cur town,, which they ir.itantly made uie ot agaliul; the ijfcnclu ' t ., The French generals demanded laft night 1000 Louis d'ors of the municipality" for their : niagtrincsr antl. thaVmoncy not beinginllant'..: ly: p:ld, four ot't!Vac nttMucinuIity were tch da .'cd avay us hollagesr . The Imperial army not having as yet Tent -f siM.hfifnnVazincs . and the 'French .arr.iv rrr net be abundantly f implied. 1 1 .e hui iocky W'4k by the requil'ttlon of both "ju'cs, become Ipecddy txhtu'ded. The price cT grain are enormous, even irxteen lioriniper 1?... . ' -;; ,; i 1 .1 : - Frankcr.ftaUiaviriof been taken 'roffcfiidn the Auftrians lait jtf&h't, their adviAccd polls are likewile before Manhcim fr6ih that iiie. ' ' v . v. - ; FRANKFORT,; pw'tkbr.' ray... .' The- Auftrhns, after reulU KF Tienctfal. jj a!e pf v. in J. antj were ohiif edtopnt back : richecru's left vin'T6n the 10th, ftcok the Tcdouut of tae hhnW, oppolite SIIinlieim by tTcrri, yeitgrdavy .hi-y hich the regiment of Lucy, in particular dHtingui'hed itfelf much bloy'd has been Ipuied o.j both fides. fT'hc" ' bombi.rdmqnt of the beautiful town of.Ma'n h 'ini'll continue;,; the. report of its having iin endued is not confirmed. .; :7 UPPER ; RLINE, A'a. it. ; -l' - Yclterday afternoon the Aulfriano began ' ; to pl.iy their heavy artill ery againft Manheim T'im terrible cannon auk'g continued all night v ithout cealing. The city was on fire in "" diiFcrcat "places, and the flames are ttill viii--Dkr;;;,;r-.-. ' . -.- - . ; Marihal de Clairfay t hns advanced his right , wing to the environs of Grunihdt. - 'Yeiter dav was heard, on fidp' a UrifV G'Ata j ' - 7 -w wm - A Aim. rt with in the gale it is laijl that- x 200 trot-ps vex loU. Wnen the General Pinckncy kit Ln gland, t1;e'traiilp4rlHi-tt:iig4n final! icnadrunS. '1Af tm:ral. CKfitian with the f eet cf men of war,' h d nxt Tailed. On the- firil i!ay of January,-in kt.-- 23. hmg. 4c. the-Gcneral lnckncy was brotilvt to by a French privirttc-, thej ame Ipj ihuh they cculd net. learn.' Aftcr- Gxajninintr the lh?p;s papers,, tl ey ui on liuid vl her, the captain. r:;d ChfeeTiihicrs t he br 'jf her nia, -which was one hcTt of a 27 fail that left Cork e.; i !y in Decerobtr for the W tli-Ind"es, imuer convoy el the Lcdairigate. 1 he cap- , : tain of the Hlbernia informed,, that on ' the ictk r.f Dcccinbcr tlvc llect. etveounterf d a gale of. wind v. hVh difpejrftd them ; 'alter, tiie gale was .over he. pr.t into.Madiira. ; he -therdle'r.rnt that.tLe Lcda frigate, lu'd louh . tiered in the gale and thiit a. boat belonging to her, "with : e ctv-r. icn,: had been'j-icked-up by the mip Bi ov.t bvr c '.ptain Pinckertcri y it is iupxiUrail the rcit ot the crew perlm , ed ; 11: e mounti'd 2 f- rnn;. '1 be Hibernia lrit Madeira oit.Chr;ltmas-day, ahawasTa'p-"" turedbv the above mentioned privau'tr on the Ian :e day ; lne had a, cargo' . on board valued at j7,ccc!. kerUi". 7 1 " " vO.. N O .K;F (M K, Ftir:cry 6. ' On Sunday kit arrived :" the kt'(;bner . Frlcr.dlL, Capti'AV ctilbnry, 21 di.ys iroaOL. . Antigua. . By a gen'tlcraan- who tame, paiitn . gcr in the above. vellel, e ;u e infcrirsed that the December pneket had arrived at. Antigua lrom 'Fnglar;d, ar.d brought prptr.s '-as late as the 14th December, w hich gae an account that about the'mickUe cf Ncvcjnbcr,- moll of the tranfports with trcops onboard intend ed for the V'clt-Ir.dies;"fcunc!ered in a hea vy galc of w ii.d in the channel. The pnpers ai:o menr.oncu mat tne vavinei was-co"er- 'ro vs of draclion. w !ikh liavtbren alml Up .. . .ui.iu-j 111 iiikiiL laim - . gratciuuy e jutvom) at that gcod and vir tuous man, lu e oiily contribuu d to render him ifpoliible ft.ll more dear to every Amcr. i--riean,i whofebofonKcontains a fingle fpark ' ; tit gratitude, or love of country. : liranlhory, as popularity may' have been- ' contidered. rlhe