' v.f r' ; .' ' - . - .'- .. -. is, : - i " 1 . . - 7. '7 3. I v -. - j f ' r " .- i - 1 ,1 ' ' 5 I fi t 4 xIettedPoslfy7 A S n w n By. the1 Rev J,. James JIurJts, D. DJPHfeflir of Poetry in the Umvcrjity cfC'xfirJ. ; CA N aught be more fair to the eye, i Than t he.biu(lt of die ins! Jen! jFyar ' ugt wuli the o ciiard-bloom t it, ' . - - vVKen in av iti lcct bk.tTJins appear? Can aught like the eglantine pleale, '. " '; ' -Or the roie budding f Tell me what cart ? O thrice more atmaing than tivefe J the check of my IwectJittSe Atvne ' -v'"L ' : What can charm like the fpring cf the field " Whemt trickles tjao('.ateiUtiy by ? Or what fleeter pleafure cart yield, , Tiian to-look on the g.jin of the ficy ' . VVhat cin win like" Bre.Ti!ous dev , ' . Winch theihyr on gclt.ner fair) . . . O.. thrice niofe enchanting toVTeV 1 the ej e ot my l'weet litth Anhe.' - ' ' ' t - f Can atig'H like the niorning-tjeTiht ; When it d ins tjir.l pcuemie day j ': Cr bewitch like tl.v; p'.antt of nTght Wften Ihe lieah in good."-huiiio';way: I " Ii tliue auht like tlieTcetnti's of eve, r Whfnjn-rene ai when natuie began, : JI The I'M fun takes fiis' mellow. lait leave .Yis, tUe iiiule.cf .ay i weet iinle Aniv, Can au'ght more dtlicroVs be nam'.! . rhiiti the equilire fruit ot tno pine i , , Ale inviting t(u aught be proclai'ii'd Thanthe elegtnt V.jnch of the vtne f ' I tlitie avg'ut can in ftivour exceei EvVy bsvttage precjoo to man i j vs, meie are taite tU rndt-ed To the kiiVcf my fweet little Anne, ' Thrice "rrioie than the fun fdttirg hour, -1 Oi the Jnwn of ihe Hit-tnirg, berign, Moi delightful than print's fweeuit flaV, ZlJhs.iji'riK-makir.g juice oftheTin?, ., 1 Mire ilrene than 'the gcm of the (ky, "Aild nioiefft than tne down ot me fan." Uthtchftk, ii thelipJi the,ee, Ii the fmi'e, of my l'we:t little Anne.' '' ; THF. WISH. To A PRIEKD. . The mute wlo ilruck to mortil (trains the lyre. Now turn to court a v.fionai v theme, To frameHhe wifh which flattering h.-pet infue. -When fai.cy rcycU in her gylden dicaiu. , I afic' no lore relresf, no mad irove, . Nor grove tiory bower can boi a ch-nij f jr m;, Ijnujl-on jurtire, hVrly, andlovr, An J, nee J I,XJifon I t dl my ; ViiVto thTe f "' " I ben;?, great ju!hce I at thine awf jl th.'on?', ' Etrmal aih'uer cf Vk1 anJ ill The fans cf foal th.-.fj mak? thy. iwt their r w, ' An J fornuheir dilates by thy Lveign will! 1 Butofi perverted is thy high Lebtft, . , And oft I'm dooiu'd ypprt-lftun's rod to fee ; I fee wealth triumph, and tne joor tppr. lt., ' A&dr need I, Oifon tell my wifu io Uite ? - ' - . How bounds the fjul at freedom's facrei eU t How ftirinki from UiVcryV heartoppahir.g train ? But fti.I her viclims avarice will iuthri.l, Affic' fad Lni ll-ll wear the uccuifrd chaia, o T I :c 15 HEREBY pven to rll v,hoi it may concern, that John Taylor, 4atofNTew. bern, is dead, and that the fubferiber has qualified as adminirtrator to his eAate. 