7t:7foVirbit flrf;mcrts brie Mai futmtilti it. ibbvufcf rrphfi-ntetkfScf thf Urjtcd , States, ly the arrttry cfviar. , REPORT Froni the Department of War, - Rchtive t o ihe Fo ivr i ri c at l ossof the. . . Ports ar.d ilARr.oUiisot thc UH'f.i ST ATE OF THE FORTIFICATIONS, V ORTL AND, . m'thc Diftrift' of Maine, . The-work confiils of a foi t, ; .citadel, a., batte ry for ten pieces of cannon,'' and artille ry Ilpre'a guard houfc, , an air furnace for fort tqthe battery. ' y , , y ' The w;orks are fuDubriallytexecutcd, ex cepting the covered way ; to eojnplete tin's., , the. earth on the frot being of a bad' quality wr. ivtne nectiivi y japjjvu uuuv uu-?, 3 s eftiraated at fonr hundred dollars. "'; Level- -ling the earth iu-pnnd the works, fencing the ml'. pertaining to then, a pump for- the well, painting the - wood wui k, and rendering tiie , rvhoie perfealy j oniplete;; the eft'nnate is ; four luv dred av.d; ieventy one dollars ; in the whole, eight . hundred ana ieventy one.- PORTSMOUTH) New-HampOiire, 1 lie OrKS COiiuiib in,; a ioi.i, ..iauwx, uu artillery (lore, and a reverberatory furnace. Thefe'are all cdmpicatcd; excepting a little ' carpenter's work, fufpended -to let the wood leulbn, aird which may cofl .&fcrlir..; iifty dollars.. But a finall and unfbrcleen'ex- pence mult be incurred for a drain to carry the. wafer, from the magazine, and may colt one hundred dollars. ' GLOUCESTER,-(Cape Ann.) -The work's coniht of a battery, and a citadel.- The fe are comnleated. Rut to eiicloie. the fort tcwardVtlie .town, the. colt isciti-T" mated at one- thaufand four hundred dollars. This however may be pojr.cT till circuiii Uances require i: to be done. . . salem. - ,t The works confiit of a fort and a citadel, , . have been, erected. ;A gate remains to b made,'ahd fume repairs to the walls. -,r - MARBLEUEAD. A battery and a citadvl have been erect? ' - Any other works may be impended until cuirdtanccs (hall change. NEW. PORT, m Rhodc-LOand. ' For the defence of this harbcUr there hive been erected on Goat Ifland, a'f.srt, a citadel, and an air furnace. The excellency and importance of this harbour in the time of war, , recommended a farther expenditure to render the defence compleat. To fmhh the fort, i-reft an artillery ilore, and make a " covered way round it, as in la rcgnh.r iorti iication, theexpciiceis eftimatcd at about lis thou land dollors. " There have -clfo been erected a citadel on Tammy hill, back of tlieYown of 'cv.rort, for the protection of its inhabitants ; and a buttery and guard hoiifc at Hcwland's ferry, at the norti.ern end of the iuand, to kcepo ; pen a conmiunkation v.-ith the main, in cafe of an invrficn. Rut to fecure clfcaur.lly this . tnmuiunication, a citadel Ihould be ereacd on But's-hill, that poltt'oii commanding How. land's ferry and IJriftol ferry. The colt is cUimatcd at cirntccn hundred dollars. , NEW-LONDON. The works confifung of a tort and citadel 'on tiie Granton lidc 6rihc h.arbour, and of a fort, a citadel and an air furnace on thr Ncw.London lidc. (Fhey remain incomplete. Under prelcnt tircumftanccs a finall cxpen. d'.ture may be proper merely to prckrve what Ins been done.' v NE W.YORK. . Governor's liland !u lcen fortireJ with a fort made of earth, and two batteries tin dcr its protection, partly lined with brick mafoiiry, two air furnaces, a larg? powder magazine, aJ .1 barrack for the garrifon the whole co nplratrd. PHILADELPHIA A I ar "e pier, as the found,.ton for abit- tcry oir a land bar rppoutc Mud I Hand to inake a crofs f re, lus lccn completed. A fort ci i Mu LI Hand w about half done, and t jcit jd ! has liecn erected. To compete the fort, and on aptm much more circunfcrH)cd than was at fir A prowled, the expc.ee is tltliiutcd at