- . O il T H-G A R 0 :E IS .5 r; IV OL.'. XL :. L O 'N T) O W - Vnwmher m. OU;V readers have 'feea the that have been made iri tlii WeNTnbnii THE TWO BILLS. alterations cQuimittee )iHto prevent . feditibus meetings. them ' to ; renechn g minds , and .6n, ahd lvW 4th,, 6th,thf jth, 9th roi, j nh, i2th v 1 3tn J 5th, i 6th, i 7th, otb, 20th ; and . ciauies in the amendejl biUj are moftly wordfor word " the fame, as! in the orioinal. 1 neu; meaning is itrictly . I V. ' . .1-- 1 rv A finrrle raapriftrateias ftill the power of tlifperlipg irmeeting, i and in cafe they do not . ! Jepar.ate they ihall be adjudged felons, anu .man iuirer death as in cales ot teiony; without benefit of clergy." Ke may arreit any perfon for, ufnig words' which he may think are calculated " to itir up the people to hatred," or contempt of government" and in caie or what he may cull obitruchon, he may difperfe the meeting, under the fame penal ty. Aid in cafe that any perfon orpedons V ihail hnppert 'tq be killed, manned, or hurt, - in the difperhng, leizing, or apprehend ing rhe jniiice "iha.ll be freely diltharged, ana muernnineu of. orior the ki Lmir: maim ? " or hurttnoffuh perfon or perfons- . ; And vhrtii in our rnmdsi more importai t : than any oihet" p;Tt"of the bill, the claule ; -which authorizes' domiciliary' vifits, after the . , pure model of the fchool of Roberfpierre, reraajns : by this claufe no dwelling can be ( lacreu; no tavern ciuo, no jociety; no pn- them is the fill and the on-, gup the blanks. xlialleiige any man to prove that the poifon I ly -addition to is extinguilhed. . 1; ' , ; .. I ; 1 he . lAti'vand .2 2d .are new laules ttEeH - i . - -, - w . ... . I ' relates to the commencemmt and duration. of the bill the 1 4th extends the cower of as power 0 the magillrate to places thi are licenfed, a v eil as to thofe that are . nbt, inflicling the pcuiiny.yijoci inpre uponreiuiai 01 aumil- uu;i, as wtu as wnere no icenie nas Deen obtained. : In the 1 8th claufe. the differenceis indeeA very material ri his clauie in the original exempted, the DifTejntcrs, ''aLcordina 1 the law of the fidk William: and Mary, "and the ! PapiRs, according to the 3 ill of the prclent King, irom tne pperatJon or tms our, as weil as the univerlities of this kinfrdom. Jn the oi in lavor ot w n tue--s ; and pills,, anil only protects uielSerritils. 'Ihe-firft I he country has Ml one mofte leftto pre vent thefe bills from paflinc into laws out: i no time Is to be loft. New meetings . HiovlJ ibe called, and humble petitions fait to-his JViajeity, praying him to life his royal prero gative in refufing the royal afient to the bills, , ihould they pais in the two hreT"bTparlia- menti 1? -' '":-,;;::vv-: . ' . 1 he ancient and royal city of York, at a public meeting of the inhabitants, fummon ed by the Lord Mayor, came to fpirited re- folutibns againft the bills now 'pending in parliament.; j To-morrow there is to be a p blic meeting of tji'e freeholders of that great . jcountry, when timuar reiolutions are expec ted to be carried.- The large and populous city - of Glafgow too have come; forward in a , fpirited . manner , againft the bills. t . The county of Northumberland has pe- titjoned againft the bills, as well as many, o-'' dlt' places. out of the bill a greater defcrlpliion of meetings than were ex cepted in the original bill, and fo far the a meixled copy is better than the original ; but as thefe do r.ot extend beyond meetings cal- . , . - t- 'N A S S A U, (X. P.) December 4. . Yefterday the privateer fchooner Ranger, captain. jViackenny, returned here from a cruife to windward. r s v - , . : On the 23d of November, alter a chafe of '12 hours, the Hanger brought to, and cap tured a French fchooner Packet,, called the Dilpatch, bound horn Aux-Cayes to Balti- for any juftice who mall b information up- "I