'All rrfons having claims aga'mli.faid eilatc are hereby required to bring them forward as rlipv will- in-if- V." iriul tnftff a ;.., i r.i- by. law for. bricging in claims ajrainit the ef- . ...... r J "'-. ". -r 1,. 'Still, piwer,drf,)Ti:, with a-nMtion join'J, " Would crufli ihefjul dctermin'J to bcfiee j I fee dibasM man's dignity cf mind, AJ, D:td I, Orfonl tell ui'y with to thee r ' ' j " - : Were joftire fcMcw d, then woulj nun be -a? , Were fitcJon gar Jed, thn woulj mart be bit ft i No generous irrpuileof the ful fubl-j'a, But lv Air.fr.uiht wi-.h i6uih fi.l &iie bre-ft.- I ft It the tragic of Lucinda's eye, I thougn: her chirms were of no mean decree i Lpcii.da'a nms tnipiry the fecret Cgh, Aiul, need I, Oil'un 1 lt!t my with to thee f ' One only wifli rrmir.'d I ol) i might I find, Amid this f:ue af damrerand ot rti.f. Some k ndicJ fyu it, fnie toi geni.l tnind,' io ci.ccr iiiyjuincy iniougitthe val It dulgent hfiif'B fauchfifeJ the boon to frnd. A ywuih I f,tnJ, and jolt and mild was he My fWanipiang mutost toemhrsce itslrknd, Ai.d, nt.J 1, Oifk,n I nacc ttut fiitnd to tbec I ' Mochu,. ft tiWi.'l. ' JtST PtBLISHFD, AND jo SAI AT TilR ' P K I NT I N G.O-F F I C E, MINUTE S OP THE NEUSE BAUTIST ASSCCIA11CN; Held at Littlk-Cunt-nt.s v, Guscow County,, OtToaut ,I;ys To thc PQBLIC. ; ! tAEPOaT being w "Circulation hiRWy- , io ms viiun oi our. nouie, 1 mix tavaed by the ff itr.ds . tk rt of to by a r fiatenient of all I Lio.v 01 the mjucr before tne w orid - .' . - : ' Ta thcinontli of y.zy laft, the brg Betfty -and cargo belo.winjr "'to Mr. Lewis. uiu.r, was leized by mr. Matthew Krxlv ? at' th rcquui-onhc d Ofniuu,"! liUrutcd t!e All thole who are inilrhtrrl tn ffifc4y-"'"e' Trt Kp -'.Au. are dellrtd to mal;e payment to . ; ISAAC TAYLOR, Adir.r. .; Ft-;.. 7. . .. ..r , F I VEPO UNDS II E W A II D. RAN-AWAY : from the fubferiber 'in New berri, on the id. day of January laftra nerSTiian named . ' .about the. ag3 of twenty five years, of a brovn complexion. He had on when he .went avaya light blue coat uxl troufer., of a middle, itature. ; I le'ls .fuedto' be lurk ing about Vayne County, us he was forrr.er ly the property of Squire. A!:brd. Whoever apprehends tiie fu:d negro and'delivtrjhim in Newbem goal, or' to the fabferer, lhall be entitled to the above-'reward. - . : L J01L HOBDAY. V Newbern, Ftb. 7. . . -... r N. 2. All perfons are forvarne,d from harbouring or concealing him, aiid mailers . . A CU ,r0U1 carrry1!?3 nn away at their irrc til ll FOR S A L E at the, Printing Opficb, M FIN G A L: ' A MODKRM : r - E FTc T O E M rou n cantos. By '1 KUT.L.ULI :MJ'.LL1S.UD . 1. ,,e ('.-..j.rr PI itt a t'i I U ... eti-ii. 1 - liil! P R D E S O C C A co as r, just p u blj.s r.r. d, AND SLP. AT THF. I N Tl N G.O F F I C E A . CRIPTION OF Cu e K I N' L'E T, AND ) ITS I I. AND , SiiOAL?, AND A,C:l(JitAGE Vir.iTHF.COUHSr andDISTANCES, TU A.D F TOM T IE MOiT IU M ARK A BLF. I'LACrS, Anl DlSECri' S s U S.4II the BARand " th ubthc CIUNKE12. A few copies of t!c above may be had at the Printin,.Oifice, and of Mr. William JohnJlon, .,rkc jo ccnu. . s r t rJOcl lies NOHTH.CAUOLINA ' A L M A 1 N A , KDH 7 Hit YrR I7o). ' FOR bAU AT TlUft'FnCE liV UlElJtt'ZlN, c.: .U..."' .J I 1 i . : luuiuuiiuauutigiiiy cu.ir.rs in cur .r;oics :a- king the.fa;dbrig;as.fetii;ity.'ibr ti e Ibme, Ihe was then valued a icur ihcuiaiid vid). r alter tbi&jLe niacin a vaget'o th? Vrci: In d.es, uV?der the dirtction .'ot" Mr.