? 1 - !'.f ,f o I- 1- f. u rl a Lord Spencer r.bfcrved, however, that he" nt:ght have concealed himfelf to prevent be-' -iftffior his debts,, but he wasuotllf.. tened to. id. fhe woman conkjTedthat arreat ma- hv people, frequented 'the tavern, wire h fnf ritiently evinced v thut'-thergTribrrgj a: tiub" bl blood-thTily Jacobin. I , -'.'--'a" ;,.VLorl-Si?eticer aflivd Vhether thole 4ieri" rei-c iioi ih-cintonitrs of the houie. fLhi;j , their power to contrbute- totliEteo? arid vo nan was forbidden to ardVcr. ,i , . . intents of the United Staifc4lnsuch pre- y'luiiuiiu ne n.m nn. i reiitnminuations-Hbesfid -. : - - . - . . tainlyiIfitf fcrthe Untied St aTesf d keep r to be refpected ; other w de, as 1 obferrej- above, there isnolecunty tor-our extend. sd comn lerce. ... 1 1 would be .necelTafy that of die abovecet t w o frigates, two brigs and xvo.ithooner!,- be at tiuies at -Gibraltar, Ca diz, 'Pott: Mahon,; Genoa,:&c. L The explo ring; the MeJIterreneau, -and doln-r all in Cfr.':?r io. The guillotine h:u juii been 'committed to ?ilaji.-i'ofth'c Glare market. Mr. Reeves J o'dl'r lvc'o; liants in folcmn Trioitrnino-' v, i .-.juration.. ;: . ddired objee and our" extended, co;im?erce in mr.j;e ample amends tor the expence of keeping this '"licet " and depend on it, . with out them we can have no real fexurity. J i1;.;: at. the i:ulo i,efe ; they, were ; rcdeeni; the'eaptives immediately ob-: ui.iii.i iiic , peace; uut as loon us colonel Humphreys .arrive' at Liilon.- he will : faci litate' their ranfoni, and they will return-toV tne.'i: lrieuds, tamnies. and connections.. . Contidefing the, I leditcrrenvan' to' be e qlial to one third ofiiurope, our opening Uiis advantageous arid extealive comviierce, will very loon reiniburle tile United "Stauvtor the money expended oil this fcuiir.eisi ; l lie vci l'elb of the United States are free-in theMe dlterrfneani -at prelerit, Avkhthe'Algcrius, and will not:; require; pal&ports-uutii the cx j;rationof 'o:lc,iimar-yea ports ihould be couipletelydo:.e and cut : trophies of die marine arms Jbi . the United States. You may denend. that h;:d not Mr. pDonaldfon Aieceulcd he. did, I had my tcars..th.it the rortuviieie would have been admitted on favorable terms, h order to fur prife the negleillul Americans.-' 'lhe Uni ted States.lhould put no deoendance un Pnr x tugalj.y, hd thrcuph j ohcy and neceiiity mint be iubierv:er.c to. the views and mm cue's of the Uriti ;n and tnani'h court's. w i " Colonel numphmi) has been and is the Kfe and icul of this burins ft , .which' ofens ttie iied;terrcnean and exiKcatcslroai iiave c:'u:e uo .ore. ihehu'tredx of the people a p..ir,.; t!. i'renh. ..' V A- ;t lV(3T1'etJ to Vlitchall,thepeo-ph.- ; vivrTi tht-r . k was intended for Mr. , I-;iUy:,io;-d I Aurubp.r;ouM-, Mr. .Dtindas. or l-. VinlU -:;n;-. A very fatlsfaclory anfwer wcV vauvi, tfctTfaarroF all die ininii- .: - ' - . . , ' r . - - b J 1 ; January it. xira-. -:y littr from '''rrtLi.t '-Li- i vA flie r.ct rrr.ew it, if we rcnt'nue ours ? Can we complxn if il eTl ould? Ard k ihtrer ien in ca'ibify in gtrtrhyrio yurstsajriendin BU L ls .i 9'A'cr. 1795. t ----- --v-4 uijwi .v'lijl J 4UU . anu h Iritrids, that 0,1 tbe 5th of Septeui- rrr1ohph l;nJd:on Ep the Uii.tcd tate COilCiudcd ' 't.kX.Nr 1111 L11L - JJfand lic.xy o: Algiers, to the furprile anJ-iorrow-oi-o'ar. j oUtal enemies; , '" tJn.the 1 u'.iS:uhiUr I failed from A..crs, arri-.ctiv;t Mai tgaori the i9th,,and Ca -ic oy lar.d t-o L-ibo 17 carwd with the ' patches of 4;r. Hon ddn vto chr eileem ed country . i:an Col. ij'imq.hreys, who ? am h-rry was ub ent, haing -gone to Peris to iu-,c;t tne miiucjice of the -convention to wards obtaining a j.eace with the AVerincs, ' vox . exprcling Air. Donald' on would iuccccd --Lat-as colonel humphreys has heard cf the. peaCe taku place, he w ill ihortly bg at Lilbon. ,' . . . ' ' 1 he m'0 i"-hc chriulan nation at pe-acc ....w,,,vc uie,unitea itates lire CTTOUt Hit r-rtnH -Tt'-r T;v.T:i.i':- t: .