- ,;.,r. TpX S ALE AT. THE PriNTI S'C.OfFLCE7": lr- -AS itaXETS RCEL OJT . S'U M E-N T Selected Poetry. BOOKS, TO THE -- v 7 . r ; tuf, bouquet. I : A LT&abN FOR THE LADIES. : -.v-,- -.. .v. - - 1 THE. fun arcle, 'the morn,w:s gay, The lark, h d furgbts mstin Ijy : . " And Flora deck,' J the opening (lower, . In beaut ecus hue ct Elkrft bower"; . vv nTTTDenairriTF er me p3TnTC3-wra?r "Where thcuiands iaif'd their vermeil heads, .Tlie .lovely 'Mjra, cliaining t3ir, " Plucit'dot the belt in each parterre : ' Gi fweeteft buds, the prattle1 ciied Ditit in t!u robe of variant dye, " Grid.-. Go l n's bread with nature's pride, "7 Fea ft Hie p.l e aY d iVii ky i&djt h ajjroj; he i y e ; Spread to h's fifct your richeft-bloom, Open all yoiu beauties full to. view, Go waft A l abia's fweet perfume, - In od rousfcent, and.irygraiit hue. A prefint frof-n his M&a's hand, an nve m ininrs m;n never uie i , TbXfli vv'rtf , bvuna by hiem! (hip's bind, . -Shall drink the dt w ot Collin stye. . Bat ah 1 tra' fpbnttd from their beds, The. lilies v op their inowy heads j The voVe's criiiifon inrbnt fadfs, Anil aUlhaleaidr:;(V'bMgiit,'..fo':gHy-': 'Like beauty m'iJ deiened glades', '.In -one fliort mornenc, meets decay. No more, ihebud in vernal .green, ' Flings foftntfs.on the roieaic lcer.e NVrnoie, it" a bkflVwit tojc ie,;. Fitfents ihe tuft of ruby die Momoje the lily'8 rich perfi-W, ' With tdaur fills ihe vanned room A r.Jan.li.. .... I tirrifA fhfvhltp f I It. 1111 Nor rofv MYSTERIES of. U. Ue of Dumouner,. do!j:ho,- Ilumer's Iiiid, . Min of the World, ; Luuifa, rVa?ur?s of the Treaty, BiilTot on Aihencan com Monarchy. inerce, - " Guthrie's G.dgrapiy, . ' Thompfon's works,- . "MJi lc's do. . 1 " '" "Mrfror, ' VVerter, American Rcvoiuiion, ; M in fet-linir, French do. . -Travelsof Cyrus, : Crtfeklen's Anatomy, Royal capt'V'is,. Life f Dr. Fiahkn.n, yural walks, ' ; My ftfe. Cottager, Church prayer book, Piefident s Mtil.ige btate 1 rials Gibbon's buiveyinjr, ; Cox't vie-v f ihe U. S. - - . V 'Maws of Nortii-G arolin , Do. of tiif United Statf.s. OF American-wart Ouid's aft rLve.j' .Pillion aries, FIVE POUNDS RE W A II D AN-AWAY : from the fubferibcr. in Kewbcrn, on the 2(1. Jay of January N O R T II.C A R O LTN.A. j .Containing all the Ads; of Aflembly,. l oth pi'iol'c and private from the end of.JudgC ' . Trnldt'sltpvifi) Ffbmfiry 1795- 4 P R I V . A T E A C t S, OMITTED I NS A ID KEVISAL,' " Asti THF. . ' ' .. ZaATUTES,loK:GliKBRim (Lady pib'rfi:ea lend. 'to be .-,., loimdftparctey : . ort'g'thcrj - ."".'"'. . Edcntonj A. IJodjre's, Halifax ; j. Ptofs's, ''TarEocoiigh ; AV iiliam F:.lkntr', -ferrenf' ton ; .William'- SKav$, Jviilelgh ; '.CarR and lilburv Mi R abont Perry's,. Fayettevllle, af:d' rerante'rt Peter Wil. niiiigtoii. Vieadly pale I'ucceeds the whiteN ior rofe ior lily giestlelight. ' V f'Sr ' ritienA. tti mnral drain. v I . .k.r. ...'