virtues of V ashinctom have rendered it at leait in him permanent w Akemi'elvesirom Jcontemct orlhatr&l." anJ wita pig-ny elHrt?f lirive to lhake the fabric "of..his tame, that the public eye may be dl- - . leitcd froin hint to them, but never,' never wiU America torget v. hat he was, and vs krt he, is..; i:hcc!y wes uflcredin by adHlharge ' from the town artillery , and'eachfoafb-ne face d2i' feeling wkhin. Tever da . wc rccciled fush'a dy ! fuch rratulations ! i.u.u juy b,: jrvi 1 rjuck's t "otei. thev met and or -artillery and mulketry." ' Pichegru, j, v,,,. ...v....w..m M4-i MM, v" .' I 11. uur real patriots, mav theWWvr. It was rumoured here that the French j cd Sv)th creeks and detxl bodies .is far as the ' Ver be fuliied th-ir ' fidelitv fufncclcd or id attempted tO oafs the Rhine nPnr .Unr. I pve rniilddHinvpr nnd th it i-tp -iiVnl. tante I a,..:- v..- . ' . , , 1 1 ; tooJv' cf a handlbme rcpaft, our late wor thy Goiarnor nrejided, aud thefollhwlnrT (-,. - tl;j.ents were given, accompanied with tlie d.i caarge orartuicry. , . The Frelrdent. May th memory of this da be iihinortai. " ' ' ; .'..- .: -K: 2 'i he United Stater. V May our future Prefidents br w,rt. j " ' am- inn-tfelV's. ... ' .'":. - ' : ' ' .. . ' 4. The Republic cf France. Strength, e nevgy ar.d iu objt tls to" itsconfl.itution7' . . 5. Liberty without licentickifnefs) and e quality without confufionv . v -.The rights of man. "May they be clear ly underltood and fucccfsfully aflerted. 7. The .Conltitution and laws. May no t thing arife from either to injure liberty.- v ' 8-. '1 he nations in amity with us-. 9. Agriculture and commerce. . '"T . i heftate. ' ' " . ? " ,' 1 1 . Uur real natriotsl mnv theV riYrv r. 1 ' ' -- U,' J v- had attempted to pafs the, Rhine ; near--Rat- ftadt, but the report is not confirmed. The army of V urmfer receives daily, reinforce ments from Auitria. ' HEPPENHEIM. Nov. 12.' . Yefterday general V urmfer furrounded Manheim. In confequence of the rciaial to .fur'ren!er,. .the botnbnrd-iient commenced. About 6 o'clock, trie city was on lire in two puces, ana at 8 the names had made a rapid pro.irefs. . far as ve could iud re at this dutance, the firea-jncafcdchieliv to raTe w the vicinity of the- church of tlv I efu'.t- At 7 o'clock tnis monrinjr the lire itill continued .1:1s laid, tnatontlie c;th the Auilrians be c, in their attack, bv vi'ToroitHv cannonadin ..tjie br.dre of the Rhine betore' Manhcini s and that the bridge wit pmirr! A,'ien'A I he French made the crcateft efforts in or der to rqiair it, but were unable to fuccced We heard alio yefterday the cannouadinT which took plate on' the other iide of the Rhine, in the efmrons of Worms. ' At this tliitan'ce we can remark the llrinjr and the fmokc of cannon ; during the ni-.rhtwenpr cciVcd diainctly the fires of the AuhVnri "troops. Tlic event ofth5en:ixenentis not doubtful, as the Auilrian army have ad vane cd. - CHARLES T O N, F-bruxn i.' un 1 nuriday evening arrived at the liar ths Geiifrd Phukney, c.ipt. Whednght, Iro.n Ioiidon, but iron Fahnou'h. bht kit Falmoutli on the 8th- of IDlvmiW. "where lie had put In to rent, having in the channel run toal of mi Auv ritati bru'. and received cmiiid' rable damic. V A cnUcmaa who came palfcner in her' jnlarps us" that tne bill to pr:vcitunlawful meetings,. (4 ikftch of which was given in Tr. Fox'tfjircJi'in a piper cf the 6th ult.) haJp-ifed both houfc of Parlumcnt : t!it bread of all k!nd wa very Icarce in England, a.kl ih price augmented conlliiuly j Hut tlic French armies had met with related defeat on tho lihincandhidbeentoipclkd to rcxrofi that river t tlut thoifli the de. - lute in the French Iculature alMcerd in favour of iVace, t was not probiblc It wcm'J ' ; take place fiiortly, at there appeared no d,f. polition in Dijand to agree 10 u. .The fleer, with troops o;t bo