t f" , 4 N O JR. T H-C A R O L.I N A. G A Z E T T't. A T U II D A Y, ' rr.BRUARY.27, 1796. No 528-y 1 BY AUTHORITY. GEORGE WaSIIINGTON Prrfi 'tnt tf the United Steles. t A ProelanOUfi. 7HERE AS by an' act fiT-jplemcntary to the ait entitled An r.ct fcretrabhl'U-. inga mint, and -'regulating the coins of the' United States' paliVd on the 3d day of March 'l 702, . "The Preudeniof the.lJnitedSmteL - jTauthorifcd, whenever He ihatUthink fit for the benctit of the United States, to', redivce ' the ui.Tht of tKs cosher coin of ths United -States,'.- provided iuciv reduction jjha.1l not' in 1 the whole exceed two peiiny, weights in each' wilt, wi iiiaii, v.. .iiutikC. ujr v"- Uamatlon,' .-'".. And whereas on account - of the increafed price of copper, and expence- of coinage, I have thou'iht it would be for the benctit of ine umteq date to reduce tne wcigm or me. copper, coin of the United tatcs one penny- ; 'weight and hxteeii grains in each cent, and In like proportion ineach half cent, and the' fame has, fince the 27th, day of December lait, been reduced accordingly : I hereby give . rvnrirp i nrrpnr nnn rnnr n i rpnrs rmnpci ann ! to be coined at the mint of the United States ' frn:n nnd affprthp fnid mth nav nf TJptem. ber, are to weigh, the cents, cachfeven pen-- uy weights, and-the half cents, each three ipennyw eightc and twelve graius. .-, ; - In teitimony wheri'or, I the faid George rrrri ff 1f rtf fVi (TrV.t-Pil States, juve caufed the feal. of the U. .jutcd States to be hereto affixed, 'and V. figned the fame with my hand. withherocntryn this examination, was to have tfanCVitted a furvey of the place: referred tut ";of the. '. J adjacent- V aters, pri which theenjiieer' s te-H (L. c )' ' Done at the cttyof PhTdaclciphia on thesoth day of January, in theyear ol our .Lord one thoUJandlcven hun dred and ninety fix,' and of the inde pendence" of. the United States the twentieth. .... r-ur CTJTVnrnv uu ,.oi;ii.vj i. j port would be coaipleated.- The lurvey, has not yet been received, and tne determinati- Lpn of the executive is Consequently fufpend- cu - - . .- ; The t nineer employed,, for the like pur ofe, in Vouth Carolina; .. made a report, v Inch was received, early in the lu.it iuin'-' mer-JlJj,e had explored that part1 oiv the country to which his attention had been direc ted by the executive, lie ?lfo examined an- oilier. The latter iniependant of its being - in alir ore healthy iiiuation",--was ucemea by him to pcllefs lbine other advantages over the fernier. However, hepropoied to viiit the feat of government, ana personally ex plain his idtaJi of the iubjecS 'i his v:tityas waited for. but notmade : No dtviiion has" confequently been taken on His report. . 'v."' The prices, of mill fe'ats, (for the latter miut be comprehended in the plan of , an orfenai) fo lar exceeded 'thSfe upba which - the. calculations were u'lade, ylie the plan of erecting arlenals was projected, and role lo rapidly loon after, it is now found that the vhole approbation, for the three or ibur ar ieiuls, which ths executive was authoriicd bylaw to erect; would be inadequate for a linMe new cibbl'ilhment. ,-Hehcc theprinct- o .... x pul object, in the mealures purfued during the lait iu.nmer, was to aiccrtaiu aud iecure the molt eligible Icite on the Pctowniack, where inaixiines could be erected, and cer--tain -military- itorcs be collected andfafely dc polked ; and where afcertf ard theworki, neceiTary in the foriiution of all the imple mcntsbt ar, mght be erected, as the requiv lite funds could be provided. :. - - In a couairy waere fucheitablifliments are unknown, ilndwhere