IT '. 73 i - i - v 1 J 4 1 WILLIAM HAWLEY, . ' MERCHANT TAYLOR; BEGS leave p inform his friends and customers, and ihe public in general, that he (till continues tbcarry ori his bufinefs in Middle StrecITTiea HrTppiofiTe-Mrr Jor fe;li O iver's Tavern, where he hat for lale a very hahdTbme iflbrtment of well chofet , Ujtly-. imported from M-WtYOR-K, ; S U P P L E M E N. T TO THE. , w r or . , , ; ITOTl 1' H.C A H O L I N A LA S Containing all the Ads oiAfkmbly both public and private, from, the - end of Judoe Iredell's Revilal to February 1705 - - b PR I V A T.E ACT S OMIT T S D IN S A I D RE, VI SAL , I . , AND-THK Newbem Pip-Ofae, Deo 24'. 1795- DURING the year 1706, the mails tf te United States will be carried, between thisar.d the. neighbouring Office's, as jfliows . Northern Mail. . ' ; From W amicetou - to Ntiwbcrn once ai 77.. . D . - i . VIZ L ACK, blue and mix'd co and fecond quality broad cloths, Superfine caihmeret, Elaftick cloths and coatings' Double mil I'd drabbs, " Fureft cloths, ,., ..., - Printed callimere veft patterns, Striped fwanldown do , PLin. ftrincd and nrinted Merfailics- . ' qu King, dtV. . . . J3l.ick latinets and laftirg', 'Ih, Worft;d ilorenihe. T Belt rwill'd thickfetand plain velveret, : Ked aiid black Rattiriet, .' ' .; Cambist ?n J durants, r -, ...,r ,,. Green baize, ... .. --: ; Meis hie patent worfted (lockings, . .P.airr, ribb'd, mU'd colour'd & black ' " do. - r' ;'' -7 ,r " i PlVm ahd ribb'd cotton djr . Silk plated do. ' . ' ' ' . , Irilh linens, aflbrtcd, Do. flieetinjr, ' : ' rslankpen? and fnftianF." -' - Bandano hanoktrchitis, Black Printed linen do. v . Mufliri cravat,. . ' A A handfonie aflbrtment of beft.g'4t& pla'ted coat buttons, Velt do. Black patent do. . Inipeiialdo. Bfack and blue princefs flripe do. Scarf twift, and lewing fiik afloaed, . White and coloured th; ead. As the lubferiber intends ni future to kecD a hand lome aflbrtment .d rier.', rear ing apparel, of themoft famionable kii.d, and alio employ ineueit workmen, 11 c nat ters himielf, thatthofe who pleafe to lavor him with ihvrcuuom ill receive fa tisfaCli. ort. Gentlemen w rid live any . d-itance in the country,' by once their mafurf, can at any tine . afterw-id?, sgreeat)le"to their ordcrtbe lupp'yfd in tne neateunian. 1KI , L " " w" " ' 1 , tion. 1 ' 9 Wanted immrdiately, tvo or thrrc foSer indultnoUJ louruevrnan 1 aviors, to j 1 which the highelt.waget will be given. December 5 1795. TEN DOLLARS REWARD. TD ANAWAY on Saturday night, the JL 2 1 ft ir.ft two apprentice boy, one named WILLIAM PROD ART, a Taylor about eighteen years of age, five feet two n . -I tifli rftmn'.! iir I r 1 1 ur iiircc jntuc lwui i ,v ' fhurthair: hehadonwhtn lie went away a long blue cloth coat, greeii "tloth -aift coat.brown trowku ana a new Jelt hat. The other one is name JA.VJE PROUART, a carpenter, about f.vciitecn yanof are, five feet high, very light coin- b ixion and Ihort white hair, he had 0.1 w henhe weut away a ihort blue tt at, white wa.ftcoat aiid flriped nankeen trowfers, and bohtook with tbema variety of other clothes They uere teen a few mile below Hale'ch five diys after they went awav, and it is fuppofed they are gone to Waightiltll Ave. .ryEfq. who is their uncle, or towards Man land, where they have relations. The above reward will be paid to any perfon who will deliver or fecure5 the faid apprentices 10 that the; tnay be obtained a. caul : or five dollars for Cither of them. WILLIAM HAWLEY. 10HN DEWE. N. B. All Mafteri of vcfTels.'ind others are forwarned from harbouring or carrying them awiy. STATUTES of GREAT.BRITAIN, (Lately pulWjhed, arid Ut b; had,-found fepa - - tiiiely or icgethc'rj . F. X. artin, .Ncwbern ; H. Wills Edenton ; A. Hodge's, Halifax ; J. Rolss Tarbon ijgh ; Will arm Falkhe Warren ton ; V1l1iam Shaw's, Raleigh jCare&Ray's Millfboi oirh Montfortl Stoki'sj'Salifbury, i; vTn, Alorf.antnn; Peter Perry's, Fd)encviile ;nd'- - Wilmington. week Leave Wafljington every Wednefday by 6 P. M. and arrive.arNe abcrn on Thurf- . F - v ' - - day by 6. P.M. Rcturhinz, Leave Newberri on Friday by 6 A- M.