-L a"d33 nd fent into Uonafrefroin- . M erejnarchedacrofs the'country to Portde Paix ; they were brought from thence in a Cartel veflel,; that returned to this port on Sunday laft. - ..- ;-y,.... . '-J. ' . few days after capturing the Dragoon,- the pun boat attartpfr 4 k-;. c. . .: . o ----- v,ly uui; ui iu gUllS, bound from St, Mark's for Jamaica; they boarded her on the quarter deck, when the brig, blew tip, and every foul on board per lihed among whom were the captain and 18 of the gun boat's crew As' the people of .the brig were all French Royaliils, and there- fore expected no quarters, it is fuppofed they let hre to the magazine when they' found all farther refinance unavailing. ' . While the Cartel : veilei lay at Port-de ra.x, a ooat arrived there from Cape Fran Js. oats ; 1 1. 4s.' to 1 1 8s. and . 'blruarterftiAvc iperbuihel, us. U r member 11. i,rnrog received fans Journals 4- inclufiveVlaft Fridav.V papers we learn, that the ' -inn. j r . . ,uuLf C15 pcvaiisiri fansy-and- invc iaKen piace m conle- r"aagmtiongy the ; un- , VULV X I (I C01S. W:lth Intel iorpnrp rif fn C T .:;;n lliips being at anchor oft Monte. Chrilti.' : General Levaux had removed tejlw- . quarters to Cape Francois, and had ordered that there llioul be no cruizers allowed, but thofe belonging to the Republic. The Uni corn, fitted out at Baltimore, is con demned to therepublic, and the captain; with the commander of the 'Guillotine' privateer' who lately robbed a neutral velTel, were fet tered, and condemned to' clean theftreets of , Port-de-Paix.' . It was fuppofed; that the Britifh were med iating an attack oh the Cjpel or" Port-dc-Pabc. ..''' . , ' . L O N D O N, November 18. t On Saturday morning hft three tranfports v.ith troops chiefly emigrants from Hambro', were diven on. ihore nc.-ir C.-A ,uA - , VVUb aPPypcpplearwhol1y,witliout breadancf rltv- ,VCV oiner article continues mounting to a mdft enormous and unprece dented height. The louis d'oron thf 20th was 3 1 00. CofHe was 1 80 livres per pound -Hamburgh fufar 1 75-Marfeilles foap 150. Candles loi The papers in our pof- " "V ' l"fc lJ c.ipproacn or vvmter, and the rigours of th feafbn, ) have excitedin that capital a moftllreadful inquietude. a ? th? ttinS ,fthe council of five hun. dred, of the 2nd ferumaire, :a:mee Was" received from thetfimtW'Aii.-fi.7i-'- that ever, fince t(eir infbllation, . they had been occupied on ilie imnnrfmr nt,;..fr . f deuces .s, that they had found that part of r uvuumuiuuKu m men a itate that the wants of the following day could not with certainty be fupplieJ. '1 hey propofed that an immediate requifitiort mould be made in the Communes' fnrrni members, rfU-ife law in the new Con: P'iihed requifitions ; but not Withftanding this it was determined that the .departments of Seine, and others adjoinW 1 ans, fhould be lummoned to furnlih the a bove quantity of corn within three days, un. der heavy penalties. " 3 ' m i-'Eclair of the 20th inft. has the follow, mg article relative to the armicsbh theRhine.' a he army of the , Rhine has at laft ef. ieded its jundion wi h that of die Sambreard' eufe, at Creutznath. The divifloh of the unman arm which (rA ta t?u. . Alcey, and found ufelf taken in the rear by the tuo united armies, which are placed be tween it and the Rhine. We every inftant expect the news of a dedHve aftion." v e e cr our readers to the official BUU tants who Wing a profpeft of indemnify. T mg themfclves,- may bejready.to humour a corrupt court, by loadingthe people-with"- :' 7--, m. uu a numerous Itanduig army - m retrenching Itoypmi tneDrels! in ri.t-ur,: .ji.r - I : luuitiiijv llllillCCCll ...... 