theaitualftate of things ad.rbt of afulpeniiba of Ioin5"oT ilicuij' cb?i-" fiitei illy w ith the public faicty, it would feem -expedient to uiaKe an experiment with one, in a central po'.iiion.4 1 Iw obvious prhici. plei ot" a'tcv.iomy recommend, this caution, 'Urtxntof thc Secretary at War, on the -4Ue wo4V& ot uceas iy to appear ! irieaTures- which have been purluf d to ob- j a -tte.npt, ana the proDau.hty 01 low tain proper litcs for arfenals ; -which u) i'F0ViU;tal- wh cxper.eiice would luj reineaiuuv.iuninitteu tome nouieoi xe- i o"" " prelentatives of the United States. iitanufacure-the moft eflcstial parts of mitf- ket; and Ionic Ipecimens have been pfkv cijteoVAvlikJi prove. their capacity -to equal, that article, - the manufacture of anycotih trm the world. All the arms m the - tna- " gazines In Philadelphia have been repaired' p ' with fome thbulands at AVetHPolntHexci the refidue are now repairing In addition to thei'e fources of fupplyr . befide s two thoufand rifles which have .'beerf pur chafed, contradsv hy.ve been made, ancf. executing, for feveh thoufand muficets, lo be nianutactured in the U ntedvStatcs. Thet' prefent period -may fee deemed ah janfavora- r"ble-one to carry on fuch manufactures, on. -! account of the high price of . labors' Kever-2 thelcis, it feemed important to Iecure, theT fervices of the manufacture?, when they" might be of the higheft necefiity, by contin uing to furniih them' employment. "Suck muKets as are manufactured are after the jnodcl o the French; arms,: whp-ppTtf by far the greatclt part of thofc hi cut- magai .zjncs..'.-:.- For this reafon, and becaule they are I preferable to tliole of any other nation fciown- 111 "By the. Prefident," - - -; Timothy Pickf.ring, " : ' ' Secretary of Stute Vt having been determined to erect one -arfenal on the Potow mack, and anuher ii t outh-Carclina ; the latter in a fituation to ' and from which water trahfpdr tat ion wouU be afforded,- 'and the former in . the vicinity of a number of ii on w orks; the iuccIut orders were given in the year 1794, for ex- 'plcrinpboth countries ; the agent employ. ecloh the former, reported, in the fame year in favor of a fituat'on about 25 miles below the Blue HidcV v. here anuu.ber ofch cum (lances invited the cliabl'.n.mcnt.' In an ur.. dcrtakingi hov.cycr, of luch in.portanccsr.d permanency, it was deemed expedient to .' make ai'oihcr examination. '1 hiswas ilone Uit fprm. The tngiiicej; employed pur- fuant to his inflructiom, reported the liuu- tioicf var'.ou pieces wl.ire it v'ould be . prcdiobletocredihe necciiary v.oiksai'd "magazines, with their rifpt6vcadvi.;u;ges and d advantages y ancTat wh.n prices th?y . coultl prebably be obtained. '1 hefe w 1 re U ' cx;remtly high,1 and one f.r e:i.tcdeJ the whole appro;:ri3t:oii for all th: arfcnaU ro. ' ofed to be CTCcttd. For t!.;s reafon, , anoT thrr place, Lomprchcrd;ng Icvtral lots of lai.d, hadthej rclcrcncc j andthc rt.u'-fitc tcgociation v.crclxgu. for making ih' j ur chrflVi. Before thtic v. ere concluded, ti e attcmW ot the executive vak tailed to ar.o ' ther lunation on the Potownw k. pofe.lit g, ! with fom'e JiffuuUicfto beencouiiurrd, ap- prer.tly many imporunt advantagci. T he - engineer was again tnilr uftcJ to examine th's i.prln'.cld, in the liate of iviallacmnetts,. was ai ont.e itxtd upn as a proper fituation lor the arftnal to be eitabliliied, n the-eaft-. urn diviiioa cf the Itates. Magazine's for military rxre? had been formerly ereitcd at tuat place : Some adaitional building 1 have, ocen made, and a number of workmen col lccicd for the purp&lcdof repairing and man uiawturinp: fmall arms. , The former has been cccui.cU, and the latter commenced. .TIMOTHY P1CKLAIKG. Department of War, " 3 Dec. 12, 1795. Report of the Secretary at War on the mea. ' lures which have been taken to rcplcnilh -. the mag iincs with military llorcsi -' IN rclpcd to fomc of the mod cflaiml articles, the Itotk on hand is refpeJbble ; and as to others, the marines are not now iUiuppbtd. - ! A contract has been made for a large quan' 1 . .... 