vrmof , of any redm, dominion, or-cak-rnonilly, ftandethTanaconfifteth mors aiiW ed by the jove-and: favour of the fubiects, todu.oveign, ruler, and -gover- la vs with rigorous parts and extreme pumfh meats, .wfecii have at all times fgraced Par c0uV Phftory, howeVer,-Jhe ws us, - a h eed:g Jegiflatures, our ihtute -book hasrwjth every m Agnation, been" uniformly cleared -of thefe - temporary and unconlthudonal i excrefcences -a.pvuml frfemn wammg; againil creating new W .. t-iheardof mjWemeanors, altering the trea pn of our country. ; . ; r" : . ' j V:.; ; ' Dkrby. :- : , : , '.. Lauderdale. :Jr"'; fi' AW, 14. ,lceStnsTQr peace ;., 'f icIenthe 9thinit a meilenger arrived: rote Emperor who deliverediipatches , 2 M" ,f Jf.dra i kt thefe difpatches k 13 generally belierelatecl to ail exchange of , the Prince), daughter of LouisXVI. Hotels are preparing for Count; Lehrbach, Miniftcr ' Court Cf Vienna; and M. Edel' f , Abd adorfrom the Margrave of w.j.cn ieemsyet at a great dUlartce. A corps of i ?i0oo men arrived from Brif- gan, and from the country of Baden, to' re-. . wiorce the aniiy before Manheim. vr. : ry or Clairf.yt before that town con Ms of 57,ooo men, which mes thebelierinr ar. n;y amount' to 70,060. ... 0 A violent cnnnonM-iv. . night and until noon this day ; and reports re arrived of General Clairlait havW taken the ,ortof,the Rhine,., from whence the V M m thLat PreParatins are making to take Manheim by iform. . PHILADELPHIA, February t9. ' Extraa ofa htrrromHM, dated Ja. , V ou wJl l'erhap'i.avc heard, Vre 'this reaches you, that the rema ns of JHrT TopjieR Cu uaibus have been, by order of Court transferred hom the iflancl and X 74 frin Die iqth ma. they weredol .tedmtheCatiiedral, and. yiJ this oSo the funeral nm. .V . 41 o,l lolcmn I kwe ever feen. A moll ? ,..Jpro:iouceii on the occafion v .r.ch really does honour - to the nation? I ncantoprocurc a copy of it, as alfo a pom ra,t of Co umbus, f:on an original onevvhich accompanies Ins remains." - Congrcfs of the United State. nOUr-L OF REPRESENTATIVES. . hhrMy, Felrvary je. tot j Treaty -v M tl1 ureat-linta n, andre I ferred to the committee of the nhX L I .v,tu IUC "atc ot the Unjo -. - t,'nrrni0na fr0'n CCrlain " wntt of Bal. Property pr; teVr t:lc receding pctuion. ' Can,,,ll? '1 hat a conimitltc be aiWm,,! . . tatar any a,ia tt )3t . AUmX ry ..1 thc.tomPcnfat:onof the officm uf pvernment ofthe United State, " S H5,Ph. .he vote whether' or n it tiJ 41 SRiIurt it. 'r"'i UiCU o,mnittce of three. jrfr7 ci leitcrfrom a gentleman in Bow. enux, Mi'frhnd fcre, JateJr M 2 8, i79J. ' cv-,::::7:r ; We have AUTHEtlC jntelligence ivr?Srning thit Pichegu-hJs ENl IKELY DEFEATED the AUS l A lMY nd taken alltheir artilie ' y 1 ..... ' .. .". txtracl of a h-tier frnt, - rL . , ; , ; toeWefl.hdiat to his father, dated the nd v mouth Jxjcrt theGenerdPinckney failed. 'f On 1 111 f, i .a . 5 . s - r -7 - ? aU, oeing near y fl' the moftleewlrd imp of the fleet, about 520 veflels "i m - r.S nal was made to get into the bay j but hiid. :Epraaica1ile- , tp pear aw ay for Pcrtland road ; 'it blew a hiirncane. Acrjr was then heard of.hejbip - bemg on hre which nude every ioul give Ivm .and 7 officers were onboard.) to,i.c fow of c the crew, more collFrlH tu., . ed into the maga2iner wIiichTirnoaked, e x tremely, . and an uncoinmon quantity rif v",. : ter being thrown down, we .extingiiiJeJ t very appearance of the, jamafe buiirefs was, nine bottles of fpfritso?vd M jnuihroon ketchup were ffovved in tre kzaretto between two bales of oakum mi. der v. hich twenty hVe barrels of fbv .'der we j e .M I ;thevlfriol bottles, being laid on uuir fides, the Vitnol had eaten, the corks and cor mumcatcd with the oakum. ' he r0" der being to near the'orkum, made us ' iuppofe that