I- I. v (VOL. XI. SAT U II DHiAFik C-Xo 526. ; : . .'W'e hue ample accounts of the operations i. 1 Germany," and one of theru in papers not ir.iKily to the ruling .powers,. (portjUtLrly; t'r'-rir' -W b raMcoiu) It appears bv thcr.i. - ' 1 .1 I'll 1 ,t . ur. the i fen ch armies, - bom mat or 1 icne p::j a;id lo'jrd-in have becnddejiteil, 'and'o- h.'rcd to-r.etreat," but 'not tq th extent- re-j-orted.'; The :i4yotlvnnilrians Is iviivr na'Teti the Rhine "A irarrjof Gene-. tlut th French are croff rg the Vr'e ; and ' toUkccrd, and pur'fnedthe French to Sicp. lt.ouf Ijis ca)i:f at Fen- I I'.tuwkd. .'dli Kmeri.hr 1 t. - FRANCE, njonrdan's'army trould the jRhine; near iojtcwz w'h'Iehe .red-' took rod at 'DulTcjU dnf with ' thc 'Tatention to maintain t.r.re. Didurbanccs hve-broke otrUotiy in i"ol 'hnd and Hi.Kaiiiault.' iSHirattqrfo ie1 i'ous. as to be- ttniiedln the- French papers -another Vender. . ' Thar reports of the pafTae of the Rhine by. "Aftcr;..a:4luid;ofrpiTrTiii.rrtla5n was pub I'.ii.td, yditrday n i rn't'g, vc rueiud by oprcis; tl.cP; i:s ji v.rrls hem the ?d to s 7th ji irth live ythe.icnterrtxof -v.Vcrr .c yerr the fill to k;y 1 ejere the public. , '1 he 11 :t eTFf eTce from Firis is vcry.ir.tcr.cil:- irr. '1 1 e !oj;cvinr are tl heads of it. , . J T -V'i ' " l ncnxnu;tr&oi tneiuprep govtrnmfrt or Exctmh c D l tftt r) v. ere eltcitd cn the hr&, ifrfiSD- and tvt as follou s ; . !' . ' Kail;el,:Frvt'idtnt . I rfcvclU'crc ieraUx. Letcurr.eur (of La M'anche.) t , -- - - ' -wj ndouieiutdtd ihei cdouhtsconfti t cd by'the French before -the bridge at Ncu ;i;'icd v.hcr.r thf rr ;yct-j-t-ijalnciiU4 tooyir tn thc Amlriansj of their having .tr.kcn-Col.ogt-he and defeated the French 01 tlie bevahs -of the Kobr, arelall evidently ircfou.u!c.d. : 'i he BruHeH letter .vbkh iTthttetl . the 3 1 ft -ofj October, ni'tie Park papet-cii.' r.day iuii '. lays, that the Auilrian troops were then f mr leagues from LV.eklorif, vhere 50,000 ' Kpnnblknns werCTead.'' to tr.eet them. 1 ha French. ;fere lforhig themlelvesn: that place by every means v,hkh art coUd .irpply a id reinforcements and proviuons were lent t.i?:n fr n the 1 ft bp to make jood the lots of thofe h:cinuj ten cfr'Vi'bya pre- cipit'ate - retreat, occa:i , td Jiy,imft reen tTtumtlarics. ' . - Ccn. Jourdan, the fa:n krtfr adds. Ird pflfed towards Uoivi, to take the nte: ar incafures to difco.icm the plans of tl e Auf 'tnans, who manifeded a' difpolition -lopais the Khin. '. . , ' 'The French General Marceau occnp:el a at Neuwied, beyond the Rhine j but this' it was thon-rhc, he could not lon prc- npd ten picles of cai-ifcTn.- I e took this : roll j aher';a.rc:;t :;;upht(r, having, mcde .the i .I rf cch retreat atrofs the Rhine in the ut , niGildiiordcr. . - ' V;y ' . DUISBOUP,G, Oct. 23. j : - -Ahhonh ftie rrecpkate retreat of the French is coiilirmcd; yet Ve crcaCured that ', it v, ;:s not occaf-tsned by any Itkli event as the'lofs of a battle. .'It was the. .rr.pkfn. arch of -n. Cla'rfayt,: and' tl e jditii'ns hkli he was on the pojit cf .taking, that obliged -ttieinrarea't. ' :-.