rd, for the ' Weil Indlc, failed ah. ut the midJkof Xo. vcnUr. lw;i after tLey crt dcrfed in eye could diicover t.and that the mkibitants 'on the cosfl were daily employed in buryinjr tne uodiesci thole that, were v. au.ed on ii.orci 1 he gentleman alio informs that about a week before lie left AtTcua, news had ar Tived there. from it.' Vincents, that the Fi ench had furprivedthe Eritilh in the nrht. and had killed or Uiken 1200 men, and was inpoiTefiipn of the whole iiland except one fort. Wc under fWdlhc orders iflued bv the Governor of this State to detain the horfes that were fnipped for the Vv tit-Indies, are countermanded by the Executive of the U. states. . - NEW BERN, February 27. - On Monday laft. the annivcrfarv of the Prefident's birth, was celebrated at Frilitk's Hotel, bv a larpe and refnecable comDanv. The fcttivity -wheh prevailed, the order wn;tu was oblervcd. and the lenti nrnti wh'.ch feemcd to infpire every individual, were wcr- tliy 01 tne d.i-. llanv ot the toalls breath. - 0 4 cd a moderate, liberal, and trulv-renublicnn jp;nt. j note whicti were lollowed bv the loudcll acclamations, were cxcrcCive of tliat attachment to the PrclTdent, which hashm necn lamilur to the hearts of Americans. From that crest. and rood man. none with. held a tribute of tinccre applaufe; and vene ration, j he dc'rees ol merit m nt'ni.rB might be the fubjctV of dlfcullion.nd en- qu;ry j but the Icr vices which he had render. . . . : 1 cd ins cotntry, were thoughts fo glorious, I and fo important, 'as. not to :.dmit cf a d'uTtr Mas a m . t ci ce ot opinion. 1 1 is fame is dear to the peo j lcj ysho remember how well be has earned it, and who know that it form his only re ward fcr a life ol cares and perils, devoted to their ftliiity. Perhaps the very attempts to lcf.en his tharr.cler, have only excited an ar dour to do hhn jnlticc ; and we may ventpre to pronounce th. t the ir.t)ll artful infmuation aiid iahnuny, Vill tm cr deprive him of the conlidcnec of his eourtr). His enerbies will lir.d it lurd to convince his fellow citiiens, th-t the nun ho , v. f Amerit a will bctnty it. hrm a C ir fondtttt At a ptriod lilc this it U the duty cf e vtry chnrn to jhc mequivr.tal proof cfhls political opinion i he si.nicrlary of the .cms I r fi!cnt aiforded the nhahlt?nts ,f tii, town sn opportuni t) td fodoinj tclkalvdy. 'I he p...tlcfs ar- their fervices unrewarded. 1 2.. The confort of our belcivcd Prclldent. Ay- 'I he virtuous daughters of our coun try. ' 1 4. Peace, liberty and h'npplncfs through out the- globe. - . 15. iViay the fpirit of party give pleafure to tiu love of our country. , MR. LOYSELandMr. PERRINYby leave, inform the public tha they in tend o;ening a D A N C I NO SCH O O L, as fodn'as a reasonable number of fcholars will be obtained. - nicy will teaLh that art on the mod mo. derate terms, and will inllruct theyou-,g pen.. Ions commuted to their tuition, a'ccord.n'rto the molt approved principles. 0 Their terms will be made known on appli cation to litem. . Feb. ioi -FOR SALE, -At the Suhfcrihrs Jlcr; in Fclhck Wect oft. jopcthc Church, afnvUco!ktrHfl,ookf, Among which are ' MYSTERIlij ,f U. Lite of Du.iurier,, duitiu, . Homer's IifiJ, -Mo of ihc World, . Iuit'a, lumu . wf ihe Trci.y, t br.dct on Aiericin com, Moiurchy. tce . M.rrw, Sv rtewt of Vrier' Min of fcclifjj, Tnnliuf C),ui, Koyal captirtf, Cliurclj.ra)Cf bowk, Amtricmwir, OKj'urtoflovc, AJiciiuoanci, -A Mofit't da. , do. sSn'JgeJ, Auifi"ltin Kcoluuoiii Fiencli do, Ctcftldcf 'Anatomy, Lift Dr. 1'rank.lin, Mjltic Cutter, FittiJc ill's Mwll.igf, bme Truli, Ccx 1 view of ih 0. 8. Maps or North-Carous Do. OF THE UNITf.D STATH. JOHN SEARS. AN OVERSEER WANTED. THE fubferiber winie to engage an O. verfecr. Pcrfons liu cannot brir fatisfartory teftimonuls of Litegrity, fobricr. ami tndultry, need not ardy. R. D. SPAIGHT. Fcl. :o