llficin tkoufanJ doll-. v ILiViING i ON, in ihz DcXxTTZTrdz Nothing rai been done. 1 he projectlof erecting a lort there has bceii .abaiidoncd as ufeleL. . : , : BALTIMORE. v A batter yand barracks harebeen conRi uc- tcd, and lome guns aremcu:)ted. ..v- " . - xiNNAPOLiS. V ' Some progrel's had been made in jhe con trAiction of fort and batteryr and ab.,i:rat k ..hasbccjht erected. Rut ankimiiiation of -the. works by. an' engineer, other than th? oie Hrit ftiTplA ed, produced" an unfavorable report , of ihe plan and of the works ; and under JttuaLti rcuiiiitaiHsJnduced-a rclin quiihment of them. . ; "S ". ATmiilar report as to "the plan and fitua- ' tion of the work, at . ALEXANDRIA, induced a relinqhifluncnt ; . ' . iXOlU'UlA. 'Two forts intended to crofs their f.re, are creeled on the oppolite lides, -pi the harbnnr. ,i he one on the lyorlolk lide with barracks and a powder magazine,- is conipleatcd. 'l'he other, Fort Tsellon, oit-the. I?ortfmouth lide, is very fur advancl-d, and a powder" m'aga- v.me has been erected. 1 ne principal work remaining to be done, is openinr of l'even einbr afurcs , completing pneditiii of-thrte hundred antl lixty ieet long, coinplering the glacis, and rer loving the earth froni witliln lide ot th'eiort, wlure it is two feet and a half too lr.gh. '1 he eKpc.ce of doing' this, and completing the fortuication, may be eltimat. ed at live thouland dollars. v OCCACuCK, in North-Carolina. The dtcic piHipofcd was to erect a fort on Beacon lilanJ. Tlio foundation was laid in 17 04. The iituation is fo far remo ed- Jiuldeniyhetrecrcd. crudelice mav renn re to hayeTortlrled in time of peace, ."and wuh uuraoie materia:. - 'TIMOTHY PICKERINC. : January 10, i7;6, - ' .' : . : txiz mm important irom tiurope. ' V I E N N A, Kcv.bcr7. ,. ,V c iu c iiie rouowing authentic accounts irom Turkey .'Agra-lVtatml'Khan" ho for fome .time paj ufurped the prwincts t of Perlia,r.c(crding to the lail accounts, r rde !cn innirl into Georgia, ai.d lubdued ihc capital Tef tis, arid c()iidutltdprir.ce HeracmiS7 with his adherents, into ; captivity ; by lb violent a. ih p, ; nd the contir.ual viewsvof i:ggrarvdize' ' meutof this AHatic conquercr, the Turkiili domhi'cns iipem ihe 1 ygris, at d the7Fu phrates re eiHlargered ; aiid the Southern Pi oviiKes of Rufiia, and thoe ct her Valic,' dir.urhed. . ' . ' , - -EvetLtheEuropean revolters give nior? uneafmefs to the Pcrte. thtfil ever ' Paf wan Octi. of Widdcn, who has onenlv revolted and ahhough the governors of the adjacent "provinces has been ordered to flep his pro grc i's, their er.deavcurs ha'e hitherto been, frufiratech 1 he faid rebel has. locked hiw. felf up in the i'ortrefs of Widden, ar.d is rria king j reparation for an ofcitihate reflilance. of the former k?rrilon of Iielgr.de, endea vor to keep open the coramujiicatlcm between that place and W idden. lherorteuill flat ters itftlf w ith hopes, by the prudent mea. r. 1 . 1 .t 1 r" I 1 .1 lures raKeri, auu uic jouu uij ouuons oi me 1 rchas and Komelia ai;d lielgrade, to bring (about ninety miles,) fro n any inhabitants, andfo expoles .any ' wprkrto ; injuries' froni- him, by fome means cr other, to obedience. norms, tur.t nptn.ng nut an impending or in the ccurle ot the yer." actual ar wc ulul'eein toauthorifc the con itr tjotion 01 a- ibi t there, and . f urnilhiug it with a piivu:r garriion. V ' lLMINo 1 UN, in North-Carolina. . "1 h; baittiy on the- , v. hole 1 root of the" firt has been co:npletcd, and a barrack and : pov.der tiiagazmc have been crecHed. - bb;Kij-iWvi,- JpuraAJaro'ini. yvVbattery was bcguuTarJnn:maisljLVU U'csd, when the wen L was f.UenJed, tiw. owr.r r ot H i; hud prevlor.lly derring to al- L O N D O N, November 21. Some papers from Holland were received