.nic tM-irh i vain i " ' Not fclcqutnce by tafte rcfin'd, - Can tius inftruit the'ingenuous mind.j " Nor all tl.cfons of wit and ai t, Kead betier kfiurts to the heart. Fair as the lily's virgin fee,. s Pure emblem of u fyottcd grace, ... AVhere nit a forr-bre tint is iVen, . . f No, not an. id the ew'iald gretii s Erig'it as ihe roft, hoL moining flulh, I cu.t emulates a modl biulh, Wrwre iTmg gh'fy f'eA; a dy, Ot ftill ii.cr-4ing. brigUter lay ; ' . Stands the dn ( every f Tie, When openit g fa il on jile's pnterre 5 7 Wkilft f-inta Jlonv-ur, witching rourTd;" " 7 SfCUies the jet ui.lullietl ground ( AVhiltl anxious angels vL'l ktej, '. ' Nor fufT i V rtue rntetofl. eti j Whilft friendly f,.iits without repofey Now Ui.u the liiy, now the lole. . Pot flioulJ tbeir ch?rze unhappy rove, - A mill the wild 1 f I iwlc! Im 1 Or if for Vice's gilded mare, They have fair V.rtuc's""peaceful waj s "Or, !uiM away bv fyen f ng, Iiitak from the light, ani cl.ufe the wrong j Their Mitl fade, their iofe di'-, No more they charm5 the oolervant eye j And iv'ry friend to f iitue'i fway, Seraph and win (V," ti -urn lait, a ntcrO man 11: I N Gl 0 the age of. twenty, hvc years, of a browQ- voniplexion. Fie had on when he went away, a ''light blue coat and trpufers, of a mKkiie ltature. lie is iuppoletPto be lurk ing abtjilt V ayne County, as he was former ly the proprrty of Squire Alford. Whoever apprehends the laid negro and (VTivcr him in Kewbcrn -;oal, or to the fubfcriber fhall ic entitled to tUembpvc reward. JOHN HOBDAY. Nnvbrrtij Feb 7. . B. All perfons are fonvarned from harbouring or concealing him, awd.maltcrs cf vends iromi ciunying him away at the'r peril. ' , Jr. II. N O T I C R XS UFJihliY . g:ven to v who;n it snay tomt rp, that John Ta) lor, tate of New- : oern, .is oeaa, and ta:it( tnc iuoicrioer lias- c;ualific,l as admin'.ilrator tb Ills ellate. ..AIL perfons having claims ap;a'nft faid ellate are bereby requ rcJ to bring-them forward, as liiey will not bepaid after the t an e Jmi'tted byilaw for bringing in claims againft the ef- tate o deiealed perfons. . .' . Allihnfr who arc indebted to the-eltate ;,re dclircd to make payment to ISAAC TAYLOII, Admr. Ft I j , , . H E REN T E D, I A ant;:t?on 3nt dwcllinr lioufe, on the I l X norm Ikic cl rent river, about Ciutcd States of America, 7 A t i , . , .1 J in Admiralty. North Carolina Ditlnct. . 3 ' -T Ty HEREAS F. X. 1V1 artin : Prbcior of 'V V Benjamin Clifton; mate, - and Williaui 1 ruinp, William Stiles,-ancFKobert Dcdd, ; mariners, of the brig Betiy of Pennfyh ankt,';' l as exhibited a 1 ibel before .the honorable '. JohhSitgreaves Efqu're, Judge of the dili' rid aforelaid, pray ingthat tlie faid brig, her boats, rigging, tackle arid apparel may .be " ; contletr.ncd and fold tb fatisly the laid mate and Tiiarincrs their re fj-ective wages. Inoti.CF is. hereby, giv en to ; all whom it may concern, to be and appear 'before the faid Judge in the ' court of Admirhlty, on r Wtdneldav the lath inilant, .at theXt.urt- i Houfe in the tow n of Halifax, to H ew caiife, if any there be, ..w by the prayer of the laid libel