfe from - dny, ot which fiord , a number of ill looking fellow r, apparently intent en mifdief. One cf the hcrfe guards was .o'pr id cut cowna 'man, vho'ni he conceived to hav$ rnade an attack enjhis foveregnj bat the -humane interpofition cf his maicfly, vh6 declared he wai not the pcrfon, faved his life. -;"' The troops during the whcle of the bit Cnels cn Ihurlday, conducted tlemfelvet v.ith thctitmoft prcnuieiy. - The leal ihey I chlpliyed inprotecling the perfJn of the king andirie conlcquent wcitare ot the nation, .refits equal honour cn 1 hem as meo and asfoldiers. The cnr.duA olthete bravefcU lows ninft appal thole mifcreants, whofeim. potent eiTorts have been vainly exerted to leduce thero frcm their duty j and mutt ren der equally abortive the attacks of a li re'gn foe, or the more dsrirg and dangtrcui at tempts of don.eftic traitors. Toe glafs of the kiri coach, hich wis perforated by the bullet, was taken out ac the houfe ot Pet rs, and is now at thefcreta rv's ol ftate'i office--a d tri dng proof of the aflatTm'a irf.-rral deCu I On his majefly'i retfrn to Buckingham, houfe, he exclaimed, with the coufcioufneft of mfalted virtue I have been, treated moft crue'y, and moflu.ideferteil 1" When hitmajeity entered tht houfe cf peers, the firft words he uttered creihefef to the lord Chancellor x My lord, I havc ihn utoT at.1