-arrive at on by 5 P. M. 1 ;-.:..'V: W ' -Western-Mail hlOfl t W l INDS R EWAR D. ' -IT) AN a vv ay from the lub. IV&t A, h naiiK u j.w:, ana tne f2-i3 vrafs riM fmall anrl pro - blatk, the Miow's birckis Viiy much marked with From Raleigh by bmithfieJd, Wayne (bo rough and Kinftpn to Kewbeni, once, i two weeks " ; - Leave Raleigh every other Tuefday by 6 A'rrrivfrwiFiher-nxt-Frtt by lo A. N. keturning Leave Newbem every other Friday by 2 P. M, and arrive ; at Raleigh :thc.riexclontlay by 6 P. M. ; 7 St ut hern Mail. From New btrn to Wilmington,, cwrr the w t.ip ::' ' ' '. . " ; ; Any ptr'on that will deliver the fa id ne- us itvine, i r 1c Utiireiht m that th m a 1 cet iliaU be eriuled'to-.tbe - above rewai c. Li'Liwhr?sih, 1795. . S. Jc'rncgan. IV. B All nir-ders of tflVls are u rv arh. ..rd frcm t r 1 y ihf m awa si d ot) ers frrni hdit vr vj'-nr emplcyu-o-them at their f t rl. ;' r (V USA L E, TIlF s jtiir.MO''( known by the name of j)r i t3 1jULLv, within egTi V miles tiui -1 nun, 01. 1 rem rotl, lately the j : rj er? v Antirt v Bland. ard, 'dtct zled. It t:.i t;s 1 ( ir.. Uw ,rnn'oitd and i;fty a- crest't id ii , . j) u h . jcveral lmab builumS cn difFcri n -us ' r., , tor teiiiu, 1 Jmcs Carney J'.uwaru Paltcur December 16. I lodge's KORih.C.vOLlNA L jr -a N-AT-Cr" 0R I 1F. YKAH I796. FOi bALB A l Till- ,t'e ICG fcY THE Di ZcN, ORHLtt. For Sale at Titr PpiNTiKcOrf ice, , A imali. pai c l or B O 0 K S, V Amonc which ari, MYSTERIES of U M.ncftke Wwld, Fraiuinf tticlreaty, Monarchy, t ' Guthrie' 1 Oeot'iphy, Mode's do. . ' Oj, io, ibiidged," Amrieio Revolution, Freoch Jo, CtU!iltn"i Anatomy, Life rf Dr. Funklin, Myihc Coitigr, Fitfidcni'i MclTgf, btaic luali, I If e of Dumcuilfr, H.inrr'i IflJ, r CritTft' on American com nerte, Thom)fon'i workf, M rror, Surrown if Werter, Mn of feeling-, Travcliof Cyiui, Koyal captrvei, Kuril walkt, Church prayer book, American war, afl of lore, Diilionan'ei, . two weeks. - Leave Newbem every ether Friday noon, xand arrive at Wilmirgtt'ihe next Sunday by 6 P. M. ' Retmmrg. L?ave Wilming ton every then Tuefday noon, and arrive at Newbem the next Friday by 10 A. M. ' . " Letters lent for any 0 the above mils, fhoilld be lent a quarter of an hour before th 1 1 n t departure. Dtcember 26, - v- F O R S A L E, ANEGRO WENCH and two Children: one a girl ten years old, the other 1 boy in his foorth year. Enquire of rhe PRINTER. December-19. T O B E H I R E D, . . . Half a dozen ot llronir N ECHO F ELL () W S. Inquire of Morfcur Fouchs near the Court -Houfe Dec. 16. -'-1 UNiTKO STA 1 ES OF AMLR1CA, 7 NOR iH CAROLINA DISTRICT, 3 BEu known that cn the 12th day cf De cember, 1 7g5, Jonathan Price. William jonnlon, andbrut.cois-Xavier Mcrtin enter ed in this office, the title of a map and pamphlet the right whereof they claim, as proprietors, in the words following to wit : A DE5C RIP TION OCCACOCK INLET, AND OF, ITS . CO ASTS7" ISLtAN DSpSI I0AL?7AND " ANCHORAGES, With the COURSES and DISTANCE?, TO AND FROM THE MOST REMARKA BLE PLACES, And DIRECTIONS ta SAllrovcr the PAR end through the CHANNELS According to the aft of Congreli, 9. ABNERNEAa, ClciW A few c pVs of the above mav be h?d at the Printiirg-Hcrr and of tor. William Joni-llon. price 50 cents. December 19. . Gibbcn'aburveYiftf, Cx't vie (Jibe U. 8. ' - Mapiof North-Carquna, Do. op the United States. Pec. 1$. BLANK S . Of all kinds for laJc at this tlGcc. - AN OVERSEER WANTED. THE fublcribcr willies to engage an O verfetr. ' Pcrfons who cannot bring fatisfadory teftimonials or integrity, lobrie,. and indullry, need not apply. R.D. SPAIGHT. December a 6. FOR SALEr A PIANO FORTE, encluire of the printer . i I 1 N E W B E R N, Prixtio ir F.X. M A R Tl N. . 1 .

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