on 1 hurl'day which contaih an accountof foue . diitui bances having taken place'at Amllerdani in coi;fequence formed between the" Luttii refugees at Ofnaburg and the members of the jiv.tkr-t xcgoicj, lcr the purpofe of produc.' ir.g a ccun:er-re olutlon, and that the French republic v.cs nej-pciatirg a peucc with Great Britain, from the bcr.ehts of which the Uni tttPrrovhuf . w ci c to be excluded. In ton- certa n tli.: terms on wh en it w;i;, to he oc i jrtd the lrrt:lic;tirn, and lor the ro:d' oft u. ;iiuj. c.iticMiVita it. The unlier.lthi.. j fecuence cf this report fevcral perfons made. neiuoi wr!.u;,.i:ui, au.i ouur cTai.Tiunccs, ! themselves matlcisoi the keys 01 the city- ainhor.ie an a::.i-iuonmcnt or the work, mud war, .t;iu 1 or impending, iLu.ll require it to be rcsn.r.i ... ' CHA;UErTON, South-Carclii:a. The work planned for ulliva;Vs ill and, of which the foundation only was laid in 1794, being 0;t afcale fuppofed too expen lke J or t!ie funds d jkincd to this fcrvke, was" directed to be h it as it was. - For the fame reafon a new work j ropo!cd by the engineer, on a po.nt on the oppofttc lido of the har bourtrom Fort Jchni'on, was not attempted A battery has been erected hi the town by the nicchaniwt. There remained only Fort Johnfon, , on whxh directions ere given to tiukc fuch rrpalrs as would prclcrvc the works already tor.ltruCicd, and render them lerviuable. The cngincc omhttcd the work. 'ilie cf lictrjn tommandat the fort, lusundtriakcn to make the tfectlTary repair for thecrks and barrack and his intelligence and ex pcric.ce leave no room to deubt but thefc w ill be done. SAVANNAH, in Grorr The w ork conlills of a battery, at prefent deftincdonly for 9 guns, made of timber with earth, enchmd bt h'nd with pickets, with a guard houfc for tlwr garrifon, w hich w ere in train to be completed cjrly in the llt autumn. S-. IARY's in Gcorg'a. Tiie v.ork conliilsof a twttcry made of timber fdhd'v. 1th earth and nulnfrtl with pickets. By the prrfonal report of the fu t.criutind.nt it mtdlruvclKrn con plctid. GENERAL REMARK. - The few1 jiorU ol the highcit importance to the commerce of the United States, in fitu-uou todcmajid fcr tliclr fcturuy, for- gatciandof the barriers of the port, and committed other execfles. Strong parties were immediately , ordered to parade, the ftrtcts. A proclamation was pubhlhed by coinmilf.oncTS appoinrrd for the purpofe of n:aintaininr, order, which, with a dedarati. on of the French deputies in that city on the iubject, produced the defned cifcct. 'and on the 6th mil.' trmupjihty as perfectly rdtpr- cd. ; November 3c. The Frlncc George, of 98 guns, having in the late gales loft her rudder, a mode of llcering he r w as adopted, w hich difTcrrd from that fuggtftcd by Capt. Pakenham, but was luccefsfui. A topmalt w as pointed from the w ard-room windows, to the end of which two fwteps (large oarOl''-llcnt fr01!1 t,ic Bun rvam ports, w ere bolted, and the inner ends although ftrongly fallcncd, were allowed, of r(urfe, to tra crfe. Hie fides, bcingboard cd, tin ends were lowered a few feet into the water, and the Ihip was fteered with great facility, by hawfers from each quarter, nude Ldl to this rudder. W O II M S, November 11. ' This morning the AuArians entered thil place. Ytflcrday it was a molt tremendous day, the battle which took place having tail ed from ten in tU mcrntngto fix tn the eyen irg. The French, though well fortihcd fromMolibeinitu Piedcrfmcm, were ccm tMllrdtocHxwayto the Imperial Frc. The cn.trc dthe French srmy hich was near Ahcy, Ilrrd Ulongrft, but was obliged to retreat alur the left wing had been beaten. IhcRcdMantlcrsarcfakito have pulhed forward a far as Lantern, and that t patrolc even up to the gales of Treves. 1 hflr