1 1 11 . t .... I tity ot lalt.pctre j ana rooauiy 11 is no a- on L its a iy from India. '1 his hnportainrticle irtay, however, fcC oDUinca in inc tucni pui ts of the United Matti. The facts is af. tcrtaincd. Forty or ffty tons have been bro't from thole parts to Pluladclphia for fair ;- and it is fnd that fcveral hundred tons niht be procured, in the fame way, in the'eourfe of the next fummcr, if needed.. To incTcafc the ilock of fmall arms, and to render ferviccablc tliofc already In the tt'e United States, it was apparently in- expedient to make an importation of arms from Europe, feeing a fupply was not to be expected from France ; and the fituation of the United States not rendering the meafure j of an immediate iinportation indifpenfiblei , The calling of cannon has not been atten-" ded hitherto Vuli the expected fuccets Thtf ? founderies wh'li formerly filcceeded very r well in the calling of fmall guns, were not . well adapted to the -calling of 24 and 32 . pounders., y AJprech gentlemen, of foiiitfrsz: knowledge and experience in cannon fcunde " . rics, nas lately oeen empioyeu to amcnu tne s procefsof calling, ancf to improve the 'ma- f-. .hinery for boring : and there is room to hope' ; that his projected improvements will be realized.- Neverthelefs,in-an-undemk!ng:fa impdrtant, and at the fame time foexpenlive, , it was dtfirablc to obtain if poflible, a corn- " nlete cannon founder, and from the infonna- tlon received,' it fcemeid probable that one" : might be procured from one of the firil foun- 4 dcries in Europe.- Mealures for that pur- pofe have accordingly been taken. All which is refpectfully fubmitted to thtf Houfe of Reprefentatives of the United States S . TIMOTHY PICKRING, Department of War, 1 1 Dec. 12, 1795. J ' 1 . T - - - . - . , THE NOTED HORSE, HYDER ALI: IS row in high order, and will ftand at ther flable of the fubferibers at Haw landing, . in Giafgow county j in order to cover marei; at ten clollars the feafon payable the fiflt of January next ; or eight dollars if paid in thej lourfe of the feafon; five dollars the leap, rnd twenty dollars to infurc. Corn or pork. wiirbe rccch ed in payment thereof, if deli-, vered in January next. , 1 he feafon will begin the I Oth of Match and end the 10th &fAuguft When marci are brought for the leap, the money w iMbe expected with them, otherwife the charge ' w ill be made for the feafon. Hydir ALl is a beautiful dark bry, trp- . wa;ds of 15 hands high. He was gotby ol mark-Anthony, his uam by.thc importe d horfe Bajazct, his grandam by Cray tord. Good pallursge for marei gratis, and 4,e greatcft care taken of them j but the f ub. kribers will not be anfwcrablc for actid xnti or tfcapci cf any kind. . HOLLIDAY U CAU'H. public (lores, two lets cf acmourcri have Lrcn emnlcned, to wit 1 at Springfield in nlaCc; from ulicncc he had lately retunud. Mafraclmfctu, and at Kew-Iomli-i m Vir- ; he Amineaii gentleman, well acqu-htcd ' ctnia, b repairmj; arms, and prt; axin to . N. & Half a dollar to be paid to the Giooni, at the flable door. , , m GbfgM ccunty, Vl.,24j 1796. . .. t -1 1., , i 1 V'1 v 4 . .-.u V

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