- : ' - Carrot. Secretary. ' Tronve, ccnthictcr of tlic Monltcur. crln of Dciiay ' - rviin'fier cCJuuire cf thcliitfevior. ' : of war.; ' J foreign afTa-irsr- of 'tlx marine. ' - of tW finances. v: as elected a member of -the exe- cr.rve iihTcrorv:,' but dcckrxd ..accqt'.r.g the ' . ofike,- andCurJK c 'vva okctcd iu h's lead,. . . " Tt' is fa'd tluu Ch;:rette has been defeatcet r.nd killed bv Lnx he. ' 1 lie imrerk.1 chanre- IErFNIIM, Cfi. 20. Fcie.'eih, Cererul Dubayct; Cha 1) ehicr&r -- r--Adm'ral Truquct, v Guadin, bic I-aiL . r.ipht the imrerial troop5 threw-a umbcr-pi bojr.bi.. jito Manjielm which mi-J liui;cd leveral l.oules. It was apparently ccnluguouc to the Pr.riih thiirch that the fire - buril bm,---.ri'ok!ythe:-41ring:has- not- been kcaid, tut it v. ill probably bp renewed in the niht. . , . . . . - ! - - ' JManhcim, it is expected, will fpeedily be in poHeliion of the emperor. 1 he vail pre--. p:;ra'ons indicate fome vigorous cnttrjriv.e vmth will determine the lute cf that rarri Ion. ' --: ., b ' ry li'is crc!red- bVmonville, Bournonville,1 Iviaritand'th'edepuiies, to be let at liberty. AUiviIES ON THE IIHIFE. I The l"teft Par's pr.rrr dared the ;th Tov. j fays, the jreatc!!. uncertainty reigns rcfpetU 'n:rr the dkion of the r.ryr ot the .Rhine. f'-rve". A'i ehjMvrcmer.twas hourlr exrcxr- Ihetvod conlcdkUry rrj orts- ar6 tim' td, bur the 1 reach generals it is added, had ted. The'.fo crnmcnt prchrvrsa file: t ;kc: 'cry prcuaitioix to fcturc their retreat vjrkh 'tie mal c'o'us convert into a proof :ry prewriuion to iuurc t:.e;r retreat h ntceiiary.': . A letter fron iVlanhcim, of the :2th of " 03ober, fays "t " Every thing" is he re on chs " former footing." , Wc iljil retain our po.t, but there - is little, hope of .our renewing, the. co'.m.ruiivcat o:i bctv. ce.i our annyand that of the i ambrcar.d Mcufe, v.hkh is retreat, ingtowardo Cologne and I)ufieldor:f, in con fcljuencc of the Prtnnans not having dcfcixk J the:r line of debarkation.',. We are every d:y attatkcJ by tha Atnlri ans, but as'cftcn rrpr.Ue theni with lofs. In tlicir l.'.It attack, they have loft, fonic accounts fav foco, but I bebeve, adds the .writer, not lcU.llun 30CO 'men. , It was rrportctlat Peris, on the 3d, that . peneral "Hochc had fallen o.t the army of tha- 1 cite, at tiie moment vnen nc was endea vor.ringto for 11 a juniVon with fome troop; i iri .b.irk'cd front the Ei'gli.li licet ; th .t Clurctte had been dclcattd, and hlmfclf kil. led. - . One of the Pari pipers ftntc!, that the port uf Li&on is blcxkcd tip by fome Fmuh . Ibips of war. ,T licy add th.it a p ; ce i, ncr Lci'igtonJuilcd between France and Fortu- . Thc fup;le BarrcrcLbllcTcapcJ from t;c plutc of his conlhicmcritr -" P.ithc, Ponchottc, AuJo'n a id ilie o?!:rr Jacob?n, tried by the trimlnal trbuml of the li'rct, have been ac piittcd an Irtlcjfcd. The death of Merlin of '1 h'.onvilk is ton .tradUlcd. Forty n'nc fail of vciuls of tlie captured cd tcrr.inc4: hect, inuuJ;:ig the 1111.1 oi war, Isthr su nber which ilw Courier Fri'i to'.s an arP.o.rjtkal paper, rqoru to have c.ucrcd Cad r. : An article fron Mrntr., dajrj-O. 25, HyMhat ati rfli:fctte from Ccn. CUlrfayt u informed our go crr.or, tltat thcFrcnth v.crclicatcn o.ui.r . i8ih trar Kit; that Ehrcubrcliitcki haibccn del. vert J froni ficgc, ice fof Such bc!r'- the lkte the thr'r absurd run-. ours cf irfonmi'tiou in Prrif, v.e tat'net :zd?: urafTlnpnr'dcT; U, nut "they ;irc bed tlv. I'rcr.ch jvrnr.ls crrblc v 10 lay be .fere the r.Vi; atld hey rrr JitTn cnt f(;r fcniiiig a ; rncral jt'dn tni of ih.j uindltioii cf the rq.uiilkanscu tl-c Rhine, tltougli the voatcrialsare fo ( ontradklory, that a partial pcrion may Si : ! e::oMjj;h 01 which to found a reprefer.tat'cn favorable to e'lher n..rty. , Jourd;n's Army. DTi U S SELF, Cc7o.hr 27. - Thr army of thcSambrc and Ycufr, un d?r tiic oi d.rsof general Jourd.ni, tontmucs it rt treat ;, oncprtoi it has alcvdy rcroC fed jIxz Hiunc in the iKkhhcunb' od of Co. blc-,::z, lionn and Andcnudi, and anodic r part directs it fell' toward', Dut'VldortV, whirr it appears th cy wi:k to tiuima'n themfche s. 