a few minutes v.culd termini vl- S1U Ihegale mcreaifd; lut ve roc into Pert 1-a tplerably laie.. A.etlJ trarSr t vvas following us, rnn foul of the i noma. and 1 ov ii nt, i,nd v,e IV her n on ii ( re thm ,00 .yrrdu Our mkfou.es lv :.F?' C-"r. ;!ntl't;rs vcuidnotkoM 1 . rrci - ui.ove icu; 01 the ; JMin-h ordinance fr:P. W e came wan eur.wailVOn her iam.'hcr oowfpnts playing betw een our main and mi. enrnad,. W e ejected to be funk, asr. Xlry U,f uh thcut water n,,ue a rvck - ..v. x.utKiiy ner j bbcom r-.ve a way, and -we cut away ail onri hmZr 1 der todrlft clear. The Hannah U?S ' our quai ttr ; and one ilrokc Would have le i- ' us to eternity, had rot at that moment hit anchor, gu tn way. We brought up at hft, and NUTe happy 1 , Cur efcape twei,.y m i uu ..an a cue-s knj. ti cfa lee Ik re, and extremely rocKy ; l!.c ,t,t as ay all Ur ::, andv vi,t-av.ayalfooLr lore and miv dropped another ur.chor, and formiau. brouglu up juit w time to fcc tlw '1 K., ,'5 go to the-iotiu;:i, all v trederrcd awavo-i cur tide, icbmghdcrrhanl cvr ex Itriencecbch re :Ui un iuppoll therclt. ibc next net, r ,-e J.,,. v( jr.quth, andiuuai tM iiie oth:r tide iL bay that the the i IcJr.x t. tk ( b-nne, the Ci,U!rn( rose tlvKc!,.' ..ij cycral others luudlgure do,,, litany only, tol. IU;s fro.:: the GoUV. (Jrove a cwtrcvpsandlVuufronvi, nn. rntto fird out the bodrc. f u.u oiiicrrs, ard av aUuc 350 ccn U.at I knew j thsy Jaal Orcvcu on ti c Uad,; thc fight was rnb c beyond co.urptiop. ' J-iy I2 -re led es cr I ted n the Uv,h as are to ;.r to-wd to norrowtor-tfrrouth, I r 1 1 1 ot 1, c t,v,c to hfrfv; ;h?ni. 'i he P aits br in ucounti fr .m imcr'e rum- iu.;ki.own, I .v mcapablc ,f tellinc LnJre: - S! UcnthemcadiftrclCni lui.e iivir v sti;tTed,M b nrE Subfcriber, wants 'tcy pnrchnre a A Txy Pf oak bark,for 'which he will louowing prices, viz. bDanuli oat. rr. a' ' Vr C Red and black, do. ?cf. FSMUEL FISHER,, fifrrcb THE NOTED HORSE, HYDER Al j l Giaigow county, in order to covermarel U ten dollarsjhe feafon, payable the Mo. ;aanrynext; or eight dollars if paid tefa, andtwentydolarstobfe will be received in pay ment thereof- if deli. vered in January, next. ; '1 he leafon will , , , "v&ilvlllc ,qin 0I jviarch- -rt Wougnt for the leap, the money wiU be :jtcd with them, otherwife the charge -will be made lor the feafon. ' l-VDEiAuisa beautiful dark bay, up. wards of ihands high. ;.e vyas 'got byia - H 1At:thunr1!,his dam b the imported horie hajazet, hisgrandani by Crawford. C oodpailurage lor mares gratis, and the grejueitcarekenofjhem but he fub? .cnbc vnll notanfwerable for accident, Oi ckapei of any kind. . : HOLLIDAY & CARR. H,a,fna dollar to be paid to the 1 X'U-o ti. at the ftiKl. r Ot; ccuntj, Teh. 2A J?96, 1'OKJALE, K Suhfcribers J?cre in Pollock f!reett Amgnc which are, Mr5TEf lfis cf U- LJof Dumcu-i-r, M n of ,he WorlJ, , L:,uif.i, U,U,nc Geography, ' Tlmmo', work.," lo. ahrulgtd, . bori f w, tl VVfrir ? !CV0,vgn' Church prayir book. -C. Xi view of iheU. S. Maps or North-Carolim, D04 or TiiE United States. r. JOHNSJEARS. l cb 2o U)irn Viu.l.t toort?:,Efn. Dept,. BLANKS of silked, for fate at the MR. LOYSEL and Mr. PERRIN, by . leave, inform the cublic th.t tU, Jj tcr.d opening a ' DANCING SCHOOL, as fodn as a reafonable number of fcholara will be obtained. They will teach that art on the moft mo. derate terms, and will mdma theyounrrer. fons committed to their tuition, accorcfinirto the moft approved principles. fa , Jhcir terms will be made known on arnli cation to them 14 Feb. 20. C0,,TTD,toNcwb Men ihe VJaidof January La, a negro fellow who MARQUIS, - that he belongs to Wilham Due of Ed-e-tombe county. . He i, about five feet nm incheshigh, flim made, Guinea born, atn, fpeaksbroken EnMilb. EDNSD PERKINS, Jailer. ' hUrch c.i