their pitrolestb Seigbcmrg, Duytz arid MuPIt heim. At Cologne. ValcnUor, bonn-and Coblentz the French broke dow n the bridges. The French Hill occupy- the ports -of-Caub and Branbach on 'the right' Cde the Rhine. They alio have the -potts of Kaiferfworth and jLuiiciuorii. c-is reporicu mac uu fvum uui corps having attacked me; are. tnrowing up frelh works. '? : ' MONTEGO.BAY, Jam.. December 19. 1. y i'd, ' ' . ' ' -, ". " Wedr-cfJaymorninfTieut. aJked them. wftytKey d'd not tome-in ? To whiciran anfn erwas returned, that if one of tfle officers would advance without arms, one ot themocraTneeThun. Comet Verse in- ftantly dsl fo,. and was met by Shawe, one ot their raptams,' who, .agreed ttv go to lee . General Vdle, if an holtage'was left. A Serjeant W the 17th was ferit to them and a truce granted till the eniuing niorning. I) u-:;rha'g- nie'lM.Qntaigic ' J nmes, ;ParVmfeni mond, with a detachment of thei 6th regi- .nient, Captv Findlater, with 70 militia and. -; 48 black-ihot, under the command of Meffrs -. M' Lean, and Fearifs, marched "from Port -Auguiius, -and explored' the woods tor a 'Ma roons fettleviient v. hich they had received in formation of. They attacked from teii to thprrr o'clock w lien the "black-fl.ot, who led, fur--yn.'M .two of the Maroon Centinels, .one g whom? notwitntlandino- he was' wounded twice by mulkctryj 'Vaaintairted a conflict with one of the black. Ihot, each oppofed to the 0- ther with muikets, till he fell in the combat, and his head was, fevered from his body. 1 he party conceiving they we're near the fettle inent? immediately ruihed on, and gained a height, ' where they were met by the Ma roons?from the oppofite lide : a-briik fire' " commenced from both parties, which lafted, without intermiflion, for ten minutes, when the Maroons gave way. Ihe Maroors gradually retreating over precipices,, and pof-" feiTing naturally the advantage of fituation, were neverthelefs purfued ; firing on as ob jects preferited themfclvcs, was kept up till 5 o'clock," when the lire on their part ceafed at. In purfuing the Maroons, a great deal - cfbl6d was tracked ; many w ere feen to fall, and a Cilmarnock cap was picked up, with a (hot hole through both tides,' upon - the ground w here the hnng nrit began fhid day kghtlalled, in all probability ' a complete v defeat might have been the coni'equence but their inatefiible fituition and our unfortu nate lofs of three regulars killed and two wounded one black-fnot and lour wounded ; ah attention 'to the deceafed j - -and aire of ('. 1 ... : on. i he deceafed v. ere interred ; ?nd the r wounded, with all the!r, arras and 'ainmuni. - tion, after rciting in the wqcmAV that ni'ht, the and one two others fame in, and coriVerf- iu vci y r, i vo 01 mem wuncu to eu- tertiito-aeatyTbut-ncM;hingetvervas- agreed on, th General being at Moco ; they accordingly joined their party Li the morning, -arid our hoi rage returned. - 'I he only lofs f at tained oh our. iuie, was , that of tliree dra goons killed. , Report fpeaks very highi praife ot the galbntry of conducl: lhewn in this action.; .bat. particularly- that of Cornet Edwards and Verve. . . It being intended to : ft?nd a party in the woods with provifions for Five days. LieTit. Lambart of the id Kinadon grenadiers, was ordered to march from the Great HouSs at Grcejv.yalfi,- with twenty men, to Spring Vale Poll? to receive his-provil,ions oh 'I hurl day raorni.igtit : five o'clock! Juit as he was .'e:i'.n;;; our, the train houfe was obTtrved to be on lire he inila'ntly went to render af tida nee, arid in hi& way met Mr. Buchanon, theovcrfoi'r y.ho with d'.lticulty made his-ef. cape, fuTerin the.n to cone within twenty yards, .luupo.mgtltem to bsTour bl'ack lhot. Heiiifonucu, the iiril party were -about twen ty men .arrned, but; that there !se're many more, with them": oil Hieut. Lambert's cet tmir near the tralh houfe, in addition -to were l..Iciy c; rricd mto Port Aucullus the i ufiliers ; ai d a private of the Chren- con brown company; killed. Lieut. Crmp-r bell, of the fame company ; an oflictr U tl.e brow ntompany from -:t. Ann'; McCVt. A; kin aud Lee, . of the Irelawny CrenadieV; ; antf ; rivatc: of the Xtotilo.l5rp:acoii' pan'y, wonnilt."