-? ry the titrensoi tJie Umted ta -cf pofnion .-and-it'-M fniV-,l,r,w u,j 7ir ; , 1 ' . Viimuiuil IlilU llUt cotamcd peace in the manner he did, be af. ' lured that the United States would not for rnany years have an opportunity to have tf fectcd u--and the lonoCr the adair vx aspro- ' ' longed the more ddlicult and exorbitant tnej demands 'lhe Dey ar.d Rt..vC1.cy would not adaiit the captivtsto be redec-M'. t Junucr the enormous lu:ii0ffour hundred th'juland Mexican tlollan. . . "v earc at ixacewlth .nnrr ,.1 Dry arul liconuy of Algicr but we have .toouram a?euvrw th 1 u rn, 'I ripoli and the Utto,-.ia 1 empire; wahtke. latter die 1 rertn imUicncc io the Un tid ht; t(. '1 h 1 have uuny corfair -1 believe 1 2 U ; ihry sre oltcn .-u f,r to B.dona! A - -tail, tarr:uger.af Port Malwn, and Y. , vita; t.iercloie thcco.umcrcc 'of the Uni. ted fctatcs !:oj!d be properly nW, lor. , it any Aiucr.cn be t.ucu by the Ti,:;iVai , iMvill occa!;u 1 ihir tenn, to bs ;nad,txhor' buant; a.id 1 tuinl; lUc United S:.,tc5 will li..ve to rnc..'i.jfcr mere djtuius th.n are Xradyio:i'.de!cdi)f. , OntoloncUIu nphrey's arrival in thin v 11 be wan in- toward fadLtaJi. a ,cc rur toTurs in tne Meditcrrencan.-Vvh n tic United taics nrcat peace with all the Jarbary Hat es and nur colvun free, w e mult J.avc from three to five hurcd fail clmcr. mtme,,HthofVfra. vJncafc cfanvlhd. den dalurbancc itl, any t hat fcluiuy r.w t.iiS extent r, -,,t ... 1 "" ""u "'cKsdyiuarto'i mV emergency, , , or J0 M 0f "j?-' " , imjGcct U , , . , , ' v tl the W' rr f t rii m rimr ,,f 1 ,- iu.uv uuur io.vns 1:1 tac itatc ot J ' " " '""" jjcuteis oniy irom lia3read--and-rt rreu-to-t he-'l J-lhiigpcr-ticrceOii e- commer.e and lnanuukture:;. vtr' olLcr article of our cominerce Dritai. 1 11 . . 11...... .! 1 1 N E V D E R N, February 11. Congrfs ot'the United Mct;.s. luofdav,' laiiu.trv 26th. " "A'.'tncmorial U o:n the inhabitants of Lari l'nburj;, and i'o.ne other to. vns in the itatc of iS, tvJLorlv-waa coiiimlttee of Mr. tamucl Smith re d a relflut,o:i for d-.rr cting the-committee Ut named, to it port wn.uur any, and .tuny, what altera tiuns are ncctfiarv in the r.avi' -atiun Lv Mr. i mi: a next Liiortili d the ihy.Ut as fo!lo 5 : When the proi.tr Vuu'e frail nrrivc 11 win m j ruuent, 11;. 1 on.ake it the in terei! 'of all nations to meliorate thcir'dipart- ment towrMiilie Unntdbtates. ad. loin. tluce well d.'joifd nations to acrt favourable low.-rds us m their cummercU reirulations. r.Titl 3. To toncc't poiitive evils by indirect means, where i.i iuu i.ee nUrams us from di- rert meafurc:. l he rrcfent time when the inlijh tr.nts of Europe, with whom wc hac die pntt it relation, ere on the eve of a ' j race, ;ippt ars to me proper to confide r ihcfr.rbjuts, and 1 have therefore thor.trhtU my duty to lay before the houfc thcrtfoUu' on jult read, that gentlemen may dirccl their attention to the pro4 ri ty of rrpcalin that part of the laws, whiJi pays su extra duty ot 4. j eems 0:1 forcin tomiar,(, and of one tenth additiuiul duty 0.1 ik ihiried in ftrrijrnftwps . Srlh dnto are in fact coin- i;:crcsal v,;.r; and w;ll l! luWmttrdto by na tions m compet-.t on no lunrr than your foiii tf.rrcc is hdipnilicajit. Frjncc rtfti.tcd it in Ijyi f at w h.kh lime fl.e employed but fci ur, of iu'ppsnto the Un ted States, and fh c p-ud a law, 1 aylng leven In res per cw t. ex tra d ity, mi toh-tco imported in American fi ijr. i h:sw;irquJ to tf.Jtu llrrlin tcr hu.jud, when ihc whole trcht.was but iyb. per twc. Thu fi e ircured dieearrbgc of 40,000 hoHhrad of lohaccu t.) Jlwr o.'.'n :hpi. lhe llrolc waiii.iifred.au 1 iVlu Our fmpMVcfc thrown out ot'tli- trade, a. :d in 1792 there tuirrcd ir.tct t ur porti, 24,017 foniufFrcneh'f. ipp .inurcalccf 1 5,076 ton in o:tt s cr. C.fi u jIukc iwve" ccr- pdlei I r-Liu to fufpeuJ that L.,, b-jt good gi eund to fear, that f!:e will extend her extra duties to rice, Uiii, ' lumber, and other objects of et-ionation, aid thus le cure to her' fi.