1 ' 1 .P antplaces. indemo lihinfTtliPfrfo t: gOiriit:tyfanny trial juries ; in buUdlncr " -kingly prerogative-and parliamentary rrivj -lege on the ruins ofMacrna Char ta, an! I t!,-,,- conihtution and eflabhlhing a tyranny th7 more formidable, as k will h,,,- - ance of regular an.t conflitutional govern ment, by kinjr. lords and rftmri.' . j OppolltjOntO it. Will PrA mkii:., hful authority. In thbfe difmal rimes tho wcuurtAYiu De tne law ctthehoufes the known fenfe of the ni,. ,;n u i . . . gardedand refponGbllity to conftituents a 1 leave theie oanp'r in Ko rv.,ui:n ter mydeceafe, that pofterity may" not be unprepared for this trempnHnnc iu:.i. ' .wiUefteauady and irrevocably met the chain ; oHerviLude ou the people of Britain unlefs they take courage, lay. aiide party views, " " and ad unanimoufly; as follows . Nobody will pretend to fay that a finale tit- ' tie oftheabpve prophecy has y etcomeor is ever likely to xome. to pafs. ; ' : ; ' : And what does the reader think is the re- j' niedy propofed by the prbphetfrrulv that the lord mayor, aldermen,- common council, hvery, and merchaiits of the ' Me tropohs, fhould put forth a declaration, clai; n- -jng annual parliments, the disfranchifement ot rotten boroughs, the exclufion of place, men and penlioners, Sec. &c. , Here's a -prettyftllow to-r aprophet, not to foreiee , that m lefs than a century, to write about ' any of thefe things would be a libel, and to recommend them trcafon , that two thirds ofthe m? .the d of ,, be identified. bothn rmr;i-.1 . with every admmiflration, in proportion1 as It was cnrrimf- . ,l 1 - u ah 1 ' luat uie greater partot the Aldermen would confift of Anderfons, curtites. anr . i.. iUA" 20 of 'them were unformn.r.lvr ; , .v e i. Crp,lr,reatIers to the official UuU fro-nthevefly goino,,, I So,, forthe mo(l oto. were faved. and 5r ?c .'""'.wieir operations wheh the number of 350, were fave4, and it is "ulu experience tne lame tate with thofe of their unfortunate companions who havefallen into the hands of the Republicans. VVe laft night received, by expreis Paris Journals to the i4thinft. Want of room obliges us to omit details till to-morrow - butwehavefelecled, forthe fatisfaclioii of uur rcaucrs, inc .molt important articles of uiiwiijauwi wiiitiimcy contain. Madame dc To rzel, who attended the Princefs. , has been .arrpftpd Uo r..t- r u directory, and lent to the prifon of Ouatre we have before detailed. By a letter from Bafle, of the 14th.' It is n-dthaton-he night of the ,3th gener .Gja.rfayt had taken the fo t.of theRhine. Utters from Holland ftatc, that the fer mentxontmues at AmfUrdam, where everv day new troubles lTcak out. V Y, At Nimcfrut n. tht whnU v... v in that city. Mnnv m., 1 . and a grc-t numWr of perfons killed. By accounts hllr?trUA u.. 1 -1 . - iuiu ivcrnorn. 1 I curtites, and leMciuriers ! ! ! . 