bling together, in direct violation of the fifth , irore, under cover of American" papers, and on oain, nave reaion 10 luipecc tne worms 1 ariicjerntifie dui 01 1 gnti -vnxn, let it be i loaaea with cohee, lugar, xc- . cne.nau ai curious) that anyhoufe, room, field, or place, J obferved, was made lor thepcor andpover-s" i board a quantity of fpecie, arid cannon uic, ui is upcucu oi uicu lur vnc piupuiu yi i -.itis, i ui ihc r;ui anu grem. juui iiiisincoii- iuia ammnintion in me noiu. 1 litre vate ramily even can bi late agamit the tor- led by aldermen, head oincers 01 duincts, or -r cible-.intrufion - erf-the raoris - of office.- - graVid juries, the mafs of the pf ople cre-lia-For mark the words u it Jhall be lawful ble to the inconveniences cf this bill in al!Vni- delivering lectures or difcourfes;. or tor pub-' lie debate, contrary to the provifions of this act, to go co fucli houfe, room, or place, and demand to be admitted therein ; and in cafe fuch- juftice fball be refufed admittance, trie fame lhall be deemed a dilbrderly houi'e,. ' and every perfon refufing luch admittance 111 all; forfeit one hundred pounds, to any per fori v ho lhall fue for the fame" , . A V hat may not be the abufe of this unqua- lied .nntrage on , the , privacy of families j AVh t hcrnilefs lodge .of free mafons ; f whit ' body oi relig'ous men, meeting for mutual . inliruction ; Nhat friendly fociety of neigh- bours who make themfelves fclect by ballet, . and who pay a nightly fum for the ey.pences of their meeting, can be fafe after this bill lliall pafsinto a law? What private houfe even may not be violated, under the pretence of an information ? We know of what ma- . terials common informers are compofed : and it is not an unwarranted conjecture that even . jullitcs'may befound fo.devoted to power as to violate that which the ' principles of the conftitution call the caftle of ail Knglilhman. t This bill has with truth been afilrtcd to be . on cxtinAion, diredly and pointedly, of the feeds and fourccs, the clement and germina-, tions, of civil freedom in this country. A demolition of that on which ftauds the wide ; fabric ofBritifli liberty, freedom of thought, freedom of communion, freedom of difcuJhon, freedom of. petition, (growing in 'the very heart and vitals of a free itetc, even if it were not confc( rated by exprefs laws) in a vcrd, that which conllitutes the clfcncc of our go vernment, without which, whatever liberty remains to u is comparativ ely nothing, even if that remainder muft not foon totter, after, its foundation is removed by paQ.ng thc bills. " Mr. Adair, in the committee, laid in fub fiance, that thcrirfit of diftuli.nc the con.J duel of minillcrs remained untoiuhcdby this bill, and thatliy the alteration in the triti- cipal daufes there would now he an end of' imfreprcfentation, for the gre.it rnevance wa remedied, that wc affirm this Wl, as it ftands at this moment, ii more dngrroui and detcftable than before it went imo that cpmsnittcc. , 'flic original bill confiftcd of twenty two itaufcs 1 tlic amended bill of the fame, miv.. Ur, with fomc compl-cflion and trai.uliti- veniu.c : links into 1 oihiug, before the other ' 1 kewife on board difpatches for the ational evils ct this hill, " tor where the. malady is convention,' cafed lnleaden covers, weU lol plactd, the leiler is. force ly felv" An in- dered. and fixed with iron rings ; one of ,i convenience in the mode- t meeting is a trifle thefew'as' feenred, the - others had been ; erboard. Dilpatchcs from Mr. HanmiOrtcF'to Gen. Willijnifon at St. ljo- light as cir,in coirparifon to the bloc dy. con- :: throfov. overboard. Difpatches from Mi V miM'f , v.v 1, .1,,. i,i,' ".'Lv tv: lT-!!li75rJiJ,-. n Trm; .n q r,. day has ho:fled over the heads of the people of England. ' - , No meeting of msre than 50 perfons crn be, held cthtrv. il'e 'than ui'der this aft. At all mcetitgs, v hether convened according to the provifens of this act, or in neglect of them, any magillrate has the right ro -.arrefl any fpeaktr at his difcretion. 