-'fo'c::, and on his account,' he iliipphig the men ii-U ' cargo, and doing every, oilier tiling tencern ing ihefaid br,g, the houi'e oi H. 6c. 1 ot-: . ' Ur only infuring the ycllel tcr lhe;r ow n le curity, the, fane amount ihehas alwayi ,i&qd inkred . at," fay; 300 dollars, upon the it. ' turn of the Did brig, Lewis pfmont purpo fed fending her to iNorth.Carohha, fedliis fellmg her .as our r.ote toJVr Ktely was coming due ; hefollcitcd Irnrd andl pti -miued hii'ti to tend her to. Newbern; 1 aik- ' cd him how'-he intended toluad her; he ;.n.-. Avered Mr. Page hoi agreed to be concein withhlm and to have in return Indian corn, at the fame time rurrofed buix.g foii.e goods; Nvhich Mr. Page would pay'us for, . be furerfaid, that as Mr- Page had beeV . a catJ'nffcTer by him when he.it opptd pay- iiient, he tlierel'ore intended ir.ippir g tome wine for his account, to reduce his clebt ; I remindedjiim 1 hat we had at Wait as ftroot; a claim as Mr. Page as our debt was '"much Jar'ger, lieallurtd ine he would lhip fume gcotlb dii ouraccofl IfvhiUOs appeafariCe"' he did as appears by his U;oks wherein we ., are charged with them, amounting to 'two thoufand one , hundred and feventy dollars feven cents, thefe we infured, and is every penny We have ir.furcd in , the veird, any gentlemen, who will do nie the favor to c.iil at he lioufe of R . & Potter, it will ::f ford a particular plealure to flew every tr-.n-; fad '.on. . - Mr. R. IT. Dunkin' has fecn the entry to us in Cfn ontj, books and his im oicc ot the goods in ours. I il:o"u'd obferve in the" hut " voysgel didr.ot fee the brg or any part of 'the cargo, n:atc or men, andcxtept walking to the culiom-houfe with the captain to dear the vcllel out, I never exchanged one word with him or knew him before. I RICHARD POTTER, ofthe Huuje of K. 6 J. Pcttcr. . February 20. , . , SUPPLE M N T. TO THE L A W S OF N O R T H.q,A R O L.I N A, Co:it lining all the A&s of Affcmbiy, both public and private from the end cf Jud-e 1 ruUl's Rcv'dal to February x 795. P K I V A T E ,A C T S, OMITTED IN, SAID RE VI S A i, ' AND THF. ..- STATUTES of GREAT.BRITA1N, (LaitlypuhKjlhd and to be h-dt bound fiparate, ' crt!gttl:er,) - ' ' . AT . . . : ... F. X. Martin's, Ncwbern; H. Wills', Edentonj A. Hodge's, Halifax j J. Rof', Tarboiouh; William Falkncr'i, Warrra ton ; William Sluw's, Raleigh $ Care and Ray's, Hilllborough ; Montford Stokes', Sa lifbury ; lrviu', Morgmton ; Peter Perry's, Fayette vllle, and , WiU inington. BLANKS of all Limb for fale athe VPrinting.Ofllcc. NEW B Ell N . PAINTi.D BY FRANCOIS. X MARTIN-