lLould not be granted. ... .v . By ordtrtfthe Jit 'e. " A. NLALE, Clerk. Feb. ?., 1796. United States of America, 1 In Admrakyi rorth-Carolir.a DiLnct. J 7Ti&FEy-&' Ivlaitm, Froclor of VY two , 1 miles from Ncwfctrii' Inquire of - R. D. iPAlGHT. February j J Us 1 1' u i i. 1 o .1 1. D, r - . AND FOJV SALE AT THE - PRINT1 N.C-O F F I C E,' A - DESCRIPTION or .O CCA COCK -INLET, AND OF ITS COAST, ISLANDS, SI!OALc, AND ANCHOHAGES ' With tiif. COURSES asd DI TANCE?, to And from tiif. most remarka blf. tlaces, Mi DIRECTIONS ti SMIL wcr the BAR and ibwrbihe Clt ANNUS. A few copies of the above may be had at thf Pri:itim.OLrKC. and of Mr. William , jolmfton, prkc 50 cents. Just Pl'blisiif d, .AN'PJOR SALF. AT TUT. P R I N T I N CO F F M IN UT OP TUP. NEUSEB ARTIST ASSOCIATION: lltLD AT LlTTLFCoSTF.TNF.Y, GLASGOW . Coustv, October i7pj. 'Jan 5. DAN CI N G SCHOOL. RICHARD COLEMAN, FlEfKN 1 S his mtift1 rcf-eclful compli nients to tlie bdics and gmtlcmen of Ncwlcrn, and theyic'n'ty, and informs tlicni that his Dancing tlJool Nvilhomntcncc ;.iin at the lV.ace, on the hi T'uefday, 1 hurf- day and Saturday, cf thisjiionth, and will - lie continued the lar.c days in ca cry other W fare Collin of Mairachufttts, habtx- h'.bitcd a 1:1 cl beferc the For.or-hlc loha Mtgrenves, Efqu'rc, Judge of the (hilr.ci a. , ; forclaid, againit the brig Bttfy of iVnnlyl- Var.ia, praying that the., fa d brig, l. r boats, rigging, tr.il.le ai d apparel may hz ccndcmiiCd and fold to fatUfy the faid V cars Collin, the l'um of two hundred and thirty , dollars, ar.dihttreft,' ft r which the laid brg Hands pledged 10 him, and alio his reafona- ble damage for ri-nuMi'f liar.ee with a bill of 1 .' 1 ..;. .1 ...1 .r.,'.fi,:.;i, peny, on bo: iu faid brig. . , Notick ia hereby given to rll. wl.om'it tray tonctrn, to be aid appear be hire the laid Judge in the court of AcrJrahy, 0.1 Wcdncfday tb.c ;4thinflant, at the Court. 1 'oiifc in the to w n vi lalif ix, to fi.cw caufe, if any.tbcrc be, why the prayer of the laid libel Ikould not Lcp.rjnted. Ly orJer 'file JnlC A. NLALL, Clerk Ftb. la'. 1756. incn wno win pica e io nonour mm j Ws afXinn a? h? rot!bt pf ,lirv thcinhruct.on-of the.r elnldren, may f t0,UraiVinK. 1 c h.ivlnr dencar.cd bcrfclf ia d ori luvsng itnel attention pa d tow. t a n,amicr . vvi,-ti, UW l5m to ukc tliij I C , E S week, for one qinrtcr. lliofe ladies and jcntlcmcn who Will' pk'afe to honour him w Itll dcpciu ards their improvement I lis terms are lix dollars for each ftliollar, to lcpaid at the cxpiru'.on of the quarter. r. 9. Hodge's NORTH.CAROLINA A L MAN A C, for thk vfar 1796. FOR SALF. ATTII1R OFFICE BYTIIC DOZEN, ORHLCE. Fcbruury C . fpHE fubferiber hereliy forarrs all pcr I L fons lro:n crcdittinn: lus w'ifc Amy on method of rrcvciu'in h'.sown ruin. LI MAN LUTCH. Weync cotii;!yf Ft 6. BLANKS of all kinds for fate at jhc . . - . . . , Printing-OfRcc. " 4 . " NE W BE R Ni PRINTtD RV . FRANC 01 S.X. MARTIN.

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