1 'e has a right to difperfe the meeting ; and if 12 perlons remain one honr.after hisroclamatioii, he has a rght to ordeVthofe tol)ekQie(I7a!leTTr indemnified, toVethcrwiih all his allftants, mil.tiry ir.d civil, from ail conlequences ! If the pericn r.rreiied by the iulliee ihould in ny way re lift, the penalty is ticath. , it any ptrlon 11 ou!d in ar.y way, aid the fpeaker lb arrtfted, the pemhy is death. Jf more than 1 2 crfons rtira:n one hour af ter the mag Urate orders the meeting to dif. pcrle the pen Jty is death. If any nim vr pcrlors Ihould oppofe the mr.g'Urate, .1 y arm or without ; in the words of the aa nub, ii they l.':unld " in any man-" ncr,ler, hit der, cr hurt," the jnfticcorhls afliftants, r ctftrud them in anyway, the ' penalty U death 1 death I death ! 1 rem lu.h a law may the Almighty . God defend t ur country,, ourfelvcs and our pof. tcr!t I I - lU'.cx r. Do rot promoters of thefe bills fuhjeel themfclvrs to an arra:gnracn; for high teaon, for eneltavouring to procure laws, which in the application for the ri.yal alTent may fiiirly be eemilrtud into atfs lending to mitigate hij A'.tjeliy to violafc his coronation oah, bywlrch he iworc to maintain invklatc even' article of the Bill i f Plights, the 5th of bh dfclares ' that it is the ripht of the- fuhjeils to petition the K'nt and that all totn in.tn.r.iUai.'d pro'cctitionslor fuch petitioning are X " 0,1c cf the conditieMis by which ti c l.ou'p of BruniVick holds the crown of tlulekiug toms? . . 'i licfc bills e are informed, are to be fo'.lov.cd by a b 11 wh'th will at b ce blot out fro-nourfyiU"! xhi frcnloin of thc prcfi, by oLliui every iun to Ctgn hijnamc to err- mingo were alfo found on board, fuppoled . to be taken with a French officer in ourfer v'c?, and w ere going to M. Adet, the Frencli Niiriifter arrhdadelphia- 1 here were like wife difpatehes from Gen. Riga'ud to Nf. A det, under the care of ci izen Blanche, co-' lonel by Brevet, and Lieutenant-colonel of . the legion Egalite, (RigaudVowu corps ) ' In the pale of wind, on the 25th, carry- jZ PrcsiLail t0 Set nt0 a harhour the prize very unfortunately overfct, and by the weight of the c?nnon far aft was carried down ftern forcmoft in a few minutes. , ' 'I he Hanrcr found on fliore at Marycna- ra, a fchooner bilged, without any ' perfon on board. At iiehcagna flie found an Ame rican Ihip, bound from ; New-York for Ja maica, on jh-orc, got her off, and enabled her to proceed on her voyage. , December 18. . ; Yefterday 18 Frenchmen were brought to . here in tlirec harbour Ifland vclTels from A baeo. They were the crew of the. Parficn-4 ne, a French privateer ' fchooner' : from Charlcfton, which was enft away about a fortnight fmee near the Whale Key. The crew lay they had their guns and other mil tary ftorcs in the hold, and were going to . Cuba for more hanels. v Decemler 25. ' n brig Telegraph Mariner from Ha vannah for Philadelphia, was driven alhore in a gale of wind, at 5 o'clock A. Mi on !onday the 1 4lh inftant on Sandy Key Uccf. The rnafts were immediately cut away tofc wire Uc vclTcl, then bearing head on the Beef. r !All the people pt fafc an.orc pu the " Icy, -.with fome provilion3,' bnegnge, and -alio about 40,000 dollars. '' On Tuefday tlw 15th, the Hoop Jane, from Norh-Carolina, fell mith them, and brought intcliigenct of their fituatbn to this place ; upon whkh fcvcral vclTels went oil to their aiTiftance. Ot Monday, lail, the Hanger, Mackenny, pt ' tothcni,' ind took the people withwlutthe- had feenred on board, 'and returned hen yefterday. , 1 ' ' - 4 7

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