-- - .T : 1 ." " ''" " "v ':; " 'T"v : in the .-xourife jc theion, from 8 to 10 of the rebels were killed on the f J ot, and 7 therckeryiabil tcV fuppofe, a-raany- ounded. The arms of thole killed they a bandt ned, and fiume of them were brcutht -inr rAt an ulLtTvar"cnrmrthe enaff c trerrrr- n n 1 the "Pvlr6oris.TiaUed the party in a civil ' ncr, and toUl them that Col. Hull had Ucn? there the day before, and promifed to n akc peace with" them t. this, hocver, was r.oi believed, as it was jmagmed it was only 4 j fcheme to get an opportunity to cut them olf. By a letter received asthis pap crwas go-.. ing to prefs, from .authority, that the ci:-. gagement bcteween Lieut. Col. Stevenfon 'and the Maroons, as Hated above , that nine of them w ere itfeertained to be killed their. e?rff sre cut oiTaud brought in, with th'dr arrr.s a-nd ammunition, 'l he latter helor.g ir.gto our party, were alfo fecured, but the more immediate care of the wounded, .which was tw o officers and lour rank ar.d. fde, pre vented the dead being brought aw ay. V e have alfo received a le ft r f 1 c m a . ri ..vate hand, which favfi. "F?chvs ft en ci e . from a Regular to' a Militia ( 'fficer, ir.fcrm- . ing that the Maroons, to the r.u'mber of 1 14 had lurrerdercd to the peft at lent lVivcre, and that the General (Walpole) had agreed to fpare their lives, and provide tor their lanu'.ies as might be herealterlettiea - which? the curing, boiling, mill, and over- by the King cr Airenibly. A confirmation fear's hiui"s,. were thea 01 lire, the maroons I ol the above (which we tfult may be depend ed on) has been brought to this place by one of the Ivirgilon id Grcfiatiiers. , " ? dikoverevl him and his nartv. and" iritantlv . giving the al arm, that thi " Buuira was' co'.he," they rerrs-tted tiring, feeminglywhh. , an intent to thc-pl.u tdtr, with wlvch the'' had loaded a-hirce iiumber of - barEe negroes, they 'had .with them. A fmart rir rintr c(.TnV:em.ed on t.,e:n by a, few of tbc par ty ; the reuiailer being hnf in cxtinguilh--in t the hre's, wh en was luckily el?;t?d. '. The waroo.ii got up t'ue hill , lea ing a , coti-jdsra- " blcrlSare o4 the po'i:io:-ts tiu iud .taken 0:1 the ro vU-v , 1 he Ir.u .t rci uvy wer j m, on pa"aig vp, the hAl, left them fo much open,. LP N D ON- tuat no uOit 't mai'7 o hi act, it ij uuceccimrmcu.o nexir.oming. ; The behaviour of the black-lVot on thisoc cafion is highly commended by the oilkers of the party.- ' The h-rad of the Maroon ccnt'incl who was killed was brought to? his town on Tucf- day night, and has hnce been publicly e:;pof cd. , The mu(ket he po-TciTed was one belong ing to the 8 jd regiment. i hurfday. morning a party of the Maroons fct fire to the trafii houfe, took 1 00m, .&o on Green-Vale clLte, m 'l'rclaway ; the Kinfton Second Grenadiers immediately re- pr.ircd to the fpot, with whom the Maroons trie.ii wtre w ounded. l)emT found covered in tile adacei.tbul!u es, with his arms, loaded, Lvini: Lv his iice. ti ' A better aceount -vculd have been given to them, if the whole party had been in the action,, 1-ut two th.rdb at leaitwere at enuipp; 'to preltrve the cil.ue above nicntioned , L?it aturday morning, a party under the command of L'eut. Col. Stevenfon, if about 1 20 men, marched from Dromily to Green vale, lrom whence they traced the ftens of the Ma ouis vho rade an attempt to burn r.roperty two d jys before.. They co;it'mal their all that d ly, and in the even. - uvn 'M ''nou1'1 tic.t morning proceeded farther into the woods, anrccably to the Itcod two e)r tluce rounds, but then made a drection of.Uicir guide, and furprifed five precipitate retreat, leaving a great part of 0f their tentinels about 11 o'clock A. M. the plunder behxe.... tcmc ot them are lup- v.ho wt hrcd i t, enc of them was wounded, pofed to be v ounded. Tw o watchmen are and they traced 1:1s foot lien by blood. Their faid to be killed? and one was found in fudi ru'uJe having prtvioufly told them they a muation mat nc cannot iurvic. imreu wouuicome 11:1 w;tn tneir ;.uvantccl tuaru. j- ... 