-ips the carrying of all the produs cf ths Umtcd States, that il.o n.ay have occafion ior ? It ull be remai kedthat the French igoiwls impotted to -ikO-d-Statcs are tine; and would enq Idy but Jew lhij s. ' But thoic frem Amcrica tb Fraie are bulky, aric wtuld employ aieat LUmbtr. Mr! jeifericnlay that in i 7e;2, v. e employed n 6,41 o tons o? fhippir-g to Trance," almoit the whole of which advantage will be loif Hpie ile flould countervail our rroduclive dufties. v In 1 79 1 die merchants of Liverpool com Fiuu:sy. uu.i qui protecting dutS) had ' criaV " bled' Us to monopolize the who' 'nm,Wf: - trade between Crcat Britain r.nd thp f f.,';.fi- " ... - v,w lilVVi r bta, es, and prayed the king to take rneafures of retaliation. The fubjca was iubmitted - to fome merchants oY London aud Briilol who acc.u:efced ia the fact, but gave their advice '' ' avramlt violent ; rneafures, CNprefling fheir ' -hope ; thauh evil might.be rcnoved by a- -tmty of commerce. In the late . treaty w ith Cfet Britain, ilie hasrefeh- tberfelf the' .rightXountervail, and bound us from hyinc ' ,auy new: duties on her pipping. Mr;lSpea -er, i feV this countervail.;; It will be made it lier ditretion, andmay or may notbeiiut. lfuv.jutt, it will be ?n endlefs fecne of ne-gcci-tion arid inifunderllaiiding. But fup. ' pole. that. Great Britain in ourown won's ' lay an extra t'uty of one tenth 0:1 gcods.im-- ported 111 foreign vtflels, what will be tie eomcquence r W hy elitctually to fecure to herfclf the cxelufJyc carrying' of all our rro- ducts to iier marKets.Foriuitance, thedu ty on tobacco hi Great Britain ir'abou't fifteen pence I.erhng per lb. One tenth additional ' to be paid by our fnips at three halfpence. per - . lb. 1 he hoglhead on ''an averarre 'contains 952 !b. which will make the extra duty a lnoimt to cl i3s od iierlino- tipr hh.l pays a outy bf leventeenMiiillings aud.four pence per cv t. in Britain. Sunpoie the tierce of rice to weigh 6j2 lb. the duty w ill then be ' 2l 71 8d ficrlinv One tenth sj;d itcrlir.gper tierce, if the rice is import- (Ulli;1'1 - iiiJtncau veuci, when thetreioht of k 1 .rin i havitig the rigl.t, v. ill make their countervail Inch as to fecurethccam fnrr thrrrnftiA y q w own iliii pmo-. Havimr oricet.nlrd if they v. illnotrelinquiitheadyanta'eesi Tor tugal alio con plains. All nationstthat cun. win . reient thole protecting duties, anel ha ving it in their power, will countervail I therefore iubmit to the ferious eonf.deratW (-1 the houlc, whether produce does not dic tate a repeal of thefe duties ' , I he motion was ordered to lie on tl- tai: lie. . ' Mr. Tracy gave in two rcfolutions. 1 he hrft lor nriviledrre of fmnL I ciicur.tant of the wcr department ; the fe- cCT.u 10 augment ins ialar-. lhe refolu. tions lie en the table. Mr. I larpfjr moved that a mmmhtr. K. arpcintrd to enquire w hat proceedings have been had on the act for the more general promulration of the laws cf the United States He alio laid mi the table a rcfolution that the number of copies .to be printed Ihould be augmented. vf he memorial of John Iiolkcr was rcjd and referred to the feerr tarv nf the n-cnr,. j - - V.IUI 1 .r. "Smith from the landofhcccoimniuec rrporfed a bil: for cnabliihingbnd ofTucsfor the Uttf lands in the north welUrn tciri. tot y . The bill w as read a firil and fetond time, and referred to a rommiitce nf the .v l.o'f houfc on Tticfday ne xt, and pt dtrcd iUL,viiuuuior;r.ciiie( i the mcn.Urs. lhe petition of Jofrph Uailcy ws read, and referred to die eommitcf pt "claims. Ihehoufetlun wtnt "into a eomm'ttec nf the wlu lc on die petition tH cut tnCfilburn Mr. Mtiblmburg in the thrir. It was n oyrd, that tlie hotdc fi.ould roftpone this afhuY wbkll Was aiTtnl In. 1 h rrmmirM f, . - rofc lhe houfc, .t half pall two o'tlotk ' .'.v :.-'f;V'.: )... ... .- ; -: r, ; : - ,v ; ' . .... . .. . - , v. . - . . . . - - 1f t.--' ... it if -! o. 1 v 1 u in!'1,: . 1 ff )' 1 V if