'i hat thy is in the bed l'.ate of def nee- 1 he M A N.II E I M,. Cd. 28. Every thing remains here cn the old foot, ing. In the kite nLagcment with the Au Ilrians they loit 3CC0 men. 'i here rema n btile hopes of rur being able to make a junction w itii thc army of the am-, Jiiaand'th? Mculi? . ' ... v. 1,. c' . l.'y the preceding Extracts will appear jhat our former account of yowr V.w's army, was cOrrccr. . T 'o. general erg tgement had taken place between h'm and Ckrrfait; but Ids r.rmy making the'r rt treat, Tiave" often . had'dttach'ij tnts eiigrgfd in very fevcretcn likts, any yet he bas-inaragcd the retreat of . the rtprihl ians fo wtll, th;t he has ni;de it ' dt-ubtud whither hcintend d re-ciofiing the R !?c. I ' c has kept the Aullrkins in uw c whdc rct'ring. , . I he a t(unts rcfpCclirg Pitlvegni are of a much .mere unfavourable nature to the French. ' '1 he account dated Heidelberg, CClobcr it)t wh'th is tranilaicd from the jcirvi LL Pi.rki Paris paper.", ai d is to a tcriain cMcr.t corrol utatcd by. ill cf them. Rut it is to be ebftrved that it was"origin;dly a Ctinian acccmit, and has been top'td into the French pnprrf. VEdAr of the 17th irilant (u.ita -.s.tlie rrt'tlc dated Manheim tie 28th whkh incfrcclly tonlinns the 'ik feat, but t:kcs ro roue of the other dunnirncinumiLi'. tts, fo that vc.n:ay pre fuu.c tl at i'.il.e'-iti has bicn defeated, -i (Viltrians arc alrtv.d,' at Dcnl.Junrdi l'u j .bat jVauhtmi ir.t:ll lurrculcr. lhus the dn-.! at Marhcim. w.th bis Ft t niairr, I u tr. t;ons oMhtvFrt; th on thcripht bat.k of ' ' ...... ".it. II n " lm tS ,f tvM1 nif hf':nr teii-ble v ill he cva ' j - ' - ,j j tinte d. 'FliC luadquirttr of the. army of ti e ba .tbrcand the Mtufc are removed a trofs the R bine, and cltabl ilcd at Uonn' '1 lie b 1 c arlcry are rqviirn the l!:::ic, lind the Frctiih arc fdl.ng all the tv us to prevent them fro-n falling into the ba-.d', of the cne ny. 15y the movements of the A dn.fi army, it appears their intention is to iollo.v tn ,'urofs tlic Rhine ami tarry the theatre of w; r to thufub. But every mca Vi:r?of d feme t.dcn to prevent thenv.' i he left bank U wc'l lartcd v.'th artilUry. Troops arc d.i!y piUmg through th'u town to reinforce die armies on the Rhine , LIMDOURG, 023. , On tlic 2cth, general Ibddkk advanced tne ii hi; c, arc tomr h trly t!c dro cd. ' lie Ani r'a . t ops tm. n cnd.d by gcntral Clair-. fa;t, arc tnly at the d Uarccot lour leagues fro a I - n' lUV.i Ji, v here 50,1x0 Picpub1. cans rrc tit tcrmincd to d.iputc th; ground with the enemy. Agrcst qtiant'ty i f artilUr and tmn.un t on of ait kimh hak Lccn fent from the left Iwnk ol the Rhine, in order to rcplatc the artilUry loft in the precipitate retreat. Central Jourdan, who lo.nmands the San brc and K.cuic rmy, has returned to Uoim to take all the dcfmlive tneafure. dic tated by prudcmC, uidtoilf.ippcintthcj.ro jctls ot the Aullrun gn crals, who rppcar dlfpofctl toluiiard tbc p.flagc.of the Rhine. ' AlX.IwVCllAPELLE, CV7. 24. On tbc 2 1 ft and 2 2d the Auftruns puilicd -4. 4 .,1 f! M IV::- 4' V 1 r 1 1 ' t 1