1. ii 1. . ... . -j ' rcalon to believe tnat tncie reoeis nave been the irebwny Urcnadicrs and i ulihers be . in the nci'jhbourhod of Mount Lebanon ax:u 1 Ing in front ol the baggage, immediately Juty r.egro ground ' llrA crr more I ' 0 n Tne fday hit, fone juilice cfficers went ro frize upon the goods of a . tavern-keeper at Chelfea, but the brewf r claiminghis pro perty, they w ere obliged to retire ; howe ver, the houfe was not yet rid of them, w hen !o I one c f the gang fpicd, in the cellar, a, guillotine ! 1 he machii.c is compkte ? 1 he a:.e weighs 74 jcuuds I v . - - Ire 1) ernt cenouneed immaliatflytne: FALMOUTH? DeccnJ:r iy On Frklay Iaft, a party of the 17th dra poons, conCling of Cornets Edwards and Wcrce,' with Ji;ty.four men, and fifty of the 6ld, the whole under the command' vi Col. Hull, marched early m the mornin and at alwut one mile and a half from the ad vanced port in the cock-pits, came up.w hh a Maroon Ccntincl, who immediately nrcd ; It was inllantly returned by the advanced guard who fliot him, and rudiing on came up with the mtfii bodyV thc aclion became general, ar.d aftrr a (ho t but fmari firing, they re t fated into a gully and fbckrd tine biir hts. In atompliihfogtl.ii, thry left twelve of their rnrniillcd ;rnd after UoVmg their horns for foac i3zcf Cgrnct Ed -id advanced and marched after them as far as the runcdnefs of the road would admit. After Soliowing their track about a mile, they d'feovcred them in anibulh, and the nrir.g immediately tommenced, which continued very brifk for. nearly three tpiartcfsofan hour before their rear divuion tould come tip. . The fire con tinuing at intrrvjls till half pad four o'chxk in the afternoon. Finding night coming on, and the lofs bcinc fit killed and five wound ed, it was judged proper to retreat to lave th wounded, which they cfTcclcd fcbout fevrii o'c!cxk, P. M. and rega:ncd Tacky's Bum, but were obliged to leave the dead be hlinl. ' Names f)f the pcrfons vho unfortunately w ere killed and wounded. Capt. Dunbrr, t't. Ann's detachment j tcIrs John Cfkorn and Hugh M'MuldroM, Trclawny, McCii. Suiith and Halnflcy, of kit, and in.n tdiatcly was that e'rer.dful iri- Hruir.cnt of death fent for , and dep'ofittd in the fcerctary of date's office , and a women, who the only livir.c foul found on the ' place, underwent an interrogatory, that tail ed two hours", but ll.c could give noinlcr maticn rcfpcwting the ruillotine. Ycfterday aeounfel was held at Whitehall ; the w oman was again interrogated, bat in vam, and the guillotine was ejipoJcd before the ot his niajcfiy. It was a difmal fl ew ; the duke of Fonlar.dlccVcd wild, and lord Mansfield cried out O Louis ihe fix tctnth !. , . Lord Spencer trembled. Mr. Dundas and lord HawLxHcry lifted up their eyev'to heaven. .' That detail is undoubtedly allonifliir.g and dreadful ; but what will be the aftonill.rociit of our readers, when they will learn that that gu'llotii.e had been cocRructcd by Ar. Rccves order. '. ; True it is, that in the winter of 1793, Mr. Ilctvesinorilcr to animate the gooti nr.turcd and foft hearted EnlUhmen againfl France, ordered that guillotine to be mad at the cxpe nee of the government. It wa expofed at Dow ns,' the printer, near Tcm pic Bar, where, for thefake of diverting ant inftrucT!ngthcby.lt3ndcrs,thckingofFranc was rr.oft dcjttcroufiy beheaded, for the mo derate price cf one 'hilling. The owner o that gu.llotinc has travelled every where, t exhibit the humane fl.ow, ar.d when the in Ilrument was no mere produclh e of lucre it was fold for i rrifTe, and throw njpc rehanee into the cellar of the tavem-krepf r. Du ring the interrogatory, Mr. Dundas hasdil tov cred tw o very fufpicious countenances. ift. TJic landlord l ad abfcondcdj un dcubtedly letm;fc he waseonfcious ofh t rime, and iuiluiatcly conr.tficd w ith the Ja cobins. '