1 n PR O T E$T. Againflthepajj:g the Dill forthe fetyefhh MJ'Jifs peron and gwernmeut. DlSSFNTIENT . ' i-Eecaufe we conceive this Bill to be founded on a falfc pretence. It recites a daring outrage on his Majefty's perfon. whicn we ff with the utmoft horrors and purports to propofe 'remedies againfl fuch pnehces, wblft'in reality it affords no addi tional fecunty-whatever to his Maiefly's perfon, and leaves us to regret a deepnd rreparable injury to the Laws and Cor.Ri. : tuuonof ourconmrv Ki .l. ml?; : . . "-.mg mc com. panmc. lmao-inmn- nvnL i. - "'iviii 'ci.Li i.t n niiim. : . o . - ThedifficuUiesinthcdiflributionof bread K' jo'the Frch FXZZL have recommenced , on the ,lth hW -f0' u:,d hcl!y dellitute of denar, I SZT ,Ve,re" ''i'V Srd Ut- and BrotH5-, from Sfef lourdaL,rened hi, mm,., . Kort'k ' Pbli, is taken bv the lil Z T he !Jr Prori- not--.1 l'iV,. 'f Jl ii " 1 . """ .ivl7v. i jus is luicu to dc in conic Norio-k to Dublin, is taken by the Kac Corvette and Ki,rn ' ----- aA' t i 1 he public attention has been lately much - .fr qucucc 01 langu- , ' rr, v ocen lately much ; An armiftce isfaid to have taken place ' l,hroP1,ecKs- and "dent of between the Chouans and Republicans. Jncny new ones with which we have been ii. .1 .1 . , 1 iu 1 i;ui l ii. rvrru n'M iM a a . 1 xiicioiusuor, ontnenth, 3200. 1' 7 irunK, andbook- 1 he ( p prt nti Ffnm u .1 I rummapca tor thinM. tinue to be numerous. , 1 1NV ll, UcJ 9cy tobe depended unon , -nAuftrians, under Genera! We. Vff- h,ve taken, ortifiedmandinthellhine.op.' f"Jt J,: f V " ' V writing, Si pohteto lhal; 700 FrenA were madepri. -;f7''".''3W; purpofe oTref rcfen ,mE -A"' . . vTfr? 1:L.. ' n-:, ,. . .. - !h three branches of . iiirccmuuonmorc luvc been wanted .t,. .. it ' ' l"clIU:,y Ireed from u we jvxuuvc uircdrry, to defray the K 7 Vl0 tlie reader urgent cxpenccs of the Government. r r? '"cmbcr, wasth-ncxt year ... ; AWrrai. Lrpropcry and At 3 o'clock yeflcrday afternoon Earl J 7 "lu mcw,,nk 1 ,cc another evil ruHu Spencer, Lord Hugh Scymour;TnJ Mr. ?gi Urt ifitprcvaiU 0.t . Dundas, left toyn for Portfmoud,, iK ord B,rCC Voftcrity d be at a lofsTow torcmcJ, ara4poiIjbf any ct'd refult. Ill cal'Kh u Wucc.th "on to a in- from the d.fperlion of the Weft. India t; t T KV than thatfroni licet, and to accelerate iu departure. S'1 ?"c hoPc ,n Go svc a juft delivered ; ; A party.pf li-ht horfe has paraded Pariia. i "8??Ulfi,odc f emment lately ment t reet andtridge ftrcet1 every evenin, ?nd plai on wiucntne.i realon and Sedition billshave Lh 7 " ,,l"1"nulc" commons, fhould cn agitated in die Houfe of Commom. ca. toa" the lengths whUh may be At .ifbury market on Tuefday laft. hundred, wncat low irorn 41. to A. 16s. Barley il 1 T m ine u bclidc, a ons Ot which WC cannaf K. 1. . nti hv th ... r . , . :VV .7 , " Vr 7 p? PPorary ftatutea, NnoIe doubtfu m hrv n-in.lc ; .! a law, in w hich rh has been fo repeatedly recognized by the Iffifflacure, andfo flrongly confirmed by the permanent experience of its benefits. ".wuicincirceuucullionof the ad ininiftrauon of government in all its branches ana meeting for the I grievances to anv f w w V afforded the belt protcftion to the liberties of theneonlc. and is tht nn,f.,u,i i f t- -x-vuutiu Hincrenc right of Lnglifhmen. Yet thi, bill creO, mtoah.rh mifdcmeanour, the cxercifc of InH molt Va tllWc nrlt. -'.I nn . certain tafes the pains and penalties of tranf. Fortatwnfor theofTencc, which it creates : a puniflimcnt in the raC r ,tr.i thus centrally ennft tmrd i J in the hjftory of ourlasvs, as it U umieccfTary ' 'iituklVill 1. Bccaiife . wihwu vi me trcaicn laws, and the rrrjtfnrr ...,b,ls. iuuu(.incanors II he fubjecl, and anordi'no additional protcc. t;oni0h,sma,clty'i perfon and government s orthe ftate